DAIIA tMt OREGOM.W, PES DLETO V, OIIEOOX, 1 HI DAY, .U'XR . 1911. EIGHT PAGES OOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOjj Q A Spring Tonic A Body Builder I YOU'LL SEE 1 IN FITflNG rGK TWO o o o o o o o o O O o O G O G O O o o G G O G O G G O o 8 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G o o G O o o o e G o G. O G O G G O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G mi 4f .'r '? ' 111! U'liia :; :.-t p! ... v -- - 'A' . :!- ,;.:-.v,rV-- ... ,.-V ''"'liJ-! ( t t r i r x .- . . . r'i . I, ' . 'I i I,' mZm nil - TherP9 My . p f4 ; i ! ineres tr&xm ' I ; ".ii Eww "w wr - .x... ...J;.T.,.. g...v r. . S , . VVTien .you come to look at our new models in Hart Schaffner & Marx & Clothcrafti Clothes, how the "Ordinary" SackS lit does'nt look ordinary at Copyright Hart SchariLcr & Marx of style these goods that you get in no others SUITS $10 00 TO $30.00 You'll Find Here all the Latest Style? in John B. Stetson Hats NEW MANHATTAN SHIRTS Colors absolutely guar ant eedthe best wearing, best fitting shirt madeNew patterns The New Mallony CraveneHed STRAW HAT The greatest thing in the straw hat business. Rain has no effect on it EARL & WILSONS REDMAN COLLARS The best 2 for 25c collar on earth, and to every one who buys collars we give free a collar butt oner Pendleton9s Pure Food Dep9t. in Our Basement IF YOU EX.TOY HAVING YOUIi GROCERY NEEDS COME FROM AN ABSOLUTELY SANITARY STORE III E PEOPLES WARKIIOUSE IS THAT ONE STORE IN PENDLETON. Sujrfreotion.s for your Sunday need.-?: Fresh Shipment Pickles just arrived. Extra Fancy Midget Sweet Pickles, pint 30 Fancy Small Sweet Pickles, pint .. 20 Fancv Small Sour Pickles, quart 20 Stuffed Pickles, 4 for 25 Stuffed Melon Mangoes, each 5 Choice Ripe Oranpes, doz 30, 50, 60 Extra Choice Strawlerries, 2 taxes 25 Parker's Home Made Cookies, package 10 fi Cans Choice Hawaiian Pineapple Sj!.00 Fresh Crah Meat, can . 35 Almonds and Walnuts, K)und 25 Fish Flakes, cans 15 and 25 Fig Pudding, cans lo and 25 Fancy Wafers, Crackers and Cookies. Cherries in Maraschino, bottles 3o 60 $1.00. Maple Putter, jar3 . 45 Fancy Domestic and Imported Cheese. Fancy Preserves and Jellies 30 to 60 Everything the market affords in fresh fruits and vegetables. Not one thing miss inff. Order early. Phone Main 17. The Peoples Warehouse WIIEIJE IT PAYS TO TRADE. SAVE YOUR COUPONS. o o o G (Sporliil Convsnoruii'iico. Ki lu:, Ori'., June !. Ki-im will cel- pimto t ho Fourth or July in n rutins liiiinnor tills year. Already several huuilrod iu!lara have been wuhsi rlbetl by tlu business men and eltl.ens af ter a oou;.le of hours work by tho coninmtee. Mi's.-is. lU'OIKe, Youuk anil llorsoh. A special nieeUnir was heKl List niurht and eoninvlitees oh I u raiiKemeuts were aiipolnted. The ipi 'Ki im will be eiin;iletoil lo.lay and I published later. On Tuesday of this week occurred the s.ul Jeatb of Jlr.s. H. C. Hoblnsoll who died itf eonsuinption. Tho liob 1ns. ins lived at this jdaee some two years ns but since have been on fS i.nren near iruter cutis, 3.The interment took plare on Wed in m- Q day at tho cemetery on upper Hutter -j. I creek. Air. Koblnson and si:; ihil-jf',ci- :ir. !-tt to mourn their loss. II. i:. Stevens, manager of ihe Kebo lumber yard left Wednesday evening for Omaha, where he expects to spend tlv summer with 1:1s wi'e. S. 1 T. I.afet will have charge of tile luai',iM- yard in M i. ;:. vei.s' uli- si Hit . .in my Oilbtt came down Wall, i W-illa IcslerJi.v and went his pr.n.duither's. T. 1. M:f.he spend i.io summer. Aii-x iilanche Crayie and w i ('iyii,' wi nt up to Pendleton Q . r.mi -i.inu for t-ie day. & (). A C. UOltMl TOItY CJIItl.S IXIXT Q Ol YanililH ('(iniity ;ir to l'ividi' Over j Wiiblo Hall Club Xcxt Year; nival Q I'A Keen. j Oregon Ajrrlcutural