East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Extra Special Sale on
Shirt Waists
For Two Days Only, MONDAY
We will place on sale 400 Waists in
long and short sleeves Embroidery
and Lace Trimmed.
Tailored waists with laundried collars
and cuffs. Reg. vals. from $ 1 .5 0 to $4
Monday and Tuesday
Choice 98c
AH You Want, No Limit, None
Charged. See Window
We Will Place on Sale 200 PAIRS of
See Lane ft Son for signs.
Pastime picture please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Eon.
Front office for rent In Judd build
ing. F. E. Judd.
Wanted Plain sewing. Apply 308
South LUIeth street
Phone PlaUoeder for fresh meat
and lard. Main 44S.
The king of all' 5c cigars. "Devlin's
Fives." Joe Sullivan sole agent.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
see the best and the clearest picture.
Parties who have not sprayed for
scale, phone I. C. Snyder, Red 3811.
A woman wanted on farm. Steady
employment. Call at Standard Gro
cery Co.
Dressed chickens Friday and Sat
urday at the Cash Market, phone
Main 101.
Buy your chickens for Sunday's
dinner at the Central Meat Market.
Phone Main 33.
S10 cash and $5 a month buys five
acres of the beet land In the world.
Teutsch & Bickers.
Dr. Cllne will be In his office Tues
day and Wednesday, 23rd and 24th.
Don't neglect your eyes. '
For sale Fresh cow and three good
young marcs. Apply J. S. Wheeler
three miles west of town.
Coming "The Fall of Troy." the
world's greatest motion picture.
Watch for It at the Cosy. .
For Rent Three furnished house
keeping rooms, electric lights and gas.
No children. 701 Thompson.
Special rates to horses Doarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, C20 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
For sale ISO acre homestead,
nearly all good timber. Inquire at or
address 107 Garfield street, Pendle
ton. 40 acres Irrigated Innd near Her
mlston for sale or trade for the right
kind of Pendleton property. Ad
dress P. O. box 3fi, Pendleton.
The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate It and show
it by their liberal patronage.
If you want fresh meat from a
new, clean market, nnone Main 44S.
Farmers Men Co.. Conrad Plat7.oeder,
manager. 224 E. Court street.
If you want to move, call Tenland
Bros., Transfer, phnne 3.191. Large
drny moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 64 7 Main street.
Fur good light get ju-Stcelmantle
kerosene burner. Odorless, smoks
less, most brilliant light by small
lump; satisfaction guaranteed. Carl
Obery, 211 Lee Street.
Tou can't burn slate and gravol!
Don't fy It. Phono Dutch Uenry,
Main 1V3. for clean screened Rock
Springs coal either lump or nut. It
burns clean and goes further.
$10 down and IS a month buys a
D-acre tract of the best land in the
world. Teutsch & Bickers.
For sale 160 acres choice timber
land In Wallowa county 10 miles from
Wallowa, Fir, blue pine and tamar
ack. Call on or address J. A. Joyce,
Pendleton, Ore.
Wanted Position by competent tin
smith. Have had 15 years' experi
ence. Furnace work and general
Jobbing a specialty. Address A. Cam
bridge, care this office.
For Sale Cheap Two log houses in
Meacham, Ore., ( rooms each; mod
ern Improvements. Also 327 acres of
land within four miles of Meacham.
Good grazing land and contains con
siderable timber. Inquire Meacham
Lumber Co.
I am going to sell lota 1, 2 and 3
In block 13, Ralcy's addition to Pen
dleton, Ore. Said property Is locat
ed on the corner of Mark and Gar
field streets. I will receive sealed
bids up to June the 1st and the high
est bid takes It. . E. T. Wade.
6 acres will make you Independ
ent. Why not buy today while you
are earning good money. It is very
easy to say I don't want any of that
in mine but how often have you had
the chance to buy and in a very few
years flml yourself saying, "I had a
chance to buy that for 350 an acre.
Xow see what It is worth. 3 to 400."
Teulsth & Bickers.
Until June first we will sell 10 lb.
cans pure lard, 31.50; 5 lb. can pure
lard, 80c; 3 lb can pure lard 50c. Cen
tral Meat Market.
