r.vr.K roru 0A1LY EAST OHE(i()MAJ(, I'EXm.ETOX, OUEC.OX, MONDAY, JEXE 12. 1011. PQPT PAQBi AN IXPEPKNUENV fiW8 TAPER. rstiliatiMl l'aily ami Suil Weekly at dletuu, Oregon, by the AST OKlCUOMAN lTBLISBINa CO, SVUSCUlITiOX KATES. Mliy. one year, by wail ba.ly, en lounilu, by oiatl 2.60 Dally, turee tuoutUs. by tuall 1. 15 Daily, one month, by mail 50 IaUy, one yenr, by carrier 7.50 Welly, six nuiDitis, by carrier S.T3 l'4y three months, by carrier 1.95 Iaay, one mouth, by carrier 5 itial Weekly, one yar, by mall 1.50 nil-Weekly, nix niobtaa. by mall 75 cult-Weekly, tour moutua. by mall... .50 for long 1 m the- time Is fast approach ing w lion they will develop Into pos sessions of inestimable wealth. Irri gation Is now past its experimental slago and the wonders it can perforin are just beginning to be appreciated There is a great deal of water in the enmity allowed to go to waste at pres- $5 00 11 nlt miu n f belongs to the set- rh Hally East Oregonlao ! kept on aait t the llregon Xewa Co., 829 Morrlaon treet, Portland. Oregon. Northwest Xetca Co., Portland. Oregon. ( hlcago Kurean, 00S Security Building. Washington, O. , Kureau, 501 Four Utath atreet. N. W. Member Un.d Fresa Aaaoclatlon. Entered at the postofrlc-e at Pendleton, Oregon, aa cecond clasa mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official City and Connty Taper. W HAT IS BEST. It's wiser being good than bad; It's safer being meek than fierce; . It's fitter being sane than mad. My own hope is a sun will fierce tiers and they should not allow them selves to be deprived of their rights t it through carelessness In their defense. Carrie Nation is no more, and li quor men over the country will heave a sigh! of relief. Hut if. by the vir tue of providence, the famous hatchet vii lder should be dispatched to the realm which is popularly supposed to be the ultimate destination of all sa loonmen, she may yet prove n terror to these men, for it is hard to believe that the Evil One would not enlist her services in punishing these dis pensers ol "debauching water." None will deny that it has been tropical in Pendleton for the past few days, but, after reading the accounts o," the great suffering from the heat iu the eastern states, local people lean still call this city "the hlessed." - With the convention of the state j veterinai ics in this city, during the ; llound-un there should be plenty of lii st aid" to injured eqtiines. The thickest cloud earth ever ! V stretched; That after last first, Though a wide rompas returns the round be fetched; That what began best can't t ml worst. Not what ilod blessed once prove accurst. ;; Robert r.rowr.itig. I It certainly looks as if the Fourth " ' July mnniiltee will fulfill all promises. The l'u. kanes won a great tri umph veMer.iay and they aid it in ih- of the f.isiest games of the ea- t'.e. the" YValla Walla Union to or.'.rarv r-t withstanding. -. n CURE OLD Every person afflicted with nn old sore realizes, sooner or later, that the ulcer exists because of bad blood; the character and condition of the place depending on the nature of the blood infection. Virulent impurities in the circulation produce angry, discharging ulcers, while milder, inert germs are usually manifested in the lorm ot indolent sores or dry, scabby places. External treatment can never cure an internal trouble, therefore no one snowa oepenn upon smvo, wusnta, lotions, etc., alone to cure a chronic sore. It is necessary to remove the cause before the place can heal. S.S. S. heals Old Sores by going down into the circulation and removing the impurities and germs which are responsible for the place. In addition to purifying the blood S.S.S. enriches this vital fluid so" that the irritated flesh around an old sore is naturally and thoroughly stimulated, and a permanent cure results, because every morbid influence has been removed. 4. 4. 4. is the best of all blood purifiers and therefore a natural remedy for old sores. Book on Sores and Ulcers and medical advice free. 4.4.4. is sold at drun stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC C0 ATLANTA, CA. Ii zall team and were chums nt school. Ons afternoon Mr. Fiery and Profes sor Zuehlin went to Evanston to play golf. The professor Is almost an ex pert at the game. lie was constantly addressed as "professor." Finally Mr. Fiery's cadd.es whispered to him: "Is he a professor of golf?" "Oh, no. my boy." Mr. Fiery ans wered, "he's a professor in n univer sity." The caddie studied a moment and then said, with a decided show of dis appointment: "Shucks, is that all?" Kansas City Star. to search long and deep to come across another M.. P. whose career has been so demonstrably useful and constructive. From. MeClures. 