East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 03, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Extra Specials for
600 yds. Embroidery regular
$2.00 yard .
35c Ladies Fancy Collars .
50c and 75c Belts
25c Children's Hose .
All 12 1-2c 15c and 16 2-3c
$7.50 to $15 Linen Suits
$18 Silk Dresses
$20, $25 and $30
up to
$1 1.35
The Ladies' and Children's Store
.. See Lane ft Son for, signs.
Pastime picture please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 171.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Eon.
Front office for rent In Judd build
ing. F. E. Judd.
Lost Pair of black kid glove. Re
turn to this office.
Wanted Plain sewing. Apply 308
Bouth Lllloth street.
Phone Plauoeder for fresh meat
aud Urd. Main 44S.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
ee the best and the clearest pictures.
Furnished house to rent. Enquire
07 Willow street or phone Black
A woman wanted on farm. Steady
employment. Call at Standard Gro
cery Co.
Dressed chickens Friday and Sat
urday at the Ca'h Market, phone
Main 10 1.
Buy your chickens for Sunday's
dinner at the Central Meat Market
Phone Main S3.
10 pound lardr 11.00 and 6 pounds
60 cents. Saturday only. Chas Ray
burn Meat Market.
Call up Main 75 for McConnell's
express. All kinds of hauling care
fully and promptly done.
Everything that's (rood to cat. in
meats and groceries at the Cash
Market, phone Main 101.
For Rent Three furnished jiouae
keeplng rooms, electric lights and gas.
No children. 701 Thompson.
Wanted Woman or girl for gen
ral house work. Enquire of Mrs.
McGlnnls, 201 W. Webb street.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month nt the Commercial
Barn, 120 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
For sale 160 acre homestead,
nearly all good timber. Inquire at or
address 107 Garfield street, Pendle
ton. The East Orcgonlan is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate it and show
It by their liberal patronage.
If you want fresh meat from a
new, clean market, phone Main 5
Farmers Meat Co., Conrad PlaUoeder,
manager. 334 E. Court street
If you want to move, call Penland
Bros., Transfer, phone 8391. Largo
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street. '
You can't burn slate and gravel!
Don't try it. Phone Dutch Henry,
Main 1V3, for clean screened Rock
Springs coal either lump or nut. It
burns clean and goes further.
For sale 160 acres choice timber
land In Wallowa county 10 miles from
Wallowa. Fir, blue pine and tamar
ack. Call on or address J. A. Joyce,
Pendleton, Ore.
For Salo Cheap Two log houses In
Meacham, Ore., 6 rooms each; mod
ern Improvements. Also 327 acres of
land within four miles of Meacham.
Good grazing land and contains con
siderable timber. Inquire Meacham
Lumber Co. -Passengers
to Portland can save
money and at the same time have an
enjoyable river ride by taking boat
from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatzert
leaves dally, except Friday and Sun
day at S:30 p. m., arrives in Port
land 9:30. Fare 81. 00.
5- acres will make you Independ
ent. Why not buy today while you
are earning good money. It is very
easy to say' I don't want any of that
In mine but how often have you had
the chance to buy and In a very few
vears find yourself saying, "I had a
chance to buy that for 350 an acre.
Now see what It Is worth, 3 to 3400."
Tcutsch & Bickers.
The) "Iliirry-iip" Eipross.
When you want an express wagon
aulck. phone to Geo. Stangier at
Grltman Bros., Main 611. All kinds
of light and heavy hauling.
K. G. Warner was in from his home
at Pilot Rock yesterday.
Robert Lewis boarded the local this
morning for Hermlston.
F. B. Martin was among the Helix
peoplo in the city yesterday.
J. F. Vernon of Milton, was among
the host of peopjo in the city yester
day. Carl Engdahl came In from Helix
this morning on the Northern Pacific
F. Martin of Adams brought his
family down yesterday to see the cir
cus. Miss L. Minor of Heppnor, was
over from tho Morrow county seal
John G. Xeuman of Uklah, was In
the city yesterday and registered at
the St. George.
Pr. W. II. Lytle, state veterinarian
enme In this morning on the Walla
Walla local.
Jack Fkiles Is visiting friends and
relatives In the city. He Is now mak
ing Spokane his home.
Mrs. M. A. Ellis left on the local
his morning for Portland where she
will spend the summer.
Gerald Stanfleld was among the
out of townspeople who attended the
circus In thfT c'.ty yesterday.
C. E. Slmons.reputy assessor in the
Valley and Ferndale districts, Is tran
saetlng business In the city today.
Mrs. George Gray of La Grande,
Is now in the citv upon a visit with
her mother, Mrs. D. Brusha.
