East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 09, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    lAGK SIX
New Rays of Light
Ono o( tho most wonderful electrical
appliances Is tho X-ray which may be
ud both In tho treatment of various dis
eases and In tho diagnosis of many ob
wnre conditions. With its aid the in
terior of the human body is no longer tha
sealed Imok it has been heretofore. Ab
normal states of the bones, (tall stones,
Mono In the bladder or in tho kidneys, aro
shown plainly by what are known as X
ray photographs. Internal tumors, and
the enlargement of tho deep-seated or
gans are also discovered by this means
and in the diagnosis of tuberculosis of
the luncs this njrent has proven a most
valuable aid. When applied to some of
the less fatal chronic ailments of germ
origin it has proven very effective as a
curative agent.
Another interesting proceeding is tho
violet-ray treatment produced by concen
trating the violet or chemical ravs from
an arc light with a specially prepared
carbon upon any portion of the body that
may be tho seat of pain. Sufferers from
neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, strains,
sprains, also from those olscure exhaust
ing pains (the origin of w'uich cannot at
times be accurately determined) frequent
ly find Immediate relief from a singlo
treatment and usually with a little per
sistence in the use of this u id, com fort aula
health or perfect recovery Is obtained.
Tho incandescent light bath, consisting
of ft cabinet in which the patient is
bathed In tho combined rays of many
electric light gloln s. has produced really
wonderful results in diaWtes, sciatica,
rheumatism, ooesity, an.vmia. and some,
forms of kidney and heart trouble. It'
has also proven valuable in chronic bron
chitis, bronchial asthma and various skin
diseases. As a general livgienic measure
its efficiency can scarcely be over-estimated.
Those who have been patients at Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, In liutTalo, X. Y.,
highly commend this wonderfully equip
ped Sanitarium, where the above men
tioned electric machines, hich-frequency
current, and other most modern and up-to-date
apparatus are used for the cure
of chronic diseases. The treatment of
the chronic diseases that are peculiar to
women have for many vears been a large
factor in the cures atfected at the In
valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
In erectini the Invalids' Hotel, Dr. R.
V. Pierce's klea was to make it a genuine
homo, not a hospital. Such cases as rup
ture, hydrocele and varicocele are usually
cured in ten days, and tho patient is able
to return home. The terms are moderate
and the rates at the Invalids' Hotel com
paratively low. In tho examination and
treatment of patients the practice is
divided into specialties. Each member of
the Faculty, although educated to prac
tice in all departments of medicine and
surgery, is here assiened to a special de
partment only, to which he devotes his
entire time, study and attention. Xot
only is superior skill thus attained, but
also rapidity and accuracy in the diagno
sis of disease.
Specialists connected with this Insti
tute at Hutlalo, are enabled to accurately
determine the nature of many chronic
diseases without seeing and personally
examining their patients. This method
of treating patients at a distance, by mail,
has been so successful that there is
scarcely a city or a villaee in the United
States that is not represented by one -or
more caes upon the records of practice
at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In
stitute. Such rare cases as cannot be
treated In this way, which require sursri
cal operations or careful after-treatment,
or electrical therapeutics, receive the ser
vices of the most skillful specialists at
the Institution.
In medieine there has been rapid pro-en-s
during recent years. Dr. Pierce has
kept up with the times by continually im
pr ivine his laboratory by skilled chemist.,
and exercising care that the ingredients
entering into his well-known medicines
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as well
as the'Oolden Medical Discovery' are ex
tract from the test variety of native
medicinal roots. These are gathered with
great care and at the proper season of the
year, so that their medicinal properties
mav be most reliable.
These extracts are then made soluble
In pure triple refined glycerine and bottled
in a hveienic and scientific manner. Thus
the World's Dispensary as established by
Dr. Pierce 19 supplied with every known
apparatus and means of cure, for its aim
is to avoid surgical operations whenever
Great care is exercised not to over en
courage those who consult the specialists
of this institution that no false hopes
may be raised.
