V-fjr. t'-', 1U.Vr.i: V.'mt,,, PAGE FOCR. DAILY KAST ORE COMAS, PEXDLETOV, OREGOX, ll'ESDAY, JUNE IS, 1011. SIGHT rAGBi AN l.NDErK.NDENV MSW8PAPEB. rtbltahed Pally and Keml-Weekly it FM- dletvn. urrfc-on, by iho bast okeuoman i'ublishing ca scusciurnoN rates. Btlly. one year, by mall $5.00 (ily, tlx moot hi. by mall ......... 2.50 liljr. tbree months, by mall 1.23 lMlly, one munlb, by mall 50 tally, uue year, by carrier 7.50 llly, all months, by carrier ...... 8 75 Pal, tlire months, by carrier 1.85 Bally, one momh, by carrier .65 oil-Weekly, on year, by mall 1.50 iMml Weekly, six moctba, by mall 73 tail-Weekly, (our mouths, by mall... .50 ninety-nine out ot a hundred that It will kill them before they get a grip on vou. "Avoid faille. It U about the most senselesg and dangerous procedure In the face of a disease so easily eon trolled when duly taken In band." Tbe Dally Kat Oregonlan !a kept on aali at the Oregon Newt Co., 3-9 Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. Northwest Neva Co., Portland, Oregon. Cblcatro Kureau, 008 Security Building. Washington, 1. C, Bureau, 501 Four kwalb street, N. W. Member I'md Preaa Aaaoclatlon. Entered at tbe poatofflce at Pendleton, Dregon. aa aecond claaa mall matter. Btiephone lialn 1 Official City and County Paper. . CONTEXT. Sweet are the thoughts that sa vor of content; The quiet mind is richer than a crown; Sweet are tne nights in careless slumber spent The poor estate scorns For tune's angry frown; Such sweet content, such minds, such sleep, such bliss. Beggars enjoy, when princes oft do miss. The homely house that har bors quiet rest. The cottage that affords no pride or care. The mean, that 'grees wljh country music best. The sweet consort of mirth's and music's fare. Obscured life sets down a type of bliss; A mind content both crown and kingdom is. Robert Greene. There is considerable complaint among business people especially from such ones as keep open after six o'clock, of the early operations of the street sweeper. Pedestrians, too, are prone to murmur a few words of pro test when they come down town of an evening and are driven from one side of the street to the other by the clouds of dust arising from the revolving brush. Some one might suggest that the sweeping of the main streets be deferred until later in the evening. At last Pendleton people are to have an opportunity of gaz'ng heaven v ard to marvel at the creations ot man. It is well that an aeroplane If to soar above Pendleton for In this, day and age, no city can be called modern and progressive that has not had Its t-kits explored by a btrdman. Illinois people have a right to rail against nature. When the heat and cold records for the month are broken In a week, when one day the people are sweltering under a burn ing sun and the next shivering while snow falls, It is high time to com plain. The gods have no right to disport themselves in such a contrary manner. The latest imitator of Harry Tracy i.- in the hands bf the law and it is safe topredict that a hempen necktie will be nls portion. Uncle Joe will not go in vaudeville. He still has a few shreds of self-respect left. ROOSEVELTS DENIAL. Here is the way the Atlanta Con stitution discourses on the recent re port that Roosevelt had endorsed President Taft for a second term and the swift following and emphatic de nial voiced by the strenuous colonel: "With usual vehemence Colonel Roosevelt brands as false the report that he would support President Taft for renomination. The original tory had been sent out the day be fore, seemingly well authenticated. It got fine position on newspaper first pages, and gave the real friends of the president one of the happiest half hours they have enjoyed in many po litical moons. "And now comes the colonel, and Incontinently clubs the yarn to death. "Whereupon, speculation will take a fresh grip on the situation and chew away with growing assiduity. What 4oes it all mean? Does the spark of ambition yet linger in the colonel's bosom? Does he think the present turbid status will eventually resolve itself into 'Roosevelt in 1912!' regard less of the iniquitous third-term pre cedent? Or does he want to 'hold ut' until he can tell whether it will be best to support an out-and-out Insurgent "Nobody knows. For a talkative roan, the colonel, is most secretive, and the gods haven't yet cast the dice for 1912. "Meanwhile it's summer, republi cans and near-republicans, democrats and almost-democrats are persplr ingly contending for political advan tage, and everybody is aa welcome to his guess as the flowers that bloom in the spring." There is one consolation in the trag ic electrical storm of last evening. It has had few predecessors and will probably have few successors. UXE 13 IX HISTORY. 1757 Decree of Pope Benedict XIV., prohibiting the use of anv ver- 5 sion of the Bible in common language. 1S04 Currently reported in Spain that war would be declared between that country and the United States over Louisiana. 1S34 Greytown, on the Mosquito coast. Central America, bombarded by a United States man of war in order to obtain redress for an insult to the American consul by the Spaniards. 