WW"' -'vv. : nv. .um: s. nut EIGHT TAOKg ' l.Ule v iNi.i::".:sir.xv r.vf i-Arsu. J U.Itil.-.l ...! Si Xt V. .H-kly at 1B i, iiir., n, l il-.e . man rr;'Lisiu"i co. v. i i cowriis in ivfer ,i worthy : j . i r o - "111 iT 1V.-IV .! 1V t- i .1 1 lih .1 ; purp -.se. (:k- U'.'.iM.U ,i.e r-.xiH p.i :i ! i.i the e h:i:d 1 1 VI-MV t .1 111 I I'.'Ml-i - 5 AIIO BLOOD PUMF1EIS 4' sn.sviiinioN ua t r-tir Jm;, M iii.it 1 M Hi' 'l t 1. t li.titt i . r l.s. ty iii;iU .... t'Ut' l.i'KiJl. I'Y IhUiI ...... m ';m. !;, m i ter MX lu.'iuiij., by hiiiUt ... iiiuv uh'tiiuN, l-y i;irrUr.. X by currier . . . ill Wnkiv, oiio ;iv. IfV mall., tr.r, W tM-k. v . mx m:ttiib. ty utnll. . . . ..'HI . . 7.J.0 i . . a t; . . l.W.i . . .05 . . 1.50 .To . . .50 I l .t l'liily K.is-t (treoiiUm '. kt-it cti sa!i t ;lie t t Jim .Sows lo., 'A2i Morris. in Itrt-iM, remand, tVeoa. S .nliwiH New to., Portland, Oregon. riitnii.M Uiireau, !'.'!) Security HnlMlng. W asniiiiiton, 1 C. Itureau, 501 Four teen lb ii.-coi, X. W. Member l'n .ej Press Association. filtered at tlie post attire at Pendleton, Oregon, as second clasa mall matter. tleiihone Main 1 Official City and County Taper. PATRIOTISM. Breathe tliere the man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath Mid, This is my own, my native land Whose heart hath ne'er with- in him burn'd As home his footsteps' he hath turnd From wandering on a foreign ttrand? If such there breathe, go, mark him well! For him no minstrel raptures ' swell. High though his titles, proud his name, Boundless his wealth as wish can claim Despite those titles, power and pelf. The wretch, concentrated all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair re- nown And dcubly dying, shall go down To the vile dust from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonored and un- sung. .ir Walter Scott. . r.-i..l:i-n 1- '. .'. ,,. I :l" 1"! ;', v.'ll '.lr..: It U '' o'l'y w lu ll .'. ; A r.' ill' vf '-li l ..ii .--.irli ..! ..,.?!.. Tin' i l'.-'-li-'CH. .!- m ff Mu' ivfii. ndiim is a m. n.ic, and U" u - if th v f, rondum rn limi t in the r-11'! t'lt)zns in iMirr.il .lK.y Clin' t'i I'fk with ilis ;".i,ir up n lUivct 1 -1; isln t i , ti. Hud the roll rendum been sur l'lMiiiiit d with safi-yiiar.'s ns are now l'i iipused il is safe u say no school apprjiriatif n would ever have been In hi up in this state. Nor would the Malarkey public service corporation regulation bill Jiave been referred. What of the Initiative? It has al so been invoked pretty freely In the past and it might be well to throw some restrictions around its use. IUi:UVATl( WATI.K 1UGHTS. It is of much local interest to know that the Indian service seems to he winning out in its contention that the treaty with the Indians gives the Umatillas the right to use water from the liver f,.r irrigation pur poses. The adjudication of the water riiihti: on the river is a matter of vast im portance and the reservation righU are of especial importance locally. The imp ,rtance of the decisions of the water board will be felt mre and more as years go by. With reference to the reservation, there is almost no irrigating done at this time. IJut it Is inevitable that In time almost the entire reservation .!!! become a great irrigated valley. The land needs Irrigating and the wa ter Is right at hand if it can only be Bfed. It Is perfectly natural that thus far little irrigating has been done. To begin with the title to the water has not been clear and intending users have had to fight with the Byers milling company. Then the allotted land has been held under such con ditions as to almost make develop ment impossible. But within a short time the In diaiv will obtain their patents and they will be free to improve their holding" or allow white men to do so for them. Whether they hold their land or sell it is certain that the val ue of their allotments will depend very rnuoh upon their right to use the v.