: - v.. -i.. 1 TEX PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLBTOX, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, mi. PAGE NINE. VHAT SAVED HER LIFE Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Ended Seriously. RlYesvIlIe, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin. In a letter from Rlvesville, writes: Tor three years, I suffered with wo manly troubles, and had pains In my back and aide. I was nervous and could not sleep at night Tho doctor could not help mo. He said I would have to be operated on be fore I could get better. I thought I would try using Cardul. Now, I am entirely well. I am sure Cardul saved my life. I Will never be without Cardul in my home. I recommend It to my friends." For fifty years, Cardul has been re lieving pain and distress caused by wo manly trouble. It will surely help you. It goes to the spot reaches tho trouble relieves the symptoms, and drives away the cause. If you suffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardul. Your druggist sells and recommends It. Get a bottle from him today. N. B. Write to: Udln Advliory Dept., Oittt oo Mfdkln. Co.. Chaitanoogj, Tnn.. lor Special Jntlnirtwtit, ni 64-pige buuk. "lioiw Truuwnt for Women," gent In plain wrapper, on request SHEEP MARKET IS LOWER AT PORTLAND INCREASING SUPPLIES (WISE DROP IX I'KICE Honrs Arc Not So Elrni CatUo Con tinues Sternly Hour Advanco Is Mill Up la tlio Air.. Trmlo Is Mixed. (From Tuesday's Journal.) In the Stockyards. 1 lings Nominal run; weaker tone. Oattle Hlg run; market stonily. Sheep nnd lambs Market 25 cents lower. The sheep market 1h nbout 25c low er at North Portland with Increasing arr'vals. Killers nre koIiik slow with their sheep purchase nt this time owing to the expectations of still low er price as tho movement Increases. One lot of 229 yarllng wethers that that averaged around 93 pounds went at $4.75 during the day. General range of sheep and lambs today: Yearlings ti'aLl S5 Wethers 4.SOW4.75 I,amliK fi.G0Ti6.75 Ewes 4.00ii'4.25 Hog Market leprese(. Yesterday's decline In the price of hog at North Portland was followed liy a weakr feeling today. With practically all leading killers now getting their swine supplies from tho Missouri river territory, there Is only n nominal call here for hogs when lo cal stuff actually arrives. Even those who are widely advertising that only Oregon grain fed hogs are used nre said to he regular Importers of Ne braska swine, while formerly they de pended upon the local territory for supplies. County Interests seem to profess little faith In the future of swine val ues and for that reason are not de veloping the Industry as they would If high prices were expected. This condition Is fully indicated by the lack -4t any liberal sized call for stock- 100 ACTS IN 100 MINUTES TWIN" BABY ELEPHANTS. ,33 INCHE3 TALL STRANGE AMD WONDERFUL ALSO HERS OF BIGGEST ELEPHANTS SUPERB, SPECTACULAR, ORIGINAL CIRCUS, 600 People, 453 Animals BABY HIPPOPOTAMUS 40-SELLS -FL0T0 CLOWNS -40 FIGHTING THE FLAMES Gorgeous Street Parads 10:30 O'CLOCK EACH WORN IN9 10,000 Scats Twlcelts Former Slzo Bring all tlir General Admission Tkil Day snd Date folks and ace for yourself a Fifty-Cent Cir cus for 25 cents. 2 Complete Par formation Dnlly, Rain orShlno, at 2 and 8 p. m. IB Doors Open One Hour Earlier, Admitting of a Visit to the Big Pendleton, Friday,' June 2 fill m dtSHS. ft. f ers and feeders. There was an Improvement In the swine situation at Chicago today and following tho run of 40,000 head yes' terduy, the market advanced a nickel today. Nominal swine values at North 1'ortlnnd: Rest blockers 6.65 Medium light 6.60 Heavy packers 6.60 ItouKh packers $56.00 Tho cattle situation remains prac tically the same as has been mention ed recently. There was a good sized bunch brought In from Durkee, Ore., which sold early to a local meat com pany. Tho shipments consist of 12 loads. Tho best sold at $6.90 for stock that averaged 1163 pounds. General range of cattle today: Best grain fed steers $7.00 Fancy grain fed steers . . . $6.85 6 :90 Ordinary grain steers 6.60 Ordinary steers 6.25 llest hay steers 6.60 Host cows 6.00G.25 Medium cows 6.255.S0 Ordinary cows . .' 