DAILY EAST ORE GONIAL, r ENDLKTON, OREC.ON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE It, 1011. KIGin? PAGES page roru. . . , , . ,- ..- AX. lNDKl'KNDKNY SCW'STATER. PuWIsbwJ Dally iul Seinl Weekly at l- dlelou. Oregon, ty the Hi.ST OKKliOMAN lTULlSUING CO. SUliSCKUTlON RATES. 1)4. ly. one jrnr, by mail 15.00 !lly, six months, by mall 12.50 Ixilly, three months, by wall 1.25 lolly, oue m.mtli. by uiail 60 ijlly, one yr, by carrier 7.50 I'iIIj, ulx luunthR, by carrier 8.75 lt j. three months, by carrier 1.03 Jly, oue mouth, by carrier 65 fttmi-Vteekl;, oue year, by mall 1.50 mt-We'kly, six luor.ttis, by mall 75 ml-Veekly. lour mouths, by mall... .50 The Daily East Oregonlan ! kept on ta! I t the Orecon News Co., 'ii'i Morrison Street. l'ortund. Oregon. Northwest .News t'o., Portland, Oregon. Chli-ago Itureau, 008 Security Building. M aiihlngton, D. C Bureau, 501 Four teenth street, N. W. Member L'n.-eJ Tress Association. Kntered at the postofflce at Tendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. lslepbon Main 1 Official City and County Taper. JOY AXD .UXE. Joy-time and June-time Comin" right along; A rose for your honey. And red lips, sweet with song. Sure, you'll keep the heart In tune For one ' floer, sweet-kissed of June. Joy time and June-time Sorrow In eclipse; God made the roses sweeter Because they touch your lips. And the world's heart thrills in tune For one sunny side of June. Frank L. Stanton. relevancy still govern, technicalities that allow crime to escape punish ment abound and there are a multi tude of opportunities presented which permit great delays, circumlocution and expense In litigation. The result is that the laws very of ten prevent the very purpose they should subserve. The word Justice becomes a hollow mockery for cases are decided not on their merits but upn shrewd interpretation of the law. Judge may be honest and conscienti ous but the law as written Is their gospel and their decisions are very often contrary to their convictions. And the common people who are made the sufferers by this incompe unt vehicle can but groan and pray for a speedy deliverance. The news, then, that the first step toward a sweeping redress and re form has been taken will be greeted with a universal and fervent "Thanlt God." MAKE HASTE-SLOWLY. It is" not surprising that some of the parties named as defendants in the government's suit to adjudicate the water rights along the Umatilla were not prepared for trial at this time and have asked until September In which to prepare their cases. The water rights along the river are of importapce. It is not putting It too strong to say that in many instances the water rights are of more importance than the land titles. Often land in this section is worthless or all but worthless without water. Now were all the land titles along the river thrown into litigation it is safe to tay that general interest would be aroused. The claimants to the land would be "upon their toes" and they would have the best legal talent obtainable and they would want all necessary time in which to present their claims. They would be entifled to such from the courts. It will be well for the water users along the river to act with thorough ness in the matter of ascertaining their rights. If they act too hastily or without realising the true value of water they may bitterly regret their neglect n few yerrs from now. Sim'1 day the water that now flows unused to the sea will be utilized and the men who gain control of that water when the adjudication suits are set tied will te the men with titles that will be worth while. The Eat Oregonian knows of noth ing wron;j in connection with the ad judication tuits and is attempting to arouse no suspicions along this line. Such pu blicity as this paper is giving to the matter has been due to the fact that the East Oregonian appre ciates the value of the water rights, not only to the settlers but to the community a wi-1'. and vuM !' L'ret to see anyone, sleep too long upon their rights and thereby lose out. TllltOl till THE SEN ATE. With the passage by the senate of the resolution calling for the election o.' United States senators by direct vote of the people the way for this rtform seems to have at last been made clear. For years the senate has been the stumbling block. The house has long been ready for the change and so have various states. The adoption of the Bristow am endment adds a feature f uncertain ty to the situation especially in the smith. The southern senators and some very prominent northerners, among them Rorah of Idaho, vigor ously opposed the Bristow amend ment which places the control of el elecions in the hands of congress in stead of the various states. The am endment was finally adopted only