Coliene Corval- G O Q Q Q Q O G 0 Q Q O o; lrom lit to , s to I.UlU this Q O O G 9 O o o G 9 O s o G o o o o G 9 lis, lire.. June U. At the annual lueetiiiy of the Waldo Hall tlu'.i, com posed ot the residents of the girls dormitory at the Oregon Agricultural College, .Miss Clara Wulli-n, a Junior In tho domestic science course from Adams Yamhill county, was elected president for the coming year. Other officers eected were as follows. First vice president, Lucy Crawford, '13, Ashland: second vice president. Delia Mays, '14, liillsboro. Wubhinirton county; secretary, Florence tfturbird, 1 . iVrtland; treasurer. Kute O'Con nor, H. AlontaKue. Calif. The Waldo Hall staff, composed Of Dr. A. Z. Crayne, dean of wouien, Mss A. A. tettintfell, housekeeper, and Esther V. Leech, assistant to the t dean, has Just issued an attractive booklet of Information regarding the dormitory, ltg advantages and accom modations and the house rules for the coining year, so that parents may see exactly what care w ill be given thir daughter should they elect to live in Waldo Hal rather than :n pri vate houses. The expense is less than in outside- rooms and the house regu : lations insure regular hours for study, i res; and recreation. There are social millions provided for the dormitory d .. iicrs, tow, that are not open to the I Q j outside residents. EISLCr Or PURITY AND EXCELLENCE SINCE I860 Bu's Pure iVIalt Whiskey is an :.' dl ;Kly pure distillation of malted grain, and as none but sound. (.! ;.a i.rnin can be malted, it lias for its base the most carefully selected grains of the field. It i a jiredigested liquid food in the form of a nnvlicinal whiskey; its palatability and freedom from injurious sii'-: tar.ces render it so that it can be retained by the most sensitive Ftr:-.i:uh. It is a fntlc, invigorating stimulant and tonic that influences for good every iiiij oriant organ of tlu lwdy. It is a remedy that should be in the fnuiily iiu !:e;no uiesi. It is especially valuable fur u-e at this tin:c to er.rvh t:.e b!o:d and rclv.iid the system that lias become run down rti.I vear.-.!ij,i from tlic 1--ntj Mrain of winter. DuFy's i vie ? I r.it V'biskey is '.he only whiskey that was taxed by h. Onvtr.rt-t rs t nicne djri-if; tS.s Spanish-American war. G t r-e ii 'Miiirc: kiIi! by drunv;ists, i!(;!!ers and grocers, or direct, $1.00 a larje bottle. Medical booklet and doctor's advice' free on rcucst. The DuiTy Malt Whiskey Co., KocJjcst?r, N. Y. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co, Rochester, New York. O Gb O 0 Q O 9 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO K.umath Falls Elks are rejoicing , that they are to be permitted to or- t janize a lodge of their own. The ob- i tacle of insufficient population has 1 been removed on a show'.ng of over j tO'JO inhabitants. j Germs of Disease should be prompt ly expelled from the blood. This is a time when the sys tern Is especially susceptible to them. Get rid of all impurities In the blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and thus fortify your whole body and prevent illness. The Rig Head Is of two kinds conceit and the big i head that comes from a sick head- i .ache. Does your head ever feel like a K"urd and your brain feel loose and sore? T'-u can cure t In no time by acting on your liver with Ballard's, Herblne. Isn't it worth trying for ; the absolute and certain relief you'll get A. C. Koeppen & Bros. ; There are so many peers and peer esses in England that It Is feared they cannot all crowd into Westminster Abbey on the occasion of the coro nation. Why not have an overflow meeting. There are plenty of Ameri cans who would he glad to pay well for the privilege of attending it. DO NOT FORGET when phoning your order for meat, that WR CAIiltY