"t' I PAGE SIX DAILY EAST ORE 7QXIAX, PKXDIiETOX, OREGON, H'ESDAY, JPXE IS, 1911. , suv-V -t T ' EIGHT PAGES OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Best Stories by the Best Authors and All the Nfews the Day it Happens GOOD SUMMER. READING PH o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Si' ? r Two Extraordinary Offers Special Offer A Pacific Monthly with Daily E. O. N ew t ... f I; . V- 1 it J .vyi is, ,( ,1 One Year Paid in Advance, Subscribers or Renewals . Regular Price Pacific Monthly $1.50 Regular Price Daily E. O. by mail $5.00 $66 Special Offer B The Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly E. O. One Year Paid in Advance, JJ? New Subscribers or Renewals Regular Price Pacific Monthly S 1 .50 Regular Price Semi-Weekly E. O. $1.50 $3.00 S5.50 2.00 The Pacific Monthly Is the leading magazine of Western America, published on the Pacific Coast, edited by Western men, and Its entire contents are Western. The East Oregonlan, as you all know well, is the leading paper of the Inland Empire, and Is the official paper of Umatilla Co. and City of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without It. This is a short-time" ofler PLEASE STATE IF NEW OR RENEWAL East Oregonlan Pub. Co., Pendleton, Ore. Enclosed find $ for which please send your premium offer to the following address: Name Address CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY. O00000000G0000000C000000009000OO00O00O00O0000000000000000000I0000000000000000000O I OF urns PE0P1E Miss Greda Carlton of Pt-ndloton, is visiting friends and relatives in Ad orns this week. Mr. and' Mrs. J. Perringer and fam ily went to the river Sunday. Dr. McKenny. nf. Helix, was an Ad ams " business visitor Sunday. JACK JOHNSON IS GREETED IN LONDON (Special C-jrrc.-p.in.Unee.) Adams. Ore., June U. Mr. anj" Mrs. Ramsey ef U'l.jk jjurt, Missouri, are visiting their son. .Mr. li.imsoy of. the Tum-a-Lum Luml-r cumpar.y at . Adams for a few Jays and then they will go to Trevaitrr. ore., t-i visit friends and relatives for a f. weeks ' before r-turnlng home. ' Dorie Green returned to his h".:ie In Adams, after visiting f..r the ;.;'st veek in the city of Pendleton. J. T. Lleuallen was a Walla Wall;! visitor Friday. Fred Blake went to I'emlleton rint turday to spend Sunday. Dr. McKenny of Helix, tame over , Saturday to see Mrs. H. A. Marqui, Who has been sick for several weeks and is still very low. Mr. and Mrs John King and Mis Delta Moore "f Pendleton and Mr.! and Mrs. Frank II -ny all went to t.V river Sunday for a day's outinu. Lola and Buendoline and Mildred Rogers came up from Pendleton Fri day night where they ale attndlns school, to spend Sunday at home. Prof. Guiott of Pendleton, was look ing after hi music pupils in Adams Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lleuallen vlsite ' in the city of Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Winn returned to their home In Adams after spend ing the past week in the citv of port land. : Mr. and Mr". L. L. Lieuall-n were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Craft and son of Walla Walla, and a former resident of Ad- ' cms are the guests of T. c. P.eid at the Commercial hotel Sunday. , P. T. Hale and family went to the' river Saturday to spend Sunday. John and Laurence Grerharer and Peter Mclntire pent Sunday in Pen- '. dleton. Frank Kribs was a Pendleton vis itor Sundty. ) Zeb I-wis and Karl Semanton went ; to the river Sunday. 1 .Mr. and Mr. Amos Myrick of He lix were the gu-st of Mr. and Mrs Thomns Bruster Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Dunlm-ton of Helix.' visited in the city of Adums Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. H. Bane of Pendle ton, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs ! J. T. Lleuallen Sunday. j Fred Blake is loading wheat at Ha- j vana station Monday and Tuesday for' the Interior Warehoue company of Pendleton. (. O. Richardson returned to hlj home in Adams Sunday night after i spending the past week in the city of j Portland. I Georjfp Marquis of Walla Walla Is j visiting frlendB and relatives in Ad ems tills week. Chester Spencer and Mahle Mcln tire and Gurta Stockton went to the river Sunday. Mr. ani J. T. Lleuallen and family epend Sunday at the rivsr. Tlie Big Head I !s of two kinds conceit and the' slg London, Juno 13. Jack Johnson, head that comes frnm a sick head-' dusky heavy weight champion, had the a -.e. D.r-s four head ever foel like ' first triumph ofthe coronation. Enor a g'url m l yoor brain foel loose and j mous crowds greeted the negro at sore? You can cure t in no time by ! Paddington station. Jack, his usual acting on. your V.vt with B.illard's j swagger, which had been temporarily II. rb:r. Isn't :t worth trying for ' vmniuished by sea sickness, restored '.e absolute and certa n relief you'll j aflor the lt'w 'luuls t'ince his landing, eet A C. Koeppen & Eros. J greeted the crowd with his customary gcfcnl nature. Xrvv Mason:.