r.GK six - DAILY EAST OREGON' I AX, rENDLETOX, OREGON, MONDAY, JTJXE 12, 1911. cioirr pages o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o 000000000000000000GOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (TTTTTT .1 i it 'J-- .. I GOOD SUMMER. READING 85.50 tC5 1 vv,. r L Tf .-"-n- Vcp.'-- - M o The Best Stories by the Best Authors o and AH the News the Day it Happens o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Two Extraordinary Offers Special Offer A Pacific Monthly with Daily E. 6. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals . Regular Price Pacific Monthly $1,50 Regular Price Daily E. O. by moil $5.00 $650 Special Offer B The Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly E. O. One Year Paid in Advance, . New Subscribers or Renewals Regular Price Pacific Monthly $,5Q Regular Price Semi-Weekly E. O. $ ,50 2.00 $3.00 The raciflc Monthly Is the leading magazine of Western America, published on the Paclflo Coast, edited by Western men, and its entire contents are Western. The East Oregonlan, as you all knew well, is the leading paper of the Inland Empire, and is the official paper of Umatilla Co. and City of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without it. This is a short-time ofler PLEASE STATE IF NEW OR RENEWAL East Ort-yoninn Pub. Co, Pendleton, Ore. Enclosed find $..'... send your premium offer. . following address: Name Addreea for which please .... to the CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY. ooooooooooooooooooq000000000000000000qQOO SPOR TS V NATIONAL LEAGCE. Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pet. New Tork 31 Chicago 30 Philadelphia 3., Pittsburg 2g St. Louis ...26 Cincinnati ..23 Brooklyn is Boston 12 Chicago 20. lintn 2, 13 1 . 20 31 38 PACIFIC COAST LEAGlE. standing cf the Teams. W. L. Pet. Port'an 3s 20 .567 Vernun 38 33 .633 Sacramento 3" 33 .529 f-"an Francisco 38 36 .514 Oakland 37 38 .493 Los Angeles 27 42 .391 .633 I KeMilts e-terdny. .625 fwramento i-i. San Francisco 7-4. .60'i 1 Portland 3, Los Angeles 1. .542 I Oakland 5-4, Vernon 4-13. .342 ' Sacramento Takes Two. .460 I '"'an Francisco, June 12. Paeramon .367 to n"n t",vo games from the locals yes .240 ,r'Ia'- taking the series four to three. The morning game was a 3 to 2 af- Chicago, June 12. Boston's ritch- fa-r anfl tne afternoon game went to ers were wild yesterday and Chicago I ,ne visitors by a 7 to 4 ecore. Costly romped away with an easy game by ,r,''""?' by Sacramento in the after bunching hits, stealing bases and tak- I n"on enabled the locals to score. Su ing advantage of all mieplays. Zim-1 ,f'r nf 'San Francisco struck out 10 merman made two home runs, each ! m'n ln ,nf' afternoon game in 6 2-3 time driving in two men ahead of j ''"ninsx but the the sanu- time he was him. Evers, who had been ill for sev- f"un(i for seven runs and 10 hits, eral weeks, participated in the game ' Mor-kiman went in ami kept the vls for one full inning. itors from iiu. reasing their lead. Score: R.H E .' ''r'linS game: Chicago 20 14 ll Score: Boston 2 6 3 'J;ioI'amento . Cole, Ritchie and Graham; Weaver, 1 f"'an Francisco ferguson, Tyler, MeTigue and Rari- den. LaLonge; R. H. E. 3 9 1 2 5 0 Meikle Oakland 4 8 3 Stewart and Hogan; Christian, Kil roy, Pernoll, Wolverton and Mitze. NORTHWEST LEAGCE. Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pet. Spokane 36 16 .692 Tacoma 36 18 .667 Vancouver 32 21 .604 Seattle 22 29 .431 Portland 21 30 .412 Victoria 11 41 .212 Thompson and and Schmidt. Afternoon game: Sacramento 7 13 3 Fan Francisco 4 8 1 Raum and Thomas; Suter, Moski m:in and Horry, Schmidt. St. Louis 6, Phillies, 5. St. Louis, June 5. St. Louis hit Philadelphia's pitchers at opportune moments yesterday and won. Spec tators in the left field bleachers threatened to break up the game In ! Portland 3, Angclc 1. the eighth, when they hurled bottles' Portland, Ore., June 12. For six at Umpire Brennan, who had called j "nnlngs yesterday Delhi held Port Bliss out at third base. The game : la"d down hard but in the seventh was stopped until the police had ! thr. locals got his measure and in that cleaned the field of glass. I inning and the eighth acquired three Score: R. H. E. j funs. Henderson's pitching was like Philadelphia 5 5 0 j clockwork all the. way through. The St. Louis fi 11 4 visitors were unable to do anvthinir Humphries. Moore and Dooin: ! with him unt'.l the ninth when thev Steele and Bresnahan, Bliss. Cincinnati 0, New York 5. Cincinnati. June 12. Wiltse was in fine form yesterday and Cincinnati failed to score. New York winning. Fromme gave two bann on Viaii. ,th managed to get their only tally. The fielding