East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 19, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Cured by Lydia E. Pinknara's
Vegetable Compound
Morton's Cap. Kentucky. "I suf
fered two vears with female disorders.
Jmv health was very
Iba'd and I had a
J . , .1 V
(continual Dacsaenu
(which was simply
lawful. I could not
stand on my feet
long enough to cook
la meal's victuals
(without my hack
inearlv killing me.
, and I w ould have
such dragging sen
sations 1 could
hardlv bear it. I
bad soreness in each side, could not
stand tight clothing, and was irregular.
1 was completely run down, on ad
vice 1 took Lydia E. lMnkham's Vege
table Compound and Liver Pills and
am enioving gooa neaitn. xi is now
more than two years and I have not
bad an ache or pain since I do all my
own work, washing and everything,
nnd never have the backache anv more.
1 think vour medicine is grand and I
praise it to all my neighbors. If you
think my testimony will help others
vou may publish it." Mrs. Ollie
Woodall, Morton's Gap, Kentucky,
Backache is a symptom of organic
weakness or derangement. II you
have backache don't neglect it To
pet permanent relielf you must reach
the root of the trouble. Nothing we
know of will do this so surely as Lydia
E. Plnknam's Compound.
Write to Mrs. Pinkham, at
T.vnn, Mass for special advice.
Yonr letter will be absolutely
confidential, and the advice free.
Y .At
Admiral Hubbard Retires.
Washington, May 19. Rear Admlr
al John Hubbard, commander in chief
of the Asiatic fleet, was placed on
the retired list of the United States
navy today. The command of the
Asiatic fleet passes to Rear Admiral
Joseph B. Murdock, until recently in
command of the second division of
the Atlantic fleet.
Fur Infanta tnd Chil&ea
Tfei fissi You Have Always Bougl"
List of claims allowed by the Coun
ty Court of Umatilla County, at tho
May. 1911. term, except expenses pro.
tiled by state.
Swearingen Bros., meals for
jurors S
Joe 11. Fnrkes justice fees
ttate vs. Clias Coyle
R. Gurdnne, do
Joe H. Parkes, justice fees
State vs. Harry MeCleary . .
B. Gurdnne, constable do..
Joe H. Tarkes, justice fees
jstate vs. Barnhnrt and
Joe H. Parkes, justice foes
State vs. James Flarty ....
Louis Scholl, Jr., drawing jury
list Echo district
T. D. Taylor, sheriff, expense
Stnte vs. Frank Hulbert ...
T D. Taylor, sheriff, expenses
State vs. Claude Franklin..
D. Taylor, sheriff, expenses
State vs. Hart & McCumber
T. D. Taylor, sheriff, expenses
State vs. Barnhart & Thomp
son 19.60
Nona Johnson, steno. for
school sunt 18.00
D. Turner, deputy assessor.... 120.00
Alex Hudson, do 80.00
Chas. H Skinner, do 80.00
Chas Walden. do 48.00
O. F. Steel, do 100.00
Chas. A. Hill, assisting In col.
T. D. Taylor, rebate of taxes.
Martha Ringer, rebate of taxes
Roland Oliver, telegram for re
Long Bros., repairs
trank K. Welles, express and
Bushong & Co., justice docket
Athena district
Bushong & Co., tabs by asses
Bushong & Co.. steno. chair
recorder office
Irwin Hodson Co., probate fee
book, clerk's office 17.50
Irwin-Hodson Co., letter heads
and die, county judge 26. B0
C. E. Nelson, supplies 15.70
Live Wire, supplies 56.25
uve wire, printing monthly
expense 30.95
East Oregonlan, printing
monthly expense 30.00
East Oregonlan, supplies .... 31.75
T. D. Taylor, paid for cleaning
typewriter 7.00
Frank Sallng, express and cart
age ... 1.35
Frank Sallng, postage all of
flees 75.00
The Western Union Tel. Co
telegrams, sheriff office ... 4.40
The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co
telephones all offices 64.60
Taylor Hardware Co., repairs
for court house 3.20
Pacific Power & Light Co.,
lights court house 40.00
Pendleton Water Com., water
for March and April 21.70
Alexander Dept. Store, Gold
Dust, sheriffs office 6.50
C. A. Frederick, trimming
trees court house 20.00
T. D. Taylor, board prisoners 122. .97
A. C. Koeppen & Bros., drugs
for prisoners 21.05
Alexander Dept. Store, supplies
for poor farm 82.77
A. C. Koeppen & Bros., drugs
for poor farm 2.7
A. C. Koeppen & Bros., drugs
for pauper 6.9
Pendleton Drug Co., drugs for
poor farm 10.25
Otto Hohbach, bread for poor
farm 2.00
Taylor Hardware Co., hard
ware for poor farm 3.50
Joe Sullivan, tobacco for poor
farm 3.25
A. T. Mathews Co., chop feed
poor farm 17.09
J II. llcnntngs, tobacco for
poor farm 2.25
A. Schmidt. 3 awnings for
poor farm 36.00
J. It. Chlldreth, blacksmith-
Ing poor farm 6.00
H.unley ,fc Co.. repair neck-
yoko, poor farm 1.60
Empire Moat Co., moat poor
farm ." . 3.25
A. D. Austin, labor on the farm 35.00
John F. Temple, house rent
for Hanks, pauper 5.00
Standard Grocery Co., gro- .
cerios for Mrs. Becker, paup. 10.00
Henry Kopitke, wood for
Banks, pauper 7.50
Hiram Knight, do 72.25
Art Douglas, do 121.86
M. W. Hnnsell, do 64.60
C. A. Barrett & Co. hdw., do . 1.40
Sam Banister, do 42.00
Dan West, do 41.25
E. E. Johnson, do 40.00
W. T. Willis, do 13.50
C. P. Smith, do
Mike Eaglcton, do
James Cornfield, So. Athena.
Fred Pinkerton, do
126 00
D. Taylor, U. R. fare for
D. J. McFatil. trip to milton as
health ofneer
Talman & Co., drugs for
II. S. Garfield, examination of
Carl Fischer, insane
Boys & Girls aid soc. charity
D J. M;Faul. health officer.
cotts Grocery, groceries for
Joe Sullivan
P. Turner, truant officer ....
W. Dykes, do
S. J. Campbell, fruit Inspector
Horace Walker co. com. ...
H. M. Cockburn, do
A. C. Funk, deputy sheriff.
J. A. Blakley, do 100.00
Geo. Strand, do 100.00
R. T. Brown deputy clerk... 125.00
W. C. E. Prultt, clerks steno. 70.00
B. S. Burroughs, deputy hire 125.00
Geo. Simpson, janitor 75.00
J. B. McDill. supt. poor farm 100.00
H. S. Garfield, county phys.
Road Expenses.
Oscar Wallace, Cottonwood
Abner Bacon, do
A. L. Squires, do
Lloyd Eller, do
C. T. Cockburn, do
Smith-Allen Hardware Co.,
J. A. Morris, North Milton
W. M. Holse, do
J. H. Piper, do
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co., lum.
Jerry Stanton, South Milton
district 25.50
Homer Black, do
Harry Hubler, do
Robert Smith, do
H. Paulson, do .
W. O. Day, do .
Roy Scott, do 78.62
A. F. Compton, do
Maurice Frazler, do
J. L. Frazier, do 65.75
R E. Frazier, do 63.00
J L. Frazier, do
Thomas Thompson, do 51.75
Ralph Walter, do 97.
A. L. Gilliam, do
Smith-Allen Hardware Co.,
J. D. McKnight, blacksmlth'g
Putnam McKnight Co., hdw.
Phil Murphy, Valley district
John Allen, do 66 00
R. S. Weathers, do 67.00
Rov Allen, do 67.00
I. M. Rambo, do 66.00
Will Murphy, do
J. E. Irons, blacksmlth'g do
Mat Linn, South Athena.,..
