DAILY SLDT OREGON I AX, PENDLETON. OREGON, TIESOAY, JIXK 13, IS 11. EIGHT PAGES O90000000000000O0000000000000OI0000000000O000000O0OO00000000000O000000000000O000O June Wash (Go NOV IN. FULL BLAST: PAGE TWO Sale The Coolest Place in Town Our Model Clean Grocery in Basement. Phone M. 17 Maple Butter for icings, f routings ami filling, jars 45 Extra Fancy Pineapple, 0 cans $1.40 Everything the market affords in fresh fruits ami vegetables, not one thing missing. Fig Pudding, cans 15 and 25 Fresh shipment Parker's Cookies, pkgs en. 10 Cove Oyster Special: Regular 25 Oyster at the very special price, " cans $1.00 Get our prices on Crockery, Glassware, Fruit Jars and Jellv Glasses. LOT o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o fc o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o LOT 1; Materials at Sc Good quality of Lawns, Batiste, Apron Ging hams. Including a small quantity of Draperies. A table full of best low price materials a wo man can choose from. This lot at, vard 5c LOT 2. Materials at 9c Xow this lot is a counter full of Lawns, Ba tiste, Dress Ginghams, Percales and the like. A fine collection of materials of inexpensive summer wash goods to sell at, yard 9 SOT 3. Materials at 11c An assortment of WASH SUMMER GOODS in this lot that you can't afford to miss ; to ap preciate it is to see it, at 11 LOT 4. Materials at 14c This is our best collection to select from ; it is broader than any. It consists of Batiste, both plain and printed, Scotch Ginghams, Cotton' Foulards and many others, at -14$ Our June Wash Goods Sale Opened This Morning With Encouraging Prospects Our sales today were larger than we expected. Every one who visited our store todayhas a good word for the bargains in wash goods we are offering-'They are REAL BARGAINS, this season's new goods, and we are giving trading coupons on every cash sale DON'T WAIT UNTIL SOME ONE HAS TAKEN WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR CHOICE, come early while the choosing is good and you'll find the greatest line of wash goods in Eastern Oregon hereOur stock of wash goods is divided into seven lots as follows Materials at 19c Many extraordinary values among these, in cluding fine Batiste, Dimity Band Stripe Dimity check, Cotton Foulards, and the like at .: .' 19$ LOT G. Materials at 24c A vast assortment including our most popular wash materials, new patterns of Printed Organ dies, TPJAXOX CIIKCK, imported Scotch Ginghams, Poplins, etc, at 24' LOT 7. Materials at 37c High Grade Wash Fabrics in this lot, includ ing Irish Poplins, printed Marquescttcs, Shang hai Silk, Colored Linens, in all the season's lest weights and colorings at 37$ Don't Forget that 'wo give trading coupons on all cash pur chases and that they mean an actual saving of 5 per cent of your purchase to you. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE O o o q Save Ycur Coupons Where it Pays to Trade q oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooqoooooooooooooooo SPORTS Erooklyn Camnitz and Gibson; Erwin. Chicago 6; IJoston 5. Chicago, June 13. Brown . . . . .2 8 1 1 James and Land; Guinn and Sween Barger and ev. Detroit 5; lUMon 1. Boston, June 13. Detroit defeated and I Boston 5 to 4 in a brillian game yes- Reulbach were both wild, but Chiea- terday. Cobb's hitting was one of the go won over Boston 6 to 5. John ; features, his two doubles driving In NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York . Chicago . . Philadelphia Pittsburg . St. Louis . . Cincinnati . Brooklyn . Boston . . . W. L. .31 IS .30 .30 .26 .26 .23 .IS .12 IS 20 22 22 27 31 38 Pet. .633 .625 .600 .542 .542 .460 .367 .240 St. Louis 4. Kling, who has refused to play with I three runs. Boston, occupied a seat in the grand stand. Score. R. H. E. Chicago 6 10 1 Boston 5 9 2 Reulbach and Graham; Brown and Rariden. Cincinnati 3: New York 1. Cincinnati, June 13. Keefe's pitch ing, backed liy some brilliant fielding was too much for New York yesterday and Cincinnati won 3 to 1. Bates wtf? hurt in a collision with Merkle and Ames at first and Clarke was sent to the bench for objecting to Umpire pliiladeltihia 8 St. Loui, June 13. Philadelphia Brennan's call on halls and strikes, fell on Harmon in the sixth inning, Score: R. H. E. coring seven runs and driving him New York 1 6 1 from the box. winning the third game Cincinnati 3 7 3 ef the serif-, S to 4. Score: R. H. E. Philadelphia 8 8 1 St. Louis 4 9 6 Alexander and Dooin; Harmon, Gey r and Bresnahan. Bliss. IMtt-liiirs 1: isrooklyn 2. PiTt-sburg. June IS In one of the fastest games in point of time played in. K 'fb'.-s field. Pitt-burg beat Brook. n t to 2. Camnitz was steady from th" -tart. Score: R. H. E. l-:r.!.ur? 4 10 3 Ames, Raymond and Myers; Keefe and Clarke, McLean. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. W. L. Every woman's heart responds to Detroit . ... Philadelphia Boston Chicago . . New York . Cleveland . Washington . r-'L. Louis . . . C'liieago Washington puzzle to Washington 'ago winning, 4 to 0. .36 .29 .26. .23 .23 .20 .17 .15 14 17 21 30 22 30 32 33 Score: R. H. E. Boston 4 10 1 Detroit 5 14 2 Hall and Nunaniaker; Willett and Casey. 