EIGHT PAGES AOjY BAM ORKGOHXAlf, WnOJDTOM, OBSOOX. FRIDAY, MAT 24, ltll. pagb rrm - The Greatest of the Season Over 400 Dress Skirts go on sale Friday and Saturday Panama, Serge, Poplin, Voile and Fancy Mixtures in all shades All Skirts up to $0.00 Friday and Saturday 82.90 All-Skirts uj to $8.00 Friday and Saturday 34.85 All Skirts up to $10.00 Friday and Saturday - $6.35 All Skirts up to $12.50 Friday and Saturday $7.95 All Skirts up to $15.00 Friday and Saturday --. $9.65 All Skirts up to $1S.00 Friday and Saturday $11.70 All Skirts up to $20.00 Friday and Saturday $12.80 XO CHARGES FOR ALTERATIONS. F. E. LlVENGOODCO. PERSONAL MENTION BLUE BACK SALHOfl IS ON EXHIBITION it;. I LOCALS! Rugs at Grahams. See Lane & Son or signs. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Son. Host rugs tho market affords at Grahams. Front office fur rent In Judd build ing. F. E. Judd. I,st I'ulr of black kid gloves. Re turn to this office. Wanted Plain sewing. Apply 308 South Lilleth street, Phono Platzoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main 445. Dr. t'llse will bo In his office all day every Saturday. Rub at unheard of prices for the rest of the week at Graham's. l;;nj "f all 5c cigars. "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan sole agent. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to the best and the clearest pictures. Partle who have not sprayed for scale, phono I. C. Snyder. Red 3812 A woman wanted on farm. Steady emDlovment. Call at Standard Gro cery Co. Dressed chickens Friday and Sat urday at tho Cash Market, phone Main 101. Buy your chickens for Sunday's dinner at the Central Meat Market Phone Main 31. $10 cash and $5 a month buys five acres of the best land In the world. Teutsch & Rickers. For sale Fresh cow and tlwee good young mares. Apply J. S. Wheeler three miles west of town. $10 down and IB a month buys a 8-aerelract of the best land In the world. Teutsch & Bickers. For Rent Three furnished house keeping rooms, electric lights and gas. No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horses Doarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 20 Aura street. Phone Main 13. For sale 180 acre homestead, nearly all good timber. Inquire at or address 107 Garfield street, Pendle ton, The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and "how It by their liberal patronage. If you want fresh meat from a new, clean market, pnone Main 445. Farmers Meat Co.. Conrad PlaUoeder, manager. 124 B. Court street. If you want to move, call Penland Bros., Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick- Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. Fr good light get a Steelmantle kerosene burner. Odorless, smoks less, most brilliant light by small lamp; satisfaction guaranteed. Carl Obery, 211 Lee Street. Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 13, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. For sale 160 acres choice timber land in Wallowa county 10 miles from Wallowa. Fir, blue pine and tamar ack. Call on or address J. A. Joyce, Pendleton, Ore. For Salu Cheap Two log houses In Meacham, Ore., 6 rooms each; mod ern improvements. Also 327 acres of land within four miles of Meacham. Good grazing land and contains con siderable timber. Inquire Meacham Lumber Co. Passengers to Portland can save money and at the same time have an enjoyable river ride by taking boat from The Dalles. Str. Bailey Gatzert leaves dally, except Friday and Sun day nt J: 30 p. m., arrives In Port land 9:30. Fare $1.00. 5 acres will make you Independ ent. Why noj; buy today while -you are earning good money. It is very easy to say I don't want any of that In mine but how often have you had the chance to buy and in a very few years find yourself saying, "I had a rhnnce to buy that for $50 an acre. Now see w hat it is worth. 3 to $400." Teutsch & Bickers. R. Nr' Adams is In th city from Ukiah. R. N. Stanfleld of Stanfleld, was up from that town yesterday. . C. E. Smith of Olbbon was down from his mountain home yesterday. W. W. Shank and wife of Tekoa, Wash., are registered at the Bowman Attorney J. T. Hlnkle of Hermlston came up from the propect town yes terday. Mrs. John Tlmmerman came in on the Northern Pacific this morning from Helix. An experienced woman wants po sition as housekeeper on ranch. Ad dress "M." this office. Don C. Brownell of Hermlston came up last evening1 to attend the high school class day exercises. M. Hutchinson of Pilot Rock came in from that town yesterday after noon and spent the night here. Attorney John P. Winter returned on tho Northern Pacific this morning from a business trip to Spokane. C. It. Bonney of Echo, is In the ,clty today, on