i BAILY EAST OREOON1AS, PENDUnOil, OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 19, 19U. EIGHT PAGES PAGE nGTIT What Shall We Have? TITE ANSWER IS m 0 N 0 P 0 L E The "One Best" of nil canned. and glass foods. VEGETABLES COFFEE RELISHES FISH TEA cpTPU FRUITS MllLS EXTRACTS SYRUrS Fresh shipment of fine MOXOPOLE SYRIT just re ceived. The hot cake's best friend no breakfast is com plete without MOXOPOLE SYRUr. Newsy Notes of Pendleton QUARTER OF MILLION LAND DEAL IS CLOSED Olio John Hoe in Court. The old offender John Doo was in court aaln this morning and for- totted lls ball of five dollars for be ing drunk. Parish AM lo Meet. A business meeting of the Parish Aid of the Church of the Redeemer will be held at the rectory at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. STANDARD GROCERY COMPANY INC. SOLE AGENTS WHERE ALL ARE FLEAS ID. FRANK O'GARA, Pres. BERNARD O'GARA, ijec-ireas. FINAL EXAMINATIONS . FOR HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM HAS BEEN' PREPARED Baccalaureate Sermon Will be Preach ed Sunday at the Methodist Church by Rev. A. MacKeuiIe Mehlrum of Athena. Today marked the beginning of the end for the Class of 1911 of the Pen dleton high school. Final examina tions which are to close the class ream work began this morning and will continue three days of next week after which the exercises which will mark the graduation of the class will be held. The programs for the class day and commencement exercises have both been prepared. On Thursday night the former will be given as follows: Processional Mrs. H. A. Irwin Invocation. .Dr. F. E. Van De Walker President of Class Charles Milne Address to Juniors. .Richard Devine Response by Juniors. .. .Chester Fee 'Last Night" (Kjirulf) ., Girls' Glee Club Oration, "Advance of Education".. Clem McCoy Oration, "Lincoln, the Emancipa tor," Blanche Badley Class History Arthur Jordan Class Praphesy. . . .Emma Richardson Vocal solo .... Mrs. Thomas Vaughan Class Poem Mollie McDlll Class Will Nellie Anibal Vocal Solo Edna Zimmerman Closing Address Charles Milne "Good Evening, Good Night,".... Girls' Glee Club Commencement Program. On Friday evening the following commencement program win De ren dered: . Processional Mrs. H. A. Owens Invocation Rev. Nathan Evans Cello and Pipe Organ (a) Jubilant March (b) Andante In D. Mrs. H. A. Owens, Miss Harriet Young Salutatory Louis Anderson Oration, "Fortification of Panama Canal" Marvey McPherson Vocal Solo Edna Gates Oration, "Count Tolstoi" Grace Flnnell Commencement Address . .Dr. H. D. Sheldon of the U. of O. "Mail Thou, Lovely Month" Girls' Glee Club Valedictory James Hartwell Presentation of Diplomas ..Dr. C. J. Smith for School Board Vocal Solo Mrs. J. S. Landers Benediction Rev. R. E. Storey The baccalaureate sermon will be preached Sunday at the Methodist church by Rev. A. MacKenzie Mel- drum, pastor of the First Christian church of Athena. Another Cooked INmhI Sale. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will conduct another cooked t.iod sale in the basement of the Peo ples Warehouse tomorrow. Invite Boards to Meet Here. The board of managers nt their luncheon today voted to extend invi tations to tlie state boards of phar macy, health and forestry to hold their September meetings in Pendleton. Land deals lnolvlng over a quarter of a- million dollars are reported from the west end of the county to dav. According to the reports which are based oii good authority, D. C. Urownell has disposed of his extensive holdings about Umatilla for a con sideration in the neighborhood of $150,000, the purchasers being Spo kane parties. With the Urownell lands, it is said, were sold 100 acres belonging to V. 11. Skinner and 320 belonging to J. D. Rice so that the whole purchase price was consider ably over $200,000. Urownell owned 1200 acres adjoining Umatilla and 300 town lots zesides a urivate ditch for the irrigating of his lands. Ho acuuired theso holdings about ten years ago and since then has devot ed his time and money to developing them. Another transactin of considerable magnitude Is reported from Hermls ton. It