Many thousands are annually treated
both through correspondence and at this
Institute. Every one consulting by letter
or In person receives the most careful and
considerate attention. All communica
tions are treated as strictly confidential.
No charge whatever is made for con
sultation. Write the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute. Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, at
Buffalo. X. Y.
St, Louis 4, ltoston 2.
St. Louis, June 9. St. Lou's de
feated Hoston in the second game of
the series,. Harmon was effective
with men on bases. The visitors had
three men left in the third, and an
equal number in the seventh. Twelve
men died this way during the game.
Uoston J 2 9 1
St. Louis 4 11 3
Curtis, Brown and Graham; Har
mon ntnl Bresnahan.
Chicago 4, Brooklyn 1.
Ch'cugo, June 9. Keulbach was
too much for Brooklyn and Chicago j
defeated the visitors. A base on balls,
an error, two force outs and a dau-
blo and single broke n tie game. Hof-
man of Chicago was hit behind the j
ear by a ball thrown by Myers of the'
i?,..,..l-k- ..-1,11.. .,.,.1
rendered unconscious.
Score: R. H. K.
Chicago 4 S 2
Brooklyn .l 4 i
Beulbach nnd Kling; Netzer and
Xew York 4, Pittsburg 3.
Pittsburg, June 9. New York de
feated Pittsburg in 11 Innings. Brid
well scored the winning run on a
fumble by Miller.
Score: R. II. E. ;
Pittsburg 3 7 4
Xew York 4 12 1
Camnltz, Ferry and Gibson; Ames,
Crandall and Myers
Philadelphia 8, Cincinnati 4.
Cincinnati, June 9. Philadelphia
hit Smoth hard and won. Moore was
effective in all but the sixth. Ma
gee's batting featured the game.
Score: R. H. E.
Philadelphia '...8 16 1
Cincinnati 4 6 2
Moore and Dooin; Froome, Smith,
Keefe and Clark.
Portland 2 9 1
Delhi and Grlndle; Seaton and
Vernon 7, Oakland a.
Log Angeles, June 9. The batting
eyes of the Oakland team were not
keen yesterday and Vernon won, 7
to 2. Stewart toyed with the Com
muters, striking out six and allowing
six hits. Four of these, however,
were hunched In the sixth inning,
bringing in the two runs that saved
the visitors from a shutout..
Score: R. H. E.
Vernon 7 10 0
Oakland 2 6 3
Batteries Stewart and Brown
Flnter and Mitze.
Sm-rimiciito 5, Frisco 2,
Oakland, June 9. Timely hitting
by the Senators combined with errors
on the part of San Francisco gave the
game to the former yesterday by a
score of 5 to 2. O'Rourke, second
baseman for tho Senators, batted in
three of the five runs nnd the other
two- were ' presented by the San
Francisco players as the result of bad
plays. In tile seventh Arpllanes
split one of his fingers nnd was forc
ed to give way to Fitzgerald.
Sore: R. H. E.
Sacramento 5 10 1
San Francisco 2 8 1
Arellanes, Fitzgerald and LaLonge;
Moskiman. Berfrv and Schmidt.
i ni
II 0
Standing of tlic Teams.
W. L.
Chicago, 7, Xew Y'ork 2.
New York, June 9. Chicago took
the opening garje of the series from
New York. Walsh for the visitors
was effective and struck out 12 men.
Score: R. H. E.
Chicago 7 13 2
Xew York 2 5 2
Batteries Walsh and Sullivan;
Ford and Sweeney.
Washington 4, Cleveland 2.
Washington, June 9. Johnson was
too much for Cleveland and Wash
ington won. Both clubs fielded per
fectly. Score: R. H. E.
Washington 4 8 0
Oleve'ad 2 8 0
Johnson and Street; Mitchell, Krapp
and Land.
St. Louis 11, Boston 5.
Boston, June 9. Aided by a suc
cession of errors, St. Louis won from
Boston. The visitors drove Cicotte
from the box in the fourth inning.