1' V IUMMI1I K rKACTK K. Every j-.ts-'Ii ,i i !- a '"rimd . . University of Or.o's ttts! l.i-'in-uca-.io::, -v ry ; : , .i v;. . i .', : th :m una the; : 1 il ii.b oiiu the ri !it'g Mid driving c;n! : - ' nidations. ' J I ! III-TOP.Y. r. h iindt r I.ouis r-T'-.o Pr'rce d.;- Cnde" v the first ::nd oii'.y t lis campaign;;. - Uy. )b.ii-e ; ! -x. su;-, ! n to oppose the . i .!. of Y,v !;. : tts:-,, who w.k in a rl .i t.. i kin?. JOHN 1SCUXS. A change began to come over John Fums when he was elected to the London common council. The agi tator turned by degrees into the ad ministrator, lie was the only labor j represeni'auve on the council, and li s experience, sanity, and good hu mor ii'.iickiy made themselves fell, lie proved himself nn indefatigable councillor, inspecting and inquiring int.) everything on his own account, and securing m'onii after reform :n the treatment and wages of the councd's em;!oy,s the conditions of . rJi Ff5" I .lie ' 1 the pr. vision o p: ks, a-jlums, public :'.'!!! sir, t t tar s s at' I :S 1 1..-' i '.Veii !T1! - rks Quality Counts n LUMBER Wi Il I ' a-i v. ;is Pi anythi:.,' tls are sure that if you will i-x-amine our sto.k. you will fin 1 t'.at voa , aa :;,,, luiTiber, t-ri' '':' mill.- 1. rs cheaply as yea c.m ' "ff -ra mat. rial lnvii v. to vi-oi ii' j ::-.; Ml ! look over Olrl' st"l'k l'"i'on I- ' .'.'-.x ynr p-.rcha:.-s. We I For Sale 2 1-2 miles east ot Pilot Hock on Stewart creek, 640 acres of good wheat and al falfa land, lots of water, fair improvements, for the small price of J23.00 per acre. Land selling all around this farm for $30.00 per acre. The reason this land is of fered so cheap Is on account of the owners wanting all cash must be sold within the next 60 days. For further particulars call or address D. Kemler 210 W. Tendleton, Bluff St. Oregon. Hotel St. George -. Bar GEO. PAKVEAI-, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mens Resort. Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Lloiuors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. rpheum Theatr 4. f. msdiwicb, mroprwM HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE;MOTION riCTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGKAM EV TODAY "S PAPKH. rrnjrram Cbsri o Tarmlmj'M and Frldtjni wutiMWi i m hi. ill f,iMi ii i .in iaj is j 'ni'wii m ii 'uiawiiw nn.iL PKXDI.KTOX'S rOlM-LAK JMCTniK PAIM.OKS 6 :OSY v- a t ! 1 f 1 I r ti it difference imposs.ble; 1:3 -YAH8- Wl;t-r' (li'in- family can , ni-.y n liiuli clii.-;-; ni'iiion i , -lure Amw with ci'iiifurt. rrx. i'atiios, sci:.i(. Tiii;ii.i.r(; all ri:oiM:wi.Y .mixi:d. O;.:! Aft. riioAn 6.- Kv,-. "I,;.i,r. Sun.. M..n.. Wet, Fri. 'or 7. (!, or.;.- If..!- .'. r, awl 10 A. ! I. Ct; r 'TJi'.vrw f 1 1 ii . 1 1 s n orJi. rki.-ii ; ii 1" i iv 1 iv ; f be ir.iiot-.i t: !-.i!o-. N. tin:4 oi r u;e t" ; -A.. i It i- a t-.:ii, l,!..-v to tri.niei.t, .- .o li c: i ' 1 1 i : . : : i ri-'iit . th.- ! !. oi. ia;;.. .1 u -t now th.- eyes r.f the I. alio;: ii dir-iteil to Oregon, pioneer i'l the fi.-M of ,. Eressive 1 -isiarion, and the succe.---or failure- which attends her venture will be a great factor in determining whether 01 r.ot her sisters shall fol low the . trail she has blazed. The man, therefore, who deliberately un dertakes to beset her path' with trap" and pitfalls, to encompass her in4ber uncerta'n steps w'.th lurking dangers Is a foe that should be dealt with Be Vtrely in the beginning. The guilt of the perpetrators of this outrage is only the more reprehensi ble because it was calculated to de prive one of the worthiest lnstitutioii. ln the state of needed financial aid. There were men. undoubtedly, who fcigned those petitions in good faith, who were conscientious in their en deavors to hold up the needed appro priations, and, however much, they may be criticise, f..r tiieir judgment, honesty was at least their portion. But the men who stooped to practice fraud in their efforts to hamper an institution of higher learning arc robbed of this redeeming tloth and brand themselves not only as habitual crooks and insidious foes of popular government but as dastardly enemies of education ::s well. And, what ever the motive that impelled them to their underhand practices, whether they did so to discredit the progressive laws of the state or to Impede the t-'ni versify r.f Oregon or for any other purpose, tin y should be made , to know that the people of the state will not tolerate such criminal conduct and can nnd will protect their laws and their Institutions. I k'.h Tl alv M 1 : 1 IIGIIT I 'Oil TIIK IIIOILTS. Now that the time Is near at hnnd vhen a large number of the water rights in Umatilla county are to be adjudicated it behoov the owners of 1M Insurrection at Prasu-, IJ.- hernia, Hie Prince.- of WitiU.schgra etz si-.ot l,y the Insurgents. I 104 Ci-n. ral (Irani Commenced j to take ids forces across tile James ; Jtiver, so as to attack I'Jchmond ! from the south. I lS6s Heverly Johnson confirmed ! as minister to England. The house agreed to the senate's amendments to the southern restora tion bill by 111 votes to 23. 1SS0 Steamer carying the obelisk known as "i.'lenpatra's Needle" de stined for the United States, sa'ls from Alexandria Egypt; it arived at New Yolk harbor July lHh following. 1 910 P: ince Fushimi of Japan vis ited Boston. A DISAPPOINTED CADDIE. When Professor Charles Zubelin of Harvard waes last in Kansas City he immediately sought out L. II. Fiery, assistant manager of the Coates house who was his boyhood friend. They had played on the same college base- CASTOR! A Fim IiioUtt td Ir-iiriiiin Jto KM Yin Ha,'e Always 3ougi Hars J4.ttatai such rights to see that their raes are' fully nnd completely presented so that j they are not wrnnefullv deprived of any part of nn asset which will prove. Increasingly valuable as the years roll on. These rights have lab dormant ' Who WIS the in At Snyder Music Store U Honia Luxuries 3 re of u.ai.y klr. lv, !,ut we m:ke a luxury out of a necessity. h 33th Rooms we use the greatest precau tion to Install only the latest and trfot sanitary appliances. Bah Tubs and s!l Plufflbhe: from this shop Is the best ob tainable. Satisfactory estimates on now or repair work at Pendleton's only exclusive plumbing shop Corner Court and Garden Phone Black 3556. Sts. .1 because of their j.erfec't purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goods in our establishment. Every brand of Ll'iuor has been carefully mellowed by age, pure ly distilled, and Is fully guaran teed by us. The same way with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines nnd every article we handle. You get more tlian your money's worth In quantity nnd quality. The Oly mpia Bar Phone Main 1SS. and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177 PETERS H MOKItlSOX," Prop. Known For Its Strength First Naiiona Vk a 35 Cri PENDLETDH. IGHEGGK CAFITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . RESOURCES OVER SECURITY DO NOT FORGET when phoning your order for meat, that WK CAI5RY A COM PLETE MNE OE I'ANCV AM) STAI'I.E GISOCEIIIIOS, and our prices ore RIGHT. Fresh fruits a"nd vegetables received dally. "Everything to eat, Groceries and meat." CASH MARKET Cor. E. Court and Johnson SN. Plionc Muln JOt to Hranrla Untitle AivfA sttiavrlc VIUUUV (WI1MV 1J41 VI VUUI UiJ on the INSTALLMENT plan. Tulk with the IVnilloton jiTOple who have visifod these tracts. KILL S IIIB3ERD, OWNERS At ihs offm, of HARK MOOS.HOUSE CO. 1 Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MOKE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and ilhutrnU'd eong in the city. Shrv8 afternoon and eve nings. IMi'wvJ aud en tertaining for the ntiiv family. Nfrt to French. Ttettavrani Entire change tlireti"tiiny "ath week. Bo buto tnJ :c the next change. Adults 10c. Children r.r.d r 10 yearn, 6c. SPECIAL ...OFFER For a Day Two or 4-room cot tape furnished in ji desirohle residence dist rict, only $700. 1800 acres fine farm nnd rnnfic land, 11 head of hrood mares, 2 cowg, chickens, ngi and farinino; iinplcnients. this is one of the hest buv? in the state. 55000 will handle this property. $550 will lmy a neat cot tne on Sycamore street on easy terms. Teutsch (& Bickers Kenl Estate and Insurance. Phono Main f.