EIGHT rAGES DAtLT E.V81 ORB .OMAV PEVPtAjrOX, OREGON. MONDAV, MAY 21, 1011. AX INKKI KSPENT NEWSPAPER. lubilnhci pally ai I S.-mt -Weekly at Vtm- li.fioii. Drt'cuu, ly tlie EAST PhlAJOMAN PC liLI SUING CO. Si r.Sl-KIlTIO.N KATES. r.llj-, i. lie ). l man ,....$3.00 P.ll'v. mx nioiilh. lev mall 2.50 lUi'y, three tuetuiis. liy mull I. Hit i Pi I. v. one nior.Ui. I'V mail 00 i'l:y, 'i,i- year, ly carrier 7.50 1-mily, fix uitui'.us, by miner 8 75 I.ll'y tmve m.-ntli. ly carrier l.3 lli ore lu.mtli, ly enmer tio trai wk:y. into j-eur. ly mall l.t0 frrml W I't M.i . M lucMhs. by ui.ill "5 ail -Weekly, four l.ioiii.s. by wall... .60 about an order thai will maks for a .-"Vw mure viuiiaMo distribution of wealth j prN among ihc people. I Vv a MiM.rinr.o woman. - I Mrs. i: 11. H.irnuinn hn a wron.; i'fti ro.tt.iriHr.ii what she should Jo . ii'n In r lnisban.l's money. She Is tiitfiuii:.;.- t ' I'Malilish a university In ( lh;s yit;.j ji l: ; j tt OI1ly Ji.. p.,w. r to 1k.i1, but LccoiucS a source of irri iv.liu r-aia nr in Nevada, she is K-, t ,tion to nnv wound or open Pore or nK-iT on tlie iksh. The lilootl eontin out vl her sphere r.llil. UUe tfc CHElBMi; ULLtKS There is a natural element of tlie circl.uion known .is plasma, a fibrous constituent which is the true heating: quality of the blood. This plasmic r . i ... im.: i ..: ;.. ( ii i.t..i on1 properly is iieipieiuiv uiMnniu liupuie ii'.viiiii.u.unuin m mi cud. iiuiie tin iiitcnti.i'.ly no Jouet. is oturuit; an to the stale of I'alii'e'.'iim. It Vii'!. '.ion of the si ne to mair.- fhe 1 :! !ly V.ii.-t Onv'oulaa kti't on a!j It the Or.voti New Co., o-'J Morrison ..reel. Perl. and. Oregon. .V.riliwi'i-i Xoi i t, Portland, Oregon. t MintM llurcau. Una Security Building. V asbinsten, 1. l, llureau, 501 Kour iMUlb .licet, X. V. Member Vn .ed Tress Aoi'!atlon. ir-sult is tho tain tin California Kntered at the post office at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. tlephuiie Main 1 Official City and County Paper. A WOULD IX Tl.NIi. 1. Joy in gardens stray in' All tin- world in tune; Maylime a-sayiu' Swtotet tilings of June. IX. "(Vi'.i'.i-b! cioUvi- M-ein 'way o vr.- birds an" rills; L-.-t's tuki; a day off Wi'-l; heavi:;, on I'.ie hill t.'.re. t! Color Violets X o i w i I Id III. joy's unenj'.n" a- t'.ie v .. ; e Sftidin' s to Go.1. IV. vain i-iuiiavor l i'i Iji. u in; (.m'.l- aould live forever i-.' ;..!ij ti.v s t . ;i.'.-s I'rar.k L. .- in : lan to a. auoalional in-titutions of It is no longer up to ehurchi s n,,r to private individuals to v'.rry on od neat ional work. In fact there is a just and Browing resent n.ont against endowed schools. Youn;-; men and women who are perfectly willing to take instruction provideJ by tho state, because they are entit led to such from the state, object to attending endowed schools. An en dowed school is a charitable institu tion and anyone who attends such a school is a recipient of charity. There is no other way to figure it. If Mrs. Harriman has wealth to distribute site may no doubt find v.lentv of places to use it ut the country, and especially in the east, there are people who lead lives ,' wntciifilii'-f." because thy are at the bottom of a social pile while such ..: she sit upon the top. These people ai-cd cb. r. hy and may appreciate it. i,t when Mrs. Haniman thinks of e-eair,.- : o the pr.givss.ive west and sia'aishii.:' a school with her h us ually discharges the impur.ties into the place nnd gradually llie mteciion spreads ami tlie sore enkiiy-cs. lCxteinal applications cannot cure .v.; eld sore, because :-.uch treatment does not a fleet the blood ; tlie most that can be expected from plastets. washes, salves, .le., is a cleansim.-, r.oothing elTect on the ulcer. f.vS. S. heals old sores i:l a -etfectly natural way. It goes down into the blood, and removes the impurities and lfiotlnd mailers that are the means of kcepiuj; t tie ulcer open; then the sore is hound to heal. S. S. .S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and not only does it cleanse thecireulation, but it restores the healing-, plastuic qualities and aids in promoting; every necessary quality for jrood health. S. .S.S. builds new flesh tissue from the bottom of tlie ulcer to the outer skin, and makes a perniar -mt cure. Book on Sores and Ulcers and any medical arlviee free. S. S. S -s for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. j when he has bequeathed his money : In a way his relatives do not like it ! will suddenly be established In court ; that the testator was a lunatic and didn't have enough sense to know There used to be X ni-ie lisi-ci ni Lie . (j ei tfyrd, Conn , who J H reak any will, no i A nard ixon, one of the Tacific Coast artists who has aeh eved a strong po sition in New York. Another feature of this number is an article, "The I'.iggest Job in the World," by Frank Saville, a frank statement by an en- j w hat he was dolus thiisiastic Englishman of his ndni'r- nn old lawyer in Hart ation for the work done by young sa d that he could break any Americans in the construction of the mutter by whom made or In what I'anania canal. The article is illus- state, and the success which nttond- Through- j t rated by recent copyrighted photo- j ed him in his practice emphasized tne graphs made by Kdward 11. Kemp ; truth of his content. on. for Congressman I. and of the com- j An effort was made not long ago tnittee on naval affairs, other - ur-; In Massachusetts to provide for the t'e'.es are "can Horseback to Mount probating of wills before death. It Hose," by George Hamlin Fitch; was proposed that a man upon mak- "The Tavern of the I!:g Water a tug a will should go to the prob.'ue iVsrrinlion of Lake Tahoe bv Kat'.i- ! court and offer it for probate. Any ! ' er.no Chandler; "Western Porsonalt ! ties." ' including Henry A. Jastro of i i'.a.kei'sfald. 1'i. Hidem T'.l lisdell of romona College, and- fler.eral ITar- 1 arrw?tHt',-MgMtM " -w!r For Sale 3 miles cast of Echo along tho thniitllla river, 355 acres pood rich. land under the Furnish ditch, 60 acres in al falfa nnd 125 acres more can be put In ull under the ditch. All machinery nnd hay for small price of $17,500 on easy payments if sold at once. 160 acre wheat farm 4 miles west of Pendleton for J1600 without the crop If sold within the next 10 days. On north sldo of Pendle ton, 2 lots and good house well Improved for $2250, all ensh; must be sold at once, parties needing money. address D. Kemler 210 W. Eluff St. Pendleton, Oregon. Hotel St. George GEORGE PAUVn.UT, Proprietor. 1 1 him in in u"ga .Ma . J V- -i . .iH"L T 'i', ;rVS'..i.'J7 mm zczxra (-i4. n m Europeun plan. Kverythlng J flrit-clnsH. All modern convenl- ences. Hot water heated throughout. Hooms en suite with buth. Inrge, now sample rooms. The Hotel St. George Is J pronounced one of tho most up- to-dnto hotels of the Northwest. Telephone nnd fire alarm con J nectlons to office, nnd hot and cold water running In all rooms. Rooms $1 and $1.50 Block and a hnlf from depot, t See the big electric sign. fammTertnnnmmm'm iiw mm iijawifciimajjuTgsjugwtaCTnawMW 1 1 v ' l : ey sh is ing tar astray. of PA lt; ALI A ;sl KFI l. A'. k. st t! . ei are ju-ti-. at lite city thv tiitu two ; ave 1 They oi.'J tlifough t. -t at .all. T a Al:a is .a. f the ei! c A ( ilAM.K MIM COME. u'.U secured by the Stanley in-ViMii.-tit.g commute e show the need of eor.gresi-ii'tial investigation into tl.e Jiff.tirs "f i ..'.n. ems liltc the steel ti us:. vu the wiitass .-tand Fri lay John W. Gales, w ho was file of the ma r.i; ulat"i s in the f ruiation ..f the steei tru.-t, laid bare uie startling facts. Why he did so is not co.ar but if the lestinu.ny is correct we lo-e-d not bother ataui the motives of the witness. The investigator are looking for exidence showing that the steel cor- j.oiatioii e as totmed in restraint of j trade. The testimony' of Gates seems i . i, ; i.,, .m.l fVw-rt b tei.eiuMiv on inn I'.'iui vn i...i.i the information given by the witness it should be possible for the commit tee to prove undo restraint. For in stance he testifi'.' 