-ai'-rs of the Umatilla for Irrigating purpos-s. in sei king to establish the right of t';- Indiir. to the water the Indian tjf-j.n rtiu -r, t Is but doing its duty by its ward. Incidentally it will be only j;i-t to Pendleton for the gov-eii.iTu-nt to profct the water rights. r i ,:'-. Ti is i-ity ha- suffer--.1 thr' u'i tlie r t r'etion . the E'iverr:;re-iit l!i.J 1::: p : v. ith refor enre to the i,e i.n l tii- d velonni'-nt Tin: rtvi:NTio tiTv. On the strength of the argument that I'endleton always makes It a point to entertain visiting conven tions in a proper manner the next state convention of the farmers' un ion has been landed for this place. The convention is to come in De cember and there may ba as many as 2000 people in attendance. Another big convention slated for Pendleton is the I. O. O. F. grand lodge which is to be held here next spring. It will be the largest fra ternal gathering ever held here and in Inducing the grand lodge to come to Pendleton the local delegation found their work easier because of the "Way in which the people of the city have entertained other gathering It- the past. It will be worth while for Pendle ton to maintain its reputation as a Convention City. Get all the big meetings possible and when the con- 'ventions are held here see that dele gates are not merely provided with good living accommodations but that suitable entertainment features are provided for their benefit. Some street decorations, a smnkVr, a ban quet or an excursion to some near-by point help out greatly in making peo ple ft el flad they came. It pays to be courteous to visiting convi : his an! it pi.s in more ways than one. It helps induce other leatherings t" come and trte local ef ifeet when conventions are entertain ed well is always good. The theory that the giver is also blessed by his gift applies to communities as well as to in liviiluals. T.'ici o is cne reason above all ethers which makes S. S. 5. the greatest rf a!l tonics, and that is teauisc it is the most perfect of all l iood parilk '. s. Any system which needs a tonic, needs a blood puri fier, for it is impure Mood which causes the weakened, run-down condition of the body. S.S.S. h made entirely t)f roots, herbs and barks, which possess net only strenthgiiiiR properties, but at the same time are recognized as ingredients of the greatest value for removing every impurity, poison or taint from the circulation. S.S.S. improves the appetite and digestion, corrects stomach disturbances and steadily .tones and builds the system up to perfect health. It adds to the blood the rich, healthful properties it needs, and in every way enables the system to stand the strain of the long, hot summer. S. 5. S. cures nil diseases and disorders arising from weak or impure blood. Bojk on the blood and medical advice free. 5. 5. 5. is for sale at drug stores. THE SWI"T SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. we threw, till the moon was low in , pie were wild to sleep. There are. the western sky and his voice was' plenty of men I ke that blamed fool split in two. And there wasn't a j hound, who yell when there's noth thing at which to howl over which a ing wrong, d sturblng the country with pup should weep, and the cimrse of senseless sound the pessimist's dole the dog was wrong and foul, for pen-! ful song. Fair Play Flum. pjsr BILL WITH A CHECK. THEN You HAVE A CHECK OM - YOUR BILL 1th MLAiVu, cwxl ! H lir: V, ' 2 1-2 miles cant of Pilot l i. f j Kock on Stewart creek, C IO r' acres of good wheat and ul- flS fall'a land, lots of water, fair d I nprovements, for tho small i price of J 23.00 per acre. h Land selling all around this i farm for $30.00 ' per acre. Tho reason this land Is of fered so cheap is on account of tho owners wanting all cash must be sold within tho next 60 days. For