DAILY EAST OREGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, Till ICS!) Y, JIXE 1. PAGE THREB J c IT H- I HEWS OF TIE : Children Cry for Fletcher's AT fr iieans KIG11T PACTS in mis HOT I NORTHWEST : Tbo K.'thI Yo;i Hivo Ahvnys iu uso Jfor over 30 yenr, All CoituierrekH, Imitation r.nA STust-iiK-good" arc but Kxperiinents Mint trillo with nnd ilunKer thr hen ,1th of lufuuts nnd Children Kxperleneo against Experiment. What is CAST OR I A Cnstorlu Is a harmless suustltuto for Civator Oil, Pare goric, rops nnd fcoothlug Syrups. It hi Pleasant. It eoiiuilns neither Opium, Morphine nor otber Xnreotio Hiibstasieo. Itn npc Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm nnd allays Fcverishiiejts. It cures Diarrhaa and AVhiJ Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, eiu.es Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tbo Food, regulates tbo Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural Bleep. Tbo Children's Panacea Tbo Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Si fBears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Fop Over 30 Years TMt CrtTMUfl COMPANY. TT MUHR STRCtT, NtW YORK CITV. O. A. C. HOY APPOINTED FEDKKAI, lXHtESTEH Corvallls, Ore. Jack Pernot. who graduated from the forestry depart ment of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege last June, hiiii been appointed to the Federal Forest Service at a alary of $1200, with his field ex pense paid. In a recent Civil Ser vice examination he waa one of the 90 who passed out of 186 men from Harvard, Yale, Baltimore, Michigan. Minnesota and Washington a fact which reflects credit not alone upon Mr. Pernot, but on the quality of for estry Instruction at O. A. C. His first assignment, at Albuquerque, New Mexico, will be as Forest Assistant, and will require him to report there July 1 for duty. Hts brother, Fred Eugene Pernot, has also received notable recognition recently. He has been named as the John W. Mnckay Jr. Fellow In Elec trical Engineering at the University of California for next year, and will ao to Berkelv In September to take up graduate research work. He was one of the most brilliant members of the graduating class lif electrical en gineering last year, a fact that was recognized by the O. A. C. faculty by his appointment this year as assist ant in electrical machine design, f Read th want oAa. Flora BedlnJ, Premier Esqneetrlono, If ' f ) At "sSfes- I' i I ! I 1 - ft'.'" . !,' - jty " tow . .. 4 rJou!t, nM wWeli lin has Lorno the klnuturc oi nnl has In en macio under Ms per Mni.ii supervision hinwu iu-u.-Lj. Allow HO one to deceive von In tl Signature of X3 ASTORIAN IS SPEEDIEST O. A. C. SW1.M.M Elt Corvallls, Ore. K. M. Kinney, of Astoria, is the speediest swimmer at the- Oregon Agricultural College. In the final contest of the O. A. C. Swimming Club ho won all -of the dashes, Including the 10. yard, 20 yard, and 100 yard. He also comes out first in the fancy diving contests. making him the star of the evening. U. H. Hess of Corvallis was the sec ond point winner, and Glover Carroll of Portland the third. Among the special features of the varied and in teresting program were plunging by F. J, Coolidge of Frasler, Colo., and Harold Plutt of Winnipeg, Can., a "stunt" by Hess, and diving by Hess and T. E. Freldlg of Sutherlln. R. E. Duncan of Portland acted as start er and time keeper, and James Ar buthnot of the athletic faculty was Judge. The Dig Head is of two kinds conceit and the big head that comes from a sick head ache. Does your 'head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore? You can cure it In no time by acting on your liver with Ballard's Herblne. Isn't It worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you'll gel A. C. Koeppen & Bros. With Sells-Floto Clrcws, Which Comog (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., May 31. The com moncemeitt exercises given last night ... y... " - attended and were well-rendered. The reading by Miss Willie RecHO was es pecially appreciated. A farce entitled "All ,n a Fug" was also greatly ap preciated. TV'Porntlnn day was observed In Milton. The stores were closed all day. The was spent In decorating the graves of the departed ones and by exercises in the hall where Hev. H. II. Henderson addressed the Post and 1. A. rt. The ladies of the O. A. It. served dinner to the veterans, af ter which the time was spent in re calling old times and remembrances. J. IS. cnerry goes to hpoKane louayiL. Uose, pastor of the First r'hri.stia.i on a business trip. church, has tendered his resignation Mrs. II. F. Williams has returned j and expects to leave Xorth Yakima from Portland, where she went as within two months. His new location delegate to I. O. O. P. grand lodge, j Is not definitely settled, but will prob- On her way home she visited her daughter, Jessie, at Hermlston. MrT and Mrs. It. E. Frazler leaves today for several weeks' visit with relatives In Spokane and Portland. James Terwilllger and family have moved to the J. N. Stone residence ver. U. C, W. A. Somerville receive I recently vacated by W. C. Barth. ' telegram that the stork was aboui is. F. Williams has secured the con- to visit his home in Detroit. H tract for a bungalow to be erected by! caught the first train back. Mrs. F. C. Floyd. j Mrs. George Johnson Is recovering Sweep and Sprinkle Stnvt. from a serious lllnesH. Cottage Grove, Ore. A new rotary W. L. Scott and family are moving , street sweeper and a water wagon on to a ranch recently owned by ordered by the city council have ar Mariin Coombs. I rived, and will be put Into service at Rev. C. A. Itexroad Is preparing to , once. Tin se two things have bee'i attend the Sunday school convenMon i very much needed for some time, an I at San Francisco as a delegate from Oregon. POLICE CHASES DIU XKEV citowi) TimorGii stkeets Salem. Or.