Stork Taken to Pasture.
Good pasture with spring and run
ning water. Stork pastured for 11.60
per head per month. Careful atten
tion given. Address O. J. Trow
bridge, R. F. D. Xo. 1, Box 17.
Attention Knights.
Damon Lodge No. 4. K. of P., will
work In the first and third ranks this
evening. Also presentation of veter
an's Jewel. All Knights please at
tend. D. B. WAFFLE, C. C.
Glen Scott spent Saturday and Sun
day In the city.
Pete Murray came from his home
at Adams this morning.
Mack Mclntire of Heppner, was a
Sunday visitor in Pendleton.
Miss Dunnington of Helix, was vis
iting In the city yesterday.
Ernest Wells, the Athena peda
gogue, was a Sunday visitor in the
William Roorke, aPIot Rock far
mer, is transacting business in the
Al Sluaher returned to h'.g sheep
ranch at Nolln this morning on the
J. w. Henslelgh of Echo, was
among the Sunday visitors in the city
J. D. Smith returned to his sheep
ranch near Barnhart on the local this
Miss Cella Wren returned this
morning from a. .week-end visit with
relatives In Walla Walla.
A. L.'De maris of Milton, was among
those In the city yesterday from the
east end of the county.
J. H. Strohm came up yesterday
from his home at HermlBton, being
called to du Jury duty.
A. F. Eddy, formerly of this city,
but now of Berkeley, Calif., is visit
ing in the city with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stanfield and"
children, Jack and Maxlne, are visit
ing In the city from Echo.
Charles Hoggard, the Stanfield
merchant, came up from the west end
last evening and spent the night here.
Attorney A. W. Gray of Stanfield,
came In from that town last evening
and is transacting legal business here
James Sturgis left last evening to
resume his work at the University of
Washington after spending Sunday in
this city.
District Attorney S. P, Van Vactor
returned to the city Saturday evening
after having been In Portland to hear
Governor Woodrow Wilson.
Carl Engdahl, manager of the
Farmers' Mutual Warehouse at He
lix, returned home last evening after
witnessing the ball game here yes
terday. Byron E. Reser, formerly a Univer
sity of Washington baseball Btar, now
a young attorney of Walla Walla,
played with the Milton team here
Col. J. H. Raley returned yester
day morning from Portland where he
had been to attend the social func
tions given In honor of Governor
Woodrow Wilson and to hear the New
Jersey governor speak.
C. E. Troutman, formerly of this
city, now of Aberdeen, came In this
morning to confer with the local
school board. Mr. Troutman is the
architect whose planes for a new
high school were selected.
McCready Sykes, prominent attor
ney of Boise and one of the speakers
at the Portland Commercial club
banquet to Governor Wilson passed
through the city on his return home
Saturday evening. He is a Princeton
Prof. Wayne Wiley, superintendent
of the public schools at
spent Saturday night and Sunday in
the city as the guest of Principal A.
O. Hampton of the high school. Mr.
WUey and Mr. Hampton wtie grad
uated in the same class from Mon
mouth normal school.
This Season's Oxfords
in Patent Button and Lace, Tan
Lace and Four Strap Gun Metal
and Satins for
79 A PAI1R.
"Is she rich "
"What do you think so?"
"Well, she keeps her husband
a salary."
j ttoeppens j
For lea Cream Sodas Thai
Try Our
"The best nindc"
Ice Cream Sundae
One of our most popular
Fresh Strawberries Berved
with ieo cream.
Onco a patron, always a pat
ron, at
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for
Less Money
An East End dinner party would
have been an absolute failure Thurs
day evening had It not been for the
ingenuity and resourcefulness of the
cook. In fact, there was only one
point where the smoothness of the
affair seemed to stub its toe. When
the dessert was removed the hostess
beat It for the kitchen.
"Annie," she sputtered, "what kind
of salad was that?"
"I'm sorry, miss," answered the
cook, "but the lettuce and chicory was
thowed out by mistake. So I had to
fix up wan o' them palms in th' par
lor. Sure, nobody noticed th' differ
ence; the dressing covered it all up.