1881 Fast day in Confederate states. 1864 House of representatives voted to repeal the fugitive slave law. 1866 The fourteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States passed by the senate. 1874 Opening of the Berlin con gress to settle the eastern question. 1884 Theodore Roosevelt withdrew application for. membership to Union League club of New Tork. to thwart plan of Chester A. Arthur's partisans to blackball him. 1894 Japan sends troops to protect Corean interests. Populist state convention in Kan sas adopted woman suffrage plank. 1895 Secretary of state proclaim ed strict neutrality In Cuba. 1898 Portion of first military ex pedition left Tampa for Santiago, Cuba. 1900 Boxer uprising began in ChJ na. 1908 Ten thousand suffragettes marched as a demonstration from the Victoria Embankment to Albert Hall, London. 1909 Turkish troops defeated 10, 000 Albanians at Djakovitch, Alban ia. 1910 Montreal Herald building de stroyed by f re; 35 killed. HYDROPHOBIA. Although the cry of "Mad dog" is seldom heard in this part of the coun try, there is always a danger, more or " less constant, of hydrophobia during the hot summer months, not because the disease is only menacing In the summer time for, according to medi cal authorities. It is as eas'Iy ccon-trar-tf 1 In the roHest as the hottest weather, but because dogs, the prin ciple vehicles in the dlstrlbutlbn of the disease, run more at large during tfcif peri ol of the year. "An ounce ef precaution is worth a pound of lure' and "a stitch in time saves nine" so it K well for people in any section to know a few facts about fables and the newarv prophylac tic f r it. H'Te Li the advice one authority gives; The principle to be most strongly brrr.e in mind is not to trifle with a bite from any dog, or any animal. Go at onre in the nearest competent physician. He will give the proper direction for ascertaining if the ani mal is, or had been, sufTerlng from rabies. Never destroy the body of an animal suspected of having had hy drophobia. Wail utitil it ran be ex amined by the proper authorities. Take the preventive Pateur treat ment at th" rarllesi posnlble moment. If you haven't hydrophobia, it can't .hurt you. And if l'ie germs arc lurk ing in your system, the chances are CIVIC LOVE. Luther Burbank and a thousand other scientists and experimenters the world over are carefully watching millions of plants in the hope of some thing new. If any new, strange or peculiar trait appear, the little seed ling is nursed and watched as price less; all of the missions of th eold and uniform are thrown away. But we of the human garden reverse this. Loss of Appetite Is loss of vitality,. vigor or tone, and Is often a forerunner of prostrating dis ease. It Is serious and especially bo to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine to take for It Is the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purines and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Get it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. Who WHS the DOG At Snyder Music Store We cherish the million which are all alike, and if, by the infinite miracle of the Infinite, one new and different appear, we beat him, uproot him, de prive h'iin of rain, light, air, all that makes for growth; and if he finally triumph ami, in a later day, a monu ment Is erected to him as a rare hu man flower, he has triumphed not in the sunshine of society, but in spite of its p'.tlness persecution. Can we not for our Festival time create a religion of Joy and hope and toler ance by which it shall be our creed to listen welt to him who preaches new doctrines? To crown him with flowers now and fliake glad the- liv ing heart not with bronze when that heart has perished. The citizens of Florence loved her as if she were a veritable mistress of their affections. It is so we ought to love our city. She sits in the Seat of the Mighty, prepared for her from the beginning. She Is- crowned with beauty. Her breath Is fragrant. All things of joy and greatness lie at her feet. But all will be as iron, hard and black, if she be not spiritually beautiful. Her citizens who love her as their mistress must bring to her as jewels for her wearing: Freedom, Charity, Broad Toleration, Beauty, Hope. These be above gold. Chas. Erskine Scott Wood in the June Pa cific Monthly. Twenty-one new hydro-electric plants were completed in Sweden dur ing the past year. M MS lit? BE Uurai Absolutely Pure Tito only baking powder mado from Royal Grapo Cream of Tartar Ho Alum, No Line Phosphate Another professor has proved that it is possible to exist on one 12-cent meal a day. While It may be possible the professor Is thus missing a lot of material batisfaction. Weak Heart Many people suffer from weak hcurtsN They may experi ence shortness of breath on exertion, pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their eyes become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold hands and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened blood supply to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should be taken which has no had after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce': (jolden Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous i .'cotics nor alcohol. The Ingredients, of attested under oath, are Stone root (Coltlnsonla Canadto s), tMoodroot (Sanrulnaria Canadensis), Golden Seal root (Hydrastis Canaden sis), Queen's root .Stilllngia Svlvntka), Black Cherrybark (Prunus Vlrglnlana), Mandrake root Podophyllum Ptlutum), with triple retined glycerine, prepare! in a acicntlllc laboratory In a way that no druggist could Imitate. This tonio contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles ; but, on the other hand, it increases their number and they become round and healthy. It helps the human system in the constant manufacture of rich, red blood. It helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food, thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncom fortable symptoms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers ; for the run-down, anaemic, thin-blooded people, the " Discovery " is refreshing and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all " just as good " medicines offered by the druggist who is looking for a larger profit. Nothing but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do you half as much good. SAVElf 1 v WHY DONT YOU? NATURE fyTEACHES VSS TO SAVE Mi 1M lrr m M Vv fit i 11 sra INTO THE BANK Now So You'll have iT WHEN YOU IT. ITS SAFE IN THE BANK JAMES J. HILL, the great railroad king, made money sling ing a pick when a young man. He BANK ED and SAVED his earnings. lie became a contractor and multimillionaire. Make OIK Bank YOCTt Bank. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent, com pounded semi-annually. The American National Bank PEXm.ETOS. OREGON. UNITED STATES .DEPOSITORY Summer Excursion Tickets East-bound OX SAI.K OX M MKKOr.S ITF.S MAY 10 TO SMPTEMItHIl 7, 1911 Northern Pacific Railway The ORIGINAL Scenic Highway A rr.V SAMI'I.KS SIMIfAU ICFIU'CTIONS TO MANY OTIIKIl 1'OIXTS IX TIIK KASTKHX IMTKI) STATKS AM) CANADA, AS WI-XL AS Tin; mikdi.i: wi:st. St. I'nul $(10.00 MilllH-UIOll-4 Duliith . . . . Superior . . t'liicnp) . . , St. I.011N , -00.00 00.00 (10.00 72..-0 70.00 Now York . riiiliiiii-lpliin Oinnlin . . . Detroit . . . ItOKtOll Montreal, Que. A. . .Sios.nn , . 108.50 . . 00.00 , . 82.50 . . 110.00 . 105.00 I For Sale 2 1-2 miles east of Pilot Rock on Stewart creek, 640 acres of good wheat and al falfa land, lots of water, fair impsovements, for the small price of $23.00 per acre. Land selling all around this farm for $30.00 per acre. The reason this land Is of fered so cheap Is on account of the owners wanting all I cash must be sold within the next 60 days. For further particulars call or address D.Kemler 210 W. Bluff St. Pendleton, Oregon. Hotel St. George Bar GEO. DARVEAU. Proprietor Pendleton's Popular , Gentle mens Resort. Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDV7EISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. Orpheum Theatre 9. P. MKDBfUTACX, Ituyitetu HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE?MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children BEE PROGRAM FX TODAY 8 PAPER. rs. Taoadar'a aad rrtslar PEXDLETOX'S POPULAR PICTURE PARLORS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort FUX, PATnOS, SCEXIC, THRILLING A ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., Hon., Wed., Fri Next Door to St. George Hotel. Admission 5 and 10 DO NOT FORGET when phoning your order for meat, that WE CARRY A COM FLETE LINE OF FANCY AMI pTAPLE GROCERIES, and our prices are RIGHT. Fresh fruits and vegetables received dally. "Everything to eat, Groceries and meat." .tthe CASH MARKET Cor. E, Court and Johnson Sts. Phono Main 10 i Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the IXSTALLMEXT plan. Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these tracts. HILL S IIIDBERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOOR.HOUSE CO. Long limits and liberal Btopovers. Low rates for Great Li.kes t-teamer trips. We serve those "(Jroat BIr Baked Potatoes." Let us arrange you Itinerary It will be a pleasure 0 Route of the N. C oast Limited iti;n;viti:u these events. Astoria Centennial Aui. 10 to Sept. 9 Taroma Carnival of Nations. .. .July 3 to 5 Peattle Onlden Putlntch July 17 to 22 jvndleton Round-up Sept. 14 to 16 Minneapolis Civic Celebration July 2 to 8 Inilnth Water, I'liReant July 20 to 22 Yellowstone Iurk. .July 15 to Sept. 15 ThrouKh Sleepers Daily to Official Tark Fntrnnco. WALT Kit ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton. A. I). Charlton, Ast. Gen. Pass Agt., Portland, Oregon. D AS 1 ft! fit Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entii family. Next to French Rtaurant ' J Entire ehnngo threw flntw each week. Pe snro and 'oe l;lif next eharpo. Adult 10c. Children rr.dt r 10 jean, fe. SPECIAL ...OFFER... For a Day or Two . l-room cottage furnished in n desirable residence dist rict, only $700. 1S00 acres fine farm and range land, 11 head of brood rnares, 2 cows, chickens, pigs and fanning implements, this is ono of the best, buy? in the state. S5000 will handle this property. $550 will buy a neat cot tage on Sycamore street on onsy terms. Teutsch i "Bickers Real Estate and Insurance. Phone Main I. 2I as