of both teams was excellent. Kcore: RVH. E. Lo Angeles 1 "5 1 Portland 3 5 1 IJf-rhi anil Orlndle; Henderson and the bases full in the third and forced I Murray. two runs across the plate. Oakland 5-1. Vernon 4-13 rew Tork 5 n 2 I L,J Angeles, June 12. After send- oncsnnati 0 6 1 WilUe and Myers; . Frorame, Mc Qulllen and Clarke. AM EIHCAX LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pet. Detroit 3 14 .72o Philadelphia 29 17 .630 Boston 26 21 .653 Chicago 23 20 .535 New York 23 22 .611 Cleveland 20 30 .400 Washington 17 12 .247 Louis It S3 .313 ing In three pltchTs in the afternoon game yesterday, Manager Wolverton of Oakland, went Into the box him self but was unable to stop Vernon. The score was 13 to 4. Stewart, on the other hand, held the Commuters down to eight widely srattered hits. Pcarce hit two home runs in the morning game, and Wolverton has him to thank for the even break of the Commuters on the day. Morning game. Score: t h w 9 1 Results Yesterday. Portland 7, Vancouver 0. Spokane 5, Seattle 2. Tacoma 8-1; Victoria 0-0. Portland 7, Vancouver 0. Seattle, June 12. Timely hitting coupled with Clark's widness gave Portland a victory over Vancouver yesterday, 7 to 0. Portland obtained lead, by bunching hits in the sec ond inning and thereafter the Van. o.uver pitchers were demoralized and the Oregon men had little dlffi rulty in rolling up additional tallies Score: R. h. E Portland 7 5 Vancouver . 0 9 wiener and ur.i.liey; Clark, Mc- ivor, Rrinker, Kracher and Shea. I Spokane .". Seattle '2. 1 Spokane, Juno 12. Spokane won I tne last game of the series 5 to 2. i Strand pitched a good game up to j the ninth Inning when Seattle hit him naril and scored two runs. battle 2 10 Spokane 5 Seaton and Shea; Strand and Ost dick Tacoma 8-1. Victoria O.n Tacoma, June 12. Tacoma took a nouble header from Victoria yester day afternoon. The first game was market by heavy hitting, the locals having the advantage and winning by a score of 8 to 0. McCreary was driv en from the mound at the close of the first inning and was replaced by Sage. McCreary pitched the Becond game and lost only because of the superior work of Schmltz. But one of the vis itors got past first base in the second Riwoe. Bcnmuz nau rare control H.nKing out six men and walking none. F'rst game: Sc"re: R.H.E Vlvtoria 0 6 1 Tucoma 8 14 Mccreary, Sage and Splesman; nan ana isurns. Second game: ioria 0 3 1 tacoma 1 g 1 McCreary and Splesman; Schmltz ana Hiebt. BUCKAROOES WALLOP BEARS IN FINAL GAME PENDLETON ADMINISTERS WHITEWASH TO WALLA WALIiA last Contest at Ron ml up Park he suits ln Finnl Score or 4 to 0 Ber ger Lets Opponents Down With Two Hits. Standing of the Teams. W. L. Pet. Athena 10 2 .833 Walla Walla 8 3 .727 Weston 6 5 .545 Pendleton 6 6 .500 Milton 4 9 .308 Echo 1 U .083 Results Yesterday. Pendleton 4, Walla Walla 0. Athena 9, Milton 5. Weston-Echo game forfeited to Weston. ' canto, the enigmatic one had let the Buckarooes down wTth but two hits and they were all bruising the horse- hide and everyone was expecting what eventually happened. In the elghtn with both score sheets exhibiting a row of. ciphers, Whitten, the clever little shortstop, was first up with the stock and he stung the pellet over the pitchers head, landing safe. Sturg's then laid down a pretty bunt, sacrl ncing Whitten to second. Shaffer was next up and he was given an ovation when he walked to the plate for already he hnd ciouted odl a two bagger. He responded to the ap plause by sticking out a clean single, which enabled Whitten to complete the circuit. Everyone was satisfied then, but the Buckarooes rwcre after Mitchell's goat and they got It. Clark, with two strikes on him, clouted out a .blngle between first and second and both he and Shaffer sauntered to the plate when Bliss brought his bludgen against the horsehlde for a three sacker. Nevins completed the scoring when he laid the ball down to short, Bliss beating the throw home by a good slide. Result, four earned Slegrlst, rf 2 Bocher, rf 1 Lankard, lb 3 Totals .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 0 9 0 4 0 4 0 0. 