1 that Carnegie was given $3 JC'.OOO.OuO for interests worth just half that sum; that Gates' cor poration, the American Steel an! Wire company, was given $48,000,000 it. steel preferred and from $50,000, OuO to $70,000,000 in steel common for $40,000,000 of American Steel & Wire stock. In other words the concerns going into the steel trust were taken in at double their valuation. By this "simple twist of the wrist" Andrew Carnegie it seems made a profit of $160,000,000. No wonder he can af ford to establish llbrailcs and give medals to heroes. But Carnegie, Gates et al could not make Buc-h cleanups as this without B corresponding loss to someone eke. The inflated values placed on the plants that went Into the steel trust require that the prices be auch as to provide dividends on the new capital ization. Therefore the consuming public Is the sufferer. The public lost $160,000,000 to Carnegie and fc vast sums to Gates and others with out knowing it. The victim was not even allowed to sit in the game. Those men did not earn that money. They simply took' it and the govern ment allowed it. .Surely it was un due restraint of trade. It is more than time for the gov ernment to be going to the bottom cf deals like this and to provide for the control and regulation of cor porations. It Is a big undertaking and one upon which scarcely a start has yet been made. But it is work thft mu.rt be done and the sooner it is done the better. Undue wealth for some means poverty for other.) and both poverty and opulence mean degeneration. "Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a -prey, Where wealth accumulates and men decay." Then thr Is another reason for action. The American people have a vision they have not entirely lost. It l the principle, mad Immortal by even years of blood, that men are entitled to life, liberty and the pur . suit of happiness. There can be no life, liberty or happiness without the material comfort that make life and happiness possible and It the vision is to be maintained there must come I . v ill b I right, u I 'vers ttrt ha il I'oUfi y w.iiit tub. mo-1 used a use of its it would 1 e il I ave 1 sir lis. in Gray (Mis "What Women ly IMtl.a It. hi it Fie. hi Mh'iiaiiii, ..'.iv 'Kihtahcta S. Taylor, fru ot'.u r of Sun i t's t.ilks coast fiance, Va!!:'-r:i and their Growth In P Cyrus Pierce. Tho ;'ie the :'.! t ia a lO Y -v fie I.OS p . p." th. ' . I I,:,;.,! an mi- , , i Advcn par- t. able t. The he on tho i.i'ling ly no; y owns e 1 oat pay its i ulty. ;:- owners e"pt al- - md th . i. st assessments will aunty and u; an the irapany. The county .'eject an 1 if the mill all the water in the i; then it should be re. t assessment w ith- I'r Angfles; in the !ud- -u.oe.-er. and -. -ran t : ali en Pacific s'e: itr t'es ! al.i r ;y " by n iacllbbs ..f s .nth Sen vies by M. It. Ai!en "The tires . f P.o-.rs P arl." Hlns by Masnarl Ibyn; "The war Tong-," I v Grant Carpenter; ite Lady Killer." by John Fleming l.-.a:: an1 tii.-r intilinient of the i'.i.. moon's travel story, "The Spell," uiiich the romanee is heightened by nii'itit'. s ,,t M'interey and ?an melsco. ste d ta ol.jectians to be made to the will wa re to be made then, t-fter due no tice, and if they xvto not sustained at the time no further contest of the will was to be perat tted. It s.em J.i us. tint iliis was a very io o... scheme and it might be followed it; ether si "tts with benefit. S itne peo ple Ket aro'iinl the cpfficuhy Of will-ii'-lting by eiving away the r money be!' e e they d'e, keeping 11)1! U: Ufnii t ill the nv.intinie, but that is vet", dangerous practice ns. Shakespeare so eleoiiei tly showed in King I. ar. our s-:. ni ef Miakinc wdls like mir .-ys-tea: transferrins real ta'e, is e pei ive. unsatisf let .ry an 1 ar.l)qiiat f.i -I'hu leston Xews and t.'ourV-c. i St 11 i P mhmm Theat t. P. MEDFRVAC A, 1-ropii-n.Mf HiGI 1-CI.ASS UP-TO-DATE 'MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SKM !'!(;TtM IV TOD'V S I'lVilll. I I'rofrain ('hai-,-f ua Svuaji's. Tut-.'sJur'i enel FrWnrti. f eszmib -iitsia-aii!w:itzi 'iii;iniiiiiiai i. iv in i.iih" mnrn nil ir ruiiHf in M 1". Kii hle'gh The Old'doods have a- plates that have been in the faaiiiy for a hundred years. Mrs. Uichloigh- P.c.hf That just shows tla v never had any servants. MAKING A WILL. A man may have moved among his frier. Is f.r ma n v vear- with no que?