T. 8. Gibson and wife were among
the Pilot Rock residents who came
In to see the circus yesterday.
R. N. Stanfleld returned to his
home this morning on the local after
spending the night In the city.
Rov Klrklev left today on train No
17 for Portland to spend Sunday with
his wife and child in that city.
Miss Hazel Lych of Pilot Rock
was In yesterday to attend the per
formance of the circus last night.
Miss Georgeanna Fletcher, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fletcher,
left on the local this morning for a
visit with relatives in Heppner.
Miss Elizabeth Naylor. who has
been teaching school near Athena
during the past term, passed through
on the local this morning to her home
at Hermlston.
Urania Coombs of La Grande was
registered at the Bowman yesterday.
L. E. Richmond of Hermlston was
In the city yesterday along with many
other strangers to attend the Sells
Floto cirous.
and .mangle girls,
at the
, lHimllure for Sale.
For two light housekeeping rooms
at a sarrifice. Complete In every de
tail and the furniture Is of the genu
lm mission and mahogany, not tho
Imitation. Will consider offer for the
sets entlro with lease of rooms which
! arc convenient and centrally locate!.
or single pieces. Terms cash or bank
able notes. Apply Room 8, Temple
For Ico Cream Sodns Thai
Try Our
"Tho best made."
Ice" Cream Sundae
One of our most popular
Fresh Strawberries served
1 with ice cream.
Onco a patron, always a pat
ron, at
Oregon Agricultural College. The
"old grads" of the Oregon Agricul
tural College nre planning to show
the undergraduates what a real col
lego paper should be. by taking over
the issue next Saturday. More
pages, more news, and first class
form nre promised by the editorial
staff, which includes Arthur Q. B.
Houquest, '06, clerlculturlst nt the
college, ns editor-in-chief ; Violet S.
Hancock, '09, Cove, secretary of the
horticulture department -as associate
editor; Edward C. Calloway, "09, Suo
knnc, Wash., Instructor In pharmacy
as business manager; Alice Edwards,
'06, Monroe, instructor In zoology,
and entomology, ns assistant business
manager; Malcolm G. Cox, '10,
Schurx, Nov., graduate manager of
athletics, and Lyman Bundy, '08,
Moscow, Idaho, both sporting editors;
and tho following reporters: Carrie
Dannemnn, '01, Corvallls; Grover C.
Gate, '06, Corvallls; Mabel C. Cady,
'OR, Pearl Leonard, '09, both college
bookstore clerks; Juanita Rosen
dorf, '04, Corvallls. Circulation man
ager, Floyd E. Kowianu, ui, corval
lls. Contributions for the Issue have
been reeelved from the following
staff of contributors: E. B. Aldrich,
'00. Pendleton: Fnyo Roadruck-
Wrlght, 'OS, Salom; M. J. Lnzello, '09,
C'lacknmns. and Lionel A. Johnson,
'AS, Portland.
Attenmlod Introduction of Medical
Berry (iots Uoil Mini Into Trouble
Pino Ridge, S. D Six of the In
dians of Pass Creek district, of this
reservation, charged with introduc
ing the notorious mescal bean among
their brethren, were recently haled
before the celebrated Indian court by
Major John R. Brennnn, superin
tendent of tho reservation nt this In
dian ngoncy.
Tho use of this intoxicating alka
loid hns been for some time more or
less mixed up with tho religious cere
monies of tho Wlnnehogos nnd Oma-
bas of eastern Nebraska, but this Is
tho fi:t nttempt on the part of the
aristocrats ' of the Indian world, tho
Cloux, to charm themselves into hap
piness by the use of tho aubtlo vego
tnhlo alkaloid.
Tho outfit used in tho celebration
of tho "mescal" service was confis
cated by'tho Indian court.
(Special Correspondence.)
Helix, Ore., June 3. Mrs. E. R.
Jones In taking her medicine, took
the wrong bottle by mistake. She
soon became violently 111 and Dr. W.
H. McKInncy was summoned. For
an hour there was much doubt If the
lady would recover, but she is now
on the road to recovery.
Our butcher shop is closed. They
have suspended business. It Is not
jet settled if it is to be permanent
or otherwise. Tho shop closed June
1st. This is a good location for a
butcher. We are unable now to get
any fresh meat nearer than Pendle
ton. The shop Is located next door
to the Helix bank.
The Knights of Pythias are very
busy now. They have four candidates
on the way to Knighthood and more
asking what to do to bo made brave
The Ladies of the Maccabees are
going to give a big entertainment
June 1G In the I. O. O. F. hall at He
lix, a nice program In being arrang
ed. Ice cream and cakes and straw
berries and many other good things
will be had on this occasion. A big
crowd Is expected. Mrs. Zeusko is
ladv commander.