-. Lodge "I intend to see George try on his Biker, nr. A lodge of"th" A F. ntv' hat," the negro told the London .v- . M. has been Innitutei at Half- 'rrespondents as he walked toward big automobile waiting for him. good Thousands of persons were lined up and with the follow ng "uun u3 n,s tar SJn:a lrom w rmr ....l,1,,,i I Paddington station to Alexandria v..iy in Pin Valley tilis county. The j i.ew judge starts off with membership offcers: J !r.a-tr; W. H. Jeffries, senior war on; J. P. Walsh, secretary; J. L. Hunt, senior deacon; 'Edward Gay lo:d, junior dea.'on. There is one medicine that every fam.ly shoul I be provirled with and es;.crial'y during the summer months; viz,- Ch imberlam's Cole. Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy. It is almost certain 9 t V.A I. .,1 T. ... 1 . . r V ,xt r "V quarter. . mau.n , g.,wn.wa3 contented Call VfOl afford to lie -.t- hi.n if Vnr ' sale by all dealers. Mansion, where he had engaged quar ters. They cheered vociferously. Attired in a dressing gown which would have made tho famous habili ment of Joseph turn to a pale envi ous green, Jack last night held an impromptu reclption in the gorgeous 1 1 loom furnished flat which he en gaged by t abic a eek ago. The cable ordered the swell ?t flat in London and Jack, amid a riot of color that ii:i:i,i-:ss roi: w n i.i:i:s. Seattle. Wash. By eouipping Its tuirs and barges with wireless in struments, the Tyee Whaling com pany haa become tlie originator of an ir.nova'i .n in that particular l ne of His vi-it caused a sensation and the hit of flie coronation assemblage. Spe cial poll?e guards were neeessury to ! force a way through bU admirers as hi- motored with his wife to the Al exandria mansion. ! The crowds went wild over the big 'cinder, cheered him lustly whenever he appeared on the streets. Xo visiting . king' of all the host of royalty ex pected here during the next few days . , , , 1 i peeu-d nere during tne next iew days b;j- ness hl.-h may in time be adopt- can txr,ect a weIcome half s0 hearty. de,- that the whaling tugs may keep i mhy,a Vltal pnlnt :n touch wth the Nation or base, -he; xhe most delicate part of a baby baigeS n;a.,iond Head and Fearless ' , ,ts b,jWels. Every ailment that It have been fitted with Instruments ' suff(.rs wth attacks the bowels, also fo aerial correspondence. I , endangering In most cases the life In the whaling Industry consider- of the Infant. McGee's Baby Elixir a...e troub..- has been experj-nce with ' cures uiarrhoes. dysentary and all de- iii.. ii.ii.-s, w no nave snown them-' solve only tio ullling t rangements of the stomach or bowels. steal the , c KofDDen & Bros. of a whlll.. whenever ihe I ! -.unity offered. j ,.v(.p wns f;nme ""' w.iallng tugs e ght the prey, J Hood River, Or. Hood River won and after the have safely harpoon- U,e baseball game here yesterday af - 1 it, ;t is i.umped full of air and left ternoon with White Salmon, by a oat.ng about . until a tender from score of 5 to 1. These two teams are : wnaimg base happens along to now tied for first place in the Mid dle Columbia league, Hood River will lose Left Fielder "Moore, who goes to Pendleton to play first" base on the Union League of that place. sow it into the place where It Is to 1 e converted into marketabbsubstan- In the past the native, by seizing the floating whales, which sometimes drift for days, have made? severe In roads on the profits of thoso engaged In the whaling industry. By the use of wireless on the tugs and barges, it will be possible for the whaler to inform the station as soon as a whale has been captured, an nouncing Just where he big mammal is lying. It will thus be possible for tile whaling tender to proceed 5t once to the scene and take the whale In 'ow before the natives have a chance! to make away with it. Da vou read the East Oregonlan T IT I IfAl) KCZEMA I'd wash it away with that mild, soothing llfiu'd, D, D. D. Trial bottle 2f,c. Relieves all kinds of skin trou ble, cleansing awny impurities and clearing up the scorn plclon as noth ing else can do. Yes. If I had any kind of skin trouble I'D USE D. D. D. Tallman Drug Co. Paint Y our Own Carriage k you can do it yourself and at little expense. It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACME QUALITY CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal's) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kin ds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees flower stands, porch furni ture, g; rden tools nd all surfaces that, nr st withstand exposure and : hard u age. Ready to brush on and the label tells how. Hale & McAtee PEW o o o o o o o o o o s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o J.