-At the request of Night ! Patrolman Walter Thompson last j accompanied by the officer gave ' chase to three unknown hoodlums ' who drove madly through the bus!- j ness district with a horse nnd buggy, 1 but on account of a "friend" giving j the officer the wrong direction, the culprits Escaped. The parties in the buggy were apparently Insane with drink, as theq lashed the horses un mercifully and yelled madly while racing through the city. Officer Thompson, being unable to halt them while on foot, appealed to Dr. Morse, who is an expert auto driver and the local department's best friend, and the physician- willingly consented to assist In arresting the drunken driv ers. Before starting, Thompson was directed to the route the drunks would take, but after a long search no trace of them could be found. Last night's escapade was the first noticed in Salem for some time, and the police are still looking for the three who wantonly endangered the lives of the citizens by alowing the horse they were driving to run at will through the main streets. If identified they will be arestcd. The man who gave the officer the wrong Information will probably be called upon to explain In the event the law breakers are not found. East Oregonlan by carrier, (Cc per month. to Pendleton Friday June 2. I'uiniory Xt-nily I'iniHliitl. Lrf-banon, Ore. The l,ehanon can nery bulbllng Is practically finished ,, Uu. nia,.hnery in being Installed. , . ... , . , .; slons. C. F. Walters and Andrew Snyder will operate the enterprise, Y. W. ('. A. on tlic Stage. Walla Walla, Wadi. The Y. W. C. A. girls are now at work on a play which they will stage some time with in the n :-t few weeks for the pur pose of procuring funds for the dele gales to the association conference at Long JJeach. Dr. Ilo; Uhs East. North Yakima, Wash. Dr. Morton ably be In some eastern city. Slork Cuts tfhort Auto Trip. Seattle, Vfash. After completing ; tianscontinental automobile trip, but still planning to continue to Vancou- their arrival Is balled with pleasur by the business men and citizens. Whitman to Hold Tourney. Walla Walla, Wash. A colleg-; tournament in tennis will be held oi .Uu , ' "ur ..duri" h next . thrf.e ' - " ........ .-.niui'juj iii'uiiiiik. will consist of men's doubles and sin gles, women's doubles and singles, mixed doubles and faculty doubles an 1 singles. 1 la moii (;iiis us Nurses. Dayton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. M. Melcum kit yesterday for Portland, to be ores- ent at the graduating exercises of the Good Samaritan hospital, at whic'i their daughters, Myrtle Stevens anl Minta Melcum, will be graduated as trained nurses. Dcirrutclior Kills IWt C nines. I taker. Ore. There has been a great decrease In the dog population of Baker In the past five weeks, ow ing to the energy of Dog Catcher Henry Kastner, who has killed over 400 in that time. More than J700 has been collected in the sale of tags during the same period. Oddfellows Escort G.-A. It. Dayton, Wash. Memorial days was observed in Dayton and Ihe members of the G. A. R. post and the Women's Relief Corps were escorted to the cemetery by the local Oddfellows lodge. In the line of march were also the Sunday school children, paying their tribute to the nation's dead. At the cemetery the customary memorial rites took place in the presence of a large crowd. llerrlcw Ripen East. Lyle, Wash. Warmer weather ha9 prevailed here for the last two days, which Is ripening the Mrawberries rapidly and rushing the growers with picking, and good shipments are go ig out dally. Good prices are still being realized,, the latest report be ing $4.75 a crate. Crops throughout the country are looking well, and a bumper wheat crop Is expected on the high prairie and in Klickitat valley. The prospects for an apple crop is excellent, especially for the later va rieties. WimmIImii'ii I'nvcils Monument. Woodburn, Ore The observance of Memorial day at Bellepassi ceme tery yesterday was of an Impressive character, and the attendance larger than usual on such an occasion. Am ong those present were members of I. I. Stevens post, G. A. R., Spanish American War Veterans. Women's Re lief Corps. Ladles of the (5. A. U., and Company' 1, I). N. G. There were recitations by school children. Un ce Ill's Gettysburg speech, an address by Rev. Alexander R. MacLean, music the G. A R. services, and the unveil ing of the magnificent new monument erected to the unknown dead. for which the Woman's Relief Corp been working for several years, unveiling was by Mayor W. L. man. has The Jer- Tigers Get Clerical Fan. St. Louis June 1. The Rev. Dr. Homer B. Henderson's resignation as pastor of the Wagoner Tlace United Presbyterian church becomes effec tive today, and the Detroit Tigers w'.ll soon be cheered on by a new and ardent fan, as Dr. Henderson goes to Detroit to become pastor of the First United Presbyterian church. Nation al comment was caused by Dr. Hen derson's resignation because of his statement that he accepted the call from the Michigan metropolis because In order that he might enjoy real baseball instead of the weak Imita tion put up by the Browns and the Cardinals. 