i :t IfTU...'W-i. Arar baw DKMooyiAa. rmnMnKMr,f baaqoa. yniPAT, mat is. EXQBT PAGE PAGE FOUR. AN IXDKPKNDENT NKWSPAFWL rabllabed IMly tod 8cml-Wkly at dlttua, Oregon, by th. AST OKKOOMAM ITJULISBINQ ca SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (felly, oo year, by mall tally, tlx month, by malt Dally, tbrew mouths, by mall .... Mlt;, one month, by man Dally, on yvar, by carrier .$5.00 1 w n I . 1.26 . .50 T.BO makes ar Hilly -and Involve 0re danger to- the university than tc any other Institution will be pretty bvt oua to most people. If this tfi' a sample of Eugene politics then it would be well for the university to establish a course for the purpose of training Its friends in the art of handling public affairs. Their irork at this time is very crude. Dally, alx mouths, by carrier $.75 Dally, tbree months, by carrier 1.05 Dally, one month, by carrier 00 fteml-Weekly, oue year, by mall 1.50 man i a mall... .50 ml-Weekly, aix mobtba, by n emineeaiy, lour Dion ma, oy The Dally East Oregonlan !i kept on aali at the Oregon News Co., iid Morrison street. Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. Cblcaco Bureau, 909 Security Building. Washington, U. C. Bureau, 501 Four teenth street, N. W. Member L'n. ed Press Association. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second clasa mall matter. tlephone Main 1 OffU-lal City and County Paper. ' AVIATOK. Thou new-conceived brother of the bird, Explorer of unfathotned oz- j ure skies, Whose fluttering pulse high o'er earth are heard. i Pray, what ethenal passions prompt thy rise? The drone of mighty beetle on the wing? Or condor, cormorant, or vul- tu-c bold. Presaging direful wars un- seen? Or sing Thy blades of peace? Thy fairy craft doth hold Communion with the clouds, and gracefully Performs ellipses Intricate, or. vain As swallow e'er the storm, drops carelessly Of death. Thu art the eye, the soul, the brain So guard this vantage that thy destiny Be not black-plumed and hated bird of prey. C. E. Fisher. In June Pacific Monthlv. WHY NOT 1K MOKE? All of the street paving to bo or dered by the city council Is needed and more. As a matter of fact the council has not gone far enough with its, paving district. Webb street also needs paving. It would be a splen did thing if Alta street could be pav ed, not merely to Johnson street, but through to the intersection with Court. And what of Jackson street? Will the city council order the improve ment of West Court and then fail to pave Jackson? The north side street is one of the most used thorough fares of the city and It is now in worse shape than almost any other street. The property along that street is valuable residence property pnd the owners are ouite a- able to I pay for paving as are the property owners on West Court, j The city has ordered a $35,000 i bridge for the benefit of the north 'side traffic. Why not arrange for an i improved street leading from that bridge. IT I.1I TO DO IT. Ey the terms of the verdict render ed by the jury in the branch asylum condemnation case yesterday the state (board will be able to purchase the Hendricks tract of 10 acres for $2500 or approximately one-nan me price lasked by the owner. The verdict nf- firms the judgment of Governor I West and State Treasurer Kay in re 4 fusing to pay what they considered an exorbitant amount for the Hen- . .irk-ks' tract. They insisted the state M;"ui',i 'e in in u ..-. n. I'lin i f. chaser would be treated anil evident ly the jury thought likewise. It will be unfortunate indeed if the Krlstow amendment has the effect jof killing the bill for the direct elec tion of senators. However trie fail- rr mist nr. lie Americans .u m ai.. jure of the bill to pass need not stay the progress of this reform. Let the a-ting through other states of the union adopt the headquarters '.n Los Angeles are hop- t Oregon system. We have direct elec Ing to establish an "idea! republic-' in tion of senators in the fullest sense Mexico. They are carrying on a rev- 'of the word and the people will stand oultion that in a way is part of the I by statement No. 1 regardless of what Madero insurrection v- et the ideal-I congress may do. ists do not recognize Madero as hav- Tt IfieiM IH-V V.anl -NO UUUfU J U.-uce Jiaimjl 13 rmucij ing authority uvei to go much farther than he in th matter of reforms. But are the Mexicans ready for an ideal republic? It would appear they are not. For the most part they are lenorant. lazv and unprepared for right. The supreme court legislated of course and from a lawyers stand point did wrong. The fact remains, however, that competition cannot be restored by means of the Sherman law or any other law. Competition is and the energies of reformers should be directed towards bringing about effective regulation. Rain is a good thing for the wheat-1 man and the stockman but Just now the Milton strawberries are suffer ing at the hands of Jupiter Pluvius So often hag Madero declared war and then called it off that the news ot his latest war Is lacking in inter est. "... i in ,v,a4 becoming a thing of the past. Iiegu- cltlzenshlp as It is understood in th1 s .. ,. . r, ..V, .1,1., rwliti. Million IS HOW WIC Uiuei Ul LUC ua, lnuea naies. roiiai'" Li. -or is due to the Diaz methods. Under the dictator the Mexicans have had little voice in civic affairs. Gover nors, mayors, etc., have been appoint, ed by the president, not elected by the people of the states and munici palities. Education has not been fos tered as it should be. So it is not surprising the average Mexican is poorly equipped for citizenship. But whatever the cause the fact re mains that the people of Mexico are not In shape at this time to maintain an ideal republic and if the Los An geles Junta expects to establish such a government "all at once" their scheme is doomed to failure. A pro per government for Mexico would be cne that will build up the schools, so as to better educate the masses, and at the same time will gradually ex tend power to the people so as to strengthen them in their ability to govern themselves. Any scheme for the