East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 12, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    a - eCt' i'te&w,,
For The Week Starting To
morrow Morning
1 000 pairs pumps and oxfords in
patent, gun metal, Suede and kid.
Black and tan. Notice the following
prices then act at once. -
All $3.'.0 Oxfords uud Pumps ,. $2.90
All $1.00 Oxfords and rumps :. $3.15
All $1.50 Oxfords and Tumps $3.45
All $5.00 Oxfords and rumps $3.G5
300 pairs last season's Oxfords in black and tan, button
and lace, patent and kid. 1 tegular price $3.50 and $-1.00
v to close out at - $1.50
Don't Overlook Our $ I Shoe Counter
July Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready.
See Unc & Son for itgns.
- PnsMtnt pictures phase ail.
Dutch Henry fr ("!. Main 178.
V.'ah papi t, paints, etc. 4.ane & Ten
Front office f"r rent In Judd build
ing. F. E. Judd.
Lost Pair "f black kid gloves. Ro-
tuni to this office-.
Wanted Plain t" -wing. Appi? 308
S.U'.h L'llcth street.
Vh no Plnto.-dor fur fresh meat
end lnrd. Main 445.
Wan! 1--chic or iv.o f,nnl.-hed
ro-mii Ad.lnsj ".I " .is office.
K erybudy g o i to t'u rp!u-um to
.o the Ik ft mid th- rlcarert picture.
rv.e,i olii.-k-iis Friday and Sat
urday hi the Ca-h Mikct,
Main 101.
The Swiss Bellringers, In fnct play
vis of all kinds of musical Instruments
nt the Christian church Wednesday
evening s p. in.
Meat! Meat! Meat! If It's on the
mark- t, It's Ik re. Farmers' Moat
"'., Conraj Platzooder, manager,
U. C. Macleod of Walla Walla Is a
Pendleton visitor.
Charles McAlavy of Helix was In
the city yesterday.
O. D. Teel of Echo, was a Pendle
ton visitor yesterday.
Mr. ihU Mrs. H. C. Rogers of Echo
are visitors In the city today.
J. A. McLaughlin of Gurdane is a
business visitor in the city today.
Ernest Wells of Athena was among
the rooters at the game here yesterday.
J. W. Henslolgh, Echo lawyer, is
transacting business at the county
S. A. Lamey and wife of La Grande
were registered at the Pendleton yes
terday. Ernest Sklles came down yesterday
from Walla Walla to see the game in
this city.
Glen McCullough came-up from
Stanfleld yesterday to take in the
ball game. '
Dr. C. J. Smith has returned from
Portland where he attended the Rose
J. T. Illnkle, the Hermiston attor
ney, Is transacting business at the
county seat today.
Ben Hill, ' formerly a lumberman
of this city, was over from the Garden
City yesterday.
Charles Marsh returned to Pendle
ton last evening after celebrating for
a few days in Portland.
W. L. Thompson, president of the
American National bunk, has returned
from the Rose Festival.
Gerald StHnfieltl was among the
out of town fans who came into see
the game here yesterday.
E W. McComas returned from Port-
hand last cvenfh- after participating
In the festivities of last week.
Fny I.e Grow, prominent Weston
resident, came down yesterday to see
Walla Walla led to the slaughter.
Attorney Fred Wilson of Athena, re.
sas City, left this morning for Pen
dleton on a short visit and from there
they will go to Portland.
C. F. Walker shipped four carloads
of beef cattle to Seattle Saturday from
the O.-W. R. ..& N. yards at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hattlcr arrived
Friday from Kansas City, Mo. They
came on No. 17 ind were carried
through to Umatilla and returned to
Echo this morning orrthe motor. They
will visit with Mrs. Stalter's brother,
J. F. Young.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin
spent Saturday In Pendleton visiting
with friends.
W. W. Whltworth has returned from
a business trip to Napa, Wash.
Attorney J. T. Hinkle of Hermiston,
was a "business visitor here Friday.
Master Frank Baker left Friday
morning for Pilot Rock with his
grandpa. John Cummings, who had
been visiting here.