when Vice President Sherman voted for it in order to break the tie in the sirSite. Senator Borah has been quoted as fearing that the amend ment will result in the loss of the endorsement of some of the states. But even with the Bristow amend ment it teems assured that the neces sary number of states will endorse the resolution of the senate and that within a short time the principle that senators should be elected by direct vote of the people will have been written Into the constitution. nil fcil imm i wf owMssnM CUHES BLOOD POISON Contagious Blood Poison manifests itself in the most loathsome symptoms, such as ulcerated mouth and throat, copper-colored spots, and even sores and ulcers on different portions cf the body. The poison causes the hair to fall out, and sometimes the glandular system is attacked. No medicine can cure Contagious Blood Poison which does not rid the circulation of every particle of the insidious virus. The least taint left in the blood will break out afresh when treatment is left off. 5.5.S. is the real and certain cure for Conta gious Blood Poison ; it goes into the circulation, and by removing every particle of the poison, and adding, rich, healthy qualities to the blood, forever cures this powerful disorder. All who suffer with this disease may cure themseves in the privacy of their homes by using S.S.S. and following instructions contained in our Home Treatment Book, which we will send, together with any medical advice desired, free of charge. S.S.S. is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFY rv .'.Z'-ANTA, GA. federal troops under General Milroy defeated by three confederate divi sions under General Ewell and forced to retreat with heavy loss. 1S9S United States Marines take a Spanish camp at Guantanamo har bor. 1902 Bethlehem, Pa., steel plant bought by the United States Ship building company. 1903 Heppner. Ore., almost en tirely destroyed by a cloudburst. Sir Thomas Lipton's ShumrAck and Shamrock I. arrive at New York. 1904 Battle of Te-li-sau (Russo Japanese war) between 35.000 Rus sians under Baron de Stakelber and about 40,000 Japanese under General Oku. 1910 Governor Gillette of Califor nia announced would issue decision regarding Jeffries-Johnson fight very soon. The following day he officially prohibited the bout from being held in California. IX READ HEM BR AX UTS, On a recent voyage Chief Engin eer Galloway of the ocean liner Lap land was showing a Texan over the ship. They got to talking and Gal loway said it seemed n pity that Am erican millionaires were bringing so many European art treasures to this country nowadays. "It's hardly right," he argued, "that men who just happen to have the money should be able to take Rem biandts.and Van Dyks from countries that have had them for generations. "That's so," agreed the Texan. "Those fellows just go over to Eu rope and buy er' up, don't they? Why say, Galloway, not one In ten'U e'er nad 'em!" Saturday Evening Post. It is certainly gratifying to know tiie motion picture men are seeking the right to take views at the coining Round-up. By means of the motion picture film the attractions of the Pendleton show may be exhibited far and wide. In view of last fall's ex perience, however. It might be well to make sure that those who obtain the motion picture concession will make u.-e of their right. We do not want ti be jobbed again. Ef removing the duty on sugar it is estimated that the cost of sugar to the consumer would be reduced to t!.e extent of $5 2,000,000 per annum. Whv not take that? SHOiiTKMM; IMtOt EDI RE. At last it seems that the Unite! States of America is; to be rescued from the antl'iunU-d form of legal procedure under which the country has b'-en laboring for generations. A commission consisting of Chief Jus tice White, and Associate Justices Lurton and Van Dc-venter of the su premo .. uit has been appointed to undertake the task of revising the rules of equity practice In the United States courts and It Is to be hoped that w"hen this commission has ac complished this all-Important task, the different states of the union will follow the lead and revise their own Tarying systems. It has long been admitted by mem bers of the bar over the country that the machinery of their profession has become most Inefficient and unwieldy but their activity toward seeking any change has generally been confined to. these admissions. However, re cently there has developed a wide spread demand for reform. President Taft, the American Bar Association and many of the state associations Joining In the clamor. The appoint ment of the commission Is the result. The present rules were adopted al most tn entirety from the high court of chancery of England In 1S42 and have been allowed to remain almost unmolested in their weakness. Pre cedents that have long outgrown their .H'NE 11 IX HISTORY. 