The second nine of Adams came
over Wednesday to cross bats with
Helix second nine. Helix won 27 to
(Continued from Page Two.)
ton In Presbyter'.an church, corner
College and Alta streets, at 2 p. m.
All cordially Invited. Geo. L. Sprat
tier, pastor. .
BnptM Church.
Baptist church will hold services
at 11 and 8 o'clock. Morning sermon
"What's the Use?" Evenng, "Pil
grim's Reward in Pressing On."
Young people's meeting at 7 o'clock.
Bible school at 10 with classes for all.
Invitation Is extended to all these ser
vices. R. E. Storey.
Presbyterian Church. .
Services at Presbyterian church to
morrow morning and evening.
Preaching by John Reeves, supply
pastor. Prof. Blakeslee at the organ.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Young
peoples meeting at 7 p. m. All are
cordially invited to these services.
After a
watch the
successful entertainment,
"committee" fish for corn-
Save money by reading today's ads.
Doer t'rtvk Miners Determine to Try
Asotin. Wash. Owners of mines in
the vicinity of Deer Creek, on .Salmon
river, n ;hort distance from the mouth
who have developed a number of high
grade properties, realizing that even
tliouuh construction work on the
Gllmore & Pittsburg railway shoul
begin this summer, it will be at least
two years before they will have tran
sportation for the output of their
mines, have entered Into negotiations
with Glover & McFarland, owners or
the gasoline launch Flyer; to put me
mat in commission between Deer
Creek and Lewtston, and the Initial
trip will be made about June 6. The
launch Is now on the way here, be-
ng equipped with a 60-hoisepower
engine, and it Is believed that enough
power can be developed for the pack
et to successfully negotiate me rap
Ids In the Snake river ns far ns Pitts
burg Landing, about 65 miles above
Asotin. If this can be accomplished
there Is no doubt but navigation can
be accomplished several miles up the
If the Flyer succeeds in going up
Salmon river it will be the first power
boat ever to enter the stream, and a
new era will be. inauguraiea ior u
rich mineral belt along the Salmon
below Deer Creeki where there are a
number of promising claims lying
dormant because of the inability of
the owners to get machinery In and
the ore out.
On the initial run the boat will be in
command of an experienced pilot,
and an expert gasoline engine man
from the factory which supplied the
motor will have charge of the en
gines. Besides the owners the party
will include several newspaper men,
Invitations having been extended to
the representatives of The Spokesman
Review nnd Lewiston papers to ac
company the expedition. It is an
ticipated that the round trip can be
made In three days.
by pro-
Let the children be
able this summer
viding each with a pair
of our barefoot sandals
5 1-2 to 8 at . . ,85c and $1.25
8 1-2 to 11 at . .$l.00and$l.25
11 1 -2 to 2 ist . .$1.25 and $1.75
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Home Luxuries
are of many kinds, but we make
a luxury out of a necessity.
In Bath Rooms
we use the greatest precau
tion to install only the latest
and most sanitary appliances.
Bafh Tubs and
all Plumbing
from this shop is the best ob
tainable. ,
Satisfactory estimates on new
or repair work at Pendleton's
only exclusive plumbing shop.
Beddow & Miller
-Corner Court and Garden Sts.
Fhone Black 3556.
Pendleton's favorite picture the
ater. Biograph feature for Sunday
and Monday.
' 1. The Two Sides. Blagraph. A
vivid contrast of the world's pros
perous and poor. The story Is sim
ple, stirs the emotions and pleases
with its plainly stated admonition to
return good for evil.
2. The Crusade of the Templars.
Gaumont. Laid in the time when
Christendom was striving to wrest the
Holy Land from the dominion of the
3. The Bunco Game at Llzardhead.
Essanay. A western farme comedy.
It shows how two confidence people,
a man and a woman, played all the
boys at Llzardhead and won. After
the brilliant couple had disappeared
the boys decided the experience was
worth the money, and let it go at
4. Comrades. Eclipse. A story of
great sacrifice. A thrilling and path
etic story of the devotion of two sol
diers to one another until one loses
his life in battle. The other at great
risk carries the dying man's message
to his old father, and while there
finds an opportunity to further serve
his dead friend by giving his life for
that of his comrade's father.
5. Beauties of Sans Soucl. Eclipse.
Near Berlin, Germany. Delightful
glimpses of one of the loveliest of
European parks. Vistas of glades
adorned with statuary magnificent
trees and gorgeous flower gardens.