Miss Nellie Breasf, who has been
visiting here the past ten days with
Mrs. Ella Baker, has returned to her
home at Blalock Islancr.,
Louis Scholl, Jr., left for The
Dalles Saturday morning.
Mesdames Kecler, Ward and
Horsch were among those visiting in
Pendleton Saturday.
::i E. Court stre t, phono Main 4 4 5.
Y"u- ne.nev (llk if not more than: turned from Portland lat evening a
v..dl plowed vl-h the Musical Eck- j tl'1' witnessing K''' I o-tival.
ha rots nt Chri-t an church Wodios-' Dr. E. J. Sommervlllo and Attorney
ili.v S p. in. Admission E0 and 35c. j J. H. Kali y w
Fur Palo One of the finest new, j
.-; t i . ! - m nl ii hotel and apartment
Deserved Compensation. j
"Booth Tarkington is very difficult !
to please in matters theatrical," said j
a famous Philadelphia novelist. "Tar
kington was visiting me here during
the run 'of one of his plays and after
dinner one evening we sauntered to
the theater. But the doorkeeper did
not know us and for some little time
refused to let us in. Finally, though,
Tarkington's identity was establish- j
ed and we were conducted to a stage
"The performance wasn't up to J
much. Tarkington fidgeted In his j
chair and at the end of the first act j
suggested that we go. On our way!
out I saw my illustrious friend peer-!
itifr anxiously about the lobby.
" 'What are you looking for? I
" 'I'm looking." said Tarkington,
'fur that chap who wouldn't .let us In.
I want to give him a quarter."
York Press.
$1.85 $1.85
For $3.50, $3 and $2.50
Pumps and Oxfords
We are closing out what we have
left of last seasons $3.50 oxfords
and pumps for $1 .85 and this
seasons $3 and $2.50 pumps
and oxfords for $1.85
The price for any of the bunch is
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
nuong 'those who ru-
tumed fr..ni Portland last evening.
Eil K'H'iitz, a member of the West-
The warm humidity for ripening
California oranges is produced by
electric immersion coils which give
t!v; necessary steam vapor.
h..u. in the city of Spokane. We on banking force, was
.iv. n tlie base mi l furniture. This f ins . '. t'.u- - ii r
h.-ii-r iif's 22,: per month. A bar- : Urnm.
v.n a' .m'.'oii part cash, balance, to I'l'o-s pnirgf l
su'i. Addivss owner. Prop. Mer-' t ve niT.tr afte
among t;io ,
i.-torday af- j
a id
ii ll.it -i. Ave. Spokan
,r lines w ill make you Independ-" ! Wi
Why., not buy today while you,
nrn'ng good money. It is very!
asy to s:iy I don't want any of that!
in in. no but )e'V often have you had
n a ery few
ng. "T had a
r .y vour chi.li'iis for Sunday's , chan.-e to buy mat lor ..') an acre.:
dinner at the n'rul Mont Mark-t. j Now sec v hat it is worth, 3 to $400." .
Me.r.e Main 33. j T.u.sch .. Kickers. ,
. tann .1 from J-. att:
r i-ompMIng his so
u th- l.'n'.v-rsity '
1 " "ll I t!:e cham ' to buy an 1
l v. r iv t'iii-l on: si if say
F '.'l. T K "lVt.i of tiie
lUtaH, conn Ui oil til
li piny to tak
c .in., .it Itt-u:.
i'!.rk V.no.I.
!. : : , 1
li t
Per.'lb ton's favorite picture tho
; r. '('. i pivirrum for Tuos.hiy's
motor y
li tiie iiucKaroo-iv
... .v of the West
I..- base'..
U-. root.
I such scenes. In a way, too. the film
! shows the kind of work the - social
( settlements do. It is not too much
to call the picture educational.
! "American Beauties." A perfectly
! glorious picture of roses and pretty
women. The most artistic film ever
i released.
j "On the Desert's Edge." Essanay.
i Graphic scenes in and about the
, great Mojavo desert make this turn
i notable. Thio is a .sensational west
! orn drama with many thrills. The
love story, with the jealousy of the
iad man gives it a heart touch.
"The Samourai's Epiation." Pathe.
Japanese film d'art. Played by the
lcadine actors from the Royal the-
! ater of Tokio. This picture shows the
I preatopt .struggle ever show n on a
t screen. How an unarmed youth
; overcame a Samouria armed with a
; sword. S
in- ;
T.o( ' (.'cor
W ile!. .'i wan!
oih.-h, pii'-i
r.r.i i..an in
'.ill up y.t'ti To for' MeConrell'K
f-Ni.r--. All kinds of hauling care-'
fully aii.l promitiy runic. :
lTvelj ti-.Iiig tiiot's nu.l to eat, in I
nits;, and nr... erioa at the Cash!
M. i ;. !, i h .re Main 10!. j
F r 1 : i t - Ti'i'oo f.jrnl-he, ,,r,Use-
ke. p:ni' rone, (;..- trie lii:ht. and gas.'
No i h ! 1 r n. 7 ' ' 1 Tiinmpson.
.-'I' ( ial ra!' S in h'.rseK boarded by i
th,. w.ek r month at th Commercial,
I'arn. C-."1 Aura street. Phone Main 13
For sal' I Co lv home tea 1, j
nearly nil goon iiiiif'r in'imit ( a..
ndilres.s 107 Carfel.l s'ro't, Pen die-1
ton. J
Employment (ffice, ba;.:i;agi: chick-; i'u-to:nei
sil PI
Do It."
n ) rc-s wag-m
to i;...i. siai.uier at
Main fill. All kinds;
t. ri
:' h
1 roll, is
1 1(. m. slic
i:d luavy liaulititr.
ai d nirtngU' till?
I. a iiiiih y.
:.. i to in
.y iiini'iiin
i:,o.ar W.
l and Mi
l.'aiversi : ;
ra tae
!. ,o
lis i :
..; i n-e- u. i :
U'I..l.. 1 y- 'e!
In-, all i Mis
11. - Y.-U.-h
i ..tiipricimr a
t.irio.i to 1'. mi
Mi-- !,o;ia "
. ity lilo.iry. i'e.
I : i , V. ston v. i.
lri liiix Moi'm- foi Sale. I ,. th,. -on -i i t
K..,- :;i:-vt '.'ire single driving, Mil.,,.,.
h.n so, carriage and harness. Call " i v, ),.. Icill tea in
. r phone. Kel t Whitman at Cash Moat -.',,,.,!. w,.r,.
i,,Mi fan- at nu:, FcinU. 'ton-Walla
' Wall.t k one . .-lel'tiay.
WuntlM. j T.,,.. u.t.l.r n slii.tel.l at the
llilh. .Ml'-. ; . i
L'na .-'alith j IS
-e Festival party, re- j Th
i ton last evei.il p. a !
..I, lii.i.uian . the j mi'
n la d this inoinin:;! '
re she spent i-nnday j Toi
.iil-s Viva Warr.-n.
i Si.iniiihl of the
and Ma- nt .hick
among th" .nU-of-
1. "The Quarrel on the Clyiff." This
f :i s taken l y the Edison Co. In
Cuba. It dc-ais with tiie old eternal
trie i. vie hut is w-. rlre.l out n'ong novel
, ! iv. This film abounds in beau-
'fui .-.in.- and the r- soue from tho'l- a bandit but he
; bi.n.k wa:; or the cliff is one of the , thai ho has a mire
' vi..-t int-restins and sensational while resisting arr
-:l'.;s tiie I have been thrown on the
-.a . .en f r some time.
" "Tie Kankfui.t." "C.aumont. A
I ! .. ! iV-.a'i.i. Tiie s'.orv '.- clear, act
! , i ,p;e t ai. 1 n.iturally.
j :i. "1 'ihargiv.;.' t.c Cook." S--H:r
U a si-.l' :"ii"k i, oin. oy in wl.i. h
nil pup and tl eii.ti.t:;y of ilyna
c p:,y import:. lit p-iris.
. "D,-;.r. Kind Hubby." S-lie.
a shoii, snapjiy comedy, dlus-
The Cosy.
Fine program for Monday
"Shifty's Claim." Bison.