reform of Mexico that leaves out of consider ation the education of the Mexican people is lacking in a vital point. No government can permanently exist that is very far ahead of the people who support It. , iff Kirschbaum Oothei I " AAA WO KAWD eoisTt tin sivsKs SSSZZZ I THE bright particular stars of the Blue Serge fam ily are Kirsch baum "True Blue" Special Serges. High above any other suits that bear the name of serge. High in fab ric, fit, style and tailoring, but not in price. That is only $18. Those who have seen and worn Kirschbaum Serges wonder how they can be produced for the money. Prices up to $30. The color is a most beautiful rich, deep blue, guaranteed not to fade the slightest fraction of a shade, no matter how the sun may beat or the rain drive. They have the fine, smooth texture resulting from being woven with two-ply-warp both ways. Look for the Kirschbaum guaranteed "True Blue" label under the inside breast pocket. Kirschbaum hand-tailored clothes are guar anteed on a money-back basis against imperfec tion in fabric or tailoring. For- Sale 8 miles east of Echo along the Umatilla river, 86S acres' good rich land under the Furnish ditch, SO acres tn al falfa and 125 acrea mora can be put In all under the ditch. All machinery and hay for small price of 117,500 on easy payments if sold at once. 160 acre wheat farm 4 miles west of Pendleton for $1600 without the crop If sold within the next 10 days. On north side of Pendle ton, 2 lots and good house well Improved for $2250, all cash; must be sold at once, parties needing money. iddr ess D. Rentier Oregon, g mmmmmmA. 210 W. Bluff Tendlcton, f Hotel V" St. George Bar GIRO, DARVKAC, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mens Resort Anheussr-Busch's famous BUDVEISER BEER on draught, 5C gla8S Electrio Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, IJquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. Orpheum Theatre J. P. MXDRUfACH, PwprtOw HIGH-CIASS UP-TO-DATE'MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Chaamca om is jay's, Taoadsvy's aad PrtaayB. Workingmen's Clothing o. PENDLETON'S DAYLIGHT MEN'S .STOKE. i Grande Ronde Apple Orchards ou the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton jwplo who have visited these tracts. HILL & IIIB3ERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOOIUIOUSE CO. Brers' Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that crows. Ciood hread is pssured when BYKRS' I'.KST FLOUR U used. Bran. Shorts, Steum 1'olhxl I'arlev .dwavs on hand. Pendleton Roller-Mills Peniileton, Oregon. Of course 17 blocks of paving wll! help some. CASTOR 3 A Toe Io&Qts and Childien. Ibi WaS Yw Han Always Bor tigmtm of KXTRKMFXY Cltl'DK. .Someone on the Eugene Guar! Is vry ra.h and nt-eJs attention from the friends of the state university. Listen to this editorial extract from the i"ue of May 22: "The O. A. C. may congratulate it self in having escaped the referen dum thus far. and at the came Urn. hampered other Ktate schools hy thi means. In the future, however, It will find that every legislative appro priation It ets will be held up for two years, nuhjeet to the approval of the people." ; If the man who wrote this para graph is a frienil-of :he l. of O. then the university needs a 1. ranch ar-ylurrv In which to place some of its friends. Eugene people have no occasion to denounce O. A. C. because that school escaped the referendum while the unl. versify did not. The agricultural col lepe was not responsible for the hold up of the university appropriation. The referendum move started at Cot- tapp Grove, in Lane county, the home Enjoyment tonight may mean suffering to morrow, but not if your stomach, liver, and lxwt;ls are lieli)ed to do their natural work by BEECHAIVl'S P2LLS Sold ."T-r7w:.ere. tn bexca 10c slid 25c How thlst You're already ad vert. sing again a lost dog. That's the third dog you've lost this month." "Oh, it's just my luckT Sine my daughter has been taking singing les- ona I can't keep an animal In the place." Phvs'.clan (reflectively) H'm! The case Is one, I think that will yield to a mild stimulant. Lot me ?eo your tongue, madam, if you please. Husband of Patient (hastily) Doc tor, her tongue doesn't need any stimulating. I WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR MONEY ? YOU CAN FILL &. BUCKET Life Insurance Prescription DRUGS ANHEUSER-BUSCH on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636; Main St FINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Herman Peters, Prop Bowman Bar One Block frond Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our CIGARSandUQUORS They Please Martin Anderson, Prop Af The Pendleton Drug Co. In Business for Your Cood Health Put it in the bank BANK OXE UOLLAll A DAY $0 a week. This sutii and t.lio interest on it, will in twenty years, make you a comfortable fortune. Tlio interest on this fortune will supimrt you the rest of your lif?. N Jnfce 067; Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent compounded semi-annually. Notvery Day, But on Many Days Daring the Summer. May 16 to September 7 Eastbound Summer Excursion Fares ARE ON SALE BY ALL AGENTS OF Northern Pacific Railway You can take advantage of these LOW RATES to any point in the East, in Eastern Canada, in the Middle West. Here arc a few of the fares: THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ..$00.00 Philadelphia $108.50 Pittaburfs - 91.50 Boston 110.00 Portland, Me. 110.00 Ottawa, Ont 103.00 82.50 Montreal, P. Q 105.00 Quebec, P. Q 111.50 St. Paul Chicago ..... 72.50" St. Louis 70.00 Omaha ... 00.00 Indianapolis 70.90 Detroit . New York 108.50 Liberal Transit Limits. Stopovers Allowed. Yellowstone National Park Juno 15 to September 15. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL, June 5 to 10. SEATTLE GOLDEN POTLATCIt July 17 to 22. Low Fares From All Stations. Don't hesitate to nsk any passenger representative of Northern Pacific Ry. for.full information. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt., Portland, Oregon. '91 the of the state university. That uch threats as the Guard