is declared that 100 acres of the Furnas lands belonging to J. H. Pure Food Grocery in Our Model Basement Phone Main 17. With out Doubt the CLEANEST, BEST KEPT Grocery in the NorthwerL If you enjoy having your grocery needs como from a sanitary store,' where CLEANLINESS, ECONOMY and PURITY are inseparable The Peoples Warehouse is that ONE store i.'i Pendleton. BOUNTIFUL SUPPLIES FOR YOUR SUNDAY NEEDS Sugar Cured Hams, special, pound ... Fancy Breakfast Baeon, pound ... Fresh Ranch Eggs, dozen 19 24 to 33 SCRAPPY SNAKE IS KILLED. Committee Goes lo Athena. The Fourth of July committee went to Athena today to take in the Cale- Reid have been sold at $400 an acre donlan picnic and, incldentajly, to Mr. Reld purchased this land orlg make some arrangements for bring- lnally for $175 an acre, which shows lug certain attractions at that cele- the rate at which land values on the bration here on our natal day. project are increasing. Want More Members. The board of managers at its weekly luncheon today directed the membership committee to renew their activities in securing new members for the Commercial club. The asso- CONFESSES A MURDER. Iowa Man Makes Written Statement Implicating Himself. Ouumwa, May 19. In a written statement to the police Charles Young elation has made a gain of fifty per confessed to murdering Tom McGrath cent already under the new adminis- anJ attempting to murder John Al- Fresh Ranch Butter, sweet and clean, roll 55f ( J ratio Fruit, sweiul, each 10d Choice Ripo Oranges, dozen 30c, 50 and 60 Homo Grown Strawberries, .box I 25 California Strawberries, 3 boxes w. 50 Fresh, Crisp Ginger Snaps, special, pound : 10 Extra iancy Pineapple, 0 cans tration and another fifty per cent Is wanted. len, throwing both bodies in the Des Moines river here. Alien recovered in the water and was able to swln ashore. The murder was committed last Friday and McGrath's body, frightfully mutilated, was recovered Monday. Robbery was the motive. In Would Bring Carnival Here. "Red" Miller, who is today put ting on his carnival at Athena in connection with the annual Caledon ian picnic, was in the city a day or so hls confession Youna admits holding ago to take up the matter of bring- u Millet, a traveling man, two lng his tented attractions here during years ag0 and robbing the Santen sa the Roundup. The officers of the loon laBt fall In tne latter robbery wua west association nave taxen tne ,h hnriiiir nd severnl other were K1 .! S cans 25c oysters, special price ... $1.00 Everything tho market affords in fresh vegetables you'll find here no one thing missing. Fancy Dill Pickles, bottle .:. 25 and 45 Peanut Butter, jars 20 and 35 The Health Dessert Fig Puddings cans 15 and 25f Apple Butter, jars 60 Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2 cans. ! 25 Maple Butter, jars : .. 45 Cherries in' Marschino, bottles Mushrooms individual cans, each 35, 60( 90 25 matter under advisement. Reptile Last Summer Chased Many and Escaped With Whole Skin. Bloomsburg, Pa. Stooping down to get a drink at a spring near Beaver Valley, Columbit county, Charles Kline aroused a blacksnake that showed fight and chased him several rods. R. E. Brelsch came to his res cue and when Brelsch struck the snake yrltii a heavy stick it colled about the clu6. It was only after a hard fight that it was killed. It measured 6 feet 2 1-2 Inches and was as thick as Breisch's wrist. Those who have seen it think 't was the snake that last summer attacked a number of people and each time escaped. Is Inspector of Stallions. Dr. C. W. Lassen, the local veter inary, has received his appointment from the state board of stallion reg istration as inspector of sta.'tons for this county In conformance with the new law which goes into effect May 25. Should anv farmer or other in- locked in the ice box and suffered great discomfort until liberated. Young also admitted robberies in Davenport and St. Louis. JAMES ELLIOTT IS PRONOUNCED INSANE TODAY Pittsburg May 19. Following an pxnmlnHtion of James Elliott who de- terested person desire any information clareil ,hnt tne officers of the Na regarding the provisions of ..he nw tl(inal Erectors association hod at law, Dr. Lassen states he will bi glad tempted to hire him to dynamite varl ... .... i5r' f - - r-J -..-t mmmmm to furnish it. I . r G C3 :' " O.f.-y.kt't'" mm mm .--MV-. if iS. ft, i?.4" , lx jw mm B1 ERRIES with all the delicious flavor that na ture gave them, fresh from the fields-just in today. No wasted, wilted yesterday's stock sold at this store. It would be impossible to keep our berries overnight, even if we wished it they sell to the last little basket within a few hours of receipt. The arrangements we have made for those luscious berries this reason make it possible to give our regular customers the pleas ant surprise of their lives. They are the finest that ever came off the farm. Send, bring or phone an order and give your family and friends a treat. CaUfornla Berries Mo Milton Berries 30c Prices will decline Bhortly. Try a guess on our prize candle. Gray Bros. Grocery "Quality Grocers." Thone Main 28. ' Next to Post Office Matlock Buys Theater. A deed was delivered to W. F. Mat lock this morning whereby he be comes the sole owner of the build'ng known as the Oregon theater. He formerly owned a half interest In this property and has just purchased the other half of J. R. Dickson. Mr. Matlock states that he will repair the exterior at once and unless a new theater is built, will probably remod el the interior. ous structures was pronounced Insane and sent to the hospital for the in sane today. Elliott made his "con fesston" last night ' to labor leaders and it created great excitement, MEYER MAY BE AMBASSADOR TO BERLIN Circus Men Arc Sore. The recent ordinance drafted and Washington, May 19. It Is rumor ed at the nay department that SecrO' tary Meyer Is to be appointed ambas sador to Berlin. The only thing it ii said that stands in the way is the ethical question whether the ambas sadorship is a lower or higher position than that of a cabinet officer. In a SEE PAGE 2 FOR THE MAIN AD. The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Sav Your Coupon Whtre it Pays to Trade MAY TAX CITY TO SUPPORT COLLEGE Spokane, Wash. Announcing In an official statement that the general ed ucation board, endowed by John D. Rockefeller with US, 000.000, has de cided Spokane Is the logical point In the northwest for the establishment of an institution of higher learning, Dr. B. F. Westmore, president of Spo kane College, today submitted a plan to tho city commissioners to supple ment private aid with municipal as sistance. The Idea Is to levy a spe cial tax of not more than three-tenths of a mill, or 30 cents annually on an assessed aluation of $1000. This would provide a fund of between $19. 000 and $20,000, In addition to which there will be a certain revenue from tuition, ranging from $60 to $75 a year. Aside fron the fact that as a financial proposition a college Is the best Investment a community can make. Dr. Westmore adds that it will be of vast benefit to students who are forced by circumstances to earn their way through the five-year courses. It Is also planned to cooperate with In dustrial and commercial Institutions, galleries and libraries and aid In the solution of municipal problems. One of the newest French aero plane engines has 14 cylinders, each with its own magneto and lubrication system, mounted on a crank case that surrounds a shaft. Mary Goddard, the oldest Quaker preacher In the world, preached a sermon at Brunswick, Me., on her 101st anniversary. East Orei Milan by carrier, Cc per month. If passed by the city council prohibiting number 0 instances ambassadors the use of cloth signs on buildings in- haye becomc cabinet officers. ide the fire limits has made tne cir cus bill posters sore for they had fig ured on putting up a few hundred ards of cloth signs to advertise their show. Thev reached the city last night ,n their palatial car and have been chasing the councilmen about the city today in an endeavor to se- ure a special dispensation in their favor. HE PAYS ALIMONY AT 17. Dam Did Not Break. A report that the Umatilla project dam had broken this morning, flood- ng the west end and washing out the railroad track gained general circula tion and caused considerable excite ment for awhile. A telephone cm- dg up th,a $J ft weck or j w, put . .Youth Early Learns RcsponHlliillty of Marrlnco Covenant. Kansas City, Kan. George Hansen. 17 years old, was ordered by Judge A. A. Brooks in the ?orth city court to pay $3 a week toward the support of his l-year-old bride, Gertrude. They were married four months ago and have been living at 650 Tenney avenue. "You should have thought of the rrspnnsilj'l'.ty you wore a'Kumlns when you married this girl," Judge Brooks said. "Now you get busy and munication from Hermiston brought you jaIJ the Information that there had been a small break in the bee line which bad delayed train No. 9 for a short time, but which had doe no damage. Hansen agreed to pay the required amount. Another very common human fra- lltv in to be proud of things which should cause shame. Culiineii Have Grievance. The cabmen and hackmen of the city are complaining of the ruling of the O.-W. R. & N. company which forbids them to take their stands near the depot ana iorces mem io stay on Main street a block distant from where the trains stop. The company claim this ruling is to pre clude the po.ssibility of accidents on ... r. , . . r. 1 . fPlia matlni, WAR ine epunanu i.atn.. i . , n, T?:t,l taken ud by the Commercial ciuo ivyes jvxaiiuueu. vjiuoaco imcu. managers at their luncheon today an.) Duplicated and Frames referred to the transportation com- , 1 mittee which will try to secure some Kepairea compromise arrangement. DALE ROTIIWELL OPrOM ETRIST. Frederick Warner Passes Away. Frederick S. Warner, for twenty- two-years a resident of this county, aged about 72 years, and the father of Kenneth G. Warner, president of the Umatilla County Woolgrowers as sociation, passed away at his home In Freewater on the 17th Inst., and was buried In Olncy cemetery last evening, with the Episcopal service, Rev. Charles Quinney officiating. Mr. Warner was born In Vermont and en gaged In business In that state before coming to Oregon. Upon his arrival here he and his brother, A. P. War ner, became partners In the sheep In dustry In which he continued until his health failed some twenty years aeo. He formerly resided In. the southern part of the county, later in Pendleton, and for the past few years near Freewater. He was a man of much ability and all his life a student. He leaves a widow and several sons and daughters, the most of them re siding in this county. With W. E. IIANSCOM, THE Jeweler, Pendleton. WE HAVE ONE OF THE NICEST LINES OF LADIES PUMPS in the city. PATENT LEATHER, GUN METAL and VICI KID, and we can save you $1.00 and even more on every pair. THE HUB The Sample Shoo House. LOOKS LIKE FIFTY BUSHELS NOW G40 acres, all in wheat, well watered, good improrcmemta. This land has produced 48 bushels to the acre, and may da it this year, the prospect is fine. $40.00 per acr bay it, terms easy. I have some fine alfalfa and fruit farms on McKay aal Birch creek, prices very reasonable, terma eaay. If you are looking for business property, a residence. Of suburban home, drop in and wo will talk it orer. E. T. WADE Tenrole Big. Office phone Main 4")5; Res. B. 8271. Pendleton, Ore. I Man can not serve his country In public stations and devote the time he should to the development of the r.u'c.-C'llrig generation. The nerson who Is honest enough to refuse praise he knows he doesn't deserve hasn't 'registered with Diog HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated F4S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTn POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East , era Oregon. Pendleton Dye Works CUT PRICES FOR MAY LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $2.00 LADIES' SUITS PRESSED $1.00 MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $9.00 MEN'S 8UITS PRESSED 7 Bo Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date methods. s Phone Main 160. SOO 1-3 E. AlU. SUPPLY MUSLIN UN DERWEAR NEEDS NOW All our Muslin Underwear 20 per cent, off T5e WONDER STORE a enes yet.