The entrance of the park, the orang
ery, thecolonades, the terraces, the
lake, Voltaire's statue, the Farnese
bull, the famous Sans Couci Mill, the
Japanese house, favorite residence of
Emperor Friedrich Wilhelm L., statue
of Friedrich Wilhelm, the Great.
"The Pages Devotion", Urban.
This drastic picture of courtly life Is
placed in a very beautiful old cha
teau. The baroness has a lover, and
when the old baron finds this out her
page takes the lover's place thus per
mitting them to escape. The story
Ij wisely conducted to bring out "its
dramatic positions and It Is beauti
fully acted making a very desirable
"A Buffalo Hunt." This Is a good
picture of the methods adopted to
secure the buffalos. The wild buf
falo Is a dangerous antagonist and
makes his strength felt upon all oc
casions when necessary for self pro
tection. "A Soldier," Pathe. Tells in a
graphic way how a soldier goes to see
his sick mother, even though leave
of absence is refused. The highest
type of silent emotional drama.
Tho Pastime.
The house of quality. A feature
picture for Sunday's change.
"Short Lived Happiness." A Pathe
feature by the American Co. Here
we are shown the story of an unfor
tunate boy, doomed to the ills of life,
given a chance to die after a few days
of happiness. Two characters attract
attention, the unfortunate youth and
the vindicative and jealous man who
wanted to be a lover. The boys fate
will arouse sympathy. The Jealous
man will exert quite the opposite in
fluence. "Soldiers Three," Vitagraph. This
Is more than ordinary good comedy.
One funny situation follows another
so closely that the laughter is with
out intermission. It would be diffi
cult to conceive of more laughable
absurd situations than are developed
before the story is told.
Tho Cosy.
Friday and Saturday.
"While There's Life There's Hope."
Imp. A young man's sweetheart
throws him over because he is poor,
an an aged broker is in financial
straits, so both determine to kill
themselves. The irony of fate decrees
that both men fustrate one another's
attempts at suicide and finally a lit
tle child comes Into their lives and
they conclude to start life anew with
better motives.
"A Western Ruse." Powers. A
"bad" man of the west is the rival of
a stagedriver for a girl and as the
driver is the favored suitor, the bad
man holds up the stage and gets the)
money boh. The way in which he was
led into betraying himself by the girl
is novel and interesting. A strong
story of the west.
"The Price He Paid." Champion.
Another great western story of a wo
man who leaves her drunken husband
and goes west. She is followed by
her husband and troubles come but
he is finally killed by a sheriff's posse.
The story is intensely dramatic with
a suggestion of a happy end.
"A Confidence Trick.'; Gt. North
ern. A detective story that with some
.complications more than ordinarily
interesting that keep one guessing till
the end. The acting is fine and the
piece Is full of thrills. Finely col
ored throughout.
We wish to announce to the public
that we have taken over the entire
C. B. Lyman market stock and here
after will be able to supply your every
need In fresh meats, lard, fish and
shell fish, cured meats, sausages,
plain and fancy groceries, and every
thing the market affords in fresh
fruits and vegetables. We cordially
invite a visit to our light, cool and
clean market.
302 E. Court St.
Thone Main 101.
When old man Noah built his ark
They thought ho was a bloomin'
They laughed nt him and called him
And in their sleeves they chortled,
When Fulton built his queer old tub
Men laughed and said he was a dub
Thev said, "This fellow's off his nut!"
Ho was a Joke in thoso days, but
When Wilbur Wright said, "I can
Men smiled and winked tho other
eye. ,
They kidded him and said "Tut, tut!"
They thought ho was daffy, but
So. gentle readers, do not leer
When some damphool does something
A genius is a funny nut.
His actions are peculiar, but
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Concrete Blocks-Concrete Wlf op k
The Most Modern and Most Substantial Building
Material-More Comfortable, and Cheaper in the end
Lester to Moot Limn.
Sydney, Australia, June 3. Jack
Lester, Clellum Wash., and Bill Lang,
Australian pugilist, nre matched to
fight a return bout here today, going
ton rounds.
Granville Havener, a pioneer of Eu
gene, who left thero 35 years ago, is
revisiting that city. He Is able to
Identify only ono houso.
According to the Klamath Chron
icle, the Crater lake tourist season
will be nt least a month late this year
because of snow on the route.
Save Yoursell
Concrete Blocks and re-in-forced
concrete are cheaper
and far more satisfactory.
IMnko prettier work when
finished and give the great
est comfort in either hot or
cold weather.
Give Yourself
See my many beautiful de
signs for Easements, House
Foundations. Walls, Fences.
Curbing, Building Trim
mings and Cemetery Fences.
They crow stronger with ace.
Estimates Furnished on Application
Phone Black 37S0.
Tend leton, Oregon.
Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Con crcto Work.