- ! ti. n ::s To h's s.initc bo after ileath M.nuaei Willi", what do you nn an by l.r. aking all those eggs? Willie I h"ard pap;t say that there's money In eggs nnd I'm trying to tin.! ,t. Sty !!) Grande Ronde ipple Orchards on the IXSTALLMKXT pj.in. Talk with the PtqnlIeton people who have visit(i tlif-sc tracts. HILL & HIB3ER0, OWNERS At tho office, of MARK MOO.HOUSE CO. i - The city a ioiini -.ration was very anxious f .r the pas.-nge of the street iukprovemer.t oriinanee and t'ie pe. t ie pass -q n. i;ul It now iooks uko the l'athi-is are afraid to ride the horse after-having gotten it. A Few 6 ers The . the rainfall may not be normal but there quite up has been suffi i. r.t moisture to bring some splendid looking wheat just the- same. about fields Speaking of baseball how was yes terday's game for a thriller. Almost as good as the Hound-up. When big financiers fall out the i-ople learn how the thing was done. fo s m Egyptian cotton uiblei'wear, n strictly lii.uli-ribli- iirtioli'. coines. in all colors, oiinnont 2I( Cioniiino UlniaTs iinderwciii- in nil shtnlc-, regular 7."i' values lof 1'nion Suits, all suunncr j-im,s Top and up 12 l-2c black and tan sox. : for " 2"c ami 20c snx. solid colors 10 straight LIEN'S STKITED 1 IT 1 5 OVERALLS, sizes 34 to 11 pun n ei it ... 0? E'xtra sjiccial Illuc Denim !il Overalls, jrarincnt Top Jl'MPEUS TO MATCH. ijlj $ii Bvers II Flour y.x i - & IBIMIIIII-II I SI Is made from the choicest wlu-at that crows, (fooil bretnl is I'ssureil whin UVKKS' I! EST n.OL'K is u-eil. liran. Slioits, Sicain llollcil I'arlcv alunvs oil liand. Pendleton Roller Mills Sl'XSKT MAGAZINE I'OIt Jl'XE An "apple-cheeked girl" with a basket of the kind of apples that have I made the Rogue River valley of Ore gon famous forms the cover design for the June Sunset. The apples may be peculiar to Oregon but the girl's smiling face is one that belongs to all of the great country which this magazine is exploiting. The leading feature of this number of Sunset is a very readable article by Walter V. Woehlke, whose development articles have been featured lately both in Sunset and the Saturday Evening Post. Mr. Woehlke writes of the new impetus which has lifted into prom inence the rich valley of the Rogue river in southern Oregon. His title ! is "Transplanting the Garden of Eden," referring to the tempting ap ple of course, but without any effort to maintain a strict parallel with the Biblical narrative. The writer's read abb; text is reinforced with pages of brilliantly colored pictures, this color work giving a sumptuous appearance to the magazine. The frontispiece la a South Sea Island picture by May- (j Vorkingmen's Clothing Go. l'oiiuicton, Oivtion. CASTOR I A For Irntj uid CMn. Tba Kind You Han Always Boogl" 1M-S the f jguator of Who WIS the G First Annual MAY FESTIVAL of the Royal College of Porpora May 30 and 31. at the First Presbyterian Church May 3D. Paul Revere's Ride, A Cantata for Male Voices. Sung by 16 Men. May 31. Gounod's St. Ce celia, Oratorio Form. Sung by Large Chorus of Local Musicians, with Orchestra' Seat Sale at Pendleton Drug Co. Tickets 50c and $1.00 1 ANHEUSER-BUSCH on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636J4ain St FINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Herman Peters, Prop Bowman Bar One Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our CIGARSand LIQUORS They Please Martin Anderson. Prop Not,TEvery Day, But on Many Days During the Summer. May 16 to September 7 Eastbound Summer Excursion Fares ARE OX SALE BY ALL AGEXTS OF Northern Pacific Railway You can take advantafio of these LOW RATES to any point in tho East, in Eastern Canada, in tho Middle West.' Here are a few of the fares : St. Paul Chieajro , St. Louis .. Omaha - Indianapolis Detroit New York . $00.00 72.50 70.00 CO.OO 79.90 82.50 -108.50 Philadelphia Pittsburg Roston $108.50 91.50 110.00 Portland, Me. 110.00 Ottawa, Ont 103.00 Montreal, P. Q 105.00 Quebec, P. Q 111.50 Liberal Transit Limits. Stopovers Allowed. Yellowstone National Park June 15 to September 15. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL, June 5 to 10. SEATTLE GOLDEN POTLATCH July 17 to 22. Low Fares From All Stations. Don't hesitate to ask any passenger representative " of Northern Pacific Ry, for full inf.orma.tion. . WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pasb Agt, Portland, Oregon. 97 the