TEN PAGES. lnY (CAHT ()RK(,HVM. PRNlHiKTM" "KfUiOV KIINKSD.W, MAY 17, 1911. rAGE three Koeppensj I i For Ico Croam Sodas That Please. Try Our : CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM j "The best made." IcelCream Sundae One .of our moat dishes. popular Fresh Strawberries served with ico cream. Once a patron, always a pat ron, at KOEPPENS I LOCALS I See Lane tt Son for sifna. Pastime picture pleaae ail. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 171. Wall paper, palnta, etc. Lane & Bon. Front office for rent In Judd build tog. F. E. Judd. Wanted Plain sewing. Apply 808 South Lllleth street. Phone Platsoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main III. The king of all to cigars, "Devlin's Fives," Joe Sullivan sol agent. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to see the best and the clearest pictures. Parties who have not sprayed for scale, phone I. C. Snyder, Red 8818. A woman wanted on farm. Steady employment. Call at Standard Gro cery Co. Dressed chickens Friday and Sat urday at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. Buy your chickens for Sunday's dinner at the Central Meat Market. Phone Main 88. For sale Fresh cow and three good young marcs. Apply J. S. Wheeler three miles west of town. For Rent Three furnished house keeping rooms, electric lights and gas. No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at fhe Commercial Barn, (20 Aura street. Phone Main 13. The Enst Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads anil the people appreciate it and show It by their liberal patronage. If you want fresh meat from a new, clean market, phone Main 148. Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager. 224 E. Court street. Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone Black 8391. Piano, furniture and heavy trucking of all k'nds. Calls an swered promptly. Office 147 Main st For good light get a Stcelmantle kerosene burner. Odorless, smoke less, most brilliant light by small lamp; sntisCnctlon guaranteed. Carl Obery, 211 Lee Street Tou can't burn slate and gravel I Don't try it Phon Dutch Henry, Main 1V3, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut It burns clean and goes further. For sale 160 acres cholco timber land In Wallowa county 10 miles from Wallowa. Fir, blue pine and tamar ack. Call on or address J. A. Joyce, Pendleton, Ore. Fr sale Two hundred acres good timber graalns: land, aboet 60 acre tillable, running water on place. This Is a snap If taken within next thirty days. Address W. B., Box 841, city. For Rent --Mine room house and furniture for sale, within one block of Main street. Inquire 205 W. Webb. For sale 160 ncre homestead, nearly all good timber. Inquire at or uddress 107 Garfield street, Pendle ton, For Sale Cheap Two log houses In Mcachnm, Ore., 6 rooms each; moil em Improvements. Also 327 acres of land within four miles of Meacham. Good grazing land and contains con siderable timber. Inquire Mcachnm Lumber Co. PERSONAL MENTION ooooooooooooooooooaeoooooooooooooooooooo Special. Until June first we will sell 10 lb. canB pure lard, 31.50; 5 lb. can pure lard, 80c; 3 lb can pure lard BOc. Cen tral Meat Market. Thursday Afternoon Club. The annual business meeting of the Thursday Afternoon Club will be held at 2:30 Thursday afternoon, May 18 at the home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop. By order of the president. Pearl LIvengood, secretary. SPECIAL RATES TO CALEDONIAN' PICNIC Athena, Ore., May 17. If not in conflict with advertising department, would be pleased to have your paper announce that tho society has secur ed a one and one-third rate from all polnta upon the occasion of the Cale donian picnic, May 19 and 20. The plan Is for those buying tick ets on this occasion to ask their agent for a receipt to this effect, which when signed by the secretary of the Boclety at Athena, will entitle the holder to tho one-third return fare. All those going to the picnic are ask ed to aid with this plan. UMATILLT COUNTY CALEDONIAN SOCIETY, by James Hudson, sec. WAS A GAY PREACHER. Eastern Minister Had Special Liking For Blonde. Pittsburg, Pa. Behind closed doors the trustees and elders of McKees port's fashionable First Presbyterian church are pondering ways and means to allay public opinion aroused by charges of desertion and unbecom ing conduct made by the wife of the church's