DAILY EAST OUHJOMAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1911. EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT Si Ft Fruits md Vegetables the fresh, crisp and jucy kind.' Everything the market offers In fresh fruits and green vegetables is found here first. You'll find our quality highest and prices lowest. Newsy Notes of Pendleton iconomy Jars Just received, largo line of Economy fruit jars, which we are selling at the lowest prices. Tops always on hand. STANDARD GROGERY COMPANY INC. WHERE ALL ARK PLEASED. FRANK O'GARA, Pre. BERNARD O'GARA, Sec-Treas, I ' No Offenders I" Tolls. I Today was another idle day for the , police court as no charges had been I baaked against any offenders. I I I. I.. '1,,1 Mivt The Civic club will hold a meeting in the citv hall tomorrow ufternoon at 3:30 o'clock. I Prof. L.. W. Keeler of Echo is tran sacting business in Pendleton today. Mrs. Jot H. Parkes returned last evening from a short visit to Walla Walla. denied such liberties as have boon grunted him. When searched after his short freedom, a hand full ,of sil ver coin was found in his pockets. Town T.ots Are Sold. By deeds recorded today the north half of lots 7 and 8 in block 1 of Kirk's first addition to Athena were transferred from T. E. Hammersley to A. F. Garrison for ten dollars and other valuable consideration and lots 6 and 7 of block 2 of Whitworth's ad dition to Echo were transferred from F. M. Conner to George H. Copplnger for $800. OUR. GREAT Krnnnlv is Recovering. According to the Portland Oregon i ian, B. E. Kennedy, formerly of this I city, is now there . from southern , California and has so far recovered ! from his rheumatic illness as to be able to walk. REWARD OF $2000 IS OFFERED FOR MCRDERER Corvallis, Or., June 10. The Benton county court has offered $1000 re ward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer or murderers of Mrs. Elizabeth Giffith, who was murdeTed Friday night and thrown Into Rock creek near Philomath. By telephone, Governor West dup licated the reward. Owing to the fact that many people crowded into the house and over the course from the house to the spot where the body was found, bloodhounds could not be used and the county officials were unable to track the murderers. There is no conflict between county oficers and the district attorney and the officials have not been censured locally. Sheriff Gellatly ' stated this noon: ew Farmers' wareiiuusv. The Farmers' Union warehouse I company, which already has several . , , . . . -., . . J grain warehouses scattered over th There is no conflict between District ... nrA th(S m,. tual plan, will construct another warehouse immediately at Vansycle Roiul Petitions Granted. The county court is today still con sidering road petitions which have fairly rained in upon them for the past month. All but three of the eighteen petitions from the west end of the county have been granted but these three were thrown out because of objections filed against them by W. II. Skinner and others. The Gu derian petition was somewhat prema ture as the road viewers had not passed on it and it will have to be held over until next month along with the Couse creek road petition which has stirred up the most heated con troversy of-any. W If i VI 3o Attorney Clark and this office, are working hand in hand to down the murderers." We run station. Y. W. C A. Meetings, New "Vork, June 9. A number of important sectional conferences for ' student, city, rural and Industrial j branches of the Young Women's t Christian Association will be held this j summer, beginning today, with the convening of the southern general j conference at Ashevllle, N. C. .This meeting will continue ten days and ; ful. is expected to result in a great re-; vval of interest in Y. W. C. A. work ! s1Hkane in the southern states. Leading orri eials of the general association from Mrs. Armstrong Very IOW. Sirs. Elizabeth Armstrong. who Is PORTLAND CROWDS BREAK ALL RECORDS Tortland, June 9. With more vis itors in the city than its people ever have been called on to entertain ut one time, the climax of festivities of the week of gaiety was reached yes terday. The city is simply bulging Train Very I.ftte. Tin- Spokane train due here at Pendleton at 2:15 a. m. did not reach this and other cities will address the this city until well towards noon ow- convention. past 91 years of age, is lying in a critical condition at her home in the j west part of the city. She suffered over with the multitudes which have a paralytic stroke three years ago been attracted here from every point from which she had never entirely of the compass for the brilliant page- recovered and a relapse Wednesday antry of the afternoon and evening. nieht has made her recovery doubt-1 Excursion trains, specials and refu- lar trains, with greatly augmented equipment, have been delivering tfte rush of Festival visitors at a pace that the City of Koses never has known before. Bouts and lines have struggled with the task of handling the unprecedented throngs SUIT SALE will continue for the rest of this week We assure you a perfect fit in the latest styles and best suits made for the summer of 1 1 for the above price Remember $15 gives you your choice of any suit in THE BOSTON STORE Do you read the East OregonlanT n k : Pis b$ iH r 4 yjf bi hb? ri iW.X. i V I In the best society the lunch eon goodies used are the kind we sell. That means that when you wish to give your family or friends a treat you show wis dom in choosing from our extensive stock. Our luncheon goodies add to your reputation as a hostess and give increased delight to your family. A selection of all the best and most delicious Is car ried.. You can pick delicacies here to pleat; ALL tastes. MHHMHMaHaWBBMalHHBB WATCH OCR DISPLAY WINDOWS. .HERE ARE SOME OF THE VARIETIES: inir to a derailment near Tekoa. Thi Spokane train which is scheduled to while the hotel and other places for leave here at 7 a m. d!d not leave lodging and entertainment have been until after the arrival of the delayed strained to their capacity. Xo S as it is mad., uu out of the cars' I" all Portland's history there never of the latter ' Iias been such a representation of dis- 1 tingnished guests as there are in the city today at the apex of the carnival glory. I The great Hudson-Fulton celebra tion held in New York in 190'J is rep resented by its executive manager. X lt rul ,1 n rrl whr Hmlnriia thill " . , , , ithe Hose Festival commands a place this afternoon and will probably es- , , , ,. ."" , . ,. ... . ' among the foremost celebrations of laoiusn meir camp m ine oui.sK.ru, The great "Made-in-Can- in Vancouver, B. C, in a couple of weeks, is represented, by Its president. (i)psies Come to Town. i The oulgi board will have close competition during the next few days in preying upon the minds of the su perstitious. Five w agon loads of iti- Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR JUNE LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED LADIES' SUITS PRESSED MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED . MEN'S SUITS PRESSED .ta.eo 1.00 S-.O0 . 75c Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to- date methods. Phone Mutn 109. 200 1-2 E. AIU. circulate about the city and pick up ' what coin they can by fortune tell ing and other means. CLEVER ATTEMPT MADE AT JAIL BREAKING C. S. Douglas, who says he hns never seen anything to approach the Fes tival attractions. J Baker, Ore., June 9. What was one of the cleverest attempts at a The International Apple Show Is Jailbreak ever attempted la this part represented by R. H. Cosgrove, man- 0f the country has Just been made ager and secretary, who says he public by the sheriffs office. Using can't find words strong enough in part of the bedstead and the thin slip of steel In the instep of their Sl nhniig Rhnrnnnnd Tlpnrv TTnffmnn Hobo Steals Coat. A coat was stolen shortly after noon today from near the cleaning works of Van Bowman on west Court street. It had just been cleaned and put out to cry in me sun wnen u Dralse of the floral feast. i evidently discovered by a hobo In need ThB Seattle Golden Potlatch of apparel The theft was reported rr,)reSented by Manager Pace, who to knd Ed Stanley, boxcar thieves In the county jail, from Huntington, fash loned a key to the cell door out of the back of a hair brush. The key worked successfully. Then they used a mirror to locate the bar on the out side of the corridor and gained that. They used another part of the bed stead, a heavy piece of steel sharp ened to a chlsen ana cut a hole through the sheet Iron celling of the Jail isom the top of the cage. They puleld themselves up through this and to the police and they left immedi-, nere with several thousand Seattleltes ately for the Jungles in search of the to witness the remaining events of the man witn tne coat. Teachers' Exams Approaching. week. The Panama-Pacific Expositi on, the Panama California Fair, the New Orleans Mardi Gras, the Hono- County School Superintendent lulu Mid-Winter tournament are all Frank K. Welles is preparing for the represented by official delegates whi regular June teachers' examinations have come here because of the splen- which will be held at the court house , did publicity the Festival has given inclusive, the city. tor loaay s program the Fes- Notice of tival display to the -world of visitors from June 21 to June 24 The examinations will be for state and primary certificates. Notice of the subjects in which examinations, the finest tribute that the West has will be held will be published In this ( ever paid to man's most noble friend paper during ine nexi lew ciays. . ine norse. ine paraue was partici pated in by