4 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Pet. .720 .630 .553 .535 .511 .4 00 .347 .313 ' Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pet. Portland 39 2S .582 Vernon 3S 35 .521 San Francisco 39 33 .527 Oakland 38 37 .500 Sacramento 34 37 .479 Los Angeles 28 45 .384 Result Yesterday. Oakland 7. Vernon 5. Oakland "; Vernon 5. Los Angeles, June 13. Vernon and Oakland played 11 innings of fast and snappy ball yesterday, the visitors taking the last game of the series 7 to 5. In the seventh, with Oakland three runs in the lead, Hogan engi neered a rally which tied the score Score: R. H. E. Vcrn in 5 12 4 Oakland . 7 13 1 Castleton, Carson, Hitt and Hogan; Sheehan. Flater and Ponree. I: Vnsliinstoii o. June 13. White was a yesterday, Chl Clever catches tie charm and sweetness of a babv's n' r'-' tn:ilh: b' MeBride and -Street, bile Ping Bod!e drove the ball over Toiee, because nature intended her for sr.-jtl'.erhood. lint even the loving Suture of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because smh a time is regard d as a period of suffering and danger. Women who use M th(.r':i Trie-id are avedmuck discomfort ar.d suiTering, tnd their systems, lit-iig tli'vroughly prepared by this great remedy, ore ii a healthy condition to meet the time with the least porsiMe suffering and danger. Mother's 1'riend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it is in r.o sense a remedy for various ills, lut its many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re i'ei ved froia woir.e.i who have used it ire a guarantee of the benefit to be cerived from it", tr.c. This remedy not accompti:;?'. wvnders but sim ply assi: ts natvre to perf'.ct it:: work. Mother's Friend alhtys nausea, pro of the enter field fence for a home run. S'ore: K. H. E. Washington " 1 Chicago 4 11 0 Walker and Street; White and Sul livan. Pliiladeldiia 1; St. Louis 0. Philadelphia. June 13. Philadel ;.l:ia defeated Ht. Lou! 1 to 0 in the '. e-.-t pitchers' battle seen iiere this season. Coombs held the visitors to er.e hit. a single b Pelty In the sixth. '!!.' only run was made In the ninth and resulted In Baker being hurt. i!tik r f-ingled: on a short pasiel ball ran to second and just as he was aoout to step on the bag he was struck on the bark of the head by ' Iiik's thrrwv, and rendered uncon seioiis. Score: R. II. E. St. Lou in 0 1 2 Philadelphia 1 5 2 Pelty and Clark; Coombs and L'ipp. Now York I; Cleveland I. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. MANY WILL ATTEND El EXCURSIONS ARE FORMED FOR IORTLAND MEETING Annual Session of the Christian Chun lies Will lie Held in tin- Rom City July 1 to II Special Train ITimi Chicago. we do not expect any of the delegates to remain permanently when they come here In July, It has been the rule that many of them become de termined to locnte In Oregon nnd eventually come here to live." The railroads expect to handle more than 5000 visitors into Port land for the Christian church convention. vents caking M Tt T ou o '. leveiami i. the- breasts, and W A BlOlr'L York- Ju" 13. Cleveland i, ,.. , . l'AVlE.a'SlvJ "led a vounj? pitcher named James lit r.et) wa) -.in f-, Tol-lo apnlnst New York ys- , ... rilcQ B tt 1 i 1 1 cei'i-iv umi ne uni Hp;enon:iv. iiiuuku ttrotig, healthy ly. v, u'r,n, . a to 1 Unit nn,1 in motherhood. Mother's Friend fold tt dnig stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. . BRADI1ELD REGULATOR CO., AHanta. Co. I irminglmin S' ore: ' b-vrl-ind . .'( w York , starred the field. R. II. E. . . .1 4 3 ...4 4 3 Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pet. Spokane . 37 16 .698 Tacoma .' 36 19 .665 Vancouver 31 22 .585 Seattle 23 30 .43 1 Portland ...21 30 .112 Victoria 11 42 .208 Seattle Downs Taeomu. Seattle, June 13. Seattle adminis tered a 1 to 3 defeat to Tacoma yes terday. After the first Inning Mul- lerton, Seattle's acquisition from the Portland club of the Const league, was invincible. Annls, for Tacoma, weakened In the third inning and JliereMftcr Seattle hit lilm nt will. The locals were fast on the bases, work lug two double steals, nnd rolling up a total of seven stolen bases. Score: IJ. H. E. Seattle 12 14 1 Tacnina 3 6 2 I'ullerlon and Shea; Annls nnd I'urtis. Spokane ft; Portland 2. Portland, Ore., June 13. Spokane bad an easy time yesterday with Port land, whining hadily S to 2. Portland hud three men In the box. The score: R. II. E. Portland . .. 2 8 3 Spokane 8 8 2 Cnrrett, Jensen, Maxmyor and Harris; Kraft and Hasty. Eastern delegates to the annual eonention of Christian churches, to be held in Portland from July 4 to 11, will travel to Portland on a spe cial train, leaving Chicago Tuesday, June 27, says the Portland Orego nian. The itinerary provides for a scenic and instructive trip through the most interesting part of the territory be tween the two cities, allowing stop overs at several places to permit the travelers to view the sights. From Jhlcago to Omaha the train will op erate over the Chicago & Rio Grande to Huntington over the Oregon Short Line, and ilo Portland over the O.