176" Brit'sh act. levying duties on tea. paper, painted glass, etc. 1703 French, . commanded by Gen. MacPonald, on the Trbia. de feated with tremendous loss by Su warrow. 1800 Eattle of Marengo (Napol eon's campaigns). 1854 The Merrifac of civil war fame, was launched at Charleston navy yard. A great fire occurred at Worcester, Mass., destroying property valued at a half million dollars and throwing thousands of mechanics out of work. 1863 Battle of Winchester, 7000 Something New THE GREATEST IMPROVE MENT OF THE AGE, TIIE CENTRAL XEEDLE SEWING MACHINE. Xo more crooked spine or aching backs when us ing a machine. Call and see them. Old machines taken In exchange. Jesse Failing Main Street Near Bridge. SEWING MACHINES. PIANOS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OPEN DAY AXD NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SERVICE The Quelle Cafe and Oyster House ?eals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK., 620 MAIX STREET I I Known For Its Strength j The First National Bank v .1 y PENDLETON, I9REG0K 1 1 CAPITAL, SURPLUS and g UNDIVIDED PROFITS . CASTOR J A Fnf Infante -ti 1 r-iidmrt FwRlw1 You Ha,'3 Aiways dona f Jguataz of . Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the AUTO CAB! Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates J for out of town trips. BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Stand at 614 Main St. Who Owes the At Snyder Music Store ssium no mi ! fBouosovn : S2J0W01 j SECURITY jl bummer excursion Tickets East-bound OX SALE OX NUMEROUS DATES MAY 10 TO SEPTEMBER 7, 1011 Northern Pacific Railway The ORiGINAL Scenic Highway A FEW SAMPLES SIMILAR REDUCTION'S TO MANY OTHER POINTS IN THE EASTERN UNITED STATES AXD CANADA, AS WELL AS TIIE MIDDLE WEST. St. Paul $00.00 Minneapolis 60.00 Duluth 60.00 Superior 60.00 Chicago 72.50 St. Louis 70.00 New York $108.1 Philadelphia 108.1 Omaha 60.1 Detroit 82.1 Boston 110.1 Montreal, Que 105.1 Long limits and liberal stopovers. Low rates for Great Lukes steamer trips. We serve those "Great Big Baked Potatoes." Let us arrange you Itinerary it will be a pleasure 1 Cjgf I Route of the N. Coast Limited REMEMBER THESE EVENTS. Astoria Centennial Aug. 10 to Sept. 9 Tacoma Carnival of Nations. .. .July 3 to E Seattle Golden Potlatch July 17 to 22 Pendleton Round-up Sept. 14 to 16 Minneapolis Civic Celebration July 2 to 8 Duluth Water Pageant July 20 to 22 Yellowstone Park July 15 to Sept. 15 Through Sleepers Daily to Official Park Entrance. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pasb Agt, Portland, Oregon. m A tf r SNAP If sold at once, 640 acres of good wheat,' land 5 miles northwest of Pendleton, over four hundred acres good growing wheat, plenty of wa ter, good 5-room house and barn, well fenced, all for the imall price of $13,500, 1-2 cash, terms on balance. iddr ess D. Kemler 210 W. Bluff SL. Pendleton, Oregon. Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mons Resort Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. Orpheum Theatre J. P. MED BW ACM, Ttovat HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATETMOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IS TODAY 'H PAPER. Program ChaRge) m imHuf. Tuesday's and TUdmfm. PEXDLETOX'S POPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-closo motion pic ture show with comfort. FUX, PATHOS, SCENIC, THRILLING ' ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Chan-res Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri. Next Door to St. Georrjc Hotel. Admi.ssion.5$ and 10 DO NOT FORGET when phoning your order for meat, that WE CARRY A COM PLETE LINE OF FANCY AND STAPLE (iHOCERlKS, and our prices are RIGHT. Fresh fruits and vegetables received dally. "Everything to eat, Groceries and meat." CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Johnson Stx. Phono Main 101 Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these tracts. HILL & IIIBBERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOORHOUSE CO. IIEITIE Xass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated sonjre in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entirt family. ( Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be snre tad tee the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 yean, Be. I SPECIAL ...OFFER... For a Day or Two i-room cottage furnished in a desirable residence dist rict, only 8700:. 1800 acres fine farm and, rnnpc land, 11 head of hrood rnares, 2 cows, chickens, pips and farming implements, this is one of the host buys in tho state. ?5000 will handle this property. $550 will buy a neat cot tage on Sycamore street on Pnsy terms. Teutsch Bickers Real Estate and Insurance. Phone Main 5.