r'.'?-'.-...A. 1 I EIGHT PAGES daily Bi. rr orkgonian. pbxpletox. Oregon, fripay, MAY 19, mi. PAGE TWO oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o OLLARS $10 For the special benefit of our out-of-town customers and others who could not take advantage of the Sale Thursday, we wilCrenew our $10.00 Suit Sale for J'- t $10 E 7 D i o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o mm Saturday Saturday Only STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN TILL 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY EVE. Onl t Q 84 WOMENS' SUITS from which to choose, ranging in price from $15 to $27.50, choice Saturday $10,00 NEARL Y 200 MEN'S Suits from Which to choose, val ues up to $27.50, your choice Saturday $10.00 The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. !S9 $10.00. TEN DOLLARS $10.00 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo0000000000000000000000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o EAST END GRANGES FAVOR MACADAM ROAD Construction of a macadam road from Walla Walla to Free water was the main theme of discussion at the "picnic" of the FernJ-ile and IluCor. Bay grange, held in Freewater yes terday, says the Walla Walla Union. The rain and w'.nd prevented the pic nic being held out doors but the crowd gathered in the Odd Fellows' temple, and there held the meeting. The Walla Walla-Freewater roa 1 was boosted by all who f-poke. and the universal favor with which the plan was received, makes it practi cally certain that it will be the next highway built by Umatilla and Wal la Walla counties, after the compe- tion of those already contracted f Jr.; Oregon residents have a flan, pro posed by Judge J. W. Maloney of Pendleton, and County Commissioner W. M. Cockburn of Umatilla county, whereby the county will pay half the labor and furnish the rock crusher, residents benefited to pay the other half of the work. This plan was met with all favor, and it was generally taken for grant ed that if the road is built to the state line, that Walla Walla county will fln sh it. H. A. Reynolds of Walla Walla, who was a speaker, warmly favored the construction of the road and believed the most ffisible way would be through College Place, thus utilizing some two or three miles already built. C. C. Rogers, another speaker, as serted that 300 learns a day pass over one of the three roads to Walla Wai la from the Oregon towns. This was by actual count, he said. The necessity of the road was ad mitted and its construction will, In all probability, be made a matter of Immediate action on both sides of the state line. Other topics discussed at the meet ing were according to the program, as follows, F. W. Nessley, presiding: "Organization of Farmers." F. A. Sikes. "Benefits Derived from Farmers' Unions," Alva Shumway. "Taxation," C. P. Strain. "State Grange." LecturerDartiell. "What Can Be Done In Favor of the Good Roads Proposition," J. W. Maloney. "Good Roads," II. M. Cockburn. Following the formal program was a bountiful dinner furnished by tiie wives of the grangers. Dltrlchsteln and Janet Ueeeher have been presenting since last fall at the Belasco theater. The play has the honor of the longest metropolitan run of the season. Ralph Herz Is starred at the Knick erbocker theater in "Doctor de Luxe" the musical comedy by the au thors of "Madame Sherry-" The fea tures Include "The Harem Scnrem" number, in which appear a pony bal let with talcum powdered knees, and song recitations by Mr. Herz. Limerick of iAMig Ago. There was a young girl from Slam Who said to her lover, named Priam, To kiss me, of course, you'll have to use force, And Lord knows you're stronger than I am. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE BANKERS & MERCHANTS MUTUAL FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION. OF FOREST GROVE, IX THE STATE OF OREGOX, on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Comomlssloner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law. Ca."h received with applications during the year from fir.-t year.-! premiums $ 7,541.51 Cash received during the year from renewal pn-mlumi 12,973.92 till: ;KAT WHITE WAY. ' YOUNG MAX SOLVES TASK. Helps Two Pretty Girls Out of Troti lk Beyond Tlwlr Power. Omaha, Xc-b. A glossy, black elec- Hippo-j'rlc motor car- hurdly more than colt, aim evuieiuiy iioi wen cuy orune, was prancing up Farnam street and ran Hsolf madly Into a telegraph pole. The two young women who occupied the car screamed and turned on the pow- 20,515.43 Total for re -iv-d from re-insurance members le. amount paid 720.78 Net premiums Income from all the vear . . other sources received (luring 19,794.65 169.53 er frantically, but the car refused to push the telegraph pole out of the way. A young barrister not unknown to fame In Omaha as a lady's man, happened by and rushed to aid the distressed motorists. "Might I be of any service?" he asked politely. "Do you understand the mchanlsm of an electric?" asked the most love ly of the two damsels, blushing slightly as she said "mechanism." 'T am sorry to say that I don't," replied Sir Launcelot, "but I might e able to help. What seems to be the matter?" The loveliest damsel looked mildly vexed at his stupidity and replied: "It seems to have run Into this tele graph polo and can't go any further." "Have you tried reversing the pow er " asked Sir Launcelot. "Oh, we hadn't thought of that," said the loveliest damsel, and reversed the power. The skittish electric back ed swiftly away from the pole and was turned squarely into the street. "That's a clever man." said the loveliest damsel to tho other. Just because you don't care for consequences Is no sign you can dodge them. (By W.lliam S. Rrewer.) New York. Tonight the drome will be added to the list of closed houses and next season other spectacles will take the place of "Marching Through Georgia." "The International Cup," and "The Ballc-t of Xiagara." Summer shows anu sea shore at tractions are coming into their own. Luna Park opens today anil keeping it company will be the favorite amuse ment iil.ires nf N'orth Reach. Stat'-n Island Manhattan etc. For tho next i uf Gothenburg, In the kingdom of Sweden, on the 31st day of December, 1910, two wei ks. however, tiiere is not c-x-I ",u"': '" .".....".- w i mn- m un-gun, pursuant 10 Uw: CORK LEG LIFE PRESERVER. Appendage of FlsJvrmnn Plant Him When He Fall Hi Water. Logansport. Ind. Harry Harris, a Vandalia engineer, finds the use of a cork leg a necessity In getting about In the common walks of life, but the artificial member of his anatomy is new cherished by him as a life pre server. Harry decided to go fishing to Lake Maxtnkuckee and gathered all his fishing paraphernalia together little thinking that his store leg would enter Into the emergency duty as a "bobber." When the boat upset Har ris' head went down like the sinker on his line, and up came tho leg at the other end. It was an easy task for his companion to grasp the cork leg and haul the dripping fisherman into safety. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Syea Fire & Life Insurance Company Boys wui no nor. and are always getting scratches cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burns or calds. Don't neglect such thing" they may result seriously If you do. Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment ac cording to directions r.ght away and It will relieve the pain and heal the trouble. Price 25c, EOc and $1. A. C. Koeppcn A Bros. D Total Income DISBURSEMENTS. X'-t amount paid members for losses and claims Including aijuftrnent expenses $ 7,884.12 Dividends paid to members 4,193.26 Premium" and assessments charged off Xone Commissions r,d salaries paid during the year 6,033.40 Taxes, licenses and fees 10.00 Amount of all other expenditures 535.23 .$ 19,964.18 Total expenditures ASSETS. Cash on hand and In banks and trust companies.! 9,662.36 Premiums In process of collection 2,308.36 18.656.11 Total asset admitted in Oregon LIABILITIES. OroFS claim" for losses unpaid Reserve fund All other liabilities .$ 11.970.72 71.03 2.415.69 907.19 Total liabilities Including reserve fund s INSURANCE. Amount of property at risk Dec. 31, 1910 $ 930,850.62 Amount of risks added during the year 1,192,165.00 Amount of risks cancelled, withdrawn or termi nated during the year 923,175.62 3,393.81 .$1,199,840.00 Gross amount at risk, December lst, 1910 Largest amount of Insurance on any one risk. Gross $4,000.00. Xet $3,000.00 RANKERS & MERCHANTS MUTUAL FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION, M. PETERSEN, President. VT. H. HOLLIS, Secretary. Tevtw-ti Ilk-kern, Agents. Pcmllofon. Oregon. pec-ted to be a great retreat from the Great White Way to the less dazzling though more frivolous omusc-ment re sorts. Of the shows that rvmain in town "The Hen Pecks," at the Broadway with Lew Fields heading the cast con tinues to draw capacity houses. Aver a hundred performances have nlrendy been given of th'.s elaborate spectac ular musicaj production and they have made it better than ever. The Winter Garden Is obviously des tined to be a summer resort of Xew York amusement lovers who remain In town. The system by which novel ties are added every week has proved a success. The entertainment Is now more elaborate than when tho Winter Garden wa sf'.rst opened and is much more laughable. "The Pink Lady" has entered tho third month of Its successful engage ment at the Xew Amsterdam theater. This fascinating young person has sung and danced her way Into tho hearts of Xew Yorkers and bids fair to remain at her present address for many months. Xo prettier music anil lyrics have been heard In a long while. William A. Brady's all star revival of "The Lights o' London" Is on vlow at the Lyric. It Is a new Bensatlon for Broadway to hiss the vllllan. and not for many a day have tired the atergoers had the sensation afforded by the mob and street fight when the hero attempts to escape In the fifth act. No end la yet announced for "The Concert," the comedy which Leo Amount of U. S. deposit $ 210,000.00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year In cush....$ "16,934.22 nterest, dividends and rents received during yetr 39,757.12 Income from other sources received during year 851.00 Total income $ 767,542.34 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $ 374.6fi5.23 Commissions and salaries paid during the yenr 235.57S.31 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.. 22,316.59 Amount of all other expenditures 49,270.03 Total expenditures ASSETS. Value of stocks nnd bonds owned Cash In banks and on hand Premiums In course of collection nnd In trans mission U11I.H renewable Interest and rents due and accrued .-$ 681,820.16 $1,111,390.48 107,704.03 103,109 44 39,900.38 11,721.27 Total assets admitted In Oregon $1,373,825.60 LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 77,984.94 Amount of unearned premiums on nil outstand ing risks 649,612.05 Due for commission and brokerage 2,452.42 All other liabilities 12,983.86 Total liabilities $ 743,033.27 Total Insurance In forco December 31, 1910 $1,039,377.06 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total r'sks written during the yenr $ 9,870.26 Gross premiums received during the year 7,638.83 Premiums returned during the year 3,908.69 Losses paid during the year .... 1,644.50 Losses incurred during the year 2,056.29 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31, 1910.... 437,102.00 SVEA FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, By ARTHUR M. BROWN, General Agent. Statutory resident general agent nnd attorney for service: JOHN H. BURQARD. HIE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MOKE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated eonj?8 in the city. Shows afternoon onrl eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the ontirt family Next to French Iteiitaurant I Entire change threo timee "itch wwk. Be sure and op thp next change. Adults 10c Children under 10 years, 5.