6.00 I'oor to fair cows 3.00 4.00 Hest bulla 6.00 Fancy bulls 4.76 Ordinary bulls 4.25 CALVES. IK'st light $8.00 Ordinary .' $7.007.50 I'oor 3.004.00 AlllOllir. fllo SllKTS. Cattle A. F. Hunt, Durkee, Or., nine loads; T. G. Smith, Durkee, three loads. Sheep and lambs George Kraus, Oakland, Or., two loads; F. C. Me Culloch, Joseph, Ore., one load; A. F. Ford, McMinnvllle, Or., one load; R. X. Stanfield, Stanfield, one load. Mixed stuff C. II. Vehrs & Son, Lebanon, Ore. one load cattle, calves and hogs. Wheat Market. Efforts to advance the price of flour, while still being exercised are bearing no result. Northern Inter ests, where the wheat trade Is un usually firm, are still trying to force patent higher but the various views as to the extent of tho proposed rise Locally the milling fraternity de sires to hold the flour price In check owing to the disposition of outside mills to flood the trade here with supplies as soon as an advanced quo tation Is named. Extreme dullness Is Indicated In the wheat trade. With holdings nom inal and mostly In small lots, buyers are finding It difficult to secure stocks except at advanced figures and this they do not care to tackle at the moment. Hay trade Is of an easier disposi tion with a number of orders for Ida ho alfalfa cancelled by local interests within the ast few days. Oats and barley trade is firm. In Oklahoma. Over 60 per cent of the wheat acre age Is abandoned In Oklahoma. There Is some good wheat, but the major portion Is thin and weedy. Cinch bugs are nt work In some fields, but are nut serlus yet. Wheat Is heading. Oats acreage increased HO per cent with iu!te promising heading. Xo plants are suffering for moisture. Corn has a good stand. ECHO GOOD STOCK T (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., May 1". Echo contin ues to hold Its reputation of being the heaviest stock shipping point on the entire O.-W. It. & X. system. Six ears of beef cattle went out this morning, two of them belonging to J. U. Saylor went to Portland, the other four were consigned to Seattle by A. B. Thomson. I'maplne, a I'matilla Indian, was here Sunday and got the two horses t.iken from the ytiung man. Howard Clark, on suspicion by Deputy Sheriff Whitworth of this place. Umapino claimed both horses as his property and that they were stolen from him at Cabbage Hill but a few days ngo. Young Clark is now in the county Jail at Pendleton awaiting a hearing. The civil suit of Gregensen vs. Mill er i onsumed the entire day Monday in Justice S hull's court and a part of Tuesday. This was a suit for $:!S.sr. wanes claimed ns due. The plaintiff was awarded $19.42 and the rusts iiniountlni; to J2S.40 was nsscss i,l equally to 1 t !i parties by tin- jus tice. The residence of 1. 1). Holmes In Echo was broken Into Friday after noon and a few minor articles stolon. Siiimlay U. W. Bowman's residence a mile and a half below town suffer ed the same late, a watch nnd revolver- being missing. It is thought to be the work of ho boes in both rases as they are drilling this way in considerable numbers lately. Clifton Cleaver, formerly i resi dent of Echo, but now of Prairie City, and secretary of the Western Land Irrigation coiupany of this place, came in Monday and expects to re main several days. Mr. Cleaver has not been in Echo for nearly a year. Miss Lois smith returned from Allien.! yesterday. Miss Agnes Boyd has gone to Port land for a short visit. P. I!, lloishigton is in Spokane on a short business trip. .lay Pclmuhlcr was here yesterday from his farm below Stanfield. Mr. l'eliuuliler was formerly concni'tod with the E. O. Telephone Co. hero and came up to do some expert work on the switchboard in the Echo of fice. THE WOMAN'S PRIVILEGE. "Nettie," said the mother of a 5-vear-old miss, "didn't you hear mo tell you to funic into tho house half an hour ago " "Yes, mamma," nnwered Nettie. "Then why did you disobey mo " "I didn't disobey you, mamma," re plied Nettie. "I merely changed my mind." Exchange Do you read the East Oregonlan? SPORTS NATIONAL, LEAGUE. I'lttHlMin; il, Iioston 7. Hoston, May 17. Pittsburg won third straight game from Boston yes visitors knocked Pfelffer out of 'the box In the first Inning, scoring six runs. Score: R. H. E Boston 7 12 1 Pittsburg 11 15 3 Pfelffer, Brown and Rarlden; Steele and Gibson. Brooklyn 3, Chicago 2. Brooklyn, May 17. Burger stopped the Chlcagos, Brooklyn winning In a fast and well played game. Score: R. II. E. Chicago 2 6 2 Brooklyn- 3 10 1 Weaver, Toney and Archer; Bar ger nnd Bergen. St. Ijouls 8, Now York 6. Xew York, May 17. New York was beaten by St. .Louis yesterday. Raymond and Ames were wild and Ineffective. Doyle's batting, with two triples and two singles was the fea ture. Score: R. H. E St. Louis 8 12 1 Xew York 6 10 2 Steele and Bliss; Raymond, Ames, Marquard and Wilson. Cincinnati 11, Philadelphia 4. Philadelphia, May 17. In the sec ond Inning, Cincinnati made four Hingies in succession on nrennan, ana Chalmers, who succeeded him, gave three bases on balls and was hit for two singles. Eight runs resulted. Score: R. h. E. Cincinnati 11 n l Philadelphia 4 9 2 Suggs and McLean; Brennan, Chal mers, Schultz and Moran, Dooln. AMERICAN LEAGUE. - Chicago 6, Philadelphia 1. Chicago, May 17. Scott's pitching and bunched hits enabled Chicago to win their third straight game from Philadelphia. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 6 9 1 Philadelphia 1 3 2 Scott and Sullivan; . Krause .and Thomas St. Louis 4, Washington 0, St. Louis. May 17. St. Louis won the third straight game from Wash ington. Lake allowed three scatter ing hits. Score. R. H. E. Washington 0 3 2 St. Louis 4 11 1 Gray and Alnsworth; Lake and Stephen. Iklroit 7, Boston 6. Detroit, May 17. Detroit took the her third game from Boston. The terday. Cicotte passed Bush and Crawford In the ninth and Morlarity's hit drove in the winning run. Score. R. H. E. Boston " 6 10 1 Detroit 7 16 2 Karger, Cicotte and Carrigan; La fitte nnd Stanage. novfland 2, Xew York 1. Cleveland, May 17. Well placed three baggers In the second and ninth Innings netted each a run and Cleve land won from Xew York. Score. R. h. E. Cleveland 2 8 2 Xew Y'ork 1 1 1 Gregg and Fisher; Fisher and Blair. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. sinnillii! of the Teams. W. L. Pet. Portland 23 19 .568 San Francisco 26 22 .542 Oakland 25 23 .521 Sacramento 21 22 .488 Vernon 22 23 .489 Los Angeles IS 28 .391 Result Yesterday. Oakland 11, Frisco 6. Vernon 5, Angels 2. Portland G, Sacramento 6. Oakland Defeats lYisoo. San Francisco, May 17. A total of six errors, charged against San Fran cisco, tells the story of yesterday's frame, in which Oakland defeated tho Seals by a score of 11 to 6. McArdle. Melchoir, Berry, Fielder and Carman were the offenders in the San Fran cisco lineup. The Oaklands played an errorless game. The transbay players led from the first, the Seals bringing in their first score in the fifth. San Francisco 6 10 6 Oakland 11 13 0 Fielder, Suter and Berry; Christian and Pearee. Vernon Loses to Angels. Los Angeles. May 17. The game yesterday between Vernon and Los Angeles was a pitchers' battle. Cough man had n little the best of it until the last of the e'ghth, when four hits gave Vernon the lead and the game. Vernon 5 s 3 Score. r, ii. k. Los Angeles 2 8 1 Carson and Hog. m; Couchman and Grindle. Portland nuil Sacramento Tie. Sacramento, Cal.. May 17. Dark ness at the end of tho 13th inning prevented the finish of a game which had been replete with- sensational plays, the score standing 6 to (1 when Umpire McGrccvy called tho Fame. never n rurnv 30 years FAILING KCMLUT TrlESTN0D PILtS, CHILBLAINS TtLONS, PURNS. ETC. A VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD SALVE ALL DRUGGISTS HAVL IT OR WILL OBTAIN ON R EQUC5T ACCEPT NO r.unSTITOTLS frce SS Ccirs. t nur.iry Mirin c rp rpNCiCO BREAKING OUT ALLOp BODY Itched Dreadfully. When Scratched It would Bleed and Become Very Sore. Could Scarcely Sleep as the Itching was Worse at Night. Dreaded Putting Hands in Water. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment 3 Weeks. Trouble all Disappeared, "Eomo tim ago I had a breakln out all over my body. It first started liko wnat w call goose flesh and itched dreadfully. When I scratched it, it would bleed and bacome vary gore. I tried al most everything for the itching but none gave me much relief. I could scarcely sleep as the itching was alwavs worse at night. My hands were so aore I dreaded putting them in water and after I would wash dishes or do laundry work that required the use of other soapa they were always worse. This went on for abopt six months. Thn I used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, and in two or three weeks the trouble all disap peared. I always found that my hands were worse (with a dry scale on them) after using any cheap soap but the Cuticura Soap produced such a soothing feeling on my skin that it was a pleasure to U6e it. I bIro know what wonders tfie Cuticura Remedies have done for a friend of mine, so I would recommend them to any one. Mrs. Delaware Barrett, 611 King St., Wilmington, Del., Kov. 15, 1009." rutlrnr Ttfmf.l iota t!)r"rtiout tht world. PottAr Pro ("ira. Cerp . Pole Propi.. Boitoa. -Ml!cd trot. 32-paii book on Skin DIkum. Facramento jumped Into the lead ear ly but Portland tied the score In the seventh. In the first of the tenth, errors gave Portland one run, but Sacramento tied things up In the last of the tenth. Four double plays by Sacramento pulled them out of bad holes when the northerners looked dangerous. Score. R. H. E. Portland 6 13 6 Sacramento $ 12 6 Seaton and Murray; Thompson, By ram and Thomas. xonnnvEST league. Standing of Uie Teams. W. It. Pet Spokane 20 6 .769 Vancouver 11 11 .660 Seattle 12 12 .500 Tacoma 13 14 .481 Portland 11 14 .440 Victoria 6 19 .240 Results yesterday. Vancouver 10, Seattle 0. Tacoma 1, Victoria 0. Spokane 0, Portland 0. Vancouver Shutsout Seattle. Vancouver, B. C., May 17. Geo. Engle pitched a masterly game again yesterday against Seattle, Vancouver winning by the score of 10 to 0. Dick inson proved easy for the Vancouver ltes who hit his offerings to all cor ners of the field. Score. R. H. E. Vancouver . 10 11 0 Seattle 0 2 7 Engle and Lewis; Dickinson and Spencer. Tacoma Is Winner, Tacoma, May 17. Eddie Burns proved to be the man with a pinch hit in the last half of the ninth In ning when he drove in the winning run. It was a pitchers' battle in every sense of the word, Thomas hav ing the better of it with 10 strike outs to Hall's two. Tho superb de fense of the locals saved the game. Tie In Fifth Inning. Portland. Ore., May 17. Two five minute showers, not severe enough to lay the dust, convinced Umrlre Jjo ganecker that yesterday was not fit for baseball and with the score 0 to 0. he called the game between Port land and Spokane In the fifth inning. 1'p to that stage Spokane had secur ed neither hit nor run, and while Portland had acquired no runs, the manner In which the local boys were lambasting Bonner, made the outlook highly unpropltious for the visitors. Score. U. H. ;. Spokane 0 0 1 Portland O 7 0 Homier and Ostdiek; Tonnes. m and Bradley. The tiller of the so;i is not affected by business depressions. The nation must eat. Today's claissified section can show where success is assured. when you are your own master, where your income is a certainty. Hit) Well Htmun Chinese Doctorl Cures any and all dls eases that tke human flesh Is heir to. My wonderful and powerful roots, herbs remedies are' composed o f Chines buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science of ths present day. They are harmless. as we use no poisons or drug. No operations. No knife used. We cure stomach troubles, liver kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth ma, nervous debility, female com plaints and rheumatism nnd . an 8 disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Plies and Private uiseases or men ana women. jrii and see him or write. Consults tlon free. If you aro unable to call and see him, send two cents in stamps for symptom blank. Ad dress: THE L. CITINO WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. SOU W. Row. St. Walla Wn. Wn trr W -- ( -en , - - J-J B Want Ms, IE WASTED. MADAM KENNEDY of 607 E. Court street, has returned from La Grande after 10 days' vacation with a complete line of natural human hair goods. All goods strictly guar anteed. Highest prices paid for combings. Phone Red 3762. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have it sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, In remitting you can dedactc ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendle ton, Ore. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nic and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputics. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 554. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN. DENTIST. OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, Black 3421; residence 'phone. Black 2961. C. R. BENNETT. DENTAL SUR geon. Office room 15 Judd build ing. Phone, Red 3301. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. UK. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector. Office at Koep- pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 415. Residence, 915 East Court street. Res. Phone Main 59. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despain building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office lr. Despain building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON ATTOR- neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith- Crawford building. PHELPS & PTEIWER. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in nil state anil federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4, over Taylor H-irdware Co. JOHNSON & SKRAPI.E. ATTOR neys at law. Office In Despain building. Aiiciuirris. contractors, irrc D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Pulldcr. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 37S6, oi Oregonlan office. TMlKMi DIRECTORS. JOHN S. I'AKEU. FUNERAL Di rector ami licensed embalmer Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to dav or nlftiit. 'Phono main 75. AUCTIONEER. COL. V. C. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena. Oregon. Ref erence First National l'.tnk of Athena and Farmers' Rank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECON ll-ll WD DEALERS. V STROr.LU. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand good bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods Call and get his prices. 212 E. Court street. Phone Flack 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D. Uoey. prop. At tho old stand, Aita street In rear of Tallman & Co. Classified WANTED (Continued) WANTED SALESMAN for exclusive territory. Big opportunities. No experience necessary. Complete lln Takima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash week ly. Outfit free. Toppcnlsh Nur ery Company, Toppenlsh, Wash. SHAVING 10 CENTS and hair cut ting 25 cents at Golden Rule bar ber shop. Ladies' hair dressing a specialty. Massage, 25 cents. I Lake, proprietor. FOIt SALE. FOR SALE Standard bred Single Comb Black Minorca eggs, 11.60 setting.; $8.00 per 100. 215 Jane St. Phone Black 5091. Pendleton, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., for Sale at East Oregonlan office. Save money by reading today's ad. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pay taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH. See. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. New location, 815 Main street Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street, Ca,rney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embossed private and business sationery, etc. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work, it's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coftee Percolators, etc. A eomnlete stock nt Gas and Electric fixtures. First-class wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan, aiain street, next to postoffice. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE scriptlon for county court, circuit court, Justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonlan office. FRATERNAL ORDERS. Ar A. F. and A. M , meets the ' first and third Mondavs of each month. All visiting brethren are invited. ,. - DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor dlallly invited to attend. D. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher. K. R. S. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. It. & N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave... 9: Ore. and Wash. Express. 2: Portland Limited 12: Fast Mail n: Motor 4: Pilot Rock Mixed 9: East bound Oregon division 20 a. m. 20 a. m. 15 p. m. 4 5 p. m. 35 p. m. 2 5 a. m. 50 a. m. 15 a. m. 00 p. m. 2 5 p. m. :00 a. m. :00 a. in. ndleton. : 15 a. m. :15 a. m. :00 p. tn. ;00 p. m. :1 5 p. m. r.Jleton. : 1 5 p. in. ttO a. tn. Fast Mall Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5 Portland Local, arrive... 5: Walla Walla local 5 Fendleton passenger ... 7 Spokane local 3 Washington Div. Arriving Pc Pendleton local 2 Walla Walla local 9 Pendleton passenger ... 5 Portland local, arrive.... 5 Tilot Rock Mixed 3 Washington Div. Leaving re Chicago Limited 5 Motor 10 NORTHERN PACIFIC Leaving Pendleton Passenger Mixed train Arriving Fendleton Passcngvr Mixed train 1:30 p. m. 7:30 a. m. .10:00 a. m. . 7:30 a. in. 21 - V iimJ i.LV CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS AT East Oregonlan office. Price 25c. Directory XT'