A COM- rum: mm: op kaxcy and stapm-: ;uoci.isii.s. and our prices are IlKiHT. Fresh fruits and vegetables received dally. "Everything to eat, Crocerlo.s and meat." the CASH MARKET Cor. E. Omrt and Johnson Stu. Phone Main 101 PIXMP FOLKS AXD TIII.V FOLKS Sumo Will .Make People, Fat "Money Hack If It Falls," -Say Koop-n Hros. The line of beauty Is a curve. Wo men may be thin and graceful, but not thin and beautiful. There is a vast number of pale, thin, scrawny people who are all brains and nerves, but without the health and strength that accompanies the standard weight. Good flesh and perfect health go to gether. A true flesh-form'ng food like Saraoso Is absolutely necessary to many people. This remarkable discovery comes In tablet form and when taken after mals mingles with the food and helps it to assimilate so that it makes rich blood and pleaBlng plumpness. Koeppen Bros, have so much con fidence in this remarkable flesh form ing food and health restorer that they are willing and glad to allow any customer to deposit 60c with them and take home a box of Samose with the understanding that If It does not give a. marked increaao In good firm fesh tho money will be returned with out any questions. Take advantage of this offer. The r!sk Is all theirs and you have almost the certainty, of a pleasing gain In plumpness. A t'liarniinj; Woman is one who is lovely in face, form, compicxior. ana periect health. Try mina and temper. But its hard for u wo:. ..in to be charming without health. A weak, sickly woman will; I I ne. vous anJ irritable. Constlpa i on a:,l kidney poior:s show in pim ples, blotches, skin eruptions and a v. retched complexion. But Electric hitters alway.i prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and fr.(-nd3. They regulate stomach, liv er and kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely them. 60c at Koeppens. POLITICS AXD POLITICIANS Senator T. P. Gore of Oklahoma, is the first of the National Legisla tors to come out for Woodrow Wil son for president next year. The attorney-general of Texas is looking evidence In New York upon which to base suits against the so called electrical trust of the Lone Star state. The legislature to be chosen In Louisiana next April will elect two I'nlted States senators. Congressman Joseph E. Hansdell a veteran mem ber of the house from that state, hopes to be one, because of what ho can do for the rivers and harbors movement as well as for his state, "Independent of his personal am bition." Indiana democrats are beginning to discuss, the nomination of a candi date for governor next year. State Auditor O'Brien has been mentioned for the honor, but It has been inti mated by Tom Taggart, national chairman, that all other aspirants stand aside In favor of his friend Sam Ralston. It Is evident thnt Taggart remains much more powerful In In diana than demoerats of other states have supposed. Ctate Senator Blair Lee, of Mary land has made known his desire to be chief executive of that state and bns nswed tho democrats to support him. His statement Is a lengthy ex position of his views on state needs. (Jooj ronds, good schools and primary elections will be subjects to be given special (attention during his cam palgn. It Is understood that Gov. Corothers will furnish e"vcry assist ance possible to Fr. Leo. The "or Kinilzatlon" Is said to favor K. P. Gorman. linger C. Sullivan, democratic na tional committeeman for Illinois, docs not believe that he li to be very en.sily beaten by the combination ex isting between Mayor Carter Ilarri- s n of Chicago and William It. Hurst of New York, who wish to supplant! .Sullivan with Andrew W. Lawrence committeeman for the state. Sul livan's fiiemls have been in New York City where they have told Em pire state