Pearl Linn, do
Oscar Blum, do
92 60
v 1 "T" .TR
rf&- .wiu iii.iiiiu,i.iiii..a-" .CjJ
his. Brown, do
iurt Plersol, do
11. H. ltoble, do .
H. McAlexander, do 37.50
U. B. Bush, do 121.87
Sain Haywortn, do 31. bu
A. Xlcolay. do 81.50
John Olsen, do 2 1.115
Blaln Bugger, do 27.00
Porter Graham, do 27.00
Will Montgomery, do 9.00
James Hunter, do 22.60
Ed Koyington, do 6.75
F. C. Foster, do 18.00
W. M. Loask. do . ; 18.00
E. J. Kilgore, do 11.25
H. Nelson, dO 11.25
Rov Lamm, do 11.25
David Bingham, do 1125
V. J. Crabill, do 11.25
T. J. Wright, do 2.25
U L. Beam, do 6.75
B. Wlnnington, do 6.75
J. F. Sorber, do 2.25
James Fusten, do 3.40
A. N. Bergeran, do 13.60
P. F. Lavender, do 130.00
P. F. Lavender, freight, do.. 42.60
Andy Barker, Adams dlst... 34.00
Peter Mclntyre, do 25.60
Joe Panes, do 3.35
Charley Delnlng, do 4.60
Lambert Kononen, do 32.60
Isaac Christopher, do 9.36
Arnold Planting, do 8.25
A. H. Olds, do 18.75
Fred Enbysk, do .., 58.60
A. H. Olds, do 98.25
Henry Whitley, do 37.10
Joe Danes, do 31. 6U
J. B. Coffee, do 25.85
H. B. Baker, do 20.25
A. Barker, do 38.25
Roy Plcard, do 29.25
A. Clark, do 3160
Frank Bermler, do 31.60
Elmer Plcard, do 31.50
A. Payant, do 20.25
Jap Marquis, do 13.60
Peter Mclntyre, do 63.75
F. B. Henry, blacksmth'g do 18.70
Ford & Kirkpatrlck, road plow
do 27.60
Wm. Vollmer. Helix dlst.... 61.25
John Sass, do 6.25
Virgil Bott. do 138.25
Frank Smith, do 69.50
R. C. Dennlngton, do 97.75
Joe Nelson, do 85.00
Wm. Potts, do 84.00
Ernest Eheler, blacksmlth-
Ing. do 3.00
J. S. Norvell & Co., nails, do. 2.00
Tum-a-Lum Lum. Co. lum, do 2.90
Vernon V. Kerley. blacksmlth-
lng, do 1.40
W. R. Tompkins. Vansycle
district 5125
W. Eggers. do 22.50
W. R. Tompkins, do 61.25
Robert McNama, do 10.12
W.H. Cravens, do 65.7
John Tompkins, do 94.60
Vernon V. Kerley, blacksmlth-
Ing, do 12.90
Tum-a-lum Lum. Co., lum, do 1.25
E. J. Belles, North Juniper
district 48 25
Teddv Belles, do 11.25
H. Osburn, do 24.75
Joe Hildebrand, do 11.25
A. Larson, do 104.50
P. D. Mann, blaeksmlthlng, do 2.35
Frlck Hoven, Union district... 49.50
Henry Enbusk, do 51.75
John Kantola, do 51.75
Mt Kantola, do 54.00
William F.nbusk. do 10.12
OsLar Somppl, do 38.25
Chas. Perkins, do 42.00
J W. Enbusk. do 55.00
W. J. Clarke & Co., hdw., do. 6.05
John Mumm,- Fulton district. 60.50
Ira Perkins, do 11.50
Wm. FcLeod. do 13.00
A. I. Molstrom, do 46.25
A. Holngren, do 46.75
J Majlaa, do 24.75
R. Craft, do 4 25
The Taylor Hdw. Co., hdw, do 4.25
Wm. Holmes, Yoakum dlst... 81.00
W. L. Noble, do 74.50
John Bartlcy, do 69.36
W. W. Atherton. do 1.10
Ford & Kirkpatrlck, road
plow, do 27.50
Chas. Skinner, Umatilla dlst.. 6 25
C. Percy, do 4.25
Russel Chamberlain, do 4.25
Henry Somerer, do 6.90
D. C. Brownell, do 14.50
John T. Embry, do 4.25
John Kmneily. do C.3S
Clarence S. McFad 36.00
arrh usually begins with irritated, Inflamed membranes of the head
1 throat, from which there is a constant and copious discharge of
natter. Nature intends that these membranes shall be nourished by
the blood, but waste mutters -and Impurities deposited into ,ebC4s"lBi:
Catarrh i
nose and
watery matter.
There is
pans, scut niJ liiiiuiuiuiiiiuu ...... o- ., . . .:,.,
only one way to cure Catarrh, nnd that is to remove the cause by pur.f j inp
the blood 'Washes, sprays, inhalations, etc.. do not reach the circulation,
nnd therefore can onlv afford temporary relief. S.S.S. cures Catarrh by
cleansing the blood of nil impure catarrhal matter, and at the same time
building tip the system by its unequalled tonic effects In other words
S S. S. cures Catarrh by purifying the blood so that the mucous surfaces
nnd linings of the body nre supplied with healthy nourishment instead of
beiug continually irritated from the catarrhal impurities. Then the inflamed
membranes heal, the discharge is checked, head noises cease, the stomach is
toned up, and the throat is no longer clogged with mucus. Boole on Catarrh
and any medical advice desired, free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores.
Going to Paint?
If it's the house, barn, fence, kitchen floor, walls
or anything else, we will gladly tell you what kind to
use, quantity required, the cost, and how it should be
applied. We have
Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes for refinishing
any shabby surface indoors or outdoors.
Glad to show colors and offer advice whether you
decide to oaint or not.
Hale & McAtee PEN8H
Taylor Hdw. Co., hdw., do.... 19.70
James Kimball, so. liouiman n.uu
A. J. Harp, do 2 "5
R. L.' Harp, do 2.15
Ed Hertford, do 14.05
Don Hoyt, do 11. 2 5
Rou Etter. do 4 50
Wm. Melners. do ,' 22.25
D. K. Hoyt, do 9.00
Robert Patchcn, do 6.35
W. R. Campbell, do S1.60
W. R. Campbell, do 16 5
O. C. Stetson, Ferndale dlst.. 110.60
Ralph Johnson, do 84.00
Al Austin, do 48. 00
Chas. Hafmer, do 4.00
J. T. Haun, do 62.00
D. B. Hendon, do 68.00
Elmer Wilson, do 23.00
W. F. Myers. North McKay., es.iz
O. S. Van Oradall, do 89.37
C. W. Van Orsdall. do 84.85
O. C. Van Orsdall, do 29.00
B. Kelley, do 13.60
H. Henderson, do 13.60
W. H. Van Orsdall, do 165.75
Taylor Hdw. Co., hdw, do.... 1.00
W. J. Clarke & Co., hdw., do. 4.85
W. A. Leathers. Hermlston dlst. 93.00
Adam SUngwlne, do 85.40
Chas. Johnson, do 6.00
Wilbur Berch, do 4.60
Wm. Terlault, do 43.75
J. K. Shotwell, do 93.76
John Waller, do 31.26
Bert Smith, do 14.50
Ross Newport, do 75.00
H. T. Irvln, do 13.50
J. C. Doerlng, N, Holdman.. 17.50
J. Hoyt. do 2 25
Thomas Kasinger, do 16.60
F. C. Johnson, do 24.50
T. W. Shafer. do 6.60
J. C. Doerlng, do 87.00
W. J. Clarke & Co., hdw.. do. 1.60
W. J. Clarke & Co. North
Gllliland 18.60
Wallace Cargill, S. Juniper... 36.76
Manuel Frledly. do 93.00
Ernest E. Eheler. blacksmlth'g 6.00
Albert Boesoh, E. Pilot Rock 128.12
Ernest Worle, do 128.25
Roy Jenkins, do 67.37
R. Thomas, do 31.60
Robert Jenkins, do 4.60
Ernest Worle, do 120.26
R. Thomas, do 31.50
Tavlor Hrw. Co., hdw.., 100
H. T. Irvln, Stanfleld district,
lumber 39S.40
II. T. Irvln, unloading lumber 13. 2S
J. J. Buchanan, labor 4.50
W. J. Haney 9.75
A. W. Norton, Prospect dlst. 41.75
Earl Norton, do 22.r,0
Ctiiv Norton, do 22.60
Orville Norton, do 29.23
Tom Thomas do 2 ,'00 ; Maher, dem, N.
Bodley Hough, do
S E. Willeby, do
W. S. Groom, do
T. Williamson, do
C. E. Niedlnt, do
Oregorr Hardware
ment Co., nails.
3 10
& Imple-
do 12.50
A. Malcolm. Echo district. 6.75
L. Harris, do 3100
A. Malcolm, do 16.85
Williams, do 14.60
Williams, do ' 13.00
Taylor, do
N. Steele, do
H. Paling, do
H. W'lllams, blncksmth's,
Echo Mercantile Co., hdw., do
John Heddle. Hogue dlHtrlct.
John Cntterall, do 36.00
John Arkell, do 72.25
J. E. Arkell, do 140.50
Taylor Hdw. Co., hdw., do .. 3.60
W. A. Mearly, South McKay 156.25
Perry Hunter, do 102.00
II C. Muir. do 22.50
Lf-sley Eldrldge, do 66.25
Plron Lynde, do 22.50
James M. Eldrldge, do 103.60
E. J. Muir. do 140.85
Wm. Mathews, W. Pilot Rock
district 18.00
Marvin Roy, do 14.60
Lovel Gilbert, do 12.76
C. L. Beck, do 27.00
Lew Mnstnrd, do 9.00
If. H. Gilbert, do 132.50
Lon Etter, do 121.00
Clarence Etter, do 27.00
Guy Wilson, do 12.75
Albert Kennlson, do 6.76
A I Stowe, do 6.75
Herbert Wilson, do 2.25
Roy & Done, blacksmith's, do 22.00
Pilot Rock Hdw. Co., hdw., do 6.65
C. P. Helmick. Uklah dlst... 93.60
Thomas McQuowen, do 62.60
J. M. Gilbert, do 28.10
Tom Curry, do 24.75
L. W. Hughes, do 18.00
Ike Metzker, do 6.75
Harley Kirk, do 6.75
Geo. W. Bolln, blaeksmlth
lng, do 4.20
J G. Cnrsen, Gibbon dlst.... 12.80
Harry Reodman, do 16.05
F. T. Hhaw, do 23.60
B. D. Carlton, do 25.26
Wm. Miller, do 23.00
Tom Alexander, do 25.25
F. I'itman, do 27.60
Jess Bennett, do 25.25
E. Mlchnll, do 25.25
H. F. Beard, do 23.00
Tom Gllkey, do 25.25
Tom Connel, do 25.25
Sam Hill, do 15.75
Joe Luzon, do 13.60
Joe Kerchor, do 45.00
J. F. Thompson, do 65.50
Ilf-nrv Thompson, do 13.50
Herald Haphaway, do 22.50
of the member of the house reveals
tho fact that out of the 398 represen
tatives, delegates and commissioners,
A careful count of the olographic
246 are lawyers. Twenty-Blx mem
bers neglect to state the nature of
their business, so this Is not a com
plete census.
Next to lawyers, In point of num
ber, come the farmers. There are 28
of them. Many are only agricultur
ists on the side, however. The bank
ers' list totals 22. Then come the
newspaper men. There are 16 of
these, besides one "Journalist," Rep.
Sherwood, dem., Ohio, and two "pub
lishers, " Utter, Representative and
Underhill, dem., N. T.
Ten members of the house of rep
resentatives are "manufacturers.
Eight are lumbermen. Five were
teachers. In school or college, up to
the time of their being chosen repre
sentatives. There are several score
others who formerly taught school,
and later studied law.
Reps. Foster, dem.. 111., Wilson
dem. N. T., Kindred dem, N. T.. Fa
lon, dem, N. C, and Barchfleld.
rep. Pa., are physicians. Rep. Di
fenderfer dem, Pa., la a practlclnr
dentist. At least four members were
court stenographers PnJmer, dem.,
Pa., Byrnes, dem., S. C, Kendall,
rep, Iowa, and Aiken, dem. S. C. Three
say they were commercial telegraph
ers MeDermott, dem., 111., Smith,
dem., N. T., and Cary, rep., Wis. Rep.
resentative Lee, dem., Pa., simply
says he Is a business man.
Five congressmen were at one time
"knights of the road" and "drum
med" In various sections. Three are
real estate operators; three own coal
colleries; one is a petroleum opera
tor; three arc authors Edward W.
Townsend, dem., N. J., of "Chlmmey
Fadden" fame, Stephen B. Ayres,
dem., N. Y.. and Henry George, Jr.,
dem., N. T.
In the miscellaneous class are Cal
der, rep., N. Y., builder; Fornes, dem.
N. Y., woolen manufacturer; Hart
man, , rep., Pa., Iron manufacturer;
Lafean, rep.. Pa., candy manufac
turer, known as the "Chocolate
King;" Howell, rep., Utah, merchant;
Lindsay, dem. N. Y., hotel business;
Y.. hat maker; Lewis,
Dem., Md., Dnugherty, dem., Mo., and
Cameron, rep., Ariz., are miners;
Coyley, dem. 111. Is In the gas and
electric lighting business; Gallagher.
ilnm Til l . Tl I ..
85 j ucuier, x5urn;tnHu,
do I!!!!!'.!!!!", 1L25 dom- I"- '8 a structural Iron work-
13.60 cr; Kennedy, rep., Iowa., Is a nursery-
13.50 1 ,
Tom Thomns, do 156.00
Tom Thomas, do 32.00
Fred Thomas, do 40.60
Manford Thomas, do
J. W. Thomas, do .
Oscnr I.ake. do
Earl Norton,
Guy Norton, do .
A W. Norton, do
Tom Thomas, do 76.50
Manford Thomas, do 13.60
J. W. Thomas, do
Fred Thomas, do .
Orville Norton, do
13.60 man.
do 22.50
Walter Korp,
August Ring, do
C. J. Hansoom, do 36.00
John Laurlla, do 9.00
Frank Boling, blaeksmlthlng,
South Athena district ....
T. C. Geetlngs, Mountain dlst.
Will Beathe
Chas. Phlpps, Weston 24.60
John McRae 6.00
C. P. Smith 17.50
II. M. Cockburn freight on
W. J. Clarke & Co., drill
' steel
W. J. Stockton, viewing roads
Including expenses 36.00
J. S. Rlchcy
Albert McKenley
L. C. Rothrock, viewing roads
Penlnnd Bros., drayage
Milton Lumber Yards, lumber
Reall & Co., road machinery. 3562.60
Bcall & Co.. 4 dumo waeona
including freight 239.90
James A. Fee, damages, road
No. 700
Geary Klmhrell, viewing roads
W. J. Stockman, chainman.. 8.00
L. C. Rothrock, chnlnman . . . 7.00
Rep. Ezeklel Candler of Mleslppop
pi, who Is a veteran member, says
naively that his family "have been
prominently Identified with the his
tory of the state from the days of
the revolution up to and Including the
Rep. James Alexander Daughtery,
of Missouri, Bets down the fact that
he is regarded as one of the strong
men In the Missouri delegation." Rep.
J. J. Kindred declares In his sketch
that he "has In no sense been a poli
tician." Rep. Charles E. Patton of
Pennsylvania declares that "his ag
ricultural experiments have been of
great benefit to the community."
There are six members of the
house who wore the conferedate gray
In the civil war Rucker. dem.. Col.,
Estoplnal, dem., La., Talbot, dem.,
Md., Stedman, dem. N. C, Gordon,
dem., Tenn., and Lamb, dem., Va.
Five others served on the unlou
ThlHtlewood, rep., O., Bradley, rep, N.
Y., Sherwood, dem, O., Bingham
rep Pa. and Hill rep. Conn. Bradley
was awarded a medal for gallantry,
and Sherwood and Bingham both ad
vanced for conspicuous bravery.
Thirteen members served In tho
Spanlxh-American war, cither In Cu
ba, the Philippines or In the camps
In tho United States. They were.
Tlllson. rep., Conn.. Howard, dem.,
Ga., stone, dem., III., Ames rep.
Mass. Gardner, rep., Mass., Murray,
dem.. Mass., Weeks, rep., Mass. Loud,
rep., Mich., Anderson, rep., Mich.
Harrison dem, N. Y., Howland, rep.,
O., Crugo rep.. Pa., and Aiken dem.,
S. C.
Seven representatives record h
600 00 ' fact that they were Dorn abroad Sa
48.30 1 batn' (em-. I"-. In Bohemia; Kahn,
rep., cal., In Baden, Germany, Camp
bell, rep., Kan., in Nova Scotia;
Bertholdt, dem., Mo., In Germany;
Donohue, dem., Pa., In Ireland; Wil
son, dem, Ta., In Scotland; and Ber
ger tho Wisconsin socialist, In Aus-trln-IIungary.
Two members of the house served
In the United States navy, having
been graduated from the Annapolis
academy. Richmond Pearson Hob
son, dem., ala., who was the hero , of
the Merrlmac,' Is one of these: rten.
rep., Mass., tho other.
An Alibi.
"She claims a perfect alibi."
"What Is her alibi
"She says that she can prove that
at the time the crime was committed
her little girl was brushing her hair."
"That proves an alibi for her hair,
but how about herself "Houston
Do yon read the Bast Oregonlan?
Where tho entire family can enjoy a high-class motion pic
ture show with comfort.
Open Afternoon and Eve. Changes Sun., Mon., Wocfc, Fri.
Next Door to St. Gcorqe Hold Admission 5 and 10