further particulars call or address D. Kemler 210 W. Bluff St. Pendleton, Oregon. i Hotel St. George t;roK;rc dakvkut, propiieiop. ii t T mlFi. U ECU wr;,hC-i.s mu hum m km i wm European plan. Everything first-class. All modern conveni ences. Hot water heated throughout. Kooma en suite with bath. Largo, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George Is pronounced one of tho most up. to-date hotels of tho Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm con nections to office, and hot and cold water running In all rooms. Rooms $1 and $1.50 Block anda half from depot See the big electric sign. &- Tliose who have never had a laiik,i:eeount know not. the con venience of one. Each check yn write is a KKCKU'T; you know just how much. yon are sjicndliifr ; you've always "p.t money," and you can't lose it nor be robbed. Make OL'lt l!nnk YOIH Itank. We pay liberal Interest consisu nt with safety, 4 per cent, com prfided semi-annually. The American National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON. UNITED STATES DEPOSITOR Y Orpheum Theatre J. P. MXDVKHACM, HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATEJMOTION PICTURES -For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM Vt TODAY K PAPER. Program Chsnn am Wmtmtfa. Tiiwhy'i Hd PrUaym. PENDLETON'S rOrULAIl PICTURE FAPJXmS THE COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic ture show with comfort. FUN, PATHOS, SCENIC, TII1ULLING ALL PROPERLY MIXED. Open Aftarnonn anil Evening. Changes Mon., Wed., Fri. Next Door to St. Gcoryc Hold. Admission n;ii 10 Governor Weft Is showing a spirit of kindness toward the prisoners of the penitentiary. rnquestionabl.v many of the prisoners re entitled to leniency. There are others there for whom the brick walls of the prison car.not be built too high. Naturally the success of the governor's humane policy will depend upon the skill with which he is able to Judge between the worthy and the unworthy. Now we will see what the senate will do with .he reciprocity treaty. It is evident that Dr. McClure's ad vice to the woolgrowers came rather late. THE CALAMITY HOWLER. A dog sat out In the moonlight chill and howled at-the beaming moon his knowledge of music was strictly nil and h's voice was out of tune. And he howled and howled aa the hours went by, while dodging the bricks CASTOR J A JtoKMYasi Ha -3 Always 8ouel i4. ;o'.' of i rv..i.'m nils. e-O'lll r the - f t-i lr v be ?OV ; i-: v.' r Pnrtl.n.l llM.nil 3-Ii.'M-Tit aid I)"T H,-fcro! f'T Girlf in- ri.- ...(..,. r.t 1. 1 .inu ii., ... i ; r, ..-r-.i : i ColitpiHt, Acd3i!c Eleir.tr.ttry IJprtt",(nti. Yntie, Art, Elo'.if-n. in null's. For rtklr. r. i.ln 'I ill- Mill.IlM I'i:HK)II fti i-57, ht. Ili Irie, II ill OOOOOOOOOGGOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO o It is conceded by all that when the well dressed man needs a new suit o H 5 o o o o 9 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o of clothes his mind turns at once to the celebrated Stem - Eloclh Smirk Clothmg- It is the first American clothing sold in London and took that place by storm. The STEIN-BLOCH label stands for 56 years of knowing how, and has a world wide reputation of being the best clothing to hold its shape and give perfect satisfaction, of any line in the world. A Beautiful New Line of Patterns Choose from Ranging from to We are ancnts for the B. V. D. Underwear the best and coolest of summer garments. Cluett Shirts with french cuffs and soft collars to match. Lord & Taylor hosiery in r.ilk and lisle all colors from 25c to 75c Auerbach neckwear, the best s;old- in the United States. Wr.ik-ov v & Florsheim shoes for the mon who cares for both oxfords ancl ?.k rllll-i II de: ire that yon n -.: our lai ve line o! strawand Pan- 7 -hauci; :nd !''-cd ri-vht. nc i: ri n o O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G o Q 9 c ( i G