EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OUT. G ONI AN, PENDLETOIf, OREGON, TCESDAY, Ot'XK 13, 1911. PAGB TTIBJEJi CHAMPIOWVOMAX IIHOXCIIO Bl'STKIl OF TIIK WORLD. RUNAWAY AUTO GOES MILLIONS FAMILIES"- I usinc vIVpV u of I ItiX i 'L 4 ' YA , . fit, k ' 'A-; x '" : " i A :' ... i 1 Tir i- I I'AUTV IX.II MKI) WIIKV I ACIIIXi; LANDS IX KIVKIi IW-rllia Illaiirliftt; Wlu Clmlli'iiges Any Woman in tlio World to a '"Bronco Busting" Contest "Straight l"p." Sho Will "Bust" a Wild Horso Each Day of Hie Bound-up Tills Year. Sho is a Memlx-r of tlie C'ust in the Motion Picture, "Slilftyg Claim," niiixiiriiiK nt tlic Cosy Today. HERMISTON LAD IS SERIOUSLY INJURED SOX OF CIIAI(IiF.S I'EBCY FALLS IXDKH HAY KAKF Team Biiiih Away ami IjkI'h Icir is Broken as Itesult Kuvtric Llglit CiiiiMiny in in 0M'ralion Again Other Ilcriiilslon Xcv. (Special Correspondence.) Hernilston, Ore., June 12. Sunday morning while raking hay H. Percy, one of the younger children of Chas. Percy met with an accident which will likely lay him up fur the summer. , Ir. come way he fell in front of the rake frlKhtenlng the horses nnd caus ing them to run away, In the mix-up he gut one of his legs broken In two places and was bruised from head to foot. Dr. M. V. Turly was called nt once and dressed the injured lad Lltilu Plant Working. After nearly a week's tie up the Heriiilston Light & Power company have their plant In operation. They closed down In order to put In the permanent concrete dam and In doing so were compelled to close down their plant. At present they have only the wood form In, but this divert. enough water to run thp plant with a fi:ll head, other work will be pushed now In the way of extending their power lines. A number of new dyna- STOMAC1I DISTRESS. Tallmau Co. sell Ml-o-na, the Mon ey Back Cure. Indigestion wH not long trouble you if you put your faith, in MI-O-XA atnmnrh tablets. Taken after meals MI-O-NA Btops heaviness, sourness, belching of gas, or heartburn In f :ve minutes. It Is guaranteed to cure Indigestion and build up the stomach, or money back. It cured Mrs Klumpp, it will cure you. Head: "One year ngo I was cured of a severe stomach trouble by the use of MI-O-XA. My food fermented and soured, eaus'ng gas nnd nauseous condition. 1 could not cat, and he rn os have been Installed for pumping among which is the Newport Land & Construction Co., Maxwell ' Co., and the Hermifton Herald Publishing Co. liPUYCM for Wisconsin. , A. L. Larson will leave tomorrow for Park Falls, Wisconsin, where he expects to spend lib vacation. Mr. Larson has been assistant cashier of the First National Bank for nearly a year. Mrs. Carrie Furry will take his place during his absence. Noted Singer at Ilermlstoii. Mr. Ira G. King, the celebrated baritone singer from Springfield, 111., who has been on the Umatilla project for the last few months, and owns land across the river will leave this week for Portland to make his home. He sang last evening nt the M. E. church which he expects will be his last In Ilermiston for some time. Mr. King has been In the piano business for the last ten years and expects to take up this line of business in Port land, Oregon, also, he will most like ly have a church position at that place. Other Notes. Alfred J. McDonald, one nf Hermls ten's real estate men, has rented the office adjoining the Ilermiston Rank and Trust building, and which is con nected with the building. He will make this his office In the future. Mr. -McDonald Is one of the holders of lands under the I'malllla project. Mr. and Mrs. H. fl. Newport left for Portland yesterday, from Portland Mrs. Newport will he joined by her i.leee, Miss liertha Hnnd.nl, from there they will go to southern Ohio where they will spend the summer months with relatives and friends. (. II. Oswald, manager of the Uni versity "ales and Kxchange Co., of Ilermiston has moved his family to this place, he has taken the John Ulce lie. use on Second street west. BRIEF BREEZY NOTES - i . . I ll (irnnde to Celebrate. La Grande. The Grand Hondo Honde Ch.nulauiiua ass -elation has decided to rent the L. D. S. Tabernacle the night of the Fourth of July, is possible, in which to pull off the Aj pollo Concert company's entertain ment. It was the original lntent.on to continence the Chautauqua on the Fourth and to hold all of the events at the park, but through a mlsundcr- ' standing a big Fourth of July cele bration was launched ami the com mittee took over the speaker secured (Special Correspondence.) Gibbon, Ore., June 11. Lewis Keen and sister of Athena, are guests at Wenaha Springs. ' ' Eldon Furnish went to Portland Monday. J. M. Sullons has returned from Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson re turned from Athena. W. J. Furnish went to Stanfleld Monday. P. A. McPhee went to Pendleton yesterday, returning the same day. Tom Aleander left yesterday for Baker City for the summer. C. K. Smith has returned from Pen dleton where he went to meet h's family on their arrival from the east. Mrs. G. W. Mitchell of Weston is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Titt mnn. Fay Le Grow and Will Dohson of Athena are here on a fishing trip. Hoy Kilgore Is vis ting