every section of the Pa- wero about to use a coll of hose to lower themselves 60 feet to the ground when they were Intercepted by Dep uty George Herbert. The key to- the ceil is a largo one and the only time they had to observe It was when th cell door was being locked and un locked. It Is an excellent piece of workmanship. The county Jail Is in at attic of the c6urt house, and the sheriff's ofice says that if the men had been given 20 minutes more they would have escaped. FJght Hour Day for Women. Seattle, Wash., June 9. After to day no woman or girl in the state of Washington employed in any mer cantile, or mechanical establishment, store, shop, laundry, hotel or restaur ant will be permitted to work for more than eight hours in any one day. The new law, effective today, reduces the hours of labor for the fair sex from ten to eight hours. I, Organ Recital Tonight. i XJf o tvnriortQnKlMal mlata the clfic Northwest and conducted under the auspices of the Portland Hunt in Sardines Gooselivers and Truffles Caviar Anchovies Deviled Ham Fancy Salmon Boneless Herring Shrimp Lobsters Crabs Olive Oil Ripe, Green and Stuffed Olives Peanut Butter Pimentoes Pickles, sour, sweet and dill Jellies and Jams Cookies of all kinds. Cheese Gray Pbone Main 2C. Bros. Grocery announcement of the oran recital in I Club and the Riverside Driving as vesterdav'i. issue of this naner was sociation. The finest of thoroughbreds made to read "July 9" Instead of!arawlns" tne martet of equipages to June 9." The recital will be given at' be found anywhere in this part of the th Methodist church tonleht. with ' country vied with one another in the Prof. Robert L.. Scofleld director of contest for the costly trophies which the Whitman college of music, presld- nad been hung up ing at the organ. Guy Allen Turner of Walla Walla, a vocalist soloist of , much merit, wil assist Prof. Scho-; field. Admission win be free but a silver offering will be taken. Lebanon's city council has accept ed the bid of" Bid well, Hayden & Co., for a sewer system. Mrs. Xolen Gets Search Warrant. I Mrs. Mamie Nolen, who was recent ly granted a divorce from her hus-' ; band, Ralph Nolen and who Is now. suing him and his father, H. H. No len for over $10,000 damages for a injury sustained while working In their laundry, today secured a search warrant inrougn ine oisirict WPTOl m A GREAT BARGAIN 640 acres, all in wheat, well watered, (rood improTtmcfrf-. This land hns produced 48 busheh to the acre, and may 4a it this year, the prospect is fine. $40.00 per acra buya it. Including entire crop and machinery, terms easy. I have some fine alfalfa and fruit farms on McKay aft! Birch creek, prices very reasonable, terms easy. If you are looking for business property, a Twridaaea, or suburban home, drop in and we will talk it over. E. T. WADE Temnle Big Office phone Main 455 ; Res. B. 8271. Pendleton, Om In" OCAL I ; SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES u i With them the eyesllght of youth fu ro.ontnhllRViAd nnri tn nil nnnpnr. ney's office and the justice court for ance KrypU,k8 are the game as young attor- the purpose of. looking for certain folks glasses, with nothing to dis qualify Grocers." Next to Post Office hold. K.vi-.. , . , tinguish them from the latter but the divorce ana wnn.n nave ueen wun- i, i a their wonderful far and near quali ties. Without seam or cement, no edges to catch dirt, or become cracked or Jagged in cleaning. Just perfect sight with the discomfort and unslghtllness left out. They should be worn by all who need do. ble vision glasses. We fit them to give you comfort and satisfaction. Mr. Kellogg Takes Vacation. H. C. Kellogg, who was recently given fifteen days in jail for living off the earnings of fallen women, had a brief taste of liberty today. He was put to work on the streets but it appears that his parasitic life of the past has unsuited him for manual la bor and he soon deserted his Job and went in starch of the company with which he roiisirts. He was located at noon in a box In the Quelle res taurant with a lady of ill fame and was soon onc-o . more locked within the city b.isllli! and will, hereafter, be DALE ROTHWELL With OPTOMETRIST. Win. llanscoin, THE Jo'or. (1 Straw Hats Full line for all both work and drees wear. Misses Sailors x - 25, 35, 50 Sun llats 15, 20?, 25, 35 Men's Dress Straws 35 to $1.50 Our $5.00 Panama cannot be beaten. July PlCTOllIAL REVIEW Patterns now in Ihe WUNUiLK 5 1 UKU, QOGOOOQOQOGOOQQOOCOOOQGOQOO0 O G O o o o 0 o RASFRAI L p vn Sis BA&8 UriUilJ" the Yecr Uon t Miss it il.jailj& WALLA WALLA VS. PENDLETON Sunday, June 1 I th, at 2:30 P. 1M Both teams have strengthened and are out to win. o Q c o o o This is the last time Pendleton and Walla Walla meet this year GRANDSTAND 25c o o o o ADMISSION 25c o o o qoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo