DAILY EAST ORECOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1911. PAOB TURn O000OQ000OO00O000O0OO00000000000000O000O0000OO00O00O900O000OCOOGO0OO0O00O0O0CO0O ADoianier iepartaeii. Store I g LP o ! Mm WHITE SALE OF I EIGHT PAGES O O o o o o o o o o o o o Muslih Undergarments, Gingham Petticoats, White and Colored Dresses, Summer Lawns, Shirt Waists, Etc. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOG0000004000000000GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO list g Www 8 mm Mil w o o , o o o o o Gingham Dresses We have but a few left in this line. We make the price so attractive that each and every tlress might to sell the first day. Suit able for afternoon and 6treet wear. Children's Colored Dresses All colors and of bed quality of Gingham ; sizes 2 to 14 years. 1-2 Prico Imported Pongee Pongees have the biggest sale this season ever heard of for years, but this makes no dif ference with us, we will make you ihe price just -the same. $1.2.'. Pongee, 27-in S9 .l.r.O Pongee, S-in $1.05 2.2."Pooiigeo, :5)-in , $1.65 Combination Suits trimmed with pretty laces, embroidery and rib- ' bons; they come in drawers or skirt combina tion and are exceedingly well made and neatly finished. $:J.OO Combination Suit .. $1.50 ii.oO Combination Suits $1.25 2.00 Combination Suits 98 Fancy Neckwear The celebrated KEISEH NECKWEAR for this sale. We include the entire line, some of which have Wn in the house less than a week. Come and see. We are glad to show goods. Muslin Gowns An extra fine line of Muslin Gowns shown in high neck, bishop and low neck slip-over style. Made of fine quality Cambric, Xain sook, trimmed with fine laee., embroideries, ribbons and pin or hemstitched tucks. :j.0O Gowns $1.60 .$2.50 Gowns $1.35 2.00 Gowns $1.15 .$'1.50 Gowns . 95 Gingham Petticoats All new this year's choicest patterns and made of good quality Gingham. A splendid as sortment and priced specially low for this sale. $1.50 Gingham Petticoats 98 $1.25 Gingham Petticoats 73 flit The Progressive Store ALEXANDER DEPARTMENT STORE The Progressive Store PURE FOOD LAW HURT BY RECENT DECISION EXPERTS TIIIXK SIPRE.ME COURTS OPINION' INJURIOUS Ruling in JoIiiihoii case May O.ncn llip Poor to Poloiit Medicine Fakirs of All Descriptions Iiullctuient Wan QiiiikIkxI. the Washington, June 10. That Iure food act has been dealt a se vere blow by the U. S. supreme court and that the manner In which It is being administered may not be sus tained by that body Is the opinion of experts who have examined the de cision In the cub of O. A. Johnson. The court handed down the opinion on the day of adjournment and it was lost sight of in the furore over the tobacco trust and other cases, but it Is regarded as the most Important ruling of the court ever made in. Con ner ir.Ti with the J?'.!r? food, law, as It the harmfulness of drugs In foods, I which formerly was in Dr. Wiley's' hands, and Secretary Wilson put So licitor McCabe over him In all mat ters relating to the prosecution of of fenders. Incidentally he received something more than an Intimation that the leas heard from him the bet ter his superiors would be pleased. In fact, so far has the suppression of Dr. Wiley been carried that he is for bidden to consult with or advise dis trict attorneys engaged in prosecut' ing violations of the pure food law who are thus deprived of his exper ience, knowledge and services. Now comes the supreme court and ignoring Secretary Wilson's Remsen board, which has no place In the act, and Solicitor McCabe, who unlike all other "solicitors," is not an official of the department of Justice, but of the department of agriculture, and says that the determination of wheth er an article is mlsbranded la left by the law to Dr. Wiley's bureau of chemlBtry. The Inference drawn is that if the occasion arises the court will also hold that the determination as to whether a food is adulterated, or contains an added poisonous or deleterious Ingredient, is also left to Dr. Wiley's bureau. If this lnfor- In vlulmeJ H practically throtfa Oisen - Crr??t the findings of the ' I - ...111 V. .dm nrA nhm. the doors to patent medicine manu facturers and fakirs of all descrip tions. Johnson was indicted for rep resenting us a cancer cure a compound which he well knew to be worthless for that purpose. The lower court held that the uct did not apply to claims made as to the curative pow ers nnd quashed the Indictment, which action wus sustained by thft- upreme court. In a dissenting Opinion Jus tire Hughes, with Justices Harlan and Day, pointed Out that under this con struction one could place on the mar kit tablets of inert matter or a li quid which he well know to be whol ly worthless for any curative purpos es, with the label "Cancer Cure," or "Remedy for Epilepsy," and not be guilty of any offense. Justice Hugh , es also called attention to the fact ' that many persons had been prose cuted under the law for making such false representations and that a num ber had pleaded guilty without at tempting to defend themselves. He found nothing In the law which gave such people the privilege of conduct ing "Interstate traffic in their so called medicines, admittedly worth less." Other Points In Opinion. The other point raised grows out of that part of the opinion of Jus tice Holmes for the majority of the court, In which ho says "It should be noticed still further that by section 4 the determination whether an ar ticle is mlsbranded is left to the bu roau of chemistry of the department of agriculture." It is well known that the authority formerly exercised by Dr Wllev and which was placed In his hands by congress has been grad ually curtailed until he cuts about as much figure In the enforcement of the pure food act as if he were In Kamskatchka. The Remsen board was created by a stretch of authority which cracked the law to pass upon Ramsen board will be rendered abso lutely worthless In Jaw whatever they may bo In chemistry, and the bureau of chemistry would be restored to the position of Importance and usefulness it formerly occupied. CENTRAL OREGON CONTINUES ACTIVE MOKE PORTLAND CAPITAL IS BKING INVESTED Sixfctilatiuu Wanes ami Movement Is Directed to Purvliusc of Actual Hoim-Meads lYclinilnury Dicker ing for Wheat Land. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the Bin Head !s of two kinds conceit and the big head that comes from a sick head ache. Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore? Tou can cure it In no time by acting on your liver with Ballard's Herbine. Isn't It worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you'll get A. C. Koeppen & Bros. HEN KIDNAPS KITTENS. Mother Cat Fights for All, but Gets Only Half Rack. Old Monroe, Mo. Clate McCaus- land owns an old tabby cat and a set ting' hen. The cat had four kittens. Tiic hen's eggs failed to hatch. Mrs. Hen became Jealous of Mrs. Cat and there were lively times about the Mccaus land farn for a while, but It was fin ally settled by the pair dividing the care of the kittens. t Mrs. Cat went visiting. ono after noon and Mrs. Hen persuaded the kittens to take refuge under her wings. When Mrs. Cat returned her babies were nowhere in sight. She looked all around for them and fin ally appealed to Virgil Murphy, who lives at the McCauslnnd home. He went to the hen house and hearing a mewing sound emitting from under Mrs. Hen's wings, investigated. Ho found the four kittens. Murphy returned the kittens to Mrs. Cat and Mrs. Hen gave battle. The same thing occurred next day. Upon the hecond repetition the peace pact was arranged. Do you read the Bast OregonlanT Liend, Ore. Through reports come In to tlie interior to the effect that the country at large is experiencing something of a "dull time" as regards real estate movement, activity in central Oregon, while not as decided as earlier in the .year, continues to show a continued interest, on the part of outside capital. In investment in the state's new Inland territory. One of the most noticeable features of tho recent buying and influx of outside capital is the fact that more and more money is now coming from Portland. Hitherto the great major ity of tho money that has found in vestment in Interior Oregon has come' from Washington, and particularly from Seattle. This statement is es pecially true of Bend, It being reck oned that here four dollars have come from the I'uget Sound city to every one that has found its way from Portland. One of the chief rea sons for this condition is the fact that there has been a period of dull ness on the Sound, while Portland money has- found ample opportunity fer profltuble occupation at home. A feature of Central Oregon Invest ment that is of Importance to the de velopment of the country is the fact thut npw less attenion is being di rected to speculation in town property this being superseded by legitimate purchasing of farm properties. A big new field in this direction that rap idly is coming to the front is the homestead land that Is being settled tip to the southeast of Bend. While h will be 10 months before patent is obtained to practically any of this territory, It Is understood that already not a little preliminary dickering is In progress for the purchase and am algamation into large tracts, for wheat-producing purchases, of much of this land. However, title to the majority cf It will not be acquired from the government for five yearn, this being the term of residence re quired for the settlers who are taking up 320-acre homesteads under the Mondell act. Raby'9 Vital Point. Tho most delicate part of a baby is its bowels. Every ailment that It suffers with attacks the bowels, also endangering in most cases the life of the infant. McGee's Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysentary and all de rangements of the stomach or bowels. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The Germans are making progress In the electrification of their rail roads. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "CLEAR UT" I I Isn't it Provoking? MR. MERCHANT lJOW many times have you reached 1 for a letter head, an envelope, a bill head or business card, and found that you were "CLEAR OUT." The occasion for its use may have been of extreme importance to you. Prevent it Occuring Again Just take a few minutes and look over your Prinling Supplies H0W--see if you are likely to be "Clear Out within a short time and, if so, save yourself this embarrassment by ordering your print ing immediately. IP HMO E MAIN H I I nlai o a1 t sn11 nnrl nivo irrtu aarimalaa It- O ncu uc piuowu vr vuu miiu guv juu vouiiiaicoa"ii 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 costs you nothing to consult us o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s o o s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o