"But, Annie! Those palms were ar
tificial!" Cleveland . Plain Dealer.
Pendleton's favorite picture the
ater, fine program for Tuesday's
change. Four full reels at each per
formance. 1. "The Twin Towers." Edison. A
powerful and exciting story of the
escape of. a royalist and his bride
from the Paris mob during the Reign
of Terror. An unusual feature of this
film Is that the time of action in the
tower scenes coincides with the ac
tual time consumed in their por
trayal on the screen.
2. "The Romance of a Valet." Gau
mont. He has a fearful encounter
with a rival and attempts to end all
his mortal cares by drinking from the
flask his master has said Is filled with
poison. It later develops that the
liquor was not dangerous, but par
ticularly intoxicating.
3. "Old Folks." Gaumont. Jim
mie and Tots, the famous child ac
tors. In their latest comedy-drama.
4. "Rival Brothers' Patriotism."
Pathe. Another good war story.
There is a letter that goes wrong and
a fight in a pass in which one broth-
loses his life, and Is decorated
detective story of absorbing Interest,
by the Edison Co. The opening scene
introduces us to Miss Mable Renshaw
Just prior to her leaving for a visit
to her aunt Here we are also shown
her fiance and at once become Inter
ested when we discover that he la
deeply In love with her sister Alice.
This fact does not seem to disturb
Miss Renshaw and she proceeds on
her visit to her aunt. This la the
last we see of Miss Mable Renshaw,
who is an heiress and Into whose
possession upon her marriage day will
fall a considerable amount of wealth.
Watch the detective locate Miss Ren
shaw and punish the guilty party.
"The Indian Maiden's Lesson." Es-
sany. A thrilling story of how an
Indian maiden saves a white man
from committing a terrible deed.
Those who had seen him only In
his lighter plays were astonished at
the depth of feeling which Paul Gil
more portrayed in the part of the
Mummy, as the absorbed trusting and
honorable husband to the woman
whose articiclal standard of sentiment
had led her so far away from the man
she thought she loved when, In fact,
though unconsciously, she was loving
only herself. How wide apart were er
those two. when they believe them- with a medal of honor for gallant
selves so near like two persons in the rvice. The soldiers In this film
dark, who, letting go each other's fin- are much better than usual In mov-
gers, drift away, but speak on, tne "t piciurra,
"A trapper and hunter of the far
west hnnstcd of Ills skill In securing
the SKINS and other TROPHIES of
RARE ANIMALS. His cabin was n
veritable palace of these trophies
that are the delight of the hunter's
heart. On the floor were spread
skins of the lynx the otter, the henv
rr, tho grizzly, all exquisitely mount-
oil. His COUCH was covered with
tho most elegant of buffalo HIDES
The '.Morris Choir' made from snp-
lings was covered with tho UfCIt
fur of the polar bear, the head so
mounted as to form a CROWN. On
the walls hung various heads of
ANIMALS. While the cabin was ni
tractlve.yot there was something
lucking. He discovered that it was
the ELK. His resolution to secure
an ELK was tho work of a moment.
Starling on his search he traversed
miles, subsisting on what SMALL
game he could secure and the coffee
and meal In his leathern bag. He
traversed the RANGES of tho Rock
ies, the RANGES of the Dakotas, the
RANGES of tho Sllkirks, but the
elusive. ELK was always ahead of
him. In tho Selkirk RANGE he on
countered a THRILLING experience.
His mind solely bent on securing an
ELK, when suddenly an ELK rose
before him, but this ELK was In hu
man form nml wore the ELK'S EM-
ULKJi. His expectations were more
than realised, for, Instead of hunt
ing tho ELK. ho haa become an ELK,
und Instead of having to prepare his
own meals, ho visits the ELK'S CLUB
nnd enjoys only such meals na can
bo prepared on tho OAS RANGE.
"MORAL: (Supply tnts yourself."
The measurement of water in Ore
gon has heretofore been In miners'
inches under six Inch pressure, but
th unit now used by the state engi
neer and by scientific men generally,
Is the second-foot.