0000000009000 O ran lit ii ft O o BUWMAN & o o o o Cleaning and Pressing Works -120 W. Court St. o PhoneM. 432 ? ooooooooooooo Change of Remember only two more days of our great offer-any suit in our store for Quality, highest, style latest and a fit to insure comfort See Window Display TEe BOSTON STORE (Special Correspondence.) "el.o. Ore., June 1. The Henrietta Rehekah lodge No. 6, I. O. O. F. of this place held their regular semi annual election last night. The fol l.ln offl.eis were elected for the ensuing term beginning July 1st: Mrs. Mary A. Barker, N. G.; Mrs. C. J. Gulliford, V. G.; Miss Nona Hous er, secretary; Mrs. Ella Baker.treas urer. Dr. C. J. Smith was here from Pen dleton yesterday, visiting his farm west of town. F. L. Brundage and wife left yester day for Portland, where they expect to rom? in two or three weeks. Miss Nona Houser returned yester day from Pendleton where she had been visiting since Sunday. Miss Iessi-.' ilourhouse and Miss Harrie Harris were here yesterday on a business trip from Tendleton. Charlie Hoskins. who has been vis iting In Walla Walla since Sunday, returned home yesterday. Carl Scholl returned to his home in Walla Walla today. Mrs. Jay Pelmudder drove up to Echo last evening from her home be llow Stanfleld. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Robinson who have been here the past month, left yesterday for a two weeks stay at Hermiston. Ql'EEK Qt'ESTIOXS TO HE ASKED CANADIANS Ottawa. Ont., June 1. Are you married, divorced, crazy, black, white or yellow, educated or illiterate, blind, deaf or dumb, idiotic, silly or a lunatic These are come of the questions that Canadians will be called upon to answer during the taking, of the census of the Dominion, which was commenced today. A great army of enumerators is engaged in the gi gantic task, which will occupy twen ty days. Failure to correctly answer any or all questions will be pun'shed by severe penalties. There are twelve scheduled, relat ing to manufacturing- agriculture, fisheries, mining and other indus tries, in addition to the personal schedule. Each head of a family will be required to tell character of work, weeks employed in 1910 at chief oc cupation or trade, hours of working time, and total earnings in 1910. War College 0)eiis. Newport, June 1. Arrangements have been completed for a special BETTER TOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OH, SAITS.0R PILLS, AS IT SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY ACQ) IS FAR MORE PLEASANT TO TAKE. IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE, AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. VII .- J M III -I IVIII .Ml CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in the Circfe, on evenj Pachae of 1ho Genuine. . ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND CENU1NE WHEN CALLED FOR. ALTHOUGH TKEY COULD MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA TIONS, YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE. BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE COOD OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINES. SUCH DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH. AS YOUR LIFE OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON THEIR SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYING NotetfieFulIName of the Gompaniy PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE, OF THE CENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. REGULAR PRICE Sfe PER BOTTLE., SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SFNNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE, BECAUSE IT IS THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS IN A NATURAL STRENGTHENING WAY AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM, WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTER-EFFECTS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING, DEBILITATING OR CR1P1NG, AND THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILL-'CS OF WELL. INFORMED FAMILIES WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO CET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE CENUINE; MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Clothes course of instruction at the naval col lege here, which will open this week and continue throughout the year. Early In July the naval general board, of which Admiral Dewey la president, will move from Washing ton here. STACY ADAMS and SELZ ROYAL BLUE SHOES at A. EKLUHD'S HOHBAGH'S BAKERY, ICE CREAM and CANDY PARLORS Finest soda?, candies, and baked (roods in the city a call at our parlors will prove it. Special party orders will receive our prompt attention. PHONE, MAIN 80 Our home-made candies are on sale at the Main street Bakery. ?OLmR u no srlt d? t MINIATt'RE PICTURE mm) I j mm k i Contains six rtn l;l CENT. Of A I COHOlM