1 ' ''K-.i.ii tat" .iHrufc-.;. rr I page rom BAH.T EAST ORKGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDXESDAV, MAY 17, 1911. TEN PAGES. PAGB TEW. O0OOOQQ00OOOOOOOQO0OOOOOQOO0OO0OOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOQOQOO0OOO0OOOOOOOQOOOO0OO00OQO0000000OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOO00QOOO0OOO0OO0OO0OOOOOOOOOOOO O I ! THE SALE THAT WILL WMQ THOUSANKS OF IPOTLE T i a n rM a f a f?h rnTi p ro t Not a lot of hot air talk to get you in a store then fail to find the price right. We closed our store today to make ready for one more week of the most ridiculous cuts on goods ever given on the Pacific Coast. No competitor can get ahead of us. We are going to keep in the lead. The talk of the town I has been "Alexander leads in bargains and gives you the real values." Read these sensational prices on new merchandise Don't miss a sinele item O Tlk ulii u-iiiiuo i nil v v yiiLiisyicOLy 9 i Ileal o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o REMEMBE K, I InUS HERE IS A PICNIC FOR TOMORROW MORNING, AT 8:30 O'CLOCK, BE ON HAND PROMPTLY: Men's Ties, Ladies Jackets, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Silk Waist Patterns, Waists, Dress Goods Remnants, Lace Trimmed and Hemmed Skirts, Hats, Etc., to be given away at the following prices Ladies' Jackets 25c, , Men's Ties 5c, Ladies and Children's Shoes 15c, 1 Ladies Suit 5c, Satteen Skirts 25 c, Sun Bonnets 5c, Hose 5c, Men's Hats 25c, Laces yd. Ic Calico yd Ic Silk Waists 33c, Silk Waist Patterns 28c, Ladies Neckwear 5c. We had intended to throw these goods from top of building into street but the city officials refuse to let us do it. These goods will sold tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock sharp. Come early, get your nick I LADIES' SUITS AND DRESSES Every suit bears a green tag with the lowest possible price. Dresses, Silk and .Wool, at Half o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o w - A a I: t . Si 8 A'M M O Y O J 2 ( i p ' i! o k in mc ludi 'rices T ing Lingerie Dress Goods This department is chuck full of New Spring Dress Goods and Silks. The entire stock will he .old at clean-up prices. r, One lot nil wool Dress Goods Ofi to 4i-in. width in light plaids and stnjes, valued up to $1.2o Special 16 2-3c Silk Skirts, val. $6 to $9, at this sale to o o o o o o o o o o o Silk Shirt Waists, at prices never heard of for new spring goods, over 200 to select from, at . $1 .90 to $4.50 Regular values up to $ I 5.00 French Flannels and Wool Challeis All light colors for spring. Ilegular sellintr price "0e to 7"c Special for This Sale 19c Linens Natural color linens 3G-in. wide, heavy weight for suits and skirts Special for This Sale 33c Taffetas SO-in. Ulack Taffeta, regular $1.50 value. Same grade you "have always had. A silk that wa.-hes good Special for This Sale 98c Fancy Silks This department is hrim full of fancy silks, such as plaids, hair lines, stripes, polka dots, Persians. Black and white checks, plain colors in Mxnpicsett. The ahove silk will he cut in any length ; regular prices were $1.00, $l.L'.i, 1.."0 and $1.7". I-'Ut for this great sale vour choice nt 58c Plain Silks In plain silk taffeta we have most every color that you could think of; all 19-iu. wide; regular values; hest quality. Thcso silks will ho on sale Thursday. Your Choice 69c Domestics In this department wo carry the largest itock in Eastern Oregon, and at'this sale we ex pect at these prices to sell every yard of muslin sheeting, ticking, table linen, towels, pillow slips, silkoline, etc., in our immense stock. Best Grade Sheeting 27c Muslins ,r!0-in. Muslins, opular brands, too many to mention, but there will be no disappoint ment when .you nsk for muslin. 6c to 11c Kimono Crepes Very good assortment, about LT pieces in the lot, all colors, from the lightest to the darkest shades. For This Sale 19c Notions Every article in the Notion Department reduced. Hand bags, ribbons, laces, embroid eries, lace collars, hosiery and underwear, corsets; too many articles to mention prices, but we promise you not one customer will leave oiTr store disappointed as to prices. Most Ridiculous cut Prices on Ladies and Childrens Oxtords and Pumps, Button and Lace Shoes. 4 Big shipments of Suede in ail colors, Tan, Patents, Vici Kids and Gun Metal, Velvet Courdroy and Suede High Button Shoes received yesterday. NEW LINES All new $5 grades on Sale at All new $4 grades on Sale at All new $3 grades on Sale at $3.25 $2.95 $2.15 BROKEN LINES $4 and $5 grades on Sale at . . . . $1.00 $2 and $1.50 grades on Sale at .... 75c Childrens Soft Sole Shoes, 60c to 85c vals. will go at 25c 250 Men's Suits left including Stein-Bloch vals. from $ 17.50 to $30 Your Choice 1445 1 50 Men's Suits left vals. from $ 1 2 to $ 1 7.50 Your Choice 200 Men's Suits left, values from $6 to $12.00 Your Choice MS 5 ooeooooeooooeoooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 9 O O o o o Q O O 9 O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o & o Q o o o o o o o v.: f i 1 100 Boys' Knee Pants, all sizes, val. $2.50 to $6, choice $1.49 25 per cent,, off on all Blacks and Bhies. 300 Hats will be sacrificed to bottom prices. Great bargains on S all Men's shoes, hosiery, shirts, sox, underwear, ties, belts, collars ee Window Display s O o o & a o o o AAAAAAArtnAnoOOnoofioOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooOon o ww w w ww w ----.wvvwwwwuwuwogggwogooogooooOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO0O