pastor, the Rev. Walter H. Price, who has disappeared. "Don't spurn my love. Don't de sert me now. Keep your promises!" These pleading protests form the key note of a passionate letter in a fe minine hand found in the pocket of the missing pastor by his wife. Trice, who Is 45 years old, left be hind a wife and five children. The fathers of several girls In McKees port are making a sereh for him and It will go hard for him if ho is dis covered. H is said to have a liking for blondes between 19 and 25 years of also, whom he took with him to make pastoral culls nnd "nthyr church work," It Is alli ped. The minister employed u stenogra pher whom he neglected to pay be fore he skipped out and the church trustees had to "foot the bill." Price Is said to have been a strong preach er and to have done especially good work among children. President Hunter of the board of trustee, referring to some of the evi dence presented to that body said It was "awful." Mrs. l'rlce Is almost prostrated by the revelations. P. H. Kneoland of Portland, is In the city today. ' L. W. Kceler of Boise Is registered at the Bowman. : Kurolene Omll of Helix spent the past two days In this city. ! Miss Jlandy Price of Weston came In th.s morning on the local. j William Slusher returned this morn-! ing to Ills sheep ranch at Nolln. ; j ! ' Dr. J. It. Sponogle, the Athena !- 1 t ft spent last ni?ht in Pendleton. I F. K. Van Uuseii came over from 1 Pasco tills morning on the N. P. j Mrs. Joe IiCezer or Echo, came up on the motor ear this morning. I T? V LM 'i nfl ,,1.1 ,.nc nr. Inm.mlxn ! passenger on the motor this morning. William L. Allen of The DiU-s, Is making Pendleton a business '.rip. Mrs. Burr Johnson returned homo this morning on the Northern Pacific, j Bert Mullins of Echo, was among the west enders in the city last night 1 T. S. Gibson and wife of Pilot Rock came Inyesterday afternoon from Ihelr home. j John Milne of The Dalles is among the out of town visitors In the city. W. H Jackson of Pumptert is ov.-r I from the Baker county town on bus iness. County Commissioner Horace Wal-1 ker came In from Stanfield this morning. Mrs. Emmet Reese of Stanton came In. this morning on the Northern Pa cific train. j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frledley of j Echo, were guests of the St. George last night. William A. Dalziel, state factory Inspector, was In the city on an offi cial visit yesterday. John B. Runyan, a Pilot Rock far mer, is In from tha section of the! county today. Mrs. C. S. Campbell and Miss Bes sie Campbell are in the city today from Pilot Rock. E. L. Wright, who tills the soil near Pilot Rock, Is transacting busi ness In Pendleton today. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Durham of Echo came up from that town yesterday and spent the night here. James and Roscoe Wagner of Mc- Kay creek, well known ranchers, were In the city yesterday. Jack McLoughlln. traveling passen ger agent for the Illinois Central, came in yesterday evening. Miss Cora Shipley of Tilot Rock came In from her home yesterday af ternoon and spent toe night, in the I cif v R. H. Irwin, one of the officers of 1 1 HAD Till-: I'KOI'LKS WAIUIIOUSK TEN' DOLLAR SUIT SALE FOIl MEN' AM) WOMEN', PAG E 2. THEIR EXTRAORDI NARY SAVINGS OX PURE FOOD GROCERIES PAGE 10. THIS BUILDIXG IS XOT NOW DISCOVERABLE TX TOWN". ITS ENTIRE FRONT PEIXG COVERED WITH CLOTH AND THE CLOTH ALMOST HIDDEN" UV RED PAINT. THIS GREAT $50,- fr '.A? :jX -j it. . 4 1 J 9 m. . . . , . Angelic Youth. Mother Just run upstairs and fetch baby's nightgown, Tommy. Tommy Don't want to! Mother Oh. well, if you are going to be unkind to your new llttlo sister she'll put on her wings and fly back to heaven. Tommy Then let her put on her wings nnd fetch her nightgown! The Throne. the Inland Irrigation company, came !up from Stanfield on the motor tlii. ! morning. Zoe Houser, ex-sheriff of Umatilla county, came in yesterday from h'f Stanfield ranch and sp"nl 'he night in the city. E. i ICnott.s of Pilot Rock was am oi:g the ii any residents of that town who were Incoming passengers, yes terday afti rnoon. Guilder Terguson and bride, who was Miss Karen Olson of Helix, ure spend'ng several days at the Bowman before returning to their home. Fred .W. Lampkln nnd Lee D. Drake, business manager and adver tising manager, respectively, for the East Oregonian, are In Walla Walla today on a business trip. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000000 o o o o o o o o o o o i fc o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 000.00 FORCED CASH RAISING SALE PUT OX BY LEWIS BROS. & CO. OF CHICAGO, HAS DEMONSTRATED TO US AS IT NEVER HAS BEEN" BEFORE THAT OUR PENDLETON AND UMATILLA COUNTY PUBLIC BELIEVE IN US. THAT WHEN WE ADVER TISE WE ARE GOING TO DO SO AND SO, WE DO IT. IN SHORT THAT WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO. TO OUR OLD RESIDENTERS THIS TALK IS UNNECESSARY, AS THEY KNOW THAT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE IS PEN DLETON'S GREATEST AND BEST STORE. IT IS FOB, THE BENEFIT OF THE MORE RECENT COMERS THAT THIS IS INTENDED. OUR ASSORTMENT ALWAYS THE GREATEST, OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST, AND IF AT ANY TIME COMPETITION 'SHOULD MAKE LOWER PRICES WE INVARIABLY BEAT THEM, NOT SOMETIMES, BUT ALL THE TIME. ' IT IS THE ni STORY OF SUCn SALES AS NOW BEING CON DUCTED IN OUR STORE THAT AFTER THE FIRST TWO OR THREE DAYS THE INTEREST WANES, NOT SO WITn TniS SALE. ON THE CONTRARY, AS WE LIVE WE GROW. Lots of people think that owning a piano gives them social standing. The Cosy. I in which some Cupans attempt to I have some fun with an American by I fixing up a loaded cigar. I "The Pay Roll." Chain p'nn.. A ' stirring story of the west. Wilson, ' carrying the pay roll is held up, but and she applies to a mission for : some co.vboys happen along and sur- Automoblles are becoming so com mon that our social leaders are thinking of adopting the aeroplane. When the aeroplane has become com mon probably they will adopt subma rines. After that, the Lord only knows. Wednesday and Thursday. "If it Were Ever Thus." Reliance. Rossi a talented young violinist his wife aid. The patroness of the mission gives a musicale at her home and en gages Rossi to play. She Is delighted with his playing, and telling her he is single, wins her promise to marry him. His wife refuses to divorce him and he attacks her. She flees to the mission while Mrs. Hunglnton is there, she learns the man's deplic ity and takes the wife home with her. "A Faithless Man." Imp. After killing a man In a fight George Har ris, bad man, seeks safety in a sa loon where his sweetheart works. She hides him and sends the officers on a false trail. "A Good Cigar." . Imp. A comedy prise the outlaws; they chase the ban dits Into their home and fatally wound the lender's wife, and Wilson adopts the motherless child. "Between Love and Duty." Gt. Northern. Beautifully colored film, dealing with a doctor's love for a dancer, the wife's discovery of his baseness and the startling results fol lowing. "Life and People South of the Equator." Gt. Northern. A charm ing travel subject depicting the life of tribes In the torrid zone. Illustrated song, "Just One Sweet Girl." Save money by reading today's ads. INDIA STUDENT DIES AT O. A. C. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallis, Ore., May 17. Devendra Na rayan Guha, a special agricultural course student at O. A. C, whose home was at Murshldabad, India, died Friday morning of typhoid pneumonia, after an illness of some months. Services were conducted by the Rev. Baum of the Episcopal church of Corvallis Saturday morn ing, J. K. Fairchild of Portland, pres ident of the Cosmopolitan club, rep resenting the student body, and Pro. E. D. Ressler of the education depart ment representing the faculty. A brother of Mr. Guha, who graduated from the University of California last semester, came to Corvallis and took the remains to Portland for crema tion, that they might be returned to his home in India. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocuoooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Great Closing mi Sale of all Tailored Suits, Silk and Wool Dresses and Linen Suits For Ladies and M isses Every GARMENT in our huge stock will be on SALE TODAY and CONTINUES ALL WEEK at prices that will make things lively in our Ready to-Wear Section. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G o o Q Q o o " m. . jMSk m. T- ifk Wk, T"k XfVt Mt. -Sk JUMU. st -k. T Jit, . " dv Stm -t - jT Amt 1A jrJSk .r Av . jh ilK t i9k JX a. V . ft jttMt J X a. jf .:" a JE. . V -M. -JTt - . .. SPRING SUITS All $13.00 Spring Suits go nt. $13.90 All $20.00 Spring Suit gn nt $14.S5 All $22.50 Spring Suits go nt $16.-i5 Ml $25.00 nnd