-W. It. & S. tracks. Tho train is due to arrive in Portland at 10 o'clock the morning of July 4. One day will be pent In Denver, a day In Colorado Springs and Manitnu. and a day m Salt Lake City. Side trips from each f these places are now. being arrang d. Diverse routings over any of the northern lines will be allowed tre passengers alter leaving Portland. A round triji fare of 162.50 from Chi cago has been provided, with corres pondingly low rates from all eastern points. This excursion Is being organized by the publishers of the Christian Standard of Cincinnati, and will ear ly many of the church dignitaries as well as a large number of the had ing delegates from the eastern states. Between The Dalles and Portland the opt'on of traveling on a Colum bia River steamer is offered. , While, this train will be the prin cipal special that will run into the city for the church convention, other trains on other lines will carry hun dreds of delegates. It Is likely thut tiie Chicago special will bring most of the delegates from points east of that city. Those from the Mississippi river states, the Itocky mountain reg'.ons and the south, as well as those from the coast states, probably will organ ize Independent excursion parties. The very low rates offered by the railroads for this convention are in ducements to bring delegates to Port land. "A convention like this Is ono of the, best advertisements that the state can have," said John M. Scott, assistant general passenger agent of the Har l inian llnoi, yesterday. "We shall en deavor to tako the visitors to the fanning districts and the small towns of the state and interest them, if pos Ible, In Oregon Industries. While Peiinsylvuniit Rankers in Session. Philadelphia, June 13. The annual meeting of the Pennsylvania State Hankers' association which began here today brings about 400 bankers from all parts of the state to this city. It is the first time that the as sociation has met in this city since 1906. In keeping with custom there will be no contest for the presidency of the association, as the vice presi dent will be advanced to the executive head. One of the features of the meet ing will be a debate between mem bers of th" Philadelphia and Scran ton chapters. American Institute of Panking. for the possession of a cup. Pittsburg won last year. (HSii'gla Drugsts In Session. Indian Springs, Oa., June 13. One of the most important meetings In the history of the C.eorge Pharmaceutical association opened here today In con nection with the conference of the State Hoard of Pharmacy. It Is plan ned to suggest certain reforms In state laws regarding the selling of certain medicines and to establish higher iinalifleatlons for pharmacists during the meeting. Save money by reading today's uda THE AGONY OF A BABY UN DER A SKIN AFFLICTION D all the more legible because it can't tell you how It suffers. Put there is relief nt hand not only re lief but a permanent cure from prick ley bent, rashes, hives, eczema and all other skill affections so prevalent among infants during the summer months. If you want to see your ba by rest easy once ngain and a look of relief sprend over Its lutln face, ,iust apply tills splendid remedy ZK Mo. We believe honestly nnd sin cerely that in J5KMO you will find the cure you have been pniying for. We can tell you in all truth that we have made thousands and thousands of parents happy with this simplo hut sure remedy. And to prove our absolute sincer ity, we l.nve instructed all druggists selling ZEMO. to refund the purchas er his money -Is the very first bottle does not bring r' lief. . t'sed persist ently thereafter .E.MO is bound to cure. . V.K.MO and ZKMO SOAP make the most economical as well as the clean est nnd most effective treatment for affections of the skin nnd scalp whether on Infant or grown person. Sold by druggist everywhere and In Pendleton by our authorized agcnlfc. The IVndleton Drug Co. Miiiuesotu 1'oreMOTs. Mankato, Minn., June 13. Speclat trains from the Twin Cities and large parties from other points arrived in Mankato today for the tenth annual meeting of the Minnesota branch of the Catholic Order of Foresters. Over a thousand delegates nnd visitor and several bands are In attendance. The session will continue through tomorrow. SSWg ft M V U.VM Lisa MM Electric Hose If you watch a man spraying- his lawn for about two minutes you can tell whether he has confidence in the hose or not. If he keeps glancing from one end of it to the other you can depend that lie's getting nervous and is watching for a netting. Don't take chances when you ran buy F.lectric Hose and be absolutely sure of the highest efficiency. Klectric Hose will not burst, crack or split. It's made of seamless seine tivinc jackets and rubljcr tubes. TAYLOR HARDWAKE CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods Wo arc Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated If I TOILET (Mi RAM COLD CRKAM TOOTH POWDER i,:id WL HOOD CUE AM. TaHman & Co. T.rndin? DrvtfrjriHt.s of Ensb crn Oregon. BWSNMflMCIRX