at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Pittman. Tom Gilkey returned Saturday from several days' stay in Atheua. C. D. Moss and son Frank went to Pendleton Saturday. A party of fistaermen came up from Pendleton last night j Mr. nnd Mrs. N. Ankeny came up i I from Pendleton last evening in their ! i auto and are guests at Wenaha. The Thorn Hollow auto bridg? is in now and autos are arriving daily at the sprimrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Hager and Miss Anna May Thompson were In Pendle ton Saturday. Chas. Carter, the Pendleton attor ney, is a guest at Wennha. F. R. Judd and family .ni'b Sunday guests at Wenaha. L. W. Reed went to Pendleton today. W lien fur 1 Cranked it Jiiinim For ward und Plunges Over Bunk Into the Willamette Twenty Feet Below Mother and Bulx: In Wuter. A tragedy wps narrowly averted yesterday at the Oswego bridge when an automobile containing llelvln Plympton and Mrs. H. G. Terry, with her two babies, plunged over the em bankment and into the Willamette river. Mr. and Mrs. Terry, with their two babies, and Mr. and Mrs. Plympton and two children, who were on an outing, had left the car, which is the property of Mr. Terry, at the top of the bluff, while they had gone in swimming and the children were play ing in the sand. Some one in the meantime had tampered with the lev ers, throwing the brake off and the machine In gear. At 7 o'clock, when the party started homeward the instant the engine was cranked the car Jumped forward and plunged over the bank into the river fully 25 feet below. Mr. Terry, who was cranking the machine, Jumped aside and Jerked the little boy out, throwing him into a rockpiie, then J rked Mrs. Plympton and her little boy out, landing them in some bush es. At the same time Mr. Plympton, had tried to Jump into the car to shut off the power and put on the brakes but the car had gained too much headway, and he, with Mrs. Terry and the two children, was carried over the bank. The machine stopped about 18 feet from the bank and settled In water deep enough "to completely submerge k. The occupants were easily rescued and with the exception of a few bruis es, the shock and a drenching, were uninjured. A rope was made fast to the ma chine and, with the aid of horses and 30 or 40 aien, who had gathered, it was pulled to tb.e shore. The assist ance of another auo was obtained and the car towed to Portland. Mr. Terry, the owner of the car, is' a real estate man, with offices in the Yeon building. Mr. Plympton, his guest, is a resident of Salem, where he is employed in the office of State! Printer Duniway. The uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has made it a favorite everywhere. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. Army Officer Takes Testimony. Lebanon, Or. Captain Bud. Unit ed States army, Is taking testimony today regarding the boisterous con duct of five pirates of the army while on ii train at Baker some time ago. ELIXIRS SENNA FOR COLDS AND HEADACHES, INDIGESTION AND SjOUR STOMACH, CAS AND FERMENTATION, CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS, WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. 1 1 J BI. l II J11 U W J E ITK CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. Apt ON EVERY PACKAGE OF THE GENUINE THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS. IN ORDER TO MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH, OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISR WHEN YOU ASK FOR SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA, HE IS PREPAR ING TO DECEIVE YOU TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE GENUINE, MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS KNOW THAT THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND THAT IT IS MANU. FACTORED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ONLY NOTE THE NAME r.iuu.i.iiiiuj r.irjf. in w j k iii'i, iiiniiniLi iiiiiiikinvi i:niinun;airB.llil'MVI-If PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. .ND IN THE CIRCLE, NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKACE.OF THE GENUINE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS REGULAR PRICE SOe PER BOTTLE. ZCEHT. or At.COH01.Vl I j( ..Hi? Uif-S?E!!T0, '!!'' MINIATURE PICTURE or FACKAG& SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS Of LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE, AND ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS. IT IS EQUALLY BENEFICIAL FOR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. California Fig Syrup Cq The members of the train., crew who live here are the principal witness es. , The woman of today who has good health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes and a lovely complexion, the result cf corect living and good di gestion, wins the admiration of the world. If your digestion Is faulty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it. For sale by all dealers. Forest Grove- Defeated. Forest Grove, Or. The local base ball team was defeated here yester day by a score of 10 to 9. The game was full of errors on both sides. The Hillsboro nine defeated the Cornelius team at Hillsboro yesterday by a score of 11 to 8. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and ex pectoration easy by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It has been used In many epidemics of this dis ease with perfect success. For sale by all dealers. find Bare Indian Relic. Trenton, N. J. The rarest Indiam relic ever found In New Jersey has been unearthed on a farm near Tren ton and is on ehibltion here today. It I a tiny head of baked clay, two and a half inches long and an inch and half wide. Shell ornaments such aa were used by the Delaware Indiana are attached to the ears. The fea tures of the face are those of an In dian girl and the workmanship I characteristic. Read the want au. CARELESS ABOUT APPENDI CITIS IX PEXDLETOS' Do you read the East Oregonlan? Many Pendleton people have chron ic appendicitis which is carelessly treated as if it were ordinary bowel or stomach trouble. If you have win or gas in the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation try simple buckthorn bark glycerine etc. as com monpounded in Adler-1-ka the new German appendicitis remedy. Pendle ton Drug Co states that A SIXGLK DOSE of this simple remedy will re lieve any bowel or stomach trouble. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o iiiiii nun "CLEAR OUT" I r came weak, depressed, nnd was sick j by the Chautauqua, Governor Ilanley abed 6 weeks. Doctoring without suc cess, I was advised to try MI-O-NA. I received relief from using the first box, ami continuing. I used four in all, nnd was cured. There Is nothing too strong for me to say in favor of MI-ii-XA. It cures where other rem edies nnd doctors fall." Mrs. Vm. Klumpp, 10. Kdgetown, Lowell, Mich. Sold by Tallmnn & Co. and drug gists everywhere, nt BO cents a large box. Write to Booth's Ml-o-na, Buf falo. X. Y., for free trial treatment. of Indiana, leaving only the Apollo company and a noted swimming Instructor. It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that Is needed is a free application of Cham berlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. Drink Hires The Genuine Rootbeer Absolutely pure. Refreshes you when thirsty, Invigorates you when tired, delights you at any time. Order a case from the exclusive bottlers Pendleton Soda Works Phone Main 459. Indian t'ts scalp Bounty. I Goldendale, Wash. Little George, Teachers Take n Best. j an Indian from Pine creek, in east- Aberdeen, Wash. V.th tlie close of ern Klickitat county, made his an school last week, the Aberdeen teach- nual appearance at the auditor's of ers are departing on their vacations, fice Saturday with 28 coyote scalps. The superiptendent of schools and He shot and trapped the animals last Mrs. Arthur Wilson have gone to their j winter, and received a bounty of Jl old home In Iowa to spend the sum- ; for each scalp and sold the pelts for mcr with relatives. Some of the oth- ! "5 cents each. This is the largest Isn't it Provoking? er teachers will go to eastern, states for the summer, while others will avull themselves of the attrnetlve summer resorts near at hand. Among them are Lake Qulnault and the north and south beaches. number of scalps presented for bounty by any individual during the past season. Well Brills stopped. ! Freewater, Or. The well drillers on I J. II. Hail's place have abandoned the boring and no further work will be ! done. They have already gone down ' S3o feet and as the bedrock, which j is usually struck at 300 feet, has not ' been in evidence, the owner Is con- 1 vinced that he Is outside the artesian I belt. All ranchers living northeast I of his tracts some tour miles have ; succeeded In securing enormous flows ' of water at an average of 500 feet New Hotel at Gardiner. Maishfield, Or. The new Schilling Hotel at Gardiner, which has been built to replace -the one which was burned, is nearly completion. The j hotel will have 40 rooms and will be supplied with modern conveniences, Gardiner Is the stopping place for stage passengers to Coos Bay and many travelers pass through the place. It is proposed to dam the St. Law rence between Coteau du Lac and Clnrk's Island and develop 62,000 electrical horse power. Now Open-Call and See Us The Unique Turkish Medical BATHS Tub, Steam and Shower Baths; Massage, Bubs, Face and Scalp treatment. Our Baths nro equal to any Hot Springs Baths if you nre tired, restless and worn out. Try one, it win make you feel like a nciv I man. i'uice lor pairona o lay aown and rest after baths. Our baths nnd treatments nre unexcelled for Rheu matism and kindred ailments. Regu lar plain and Turkish baths, prices 25c and 50c. We have had three years experience with the Hot Lake baths. Our place Is open day and night. 121 West Court St. MR. MERCHANT- LJOW many times, have you reached for a letter head, an envelope, a bill head or business card, and found that you were "CLEAR OUT." The occasion for its use may have been of extreme importance to you. Prevent it Occuring Again Just take a few minutes and look over , your Printing Supplies Mow-see if you are likely to be "Clear Out" within a short time and, if so, save yourself this embarrassment by ordering your print ing immediately. NONE 1MB ft 1 costs you nothing to consult us oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo