EI OUT TAG ICS DAILY EAST 01!B;()IAX, PENDLETON, OltEGON, I III lV, JUNK 0, 1911. PAGE FIVE 1 lf Wosli Goods 2000 yards this season's wash goods in vhite and colors will be on sale Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 1 9c Yard values to 50c F.vE. LlVENGOOD(&CO. July Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready. jLOCALSj See Lane 6c Bon (or signs. Pastime picture please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 171. Wall paper, palnta, etc. Lane ft Eon. Front office (or rent In Judd build ing. F. E. Judd. Lost Pair of black kid gloves. Re-, turn to this office. Wanted Plain sewing. Apply 808 Bouth LUleth street, Phon Platzoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main 445. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to ee the best and the clearest picture Dressed chickens Friday and Sat urday at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. Buy your chickens far Sunday's dinner at the Central Me.-.t Market. Phone Main 33. Call up Main "5 for MoConncH's express. All kinds of hauling care fully mid promptly done. Everything that's good to eat. In meats and groceries at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. For Rent Three furnished i.ouse keeplng rooms, elctrlc lights and gas. No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates lo horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, J20 Aura street. Phone Main 13. For sale 16u acre homestead, nearly all good timber. Inquire at or address 107 Garfield street, Pendle ton. Employment office, baggage check ed, headquarters for newspapers. Geo. R. Demott clgur store, G 21 Main street. For Rent Modern five room cot tage", furnished housekeeping rooms, also furnished rooms. Inquire 602 Water street. The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage. For sale A large single driving horse, carriage, and harness. Call on or phone Bert Whitman at Cash Meat Market. If you want to move, call Penland Bros., Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. You can't burn slate and grave! I Don't try it. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 1Y3, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. For sale 100 acres choice timber In i:d In Wallowa county 10 miles from Wallowa. Fir, blue pine nnd tamar ack. Call on or address J. A. Joyce, Pendleton, Ore. Passengers to Portland cun save money nnd at the same time hnvo nn enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalles. Sir. Ilnlley Gntzrrt leaves dally, except Friday and Sun T j l liave imi-iii el 1 1 nas n i gnu m- FV Afe f ! ,"" "iv' " 1 "" """ REHEARSALS ARE 111.1. II M MSI o,.,d look to Ibe.r ..ffnirs. keep , , ,! u nor -lie eoronctio,, T, , ' c 1 . rrul ! "" !" "-" ! "!. i ' I preliminaries ofcu; led much of t',c I Tor leo iv.'im .Sottas thftt , . ,,.,. V, .,,.M ,,,, i., r .i u mi t ; llt f s ,: ,. r,.u , ..... f Plt-asP. " ; e. co.ci ;.; i inoio 'i. y :: i -' nlng there was a rehearsal of the $ . , My do by lettlnur thlr Jealousy lead . .., . ... , ,, , .., ' ' " in' o ; i Mian.1;,, y, ,..1;,; ; , ,. .,;,,.;.. ;,,iil later a i $ i t fV cy"'? ' !''" !n:..ai :,! f a portion of th corona-' r'-' ! tJ ; W.T ' j , u-uy in the abbey. U i-tv'Ki vv Ci'''' i"r:iiil I ' ' ' ' T,li!: ',v w :'"'"'i' i '-y th : X2tVv;!,'.U !.: I S.V J i ;r. ...,. PrcvU. mi l.oxv. . :. ,:l :.:.d en ti.-iJs : -Tie' l...t i:;.cW w. ,t:,.e: to, .v.i. .1.....; -A ro-; : ;, - ., ....to.. ,i Me- (...en -,iMh anuiver- , , ja ..... i;,;,;.! relc la,'- 1. ?V " '' '' "e'-'-eh! ':.:- .; . ' .: i a-n-y. ;! J 1 , . ' '.l ii. a iln : ft the forty- , At Crystal paiaro tills artoni.vm, ' Hi. n iM,r :. ! !;":..!. a . .. . , . r.-1 he.; n- . . , , : . , , ,. , , , ,; ., .. , ,, : y i ; i ,l , j. i;. , li'i'S today. A "homecc-n!i-;" of fe ,, ,;, ,: , : '. a .... .."' ' a ' l a ! r i , ..'. . ! . . . Is II . , , !".. Ii 1 ; ' a i re. 1 . ' ' i ' ' ' . , i .v : : n i a c ..ii - , I ' i--. i : ; v-- n ' ; I ' ::"":;' ''! :' yA Tic Mai,,', r--r x. p. -a 1 ; . . . r":). at ' ; hi ,., , . a .'; a. a '. i . 'a a , !a ; ; -j ,,a. ; ' I frAr-'-iVvr"1 ' ' ' ' "iv-t; ' '-' 1 ,l "r . i. 'i, ' ' - ' s . t. i ; i ii.-- I' o II, ii a iai:'o ia a ; whtnji n ; oil !i , of Coca . , ' ' I nn.l I'r.a i : , - . 1 a aai., 1. W ",' .- no .Lull t that 1 lie ' i 1 : i ! 'a ;.i :v ..a r auu .'..in it i' ? - : i.i i-i, v. ii I i 'lv. "' i : .3. . hi f. day at 3:30 p. m., arrives In Port land 9:30. Fare $1.00. An experienced woman wants work on ranch. Apply this office. Meat! Meat! Meat! If It's on the market, it's here. Farmers' Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager, 224 E. Court street, phone Main 4 45. For Sale One of the finest new, strictly modern hotel and apartment hou.se In the city of Spokane. We own the lease and furniture. This house, nets J225 per month. A bar gain at $6500, part cash, balance to su't. 'Address the owner. Prop. Mer lin Hotel, 29-2 Ave. Spokane Wash. S acres will make you Independ ent. Why not buy today while you are earning good money. It Is very easy to say I don't want any of that In mine but how often have you had the chance to buy and In a very few years find yourself saying, "I had a chance to buy that for $50 an acre. Now see what It is worth, 3 to $400." Teutsch & Bickers. "Lt't George ! It." v When you want an express wagon quick, phone to Geo. Stangler at C-rltinnn Bros., Main 611. All kinds of light and heavy hauling. Wanted,- Irnncrs and mangle girls, at the Domestic Laundry. Curd of Thanks. We wish to extend our most pro found thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their kind acts of as sistance during the last s'ekness and death of our beloved father, Henry Timmernian. THE FAMILY. CiMkill Food Sail". At the Peoples Warehouse tomor row forenoon a cooked food sale will be given by the lades of the Presby terian church. TO TIIK PUBLIC. By articles appearing in Fast Ore gonlan and in the Live Wire, on June 7th, 1911, I was art-used of stealing certain goods from Hanscom's Jew elry store and from a- department store In Pendleton, the goods In ques tion were then taken to the stores above mentioned, and the proprie tors of those stores acknowledged that I had bought and paid for them nnd that they were mine; and the police who Investigated the matter have declined to arrest me or to molest me In any way about it. This of itself will show that the accusa tions against mc were untrue. But I wish n state. In addition to this, that I have been falsly accused of these dishonest things by some per sons of my own color In Pendleton, that these accusations were malicious and the persons who made them were Influenced by jealousy of me and of my success ill getting work and perhaps other tilings which they thought belonged to them ex clusively, to which they claim a sort of divine richt. 1 do not claim to he better than other men, but I do as sert that I have done no more than any ether man would have done and I have not been irnilty of any dls hoiu "t act. What 1 have and what- i .i' diirli'i; my life I have pa civ sen that I have done no more than for marly six months, hut is now fif any ether man would have done and able to get about on crutches. Lately 1 have not been irnilty of any dls- they "have been louring the southern (V? hen, -t act. What 1 have and what- California country in an automobile. Pjl V. r ourli i; mv life I have received --lirLl,md Journal. iJ ' . .... , i e? PERSONAL MENTION C A. S-a.hro.aler of Pilot Itoek has 1" en here todav. Mrs. K. T. Siiicla'r of La Grande in n visitor in the city. 1). Wright of Walla Walla was a Pendleton visitor la.-.t evening. ltobort .Johklna nf Pilot Hock, has been a visitor in the city today. Floyri Wfllcr has benn here today from bis home at Pilot Bock. Aia Ii. Thomson of Echo, was a Guest at the Pendleton lust night. William Mill" of Juniper spent yes terday and a.st night in the city. Ira M. Kept of Weston, was here today cnroutc. home from Portland. J. H. Morrow was among the Walla Walla residents In the city yesterday. James Swit.ler of Walla Walla was registered at the St. George last night. Charles It. Campbell of Walla Wal la was a visitor in Pendleton ast eve ning. Henry Arbogast of Alba, was among the out of town visitors in the. city yesterday, Mrs. Art Grover came In from He lix on the Northern Pacific this morning. ' Carl Engdahl came In this morn ing from Helix on a Northern Pacific freight train. P. T. Harbour and little son of Weston were visitors in the city dur ing the day. George Watson of Pilot Hock came in from his home yesterday and spent the night here. Frank A. Moore, well known Wal la Wallan, came in from the Garden City last evening. . Manager Clurke Nelson of the Buckarooes returned this morning from a short visit to Portland. T. P. Codd of Walla Walla, was in the city yesterday from the south' eastern Washington metropolis. S. L. Carson and daughter of Her miston, were among the west end people in the city last evening. James Kyle, the large mayor of Stanfield, is a visitor In the city. He Is a guost at the Imperial. Portland Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coney returned this morning from Portland where they had been to attend the Rose Festival. Charles Campbell came In from Vansycle this morning "and is visit ing at the home of his brother, Thomas Campbell. H. L. Craig, grain buyer for E. W. McComas, left on No. 6 this morning for Portland, where he will take in the Hose Festival. Ira Kemp, baseball enthusiast and banker of Weston, returned this morning from Portland where he had been to attend the ltuse Festival. H' v. Callison and wife of Helix cuine in from that town this morning on thir way to the Willamette valley where they will make their future home. Mrs. Mary Johnson left this after noon for Portland to visit with her daughter Mrs. Hurry Thompson and to attend the grand lodge of the East, ern Star. Joe Snooks, receiving end of the famous Joe-Joe battery of the Buck arooes, returned this morning from Portland, where he had been to take in the Rose Festival. James Hartwell, leader of the P. H. S. debating team, . has returned from his trip to Eugene. He stopped In Portland several days on his re turn to witness the Rose Show. Jack E." Peter, traveling salesman for the Murphy Grant dry goods wholesalers of San Francisco, with his wife and child, returned yester day from a nine weeks' trip Into the interior of the state and will leave tomorrow for the Bay City. E. B. Aldrich, editor of the East Oregonlan, left this afterneon for Portland to attend the rose show to morrow. From Portland he will go to Corvallls Monday to attend the Alumni Day exercises at O. A. C, he being president of the state alumni association. E. W. McComas, a grainbuyer; E. J. Sommerville, a retired farmer; A. Ct Funk, deputy pherlff, and Charles Marsh, an abstractor, atr of Pendleton arc In the city attending the Festival. They are guests at the Imperial. Portland Journal. B. E. Kennedy, formerly pubUdier of a newspaper at Baiter, Or., who has been visiting In southern Califor nia for the past six months for the benefit of his health, accompanied by his family, is in the city. Mr. Kennedy has been confined to his bed for marly six months, hut is now able to get about on crutches. Lately they "have been louring the southern California country in an automobile. -- 1' ". Ll.nid Journal. premiers attended the "at homo" given by Mrs. Held, wife ot the Am- : eiican jmhiixa(ir. I The queen bjis decided that the "Mary's pi ft" of JGD.iidO presented to her yest- nbiy shall he used for tins' purchase of the Insignia of the Order i of tl.i- Cal ler in diamonds arid por-' ! iK of the kint; mid prince, of Wales, j A loiliiant program has Ic'ti ar- railed for the pui-forinane(. of Con- veto, i.ar'K-n, June zii. Ja- arti.-ts if vrl include Mine, Mclba, Tetrruzlna aiirl Una. IDAHO PIIOEESSOR WILL DYNAMITE STl-'MPS Moscow, Idaho, June 10. Profes sor H. A. Waddworlh, a graduate of the department of forestry at the. I'n vcrsity of Idaho, who has been teaching the last year, has been se lected to superintends body of stu tlen's and the work f stump blast ing with dynamite at the experiment statin at Clagstone, Idaho. This work Is Intended for the benefit of the far mers who are interested in the -stump lands of northern Idaho as well as for the Instruction of the studenLs. Dean Carlyle, director of the Idaho experimental stations, will direct the work, which will be one of a number of experiments n the stump lands of Idaho, which will be the subject, of a bulletin when sufficient data have been secured. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplicnm. Pendleton's favorite picture the ater. Good program for Friday and Saturday. 1. "The Puncher's New Love." Es sanay. A western drama with scenes laid both in the east and west. It tells the story of a cowboy who de serts his western sweetheart for a girl from the east. The story is clear and the acting is splendid. 2. "The Country Lovers." Bio graph. A bucolic Joke that kicked back. Two farm boys' imagined that the best way to make an Impression upon their sweethearts was to pose as heroes. See this picture and have a gooa laugn. 3. "The Carnival." Kalem. This Is a drama of artistic life and people in Paris. The background Is Bohemian. The scenes are all Interesting and the acting Is excellent. Its atmosphere suggests culture, even elegance. 4. "Satan Defeated." ' Pathe. Rob ert of Normandy Is In love with the daughter of the Duke of Messina and they are secretly betrothed. Satan, however, wants the soul of Robert ami causes him much sorrow and trouble. When Robert fights a duel Satan changes his face into many horrible masks and when playing at dice the dice are transformed into frogs, lizards and the like. Finally as the price of freedom from such annoyance" f?ntan tries to bargain for Robert's soul. But he refuses. The marriage occurs and as the couple leave the church Satan again appears and attempts to drag Robert down with him to eternal darkness, but the fearless fellow seizes and waves aloft the crucifix and Satan disappears forever. Tlic runtime. The house of quality. A Kaiem feature for Friday's change. "The Loyalty of Don Luis Verdugs" Kalem. The story given here is of California in the days of 1848 after Southern California had been ceded to the United States. It represents a Spanish Don objecting strenuously to domination of the new government and refusing to haul down the Mexi can flag. A love episode begins be tween the Don's daughter and an American lieutenant, with corres ponding jealousy on the part of the Mexican. The setting Is picturesque, much of the action taking place ar ound a house more than 100 years old. The girl rides for help and the soldiers ride to the ranch are fea tures which rouse enthusiasm in the audience. "The Belated Bridegroom," Lubin. A long list of harrowing accidents which happened to a man on his way to his wedding are related in this story, and the worst o fit all he was too late for his own wedding. "The audience plainly expressed Its enjoy ment of the poor man's troubles and the surprising ending.'" "My Daughter," American Co., Pathe. A young army officer is in love with a beautiful girl and finally proposes and Is accepted. When the parents are told, the father takes the Goncate The Most Modern and Most Substantial Building Material More Save Y ourseil IVilcV, foraa' i. I !!..,: I'C'iCl'o ; ti'iM u'llii r 1 ia i-i --TT"iir",,""'i ii" ! iffliTrTiiTi n SATURDAY 12 1 -2c Wash Lawns for . 9c 1 5c Figured Batistes for . I I C 20c Figured Lawns and Batistes 14c 12 1 -2c Sleeveless Vests for ea. 8c 1 5c Sleeveless Vests for each I I c 20c Sleeveless Vests for each 14c 1 5c Plain and Figured Dimity for yard . 25c Handkerchiefs, broidery for each Wohlenberg LETTER GOODS lieutenant aside and tells him that the girl Is not his daughter, but a ward bound out to him by the girl's mother. The. lieutenant doesn't care. He loves her and all goes well until the wedding day, when the unexpect ed happens by the arrival of the real mother and we have a startling finish. "Father's Birthday Ring." Lubin. The ring made trouble at first, but finally brought happiness. "Woman's Curiosity," Lubin. It caused a great flurry and all about a gas bill. The Cosy. 1 Three great Western stories for Friday and Saturday. "Maze of Fate," Imp. A story of the West with a strong plot and full of heart interest. A young lawyer sets about to prove the innocence of an old drunkard and succeeds In an original way. He wins the love of the daughter but he meets death In a hughly dramatic manner. The sensational plunge over the falls by the victim of the wrath of villains Is one of the most thrilling pictures ever thrown on the screen. "Vindicated." Thanhouser. The litnn' nf q nnnvict who rirove.l his ,.". ,.j,.. ., Here by won the love of a minister's dau- ghter. But he was continually hounded by his past record and they went to a place where he and his past were unknown, where they began a happier life. "She Wanted 'a Man With Brains." Champion. A Western comedy dra- OPE DAY AND NIGHT FIRST-CLASS SERVICE liTe Quelle Cafe and Oyster House Meals 25c and up Best 25c Meals in the Northwest. LA FONTAINE BLK . 620 MAIN STREET BlocEcs Concrete Work I Corr.fcrf abb, and Cheaper in tl El L; t i - - Tri:rrHL:T":rmx lie .ace or Em 15c Dep't. Store FOR LESS MONEY. ma. A cowboy fell madly In love with the new school ma'am and after sav ing her from a runaway horse he proposed but was coldly rejected as "she wanted a man with brains." An gered by his harsh treatment the cow boy left the ranch and studied law, became a great lawyer and later met the teacher who was anxious to mar ry him, but it was his time to do the frigid act. A breezy story of West ern life. "A Gamble With Love," Powers. A Nevada love story with the dash of the West. The woman's first love reappeared at a critical moment, but she decides to stay with her hus band and child. The scene where the husband appears w-hile the former lover is pleading with the wife to go away Is unusually dramatic. A story of great interest. Illustrated Song: "Heinle Waltzed 'Round on His Hickory Limb." Liquors You'll Like because of their perfect purity and excellent flavor, are stand ard goods in our establishment. Every brand of Liquor has been carefully mellowed by age, pure ly distilled, and is fully guaran teed by us. The same w-ay with our Port, Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines and every article we handle. You get more than your money's worth in quantity and quality. The Oly mpia Bar Phone Main 1SS. and Pioneer Bottling Works . Phone Main ITT PETERS & MORRISON. Props. end Give Yoarsdf