.vr't- s his sister
Shifty is hi'.lod
t and whof. his
tcr comes to visit him she is to'.d
he died in a mine explosicjn. The
way in which the sheriff and the
boys kept up the bluff Is very Inter
esting anj the end is both funny and
expected. A great western drama.
"The Voice of His Conscience." So
lax. Old Squire Mosher has a scuffle
with a young man and accidentally
falls on a knife, killing himself, but
the young fellow is accused of the
crime. A series of dramatic situations
follow, leading up to a final vindi
cation. A finely colored film of un- .
usual interest.
"The Rival Artists." Some art crit
ics were icj to praise tne worn or an
unknown artist, whom previously they
had roasted, thinking all the time
they were looking at the work of a
famous artist. Their discomfiture
can bo imagined on discovering their
mistake. A love story '3 interwoven
and the denouement is a good end
in?. .
"A Tale of Ebon Tints." Reliance.
This is a powerful drama by tho well
known Reliance company. As in the
ease- with all thc-r stories, there are .
iv. any intensely dramat'c situations
that compel your closest attention.
StipTb a.tin? ar.J fine- c.lirir.j in
this picture.
1 SFICtji8CJ!iil
tr i ting h'
for a
Ctl, head.piarters for n. wsp.ipers.
tieo. U. Ixmolt cigar store. 12 1 Main
For Relit Modern five room cot
tag", furnished housekeeping rooms,
also furnithid rooms. Inquire E02
Water street.
The East Orcgonlan is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads
anil the people appreciate It and show
it by their liberal patronage.
If you want to move, call Penland
Bros., Transfer, phone 3391. Large
dyiy moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
You can't burn slate and gravel!
Don't try it. Phone putch Henry,
Main 13. for clean screened Rock
Springs coal cither lump or nut. It
burns clean anil goes further.
For sale 160 acres choice timber
land In Wallowa county 10 miles from
Wallowa. Fir, blue pine nnd tamar
ack. Call on or address J. A. Joyce,
Pendleton, Ore.
Passengers to Portland can save
money nnd nt the same time- have an
cnjoyablo river ride by taking boat
from The Dalles. Sir. Bailey C.atzert
leave dally, i xcept Friday and Sun
day at 3:30 p. m., arrives in Port
land 9:30. Fare $1.00.
bout five hundred
best ever
of slab wood, the
1 ., Pendleton.
! 1'niversitv of Colorado, arrived
The I.ot Yet.
We have just finished sawing about
u thousand cords of the best slab
wood ever shipped to Pendleton.
These slabs we would like to move
In order to make room for additional
stock. Come and see us and make ar
rangements for your summer fuel
while the quality is excellent and the
prices right.
Attention Knights.
Damon Lodge N'o. 4 K. of P. will
hold Memorial services this evening
also work in the first rank. All
Knights 1 lease attend.
1). 1 WAFFLE, C. C.
Koeppens j
For Ico Croam Sodas Thai
Try Oar
"The brut mntle."
Ico Cream Sundae
One of onr most popular
Fresh St ra wherries sen-eel
with ico cream.
Once a patron, always a pat
ron, at
; in Lodge NidglM or Pytlihw. As
toria. Ore., .limo 20-21, 1911.
For the above occasion, the O.-W.
It. N. Co. will sell low round trip
tickets from nil points including
branches nt Special Low Round Trip
Tickets will be sold June IS and 19,
good for return until June 24th. The
splendid Excursion Steamer "T. J.
Potter" has been chartered for this
occasion, nnd will leave Portland
from Ash Street dock at 11:00 p. m.,
June ltMh, returning from Astoria
midnight June 21st.
Delegates are urgently requested
to make reservations for sleeping ac
commodations either through local
Agents or C. W., Stinger, City Ticket
Agent, 3rd anil Washington Streets.
Portland, Oregon.
For detailed fare from nny station,
call on any O.-W. R & N. agent.
1', n.lh ton to, lay from Denver to visit
his sister Mrs. A. C. Hampton and
to spend the summer In a Fmatilla
i ouniy w heat fi al.
Elmer Kennedy, formerly publish
er of the Baker Herald, is in Pendle
ton i. n his return from California
where he lias been for several months
lor his health. He has improved to
a considerable extent.