his way home from a Bus iness trip to the east end of the coun ty. County Commissioner Horace Wal ker took tho local this morning for Stanfleld where he has an alfalfa ranch. O. D. Teel returned to his home at Echo on the local this morning after transacting business in tho city yes terday. If. R. Loughlln of Hermlston, came up rrom tne project town yesieruay and was a guest of the Hotel Pendle ton last night. Mrs. H. C. Means and Miss Hazel Means returned to Umatilla this mor ning after attending the class day ex ercises last night. Robert V. Brownell and S. Brownell came Jn rrom umauna last evening to attend the class day exercises of the high school, Miss Beatrice Brow nell being one of the graduates. Siocial. Until June first we will sell 10 lb. cans pure lard, $1.50; 5 lb. can pure lard, 80c; 3 lb can pure lard 50c. Cen tral Meat Market. The 'Hurry-up" Impress. When you want an express wagon quick, phone to Geo. Stangler at Grltman Bros., Main 611. All kinds of light and heavy hauling. . Iittrd at Reduced Prices. 10 lbs. lard for $1.30; 5 lbs for 65c Terms cash and for Saturday only, at Hayburn's Webb street market. MILLIONS GIVEN TO HEATHEN 40 Missionary Society Reports Show Year Total Is $36,000,000. Greeley, Col. The thirty-eighth an nual convention of the Woman's Central Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian church closed today. Miss Anna Milllgan of Pitts burg. Pa., was elected president. Chi cago was chosen as next meeting plocc. Reports made showed that In the last 40 years more than $36,000,000 has been raised for the benefit of the heathen. Of this amount the Metho dists contributed $11,500,000, the Presbyterians $10,000,000, the Con- gregatlonallsts nearly $5,000,000, the Itupiists $3,000,000 and the Episco palians $2,000,000, and In the last 26 years the United Presbyterians have donated more than $2,000,000. STORES CLOSE AT TWO NEXT TUESDAY Hundreds of people have gathered before the fishpond window of the La Dow & Peterson hard ward store today, viewing the exhibit of young Albino salmon. They were presented to the store by President C. K. Cranston of the state board of fish and game commissioners, who brought them up with him this morning from the state's central hatchery at Bon neville. The technical name of the tiny fish Is Oncorynchus Nerka, but they are commonly known as the Blue Back salmon which formerly swarmed the Wallowa lake by the thousands and were there known as Red Fish, through the fact that they turned red upon reaching their spawning ground. The hatchery officials are now feeding 9,000,000 baby Blue Backs and Chinooks at the Bonneville hatchery at the present time, but the Albinos are very scarce. There are exactly 27 of the pretty little fish in the local store window and they are now in the pond for merly occupied by the big rainbow trout. This fine specimen was plac ed in the window last September. At tha time he was but five Inches l length and this morning when ho was given his liberty in the Umatilla river Just below the Lee street bridge he measured a trifle more than 12 inch es. Incidentally, in connection with the liberation of this fish, G. I. La Dow, head of the firm of La Dow & Peter son and president of the Umatilla county fish and game commission, an nounced that the store would present a $10 rod to the man who catches and brings in the trout. He was marked in such a way that he can easily be Identified, but the nature of the marking is known only to the prorietors of the store. FOR SATURDAY 5 at T& Wohlenberg Dep't Stbre Choose from our superb of Fine Embroideries reductions assortment at these CHOOSE ANT 6c EMBROIDERT AT 8c CHOOSE ANY 8c EMBROIDERT AT 5c CHOOSE ANT 10c EMBROIDERY AT Be CHOOSE ANT 12 l-2c EMBROIDERY AT 8c CHOOSE ANY 15c EMBROIDERY AT 10c CHOOSE ANY 18c EMBROIDERY AT 12c CHOOSE ANY 20c EMBROIDERY AT 14c CHOOSE ANY 25c EMBROIDERY AT 16c CHOOSE ANY 35c EMBROIDERY AT 22c CHOOSE ANY 60c EMBROIDERY AT 31c CHOOSE ANY 65c EMBROIDERY AT 43c CHOOSE ANY 75c EMBROIDERY AT 55c CHOOSE ANY 85c EMBROIDERY AT 65c CHOOSE ANY $1.00 EMBROIDERY AT 75c ALL OTHERS 1-3 OFF. We have just recti veil a shipment of Boys' Oxforda and tan button shoes. Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money SPECIAL HALL GAME 1TU DF.COUATIOX DAY Cm. A. R. Will Observe Occasion Baseball 1'mw Load Move to Have l:u.liies-4 Houses Close for Game Willi Wot on. j Koeppens j For Ico Cream Sodas That Pleaso. Try Our CHOCOLATE ICECREAM "Tho host made." Ice Cream Sundae One of our most popular dishes. Fresh Strawberries served with ieo cream. Once a patron, always a pat ron, at KOEPPENS A Harvard professor tells us that we can live on ten rents' worth of food a day, but It Is evident that he has overlooked tho fact that lobster costs 80 cents a pound. Possibly he expects us to take a look at the out side of a lobster can for dessert. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We aro Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated f'n Tuesday afternoon, May 30 the stuns of the city, or practically all of thoni, will close at 2 o'clock in the afternoon or sooner In honor of Dec oration day and to permit employes to attend a special ball game to be played here between the Pendleton and Weston teams. The game will be a return game for the match being played at Weston this afternoon. The a. A. It. men are also plan ning Decoration Day observances and all indications point to the fact that the soldier-dead will be well remem bered by Pendleton this year. Backers of the baseball team took the lead In the move to get the stores to close at 2 o'clock for the game wh'ich Is scheduled to com mence at 2:30. Up to this afternoon the following houses had signed an agreement to close at 2 o'clock. Alexander Department Store, The Peoples Warehouse, Boston Store, P. E. Llvengood & Co., Bond Bros.., Worklngmen's Clothing Co., Empire Meat Co.. R. Folsom, George H. Clark, Ladow & Peterson, Owl Tea House, Max Baer, Taylor Hardware Co., Wonder Store, John S. Baker, H. D. Gray, H. H. Wessel, Frazier-Nel-son Co., A. L. Schaefer, Pendleton Furniture Co., Hamley & Co., Carl Welssert, Farmers Meat Co., Cash Market, Kupers & McCook, E. L. Smith & Co., W. J. Clark & Co., Standard Grocery Co., Jerard & Klrkpatrlck, Nlssen Implement Co., Golden Rule Store, J. L. Vaughan, William Hanscom, Murphy Bros., Mark Moorhouse, R. M. Sawtello, A. Eklund, The Hub, E. L. Power & Son, Central Meat Market, Joa. F. Keney, Sharon & Eddings, Charles Koch, C. D. Rayburn. WAS POUJLK TRAGEDY. Traveling Men Meet. Oklahoma City, Okla., May 26. More than a thousand traveling men from over the southwest are In at tendance today at the annual conven tion of the Kansas-Oklahoma jurisdic tion of the United Commercial Trav elers. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpheum. Pendleton's favorite picture the ater. Strong program for Friday and Saturday. 1. "A Priestess of Carthage." Gau mont. A wonderful production laid In the days when Carthage was at war with Rome. The acting is forceful and well balanced, the t'tular role being sustained with fine discretion and art by Madame Gravier of the Theater de la Renaissance, Paris. In every sense, costuming, acting, stag ing and photography, this film can not be surpassed. 2. "Unto Us a ChUd Is Born." Se lig. This Is an Interesting, well acted drama. It tells a heart story with interest and pathos. The story is clear and the actors perform their parts with understanding. 3. "The Peace Offering." or "The Absconding of Bridget." Vltagraph. Howard Graham Is married to a redheaded wife, which means she has a very bad temper. Bridget, the cook, who Is also redheaded, is not immune from fits of anger, nor free from being a subject of the spleen of her mistress. Bridget feels that she has endured Mrs. G.'s abuse long enough and decided to take French leave. On her way to the front door she espies Mrs. Graham's fur coat. She takes It, leaving her own old raglan in Its place. Mrs. G. summons the police sergeant,, who starts his men on the track of the guilty per son. The following morning Mrs. Graham meets j Bridget. Threatened with arrest, Bridget returns the coat to Mrs. G., anjd. on her way home she (Mrs. G.)"ls captured 'by the po lice. She ' Is )released by her hus band, who assures the police that she Is not the guilty person, 4. "The Lily of the Tenements." Bi ograph. A story of east side New York, showing how a young man saves a young girl's virtue and his father from an awful deed. Scenes at Solombo, Ceylon. Eclipse. pro- TOFLET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and AIT. HOOD CREAM. Taltmm & Co. Lradini: Protista of East ern Oregon. UorsvtriKler Kicks Sick Wife In Face Then Murders Her. Wayland. Mo. At St. Franclsville, a village five miles north of here, Dave Conn, a traywlliig horse trader, walked Into his brother-in-law's house at 5 o'clock this morning, went to tho bed where his sick wife was lying, told her that he had come to kill her, and then proceeded to carry his threat Into execution. After he had fired three bullets into his wife's breast, from the effects of which the de fenseless woman died almost Instant ly, Conn turned tho pistol on him self, pulled the trigger and fell a corpse beside the body of his wife. The weapon was a 32-calibre revolver. It was one of the most cold-blooded murders that has ever occurred In Clark county, and has stirred the community ns nothing else In a crlm I Innl way has done within the memory ol the oldest resident. There is no doubt but that the j double tragedy was premeditated, i Conn was a worthless fellow and j made life so miserable for Ms wife that she was , obliged to leave him, having mnile her home with her sister, i Mrs. M-irvey Nye, at St. Franclsville, j since Monday last. She had a suit for divorce ponding at Keokuk, her former home, and it Is stated that he has Intimated to her tbnt nt the time that she filed her application that she would never live to see the day when she would be legally separated from him. Tho Cosy. Friday and Saturday. "As Ye Sow." Rex. A story which depicts the consequences of youthful folly. No matter what methods of prevention have been suggested, nothing can be devised which will as suage th sorrows and heartaches which are the certain results of such sin. It is unusual that a lawful wife should do what this one is shown as doing, but her act makes a fine end ing to an extra fine picture. Exquis itely colored film throughout. "Ogallalah." Powers. An extraor dinary Indian picture which Illustrates tho Indian characteristics as they are: commonly understood. The relentless pursuit of the kidnaper by the In-1 dian, the long shot with his bow, and j the final vengeance are accurate In their delineation of Indian charac ter, which Is savage and cruel as In diana are by nature. Its strength cannot be denied and it arouses the keenest interest. Finely colored. "Strategy." American. A Tim that tells a tragic story leading to a thrilling climax and ending in a sit uation that is truly laughable and funny. - iiWIJ "The Fakir's New Servant." Gt. Northern. An Interesting trick pic ture showing a magician doing all kinds of strange stunts, but when his servant tries to do the same thing he gets into enough trouble to keep ev eryone laughing. "Troubles of a Trip." Gt. Northern. A lively comedy, showing the efforts of a wife to prevent her spouse hav ing as good a time as he expected. (Special features for Sunday's program.) Leads Them AH : - ir; Devlin's Fives Best five cent cigar in the city. For sale at Joe Sullivans Cigar Store Only 160 Acres Deeded land, 25 acres under the Western Land and Irrigation Co. ditch, 133 acres above ad joining ditch and 80 acres des ert claim. Good 4 room house, chicken house, barn, good well, 50 acres in cultivation, now in rye; 90 acres fenced. This prop erty is a splendid buy and would not be offered for sale only that the man's wife must return to the east at once. The land is level and every acre can be put In cultivation. Only 6 1-2 miles west of Echo, 3 1-2 miles southwest of Stanfleld and 4 1-2 miles south of Her mlston. The entire property including crop for only $18.75 per acre. Must be sold at once. See about It today. Teutsch Bt Bickers Real Estate and Insurance. Rend the want ads. The Pastime. The house of quality. Good gram for Friday's change: 'Helping Him Out." Lubin. We have here another of the sparkling comedies for which the well-liked Lu bin company has established a repu tation. The story of the elopment Is one of the best comedies presented in a long time. That all the family should aid the young mnn and sug gest an elopement Is a conceit which cannot fall to win applause from any audience. It is really one of the most pleasing stories put on the screen In 1 many moons. "The Latest Edict of Francis II." Urban. A series of scenes of llfo at the French court during the time of Catherine do Medici. The story s based upon a love affair with a man nearly executed. It Is, Indeed an un usually interesting picture full of hu man interest and Incident. Introduc ing the following scenes. Tho Court yard, the aud'ence chamber, tho royal document, love scene on terrace, faith ful until death. final verdict, tho king's pardon, La Komnndlo in Pris on, Catherine do Medici inter, nes, the firing party, king's pardon, saved by love. "The Heart of a Savage." A red man's sacrifice through gratitude. The picture of tho uprising, tho attempt ed warning and tho misunderstood action of the Indian ending with his tr:igic death are events in a good story. "The Chief's Talisman." story, l'atlie American Co. d'nii story In a new and form associated with tho prencher and his family. Just Received 615 Pair of Drummers Sample Foot Wear, ox-and A western Is an In ncceptablo life of a consisting of Ladies pumps and fords patent leather, gun metal vici kids, Misses pumps and oxfords, Ladies and Misses shoes, Childrens pumps and oxfords, Boys shoes and oxfords All to go at Drummers Sample Prices 1 THE HUB The Sample Shoe House One Door North of Taylor Hardware Company