1 second-foot means 1 cubic foot
per second of time.
1 second foot equals 40 miners'
inches under six inch pressure.
1 eightieth of one cubic foot per
second (the phrase used by the Unit
ed States officials iu the pending con
tests on tho Umatilla system) there
fore means ono half inch of water,
miners' measurement under six Inch
1 second-foot means a flow of 7.4 8
gallons per second.
1 second foot will cover au acre of
land nearly nearly two feet in depth
In 24 hours nnd flowing no days will
cover 1(10 acres to a depth of about
" 1 Inches.
Ordinary crops generally require
water enough during the grow ing sea
son to cover the ground from 4 inches
to 6 inches in depth each month.
voices growing fainter and fainter,
until all is still. Then comes a cry
of loneliness from the weaker, and,
instantly, a flashlight of danger 11-
Newberg, f lumines the unknown chasm.
It was like that In "The Mummy and
the Humming Bird." In this play,
Pa itl nilmnra A noa nrvt ant hi ft nort
he believes it; and every member of liveJ happily ever after.
the company seems to feel the soft
compelling power of his personality.
Miss Kathryn Hutchison appears
particularly strong In the third act,
in her effort to resist Signor D'Orelll.
5. "Nan's Diplomacy." Lubin.
Comedy. A wife who stays at home
and does her work Is the best wife.
Ralph Thurston liked excitement.
His wife liked to stay at home. He
neglects her for a former sweetheart
and she feigns Insanity. Ralph finds
a means of "curing" his wife and they
Tho Pastime.
The house of quality. Sunday's
Program follows and Is a good one.
"The Wooing of Winifred." Vita-
. , t . hi auu. i ilia uumc ui o.ma cscuia a
And her Buffering on account of tb of compVatlons resulting from
fogotten birthday was very real, and
appeared to every woman.
the will of an uncle who decreed that
ronalna v.hnll mnrrv it thctv ara tn
But, oh, If she had only been per- ,nher,t h,s t The cousins,
strangers to each other, meet, and in
a novel way discover each other's
Identity and then, quite contrary to
the usual practice in such instances,
fectly frank if she had only been
more of a good comrade to her hus
band. If, but once, she had thought of
him and for him this is one of the
m n,ii(; i-ii....-, ;:e modkrv.
(Continued frtjm page one.)
vent will, close in tho same way.
The building will be equipped with
a. private telephone system connect
ing all the rooms and arrangement Is
also made so that each room emi bo
cleaned by a .vacuum cleaner. In all
the laboratories, there will be ward
robes and closets for the equipment
while all of the recitation rooms will
be furnished with tho very best slate
blackboards. Sanitary drinking foun
tains wlU be Installed in nil of the
halls nnd there are enough windows
provided to thoroughly light every
room. For firo protection, a complete
system of hose and firo escapes will
he provided, rrogram clocks will be
Installed In every room, The corri
dors will be eleven feet wide with
terrazza finish and tho upper corri
dors will be carpeted with battleship
linoleum to deaden the sound.
From the outside, the building will
present a beautiful appearance. The
superstructure up to tho first floor
will be of white pressed brick and
from there on up red pressed brick
with stone nnd cement trimmings.
Sitting high upon the hill it will be
nn Imposing sight and will stand out
to all visitors as nn evidence of the
progressive schools which are Pen-
Always at Tour Service." dleton's.
"The black Bordered Letter.'
lessons taugnt oy "ine Mummy ami . ... marrvin It ls alI
the Humming Bird." cleverlv worked out and makes an
Miss Florence Nelson as Mrs. attractive Picture, full of situations
Thornton, the cousin, was remarkable tiiat give the yitagraph Co. an ex-
for the pleasing purity of her pro- celient ciance to use its remarkable
file, also for the sweet, light incon- power of making comedy,
consequental style of her acting. -The Erring Son," Kosmit. This
Mi-r-Driseoe as Commander Lord )s a domestic story of considerable
Roberts, was rather refreshing in his heart Interest. The actors have per
baffled schoolboy comedy. formed their narts with svmnathv and
Paul Terhune. the original "ilui- discretion and the slosing scene unit
oppi" and his conception of the part Ing the family is all that could be
left nothing to be desired. The scene desired.
between him and Paul fiilmore at the
table In the library, was absolutely
nave! tn It, Mr. fiilmore is unques
tionably himself all of h's kindness.
his patience, his keen perception, and
his philosophic humor scintillate be
fore the puzzled minds of the audi
ence, who soon grasp the spir t of
coming adventure. The strain Just
hero is very tense, almost exhaustive
until, in a flash it is roalied that,
on this hinges all the play.
Here is another instance of the un-
err ng, sympathetic fitness of Mr.
Uilmore for the part. Many hands
were tightly clinched, and there was
a dry. aching throb -if unselfish glad
ness in more than a few throats,
when, without even being able to un
derstand each other's language, these
two men, so widely differing as to
race and station, stood heart to heart.
It was then that Mr. Gilmore turn
ed, with tho characteristic open
palm, lifted chin and drooped eye
lids, but the poor fellow in the keep
ing of the audience. Why, right
then, that dirty Utile Sicilian's trou
bles became our troubles and we
simply bad to see him through.
Tho sequence to this act contains
the only possible flaw In this dainty
little play, which, already popular,
promises to become one of the old
favorites that people like to see every
year just as children love to hear
the old fairy story told over and over
again. Signor D'Orelll, the "Hum
ming Bird," is a good rendering of
tho suave selfish, optimistic Latin of
tho so called better type.
This splendid production will be
seen at the Oregon theater In Pen
dleton, tomorrow night.
The Cosy.
"The Charity of the Poor." Than
houser. A girl ls driven away from
home for marrying the man of her
choice. Later, her husband being
dead, she returns with her child. Her
father leaves the child at an asylum,
telling the girl It is dead. The doc
tor tells him his daughter will die If
her child is not returned and her
father tries to find it His auto
broke down and he seeks refuge in
the home of a poor couple, and there
finds his daughter's child, which he
brings back to its mother.
"The Stampede." Imp. The wife
of a cattle rustler goes to warn her
husband of the danger of arrest. She
Is trampled to death in a stampede,
but her child escapes. In after years
the daughter is captured by her ban
dit father, who on discovering her
Identity, sacrifices his life so she can
"Out of the Depths." Silax. A boy
is cruelly treated by a brutal step
father and to save his life he is forc
ed to become one of his father's gang
of burglars. In after yars the mem
ory of his boyhood imbitters his life,
but he finally proves his integrity and
honor in a thrilling manner. A story
full of heart interest, splendidly told.
"Her Mother's Fiance." Yankee. A
good comedy. A widow makes her
daughter dress In kid clothes, so as
not to betray the mother's age to her
fiance. The story progresses through
several laughable scenes, finally end
ing in the mother's discomfiture and
the girl's triumph.
Illustrated song. "In the Woldwood
Where the Blue Bells Grew."
Don't miss "The Fan of Troy,"
Wednesday and Thursday.
"What do you charge for your
"Five dollars up."
"But I'm a student "
"Then it's $5 down." Cornell
wtv.R-rMXTfacit'jwxja iwimmasu&iwni si hi hi
Not Shelf-worn or Shoddy, But
Dependable Men's Wear
Sold the Year Round at This
T1IK UO AT 1)1 no hih overall
Lot S0 liUSS Or 1 III'. KO.l blue lub overalls. Heavy
weiiihr, SO?
HOSS OK T1IK ROAD waist overalls, heavy weight 63?
Jumpers to match SO?
Cotton Gloves, the heavy kind, pair ?
Cotton Gloves. irauutUt. 'i 1-le, pair, for 23?
IJeeular 2."e. leather faced gloves IS?
lieirulav 7"o hlaek sateen shins 30o
lie sure and compare this shirt if it docs not beat any
thing of its kind in twn. your money hack.
Good tonality work l.iris 5)?
Ku vptian cot tun underw ear, all colors -?
IWos-Knit Knion Suits - 0?
Rotter quality, the kind - )0
We Buy for Cash and Sell for Cash That's
Why Gentlemen!
Vorkingmen's Clothing Go.