democrats that the battle for Hie control of the majority of the It legates from Illinois to the demo cratic national convention Is already "n and promises to be memorable. In Alabama a futile effort has Just been made to raise tho salary of the governor from $5,000 to $7,500. Ala bama Is one of the sixteen states that pay their governor $5,000 a year. There are three states that pay only $4,500. There, are seven In which the salary Is $4,000 and eight that pay $3,000. Wyoming, Vermont and Nebraska think that $2,500 Is enough for a governor. There are thirteen states that pay salaries higher than $5,000, tho range being from $6,000 to $12,000. Only one state, Illinois, pays the latter amount. Five states, Including New York, pay $10,000 each. Regarding the reported Intention of the republicans to shelve vice- president Sherman when the national ticket Is made up next year, friends of President Taft, who Is sure to run again, declare that it will be a hard enough task to re-elect the president without the handicap of Mr. Sherman, because of tho feeling against Mr. Sherman by some of the big New York state leaders. Recently thera has been much talk among the Taft following that nothing would please them better than an assurance that Senator Cummins, of Iowa, would take the vlcc-presldentlal nomination. Tho cry for more houses to rent Is hoard nt Albany. NASAL CATARRH. to Do yon read the East OregonlanT Ifavo You Rend This Rook? A new book telling how the fearful appendicitis Is caused and how you can EASILY prevent It, Is being read with much Interest by Pendleton peo ple. It Is given free by Pendleton Krug Co. Mrs. F. Karbers Says It la Fasy Got Rid of. "A bad case of catarrh was cured for mo by tho use of HYOMEI. The trouble affected my head, noso and ryes, anil was very annoying and dls agreable. and the rure, from the uso of HYOMEI. was very gratifying. HYOMEI has from me a strong rec ommend and endorsement." Mrs. E. Karbcrg, 213 Klngsley St., Ann Ar bor, Mich., Nov. 16, 1908. HYOMEI (pronounced Illgh-o-me) cures catarrh, because It gets whera the germs are, and destroys thorn. It Is mado of Australian eucalyptus. When breathed over the Irritated membrane, It gives relief In two min utes. Used regularly for a few weeks It will build up and heal the germ in fested membrane and drive out ca tarrh. If you own a small Hyomel po:ket Inhaler, you can get a bottle of HY OMEI at druggists everywhere, or at Tallman & Co. for only . 50 vents. If you do not own a Hyomel Inhnler, ask for a complete outfit, the price 16 $1.00. It Is guaranteed to cure ca tarrh, coughs, solds, croup or sore throat, or money back. Get There Quick Phone Red 3961 for the AUTO CAB Twenty-five cent fares to any part of the city. Special rates for out of town trips. HEST SERVICE IN TOWN. Stand at 614 Main St. r "Supper Ready" When vou get back to camp, tirea and hungry, you f 11 Hnl ,,.nnl iA .1 l fi iiui rvuui iu apciiu u ic evening gel'.ir.; s-jppcr ready. You want a stove you ,..: iL -....'! i 11 t 11 tan uiui i up i.i a iiimuit- mat win cook cjiiiciuy ana well. For camp, houseboat or bungalow, a New Per fection Oil Cook-ctove is the ideal cooking device. It is tciily ft r ve h a mor.icnt. It saves all ihe trouble cf ci'liin 7 wood nnd winner irrr.nnl. Fr rlno nnt nu.rlicat . e, . . . v u-.w iivl UUI 1 1,.U1 or mal'i rl-"rin n I:il.-1-.r n lUnff nf n nrkna . b - It requites less i Uer-iiim and cooks better than any other range. M.fM 1 9 i 1 1. - :.L i i'' I1 " '.' wc 'narrwUd chimney. lUndtuim-ly finuKeJ UiruUfhmil. '! ind J-bumrr stnvt cjnlr hd wildntf without cabinet lop, whtthu fitted with drop helvct, lowel rack., etc l)eWi everywhere t or writ f ur ck teriptivt circular to tha nearert ftinc? oi tho Standard Oil Company Incorporated)