Principal and Mrs. A. C. Hampton,
who accompanied the high school de
bating team to Eugene, returned home
last evening after visiting in Portland
and Monmouth on their trip back.
Mr. Hampton will at once assume his
duties at the First National bank.
a business man goes about
cook'ng a dinner. After several at
tempts he tch-phonos for a cook and
j .y again reigns supreme. t
... "Sailor Jack's Reformation." Ka
li 'ii. A story of the Salvation army.
In point of moral and dramatic worth
Cos. 1- one of the best stories ever
told. M ss Gene Gauntior as Capt.
Agues. j
r rt -
3 r? r1 w
Do you read the Bant Orcgonlan T
t1 muiwuamrMKmi&E&KB&imwija
As soon ns you notice
tlio nppotlto lagtriiiR
ingestion iMVomhiK weak
bowels costive, tnUe
(Special Correspond ence.)
Echo, Ore.. June 12. The wool
scouring mill is running with a full
crew of nu n. Two carloads of wool
has just been received from Starbuek,
Wash, to be cleaned.
Quite a number of enthusiastic
baseball fans went up from here yes
terday on the motor to attend the
game played at Pendleton.
C. S. Mudge returned Friday from
a two weeks' visit with his family in
Mrs. Louis Scholl, Jr., was a pas
senger on the local to The Dalles this
Messrs. Ward, Lewis and Watson
spent yesterday fishing on Meacham
creek. They reported a good catch
of trout.
Miss Agnes Donahue, our popular
telephone girl is back from the Rose
Antone Vcy returned Saturday from
a business trip to Pendleton.
Mrs. D. C. Knowlton has returned
t.) her homo In rendleton after a
week's visit with her daughter, Mrs.
S. T. Roberts, of this place.
Mrs, H. MoCormiok loft Saturday
for a week's visit with her son who
is nt The Dalles.
F. T. George arrived this morning
from a short business trip to Port
land. Ed Marshall of rendleton was a
business visitor here on Saturdny.
L. A. Estab nnd wife aro transact
ing business in rendleton today,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Salted of Kan-
The Pastime.
The house of quality. A big special .
for Tuesday's change. A picture that
every one is interest in, the "Life of
Count Leo Tolstoi." Pathe. An in- ,
foresting and intimate view of the
most loved man Russia ever yroducd.
Rotter than a biography. A closer in
sight Into the character and every
day habits of this great man. h's
family, his home, his philanthropy ,
nnd his recreation may be obtained j
from this film than by any other
means. Learn thus to know one of
the world's greatest figures. !
"The Angel fit the Slums." Lubin. j
This well told story has for Its heroine
a young woman settlement worker.
She saves a th'ef ami induces him
to become a man. The views of slum
life are characteristic and are inter
esting to audiences unfamiliar with
Quality-quality first, last and all the
time is the watchword in the produc
tion of City Brewrery Beer
m) necessary to
You elo not fiiul it hu-kinr in that "life
C'ive it t ho require 1 ztst.
You assUt in piwiilino; employment for home labor, huild
insr up your home city and jupportiiiir institutions that place
money in circulation here, when you buy home products in
preference to those that are shipped iu.
When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at
the following places:
YV. d. Bo.aart. Prop. 'Anton Kraft. Prop.
Paul Jleinmelirarn. Prop. If. ,T. Latourelle. Trop.
.!. II. Tavlor. Prop.
Concrete Blocks-Ooocete Mfok
The Most Modern and Most Substantial Building
Material-More Comfortable, and Cheaper in the end
Save Yoursell
Concrete Blocks and re-in-forced
concrete aro cheaper
and far more satisfactory.
Make prettier work when
finished and give the great
est comfort in either hot or
cold weather.
Give Yourself
Siv my many beautiful de
signs for Basements, House
Foundations, Walls, Fences.
Curbing. Building Trim
mings and Cemetery Fences.
Thev crow stronger with age.
Estimates Furnished on Application
I'licno Black 37 SO.
Pond leton, Oregon.
Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Con crote Work..
14 "Si ffff i8rrwgTv-Teyrr'
"'N "N-e'