Boston 5 9 5
St. Louis 11 9 3
Batteries Cicotte, Karker and
Nunamaker; Lake, Powell and Clarke.
Detroit 8, Philadelphia 3.
Philadelphia, June 9. Detroit
landed hard on Plank's curves and
defeated Philadelphia, Donovan was
effective with men on bases except
in the fifth.
Score: B. H. E.
Detroit 8 18 1
Philadelphia 3 8 3
Donovan and Stanage; Plank and
' Thomas.
Spokane 34
Tacoma '1
Vancouver 31
Seattle 21
Portland 19
Victoria 11
Results Yesterday.
Tacoma 6, Victoria 3.
Spokane lft, Seattle 5.
Vancouver-Poi'.land game forfeit
ed to Vancouver.
Vortlaiiil Forfeits Game."
Vancouver. B. C, June 9. Um
pire Longanecker awarded yester
day's game to Vancouver, 9 to 0, in
the seventh inning when Catcher Har
ris of the Portland club refused to
leave the field after having been or
dered from tho game. Longanecker
gave Harris three minutes to comply
with the ruling and when the time ex
pired and the Portland catcher had
not obeyed declared the game forfeit
ed to the locals. Vancouver was lead
ir.r. b to a. when the game broke up.
Spokane 10. Shuttle 5.
Spokane, June 8. Spokane won a
hard bitting grime yesterday, 10 to 5.
Seattle '. 5 9 3
Spokane 10 15 1
Skeeis and Spencer; Holm and Ost
dick. Tiieoma 0, Victoria 3.
Tacoma, June 9. Four hits, a hit
by pitched ball and three errors by
Keller, gave Tacoma the game in the
first inniiiK yesterday afternoon, fi
nal score, 6 to 3. The visitors made
a bid fur the game in the ninth in
ning when four h'.ts and a wild pitch
netted three runs. Gordon kept the
hits well scattered during the enrly
part Of the game, but Sage wobbled
with his support and was not effec
tive with men on bases.
Victoria 3 10 4
Tacoma 6 11 0
Batteries Sage and Spiesman; Gor
don and Burns.
London, June 9. Billy Papke, the
American middleweight, last night
took the measure of Jim Sullivan, the
middleweight champion of England,
In nine rounds of fast fighting. Again
it was the fighter against the boxer,
and the fighter, won with ease.
The contest was for the middle
weight championship of the world, a
purse of $10,000 and a sldo bet. It
was held in the Palladium, one, of
London's noted music halls, before a
large crowd.
Throughout, the fight was a gruel
ling one. Sullivan proved the clever
er at long range work but Papke ex
celled at infighting. There was much
clinching and hitting in the clinches,
and the referee, Eugene Corrl, had
difficulty at times in separating the
men. He warned Papkd twice,
Notwithstanding that the fight had
been advertised as "America against
England," "Papke ruled a strong fa
vorite, at odds of 3 to 2 and 2 to 1.
Sullivan showed nervousness when
he climbed Into the ring, but after a
few rounds seemed to recover confi
dence. For a time he was able to
stand off Papke who roughed It from
the beginning, cleverly dodging slash
ing swings of the American, which,
had they landed, would have ended
the fight.
Sullivan used his left and right with
good judgment but without affecting
the stamina of Papke, who was able
to take unlimited punishment.
When the call for the ninth round
sounded Sullivan was unable to stand
up and Corrl awarded the fight to the
American amid great applause.
Kosnni mi max gets
Starting from Fulton, Mo., with
Cincinnati as the terminus, a pigeon
race for young birds will begin to
morrow under the auspices of the
Ohio Valley Flying club. A 400-mile
race for old birds will also start to
morrow from Sheldon, la., to Milwaukee.
MACHINE. No more crooked
sj'lne or aching backs when us
lr:' a machine. Call and see
them. OH machines liken In
Standing of the Clubs.
Club. W. Lv Pet
Portland 37 27 .576
San Francisco 36 32 .529
Vernon 35 33 .515
Oakland 86 14 .514
Sacramento 32 35 .478
Los Angeles 27 43 .386
RoKults Yesterday.
Vernon 7, Oakland 2.
Sacramento 5, Frisco 2.
Angels 4, Portland 2.
Portland Meets Defeat.
Portland, Ore., June 9. Delhi out-
pitched Seaton and also used better
head work In yesterday's game between
Los Angeles and Portland and as a
result the locals met the first defeat
of the scries.
Score: R. H. E.
Los Angeles 4 8 0
1 "A Strong St:irach I
HakssLifa a Fhraro"
senior southern track and field
championships of the Amateur Ath
letic Union will be decided at New
Orleans tomorrow.
Players of the great German game
of skat are heading Plttsburg-ward
for the annual tournament of the
North American Skat League, opening
Latonia track, which opens its an
nual spring- meeting tomorrow, was
inaugurated just twenty-eight years
ago today, with the Hindoo Stakes,
now called the Derby, as the feature.
Fan-mount Park, Philadelphia, will
be the scene tomorrow of the annu
al horse carnival of the Road Driv
ers' association, and one of the classi
est exhibitions of the year is prom
ised. For the first time since the running
of the Glidden tour twenty-four hour
race In Chicago in 1908, the Windy
City is to have a big automobile track
meet. The dates are tomorrow anil
Sunday, and the place the Hawthorne
All recognized yacht and .motorbnat
clubs will be permitted to enter the
open motorboat races of the Columbia
Yacht club, to be held tomorrow on
the Hudson off upper Manhattan. Sol
Id silver cups will . awarded In all
The United lfiiiit.s Itacin? associa
tion's meet at Belmont Park, L. 1 .
will closf! tomorrow. Tho next im
portant amateur racing m ' et on lie
program i- (it the Jirookllnc, Ma;.-.,
Prof. Potter of O. A. Cf Begins Issuance-
Under New Stato Stal
lion Law.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis. Ore., June 9. Today the first
stallion license, under the new state
stallion law, was issued by Prof. E.
L. Potter of O. A. C, secretary of the
stallion board, to Frank E. Alley of
Rosehurg. Mr. Alley has been es
pecially anxious to have the honor of
receiving the first license Issued bv
the stallion registration board, and
to this end he put in bis application
immediately after the law was pass
ed, before the board had formally or
ganized, lie rmsi In fact, the first
four licenses Issued, one for his stand
ard bred trotting horsn "Bonadav,
and ffor three others. The work of
issuing the licenses will now be push
."1 rapidly, as some 600 applications
have been received and filed, and the
offico is prepared to handle the Im
mense correspondence Incident to the
licensing of the Oregon stallions.
f'arl MnrrU, tho white man's hone
'f Sapulpa, Ukla., will start in another
ftiost Ills of Life
come from errors in diet, from too little exercise or from the mis
takes vc commit without thinking of consequences. These
sicknesses may bo slight at first, but they hinder work, prevent
advancement or bring depression nnd spoil enjoyment. What
i worse, they lead to serious physical disorders if not checked in
time j but you CAN check them easily and quickly, . They will
aturally-Yield To
such a safe, simple, reliable family remedy as Beucham's Pills. In every
household where this famous and unequalled medicine is known,
the whole aspect of life is changed for the better, lie ready to help
yourself and your family to overcome trouble and to regain, and
keep, good bodily conditions by having on hand for immediate use
For female. Baecham'i PilU are pecitdly uitnble. See ImtructioM with each box.
Sold everywhere, in boxes 10c. and 2Se.
terrific battle tomorrow, when he
takes on Jesse 'Wlllard of Oklahoma
City for fifteen rounds at Tulsa, Okla.
Willard is described as an "amateur
heavyweight." There is alleged to be
n side bet of J 5000 made by each
fighter nnd tho winner i3 also to take
all of tho gate receipts.
