EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OIUHIOXIAX. PENDLETON. OREGON, ntlDAY, MAY 1, 1911 PAGE THREE 0080000000OO0000Q0000O0000000O0000000O0O HOW TO LIVE LONG " Use Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as prescribed. It builds up the nerve tissue, tones the heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood; it brings into play all the vital forces and stimulates the mucous surfaces and little glands of the stomach to a healthy action, thereby improving the digestion and assimila tion of the food and giving to the system its full proportion of nourishment. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, New York. TO GIVE STRAWBERRY SOCIAL AT HERMISTON (Special Correspondence.) Hermlston, Ore., May 18. Invita tions are being sent out for the "Strawberry Social" to be given by the "Queen Esther Chapter, O. E. B. of Hermlston, the date set for thla social a May 13, 1911. A program will be rendered. Mr. Oliver Geddls, A. C. Busby and F. A. Curreycr of Ellcnsburg, Wash., are on the. project looking for land. Mr. J. Klncald of lone, Wash., Is here In the Interest of the New Tork Life Insurance company. Mr. R. S. Bostwlck of Omaha. Neb., arrived from that place yester day and is looking over the project. D. B. Watson la over from Pendle ton. H. D. Burnham and H. C. Chrlily are here from Seattle looking over the project lands. , , L. B. Murphy is a Visitor from 2'oriiana. i Mr. D. C. Brownell of Umatilla, has Just closed a deal In which he haaj sold most of his large holdings at I Umatilla to a Spokane company. It la understood that he received over' $150,000 for -his lands. Mr. Mrownoll was one of the flrat acttlers In Uma tilla. There Is a report that he will atart a bank at that place. I Lyrule D. Lay has taken a home stead In section 34, township 6 north, range 29. Mrs. Ida Smith returned from Vcn-dk-ton thlB morning where she had been on business. Sei-rnl people will go to Ei:ho today to take in the carnival. Btantly vhen it reappeared recently, for one of the bird's legs is shorter than the other and the robin lists to starboard when It hops. When the robin's leg was broken last summer Da Cunha took In the blrl, put the fractured leg In tiny splints and tended his patient until the delicate bones had set, though not perfectly. Now the robin, 'vlth swell ing throat, gladly pours forth a glee in dally installments. Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? No, never. Its foolish to fear a fancied evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against In swamps and marshes, bayoua and lowlands. These are the malaria germs that cause ague, chills and fe ver, weakness, aches In the bones and muscles, and may Induce deadly ty phoid. But Electric Bitters destroys and casta out these vicious germa from the blood. "Three bottles drove all the malaria from my aystem," wrote Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C, "and I've had fine health ever since." Use thla safe, sure remedy only SOc at Koeppena. K. It. Ueevca returned from Port' land this morning. IK ltIX SHOWS GKATITI DE. TeixU-r llnrtol Man Srt Bird's Brok en I ah Year. Mont Clair, N. J. A grateful rob in awakens George Washington Da Cunha eery morning by singing bis praises at his bedroom window. The redbreast migrated last au tuhn but Da Cunha recognized It In- TOHTIRF.S OF PILES. It la Unnecessary to Suffer Thla Ter rlblo Trouble. Keen torture la the eveyday lot of the sufferer from piles. And yet that suffering is needless. Pendleton Drug Co. and druggists eerywhertf will sell you Hcm-Rold and later return your money If it falls. We have sold Hem-Rold that way f(ir Inn ni thrpft vonra nrwl rAfnnta asked have been less than 3 per cent. ' W e therefore recommend It with con fidence. Hem-Rold is an internal remedy, the prescription of Dr. J. S. Leon hard t Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y. Write for booklet. MAY 10 IS HISTORY. 1122 Lincoln, n England, de stroyed by fire. 1242 Henry III of England," em barked for France taking with him 30 hogsheads of silver. 1613 James of England Issued "farthing tokens" by proclamation. 1780 Dark day in England, occa sioned by a thin cloud or vapor. Peo ple dined by candlelight and the dark ness of the night is represented as "Egyptian." 1798 Bonaparte with an. Immense armiiment palled from Toulon for the conquest of Egypt. 1804 Kuxsla Issued orders to all agents In Germany and Italy direct ing them to afford assistance and protection to all French emigrants who wished to settle on Russian ter ritory. ' 1S22 General Iturblde, proclaimed emperor of Mexico. 1854 United Slates Senator Davis of Massachusetts, famed as "Honest John Davis," died. 1864 Nathaniel Hawthorne, the poet (lied at Plymouth, N. H., at the age of sixty years. 1S75 Switzerland voted to restore capital punishment. 1898 Spanish fleet under Admiral Cervera reported to be at Santiago de Cuba. 1905 Teamsters' strike at Chicago practically settled at midnight. 1911 H. H. Rogers died. W.XUXIXG AGAIXST Tl BKIttT'LOSIS. 0 Keep os well an possible, for the healthier your body, the harder for the germs of tuberculosis to grow therein. To keep healthy, observe the following rules. Don't live, study or sleep in rooms where there is no fresh air. Fresh air and sunlight kill the tubercile bu t III and germs causing other dis ease;!. Ther. fore have as much of b t h in your room as possible. Don't live In dusty air. Keep your rooms clean. Get rid of duat by chanlng with damp cloths and mops. Don't sweep with a. dry broom. Keep at least one window open In your bed room at night, ami air the .room two or three times a day. Don't eat with soiled hunds. Wash them first. Don't put your hands, pencils or any candy or chewing gum that other persons have used in your mouth. Don't keep soiled handkerchiefs in your pockets.' rake a warm bath with soap at least once a week. Don't neglect a cold or a cough but go to a doctor or a dispensary. If you or any one in your family have tuberculosis, you must obey the following rules If you wish to get well. Don't waste your money on patent medicines or advertised consumption cures,, but go to doctor or a dispen sary. If you go In time you can be cured; if you wait, it may be too late Don't drink whiskey or other forms of liquor. Don't sleep in the same bed with anyone else, and, if possible, not in the same room. Good food, fresh air and rest are the best cures. Keep out In the fresh air and in the sunlight as much as possible. Keep your windows open winter and summer, day and night. If properly wrapped you will not catch cold. Go to a sanitarium if you can before it is too late. A person who has pulmonary tu berculosis or consumption Is not dan gerous to those with whom he lives and works if he Is careful and clean. THEATISE ON HOUSIXG HOGS. It Startled the World, when the astounding claims were fcirst made for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful cures have proved them to be true, and every where It la now known aa the best salve on earth for burns, bolls, scalds, sores, cuts, bruises, sprains, swellings, eczema chapped hands fever sores and piles. Only 25c at Koeppens. If you discover that you made a mistake don't stubbornly Insist upon keeping it up; let go and run. W V What a Relief!" Only the woman who has tried knows what comfort and relief a New Perfection Oil Cpok-stove brings into the kitchen. It is not only that the New Perfection cooks so well. It saves so much work in other ways. There are no ashes to clean up before going to bed ; no fire to bank for the night. Everything is ready for cooking in the morning at a touch of a match. You are saved from an overheated kitchen; saved from soot and dirt ; saved from chopping wood and carry ing coal. In the kitchen or the laundry, for the lightest or the most elaborate meal, you will find the New Perfection stove with the New Perfection oven is the best and most convenient. on am..i, Oil Cook-Stove Made with 1 , 2 in.t 3 burnon, with taf , turqimiw li'ue enanv-lrci r'unnm. HuKhnmrlr fcuifhnl lluoushoiit. 1 h 2-and 3-hurncMluvracnn U-h-.dwtlh wilhmil cabinet .,p. ,r, 6ntJ (, dron ahr int. low-l racki, etc Dralrreeravwherc; or write for d. arriplivB circular to the n.'irnl agracy of the Standard Oil Company llnrorroralrill IsMiH-d As Farmers' Bulletin by tlie Vnitovf Slutes Pettaitment of Agri culture. The author of this bulletin, Mr. J. A. Warren, a practical hog raiser, made a thorough field study of pork production in Nebraska and Iowa for the office of farm management. In the introduction the author says: "How raising has probably made more clear money for the corn belt farmers than any other enterprise. In view of this fact one might expect to find boss the best housed of any ani mal on the farm, but the opposite is the case. There is no animal on ; the farm which requires better pro tection from the cold than the hog. ! none for which a good bed is more.! necessary and none so much In need j of sunshine as the little pie. The horse and the cow have good coats i of hair even a calf or colt when left in the cold is provided with a good j fur coat; the hen's feathers are the ' best protection against cold;' but the I hog has almost nothing between the skin and the weather." "One of the first requisites for suc cess with hogs is a shelter where young pigs can be kept warm and well supplied with sunshine and fresh air. A little pig takes cold very easily and recovers slowly, if at all. To prevent taking cold he must be kept dry, warm, away from drafts, and provided with fresh air." The most successful hog raisers usually raise two litters of pigs a year. They have the sows commence farrowing about March the first, but without good houses this is imprac ticable. Early pigs are the most prof itable for the following reasons: 1. If crowded they are usually large enough to market before the winter sets In. 2. They are usually large enough o o o 0 o c o o o o o o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o XANDER DEPT. STORE The Special Sale Thursday was, from a bargain stand point, a great success. Those attending were more than pleased, end have expressed their views by saying: Alexander Sure Does Give Real Bargains We expect to give those attending the Sale Sat urday, bargains that will long be remembered. Ready-to-Wear Department Lingerie Dresses $ 1 .98 Dresses that .sold up to $12.00 will be in eluded. We have a limited number so come early. $1.98 ocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dress Skirts .For Saturday only we will place on gale about 50 Walking Skirts, all wool mixture, light shades for spring, values up to $14.00. Your choice Sat. $2. 1 0 Dress Goods Department A special lot of Dress Goods, 36-in. to 4-1-in. wide anil values 50c, $1.00 and $1.25, in lighht colorings suitable for spring wear, Choice Saturday 1 6 2-3 c 3G-in. Black Taffeta Silk in the very best $1.50 quality. Sold everywhere for $1.50 and more Special for Saturday 98c Ladies' Shoe Department One of the grandest opportunities ever offered in Ladies' Shoes. We will place on sale for Saturday only our entire line of the famous brand "Sorosis" Shoes at a low price of Y our Choice $1.00 ONLY KKMEMIJEIl FOR SATURDAY XOT MONDAY. To make this already popular department more noticable we will offer every broken line in Party Pumps, Oxfords, Black, tan. Yici Kid, Gun Metal and Patents Saturday Only for $ 1 .00 YOUR CHANGE OF THE SEASOX. We call special attention to our low prices on Corsets, as well as every article in the store. ceived by the youthful monarch yes- i terday from all his brother rulers of I Europe. While efforts have been made to 1.05 inches. The deficiency in the! normal raimaii ior me year lo uaie J U 3.92 inches. The snow which fell was the only April snow in the past erct, the Intransigcant asserts author- "There were 13 clear days, 6 partly itativclv that tlu king is seriousiy ill . cloudy,' 11 cloudy days, and 9 days i Inch, while the prevailing winds of from tuberculosis and that his phy sicians have decided that he must re ceive rigorous treatment if his life Is to be prolonged. It is understoil that he will have to spend next win ter in Switzerland, as the climat ! of Spain during the winter montho ag gravates his complaint. Alfonso XIII was born May 17, 1S86, nearly six months after the death of his father. Alfonso XII. He has never enjoyed good health, and his father was a seml-invalld. Spe cialists have recently performed sev eral operations on the king'B nose and throat for growths described as tu berculous. It is alleged that the young crown prince Is below the av erage of ntelligcnce for children of his age. Prince Jaime, the second son of the king and queen, who will be three years old next month, will be taken to Switzerland bv Oueen Vie- to begin to eat forage as soon as pns- ; torln about the end nf June to nnder- ture is ready. This permits the hog . g0 an operation to correct a difficulty grower to have his pigs on pasture J of B,,eech. If the operation fails, It throughout practically the entire sea- , js alleged that the prince will be dump son. . for Hfe. 3. Early pigs , make more econnm- Personally Alfonso is popular even ical gams oecnuse mey can ne nn-1 ith his enemies, and it has been the month were southwest. "The monthly mean temperature was 46.5. a departure from normal of 3.6 degrees. The highest temperature was SO degrees on April 23, and the lowest 25, on the 13th. The greatest dally range was 45 degrees, on the 23rd. The dates of heavy frost were April 2, 6. 12, 13 and 14." SALEM TO VSE NEW KIXD OP PAVEMENT Ished for the market before the cold weather sets In. Without good houses two litters a yenr enn seldom be raised to r.dvan tags. The author of th's bulletin claims that his investigation shows that good hog men average seven pigs raised to the litter, while the general j average raised on the farm does not ' exceed four pigs to the litter, this I wide difference Is due largely to hous ing. This bulletin discusses the pre vailing poor conditions of hog hous es; the cost of housing pigs; varieties of hog houses; examples of faulty construction; two well built perma nent houses; hog cots or Individual houses; ventilation; Tiow to get sun light Into the pen. suggested that In case the monarchy is overthrown he might be chosen as the first president of the republic. To the anarchists, however, Alfonso Is but a king and therefore to be killed. COLDEST APKIL OX HECOKD. A Smile. a pretty hard thing to accomplish when you're blue, bilious and out of sorts. There Is a sure cure for aH kinds of stomach and liver com plaints constipation and dyspepsia. Ballard's Herblne is mild, yet abso lutely effective In all cases. Price 50c per bottle. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. "BVGS" AND BOMBS TIIKEATEX KING AI.1XVXSO Madrid, May IS. Threatened bv the bombs of anarchists and the gv.iisj' oC tuberculosis, a tut get f- the fires i f both the clerioa'i and anil--lei'icals his throne tottering from thi a.-fiiulls of the rapidly-growing republican party, haunted by the ghost of Fer rer, his eldest son mentally defective and his second son almost a dumb mute these are but n part of the troubles that beset Alfonso, the boy king of Spain, on his twenty-fifth birthday. Messages of congratula tion nlthough expressions of sym- Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- vollls, Orct, May IS. "The month just past is the coldest April on rec ord," says W. L. Powers, weathere ob server at the Oregon Agricultural College, in a report Just issued. "The nearest approach to It was in 1903, when the monthly mean tem perature v as 1.2 degrees higher. The mercury dropped below freezing nine times during last month. In previ ous years It' has not fallen below the freezing point more than three times. The- minimum, 25 degrees. Is 3 de grees colder than any in the past 13 years. "At 6:30 p. m. on the 12th the dew point, as determined by the wot, and dry bulb readings, was 32 degrees, and the hard freeze the morning of the 13th was not unexpected. Frost may beexpected when the dew point Is found to he within about 5 de Krees of freezing at 6:30 p. m. and the other conditions nre favorable to frost. Several degrees below freez ing Is about the extreme amount that might be combated by smudces, but it is possible that damage might have been prevented In some cases had smudges been used. "Peaches nre reported to have suf fered most, while cherries and other fruits were Injured in. certain locali ties, "The totul precipitation for the month was 3 inches, n departure from the normal of .15 Inches. The pothy are more in order were re-" greatest rainfall In any 24 hours was The Universal Construction Co., of Portland has just signed up with the city of Saem for paving Xorth Sum mer street with their Standard El Oso Asphalt pavement. This is one of the prettiest residence streets in the Capital City, running north from the state house. The company will, at the same time pave with El Oso asphalt, what is known as the Oaks' addition, an ex clusive and swell residence district recently laid out adjo.nlng North j Summer street. The entire work con- j tains over 36,000 square yards of i El Oso pavement. j While the El Oso asphalt Is some- ; thing new to Oregon, it is rapidly i gaining in favor from discriminating i proerty owners who desire a first-1 class, fully guaranteed water-proof j pavement at a moderate cost. The j company expects to start work 1m- j mediately and intends inking those interested in good pavement to come i to the Capital City and see the pave- j ment under actual construction. STOP PAYING RENT nooM SHOO. HOUSE FOR EASY TERMS 5 ROOM HOUSE, FIVE LOTS, well improved, price only $975 7 ROOM HOUSE OX Webb St, worth $1250. only - $850 5 ROOM HOUSE, 2 LOTS. Everything in fine shape, price only , $1850 Very easy terms; property worth $2500. Teutsch (Sh Bickers Real Estate and Insurance. Known For Its Strength The First National PENDLETON, (OREGON Bank CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . 50 00 RESOURCES OVER 5211,1.00 SECURITY o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o