1 1 Oakland 6 11 nuri A 7 ! I . . - - ...v.. Gregory nrt p.. v'll!.,' ! th ,ncw B,ate banking law. the Bank ' - 1 . ' . '11. iv 1 j 1 lunr Sherwood Rank's Dcoslu Big. onerwooa ure. in compliance with Halelgh and Brown. Afternoon: Score: Vernon 13 R. H. E. 01 nnerwond has opened a savinm .department. The bank starts with $36,608.83 deposited by 160 persons of an average of $244. The popula- 17 3 tion of Sherwood is 300. Oh, the Walla Walla Bears They ftre tame as Belgian hares. And their pipes won't burst with boasting any more, For they met their WaterlooeB When they scrapped the Buckarooes, And all is sadness where gladness Just before. From Fandom Epics. itn both teams nlayine malor nague article of ball, the Pendleton Jiuckarooes yesterday administered their second and deciding defeat to tne Walla Walla Bears, shutting the fur coated players out of anv runs so that the score at the final gong moon. to 0. victory came to the lo cals not as the result of chance or Dasebaii luck, but as a hard earned portion and there can be no Just howl emanate from the camn of the Oar ncn city fans. Joe Berger and "Mysterious1 Mitchell opposed each other on the slab and the contest early developed into a pitchers' duel for both were re ceiving errorless support. In this battle of benders, the local twlrler proved himself the superior to the man who once enjoyed a meteoric passage across the baseball firma ment, for, during the whole nine In nings, he allowed but one lone hit that coming in the ninth after the game was won. Although a hard "lugging array of batters faced him his slants could never be found and assisted by the clever Keneralshln of -aicner Keere, time and again com pletely baffled the men with the wil Mystery Is Solved. The great mystery, on the other hand, was solved by the local stick ers In the eighth Inning and the so lution was complete. Up until that Walla Walla In their last inning strove valiantly to even matters up but after getting a man to third hopes were blasted when Nevins' pretty jeg " me piaie miied tne score they sin. nave nau. Two umpires operated in the gum jesieraay, Roberts officiating ut ti-.e Plate and Buerstatte on the bases. Throughout the game there was but l ttle ragging at decisions but from the way Roberts started it looked as 11 me locals would get a chance to howl until doomsday. Beck, second man up for the Bears ln the opening oumeu, me ban rising a few feet from the ground. Nobody knows juhi now Dut Keere lunged forward and caught the ball before it struck the earth and tossed it to Berger af ter he had picked himself out of the dirt. It was a wonderful catch and he was given a great ovation by the oul oespite the fact that the caicn was apparent to all, Roberts de- cmrea tnat he had not seen It and allowed the runner to stay on first thus giving him the credit of . t.i.' Thn ntilv T-i .vviuno merger naa was w. mime, oui tne next two batters which he did to the queen's taste. Tabulated Scnm Pendleton. AB R IB PO A E Bls. If 4 1 1 0 n n v.,,i . . T . m " " "'. id 4 0 0 0 3 1 rweeie, c 4 0 Dickson, 3b 4 0 Berger, p 3 0 Whitten, ss 3 1 Sturgls, rf 2 0 Shaffer, cf 3 1 Clark, lb ....8 1 29 0 2 24 11 Score by Innings. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 Pendleton R 0000000 H 001T000 W. W. ...R 0000000 H 1000000 Summary. Earned runs Pendleton 4. Two base hits Shaffer. Three base hits Bliss. Home runs None. Sacrifice hits Sturgls. Stolen bases Beck. First on balls None. Struck out By Berger Mitchell 7. Left on bases Pendleton 3, Walla Walla 3. Double plays None. Wild pitches None. . ; Passed balls by Pembrook. First base on errors Pendleton l; Walla Walla 1. Hit by Pitcher Harmon. Time of game 1 hour 40 minutes. Umpire Buerstatte and Roberts. Scorer Chessman, .. 10; by 9 2 0 2 0 1 11 ECHO TEAM WINS FROM PHXT ROCK An nftgrentlon of Echo ball tossers def, ai-.l th - l'i ..t Rock team in a fan B.iiiie at t;iL former place Sun day afternoon, by the close score of 2 to 1. Davis, Carrol and McGlnnls of the Pendleton Round-ups were In cluded in tho line-up of the Pilot Rock team. "J TORIOIIS TWO GAMES SUNDAY Total 30 4 6 27 11 1 Walla Walla. AB R in pn a w Blackman, 8b . . . 4 0 0.0 3 0 'i zd 4 0 1 2 4 1 Harmon, If 3 a a 1 a a "loan, SS 3 0 0 0 Pembrook, c 8 0 0 7 Parkes, cf 8 0 0 1 Mitchell, p 3 0 0 0 (Special Correspondence.) Helix, Ore., June 12. The Helix ball team played two games here yes terday and came out victorious in both contests. In the morning the dfeate1 the Wallula aggrega tion by tho score of 9 to 6 In an ex citing and Interesting nnti t the afternoon the Helix lads further demonstrated their baseball ability by winning a hard foncrh k.m. . , . ... 0 " 1 1 Will tne Athena second team. th fini count being 20 to 19. Captain Knight of the local team is a veteran at the gam0 and has rounded Into shape a fast bunch of ball tossers Homegrown Berries. Qoldendnle, Wash The first home grown strawberries were put on the market here Saturday. County Com missioner C. O. Barnes. -a,hn 1. u. largest local grower, says the crop Is not seriously damaged by the cold weather ln May. Tha rir rioi,i- sold for $3 a crate, but growers are booking orders for berries for can, . ning purposes at $2.