Fort Worth, Tex., June 9. A new
class D league will be Inaugurated in
Texas today. Franchises have been
placed In Abilene, San Angelo, Bal
llnger, Big Springs, Stamford and
For tender face and neck after
shaving, for pimples, black heads,
dandruff or any skin or scalp disease
ZEMO is guaranteed to relieve all
soreness and Itching. The soap is
part of the treatment best tor all
toilet purposes.
Sold by druggists everywhere and
In Pendleton by Pendleton Drug Co.
Known For Its Strength
The First National Bank
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Manufacturers
and Distributora of the
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of East
ern Oregon.
i r rJ: n t-t f H ?1 ' I V-- Wi T,d;.y Try a Mottle of
r t v 1 - ti v.. t l t-1 ' -. ti :!
July or
Club, bi.ipinnlng thf .-i-vi',-''-,
ni"' ts nre si;h"ilul'-il
1 ;i
but. tbo
t ' ''mum
M' ! j 1 t n
1 1 - :;r
V '.' IT
; M. i
i v: t. 1,.. t i P.
it i - i .; M'.-'i.u li :m. !;ii'a-I III.
For a Day or
4-room coLuif-'o furnished
in n (lfwirnhlo roilonrc dist
rict, ..uly $700.
1.-00 iici'tM fine farm mid
tvhiim: l.'iii'l, 1 1 head of brood
ii'fs, 2 '., chicken.', pip.
rni'l ffinninr implement.-!,
lliio U one of llie l.esl, lm
in ilii- i:it
.?.-J0'0 will I
iiroMcrlv. i;
''') . U l,iiv ; nr..! cut-
!::: ''ii Sve;n'i'iiv !(. t on
; i- I'Tin-.
zI::t-: .
;. U i:.:- ! AI.I..MKM p!.ir..
'i'n'k V.!'1' M.'. Pi !i. ;!!.. i - V ).; r.iC V-'rtj Ml'-.e
Ax ih- office of hlA:i: MOOR-HOUSE CO.
i (MiyiC lib
.1 1.
;. i - ::t ..i. 1. 1 ' u-. .,',!:.;,, - ,,
' i rl .if tii i !l."iir-l"i; '!
: 'iljM '.f tit K.in.1. If the r. c.r.V'
til:..:'; l.y I he entrr.rit it r" Komi .ioui'i. ' '
vrirr;j nt If, ;. fv.lrriniin;; t-.':n v.il!
he -!lt tn tl,r; P.-lriTIc r..,'i.-t to "Ull-1
( tf lii the rotilftn to be hel.l 1b.ir.''r!
.i. I
Our new stock of Gas Ranges
has just arrived and we would
be very glad to have you stop
at our office to see them. We
carry a full stock, of ranges,
water heaters, sad iron heaters
and toasters.
Our 16-11 II Vulcan Range with four top hum
era and indeiwndcnt Binimering burner, two oven
burners, lighted by pilot from tho outside, 10x16
inch oven and broiler is the best rango we carry
for the money, soIIh for $18.50
Our NEW. PROCESS Rango with two top
burners and small Binimering burner and a good
sized oven is a'dandy little range for a small fam
ily. Sella for 12.50
The best, OAS WATLiR' HEATER on tho mar
ket and one that gives perfect satisfaction hcIN
for ; $12.00
Jf you like toast, takn home one of our famous
Vulcan roarer. They only coM twenty-five cents.
liy u.iiii,!;- oil" of our .-ad iron healers, y,m vnv.
iron for the small sum of 7 cnls an h.mr. These
hcal.-rs fi . l. . rf , - )r M ,m(1
nr.. laiv.o . fon . jnu,.
'I i'''.v ' r:if'-
If you haven't as in yo"r,r
!"K me, ? ; : w - y.t hrc. (o h;vo
it ifalle. Phone Mm in 40
and 'ivk for ib. VsS
ti .1
i i
Blears Posstierower&Lfelif Go. a
"Always at Your Service"
Real Estate and rnsnrauce.
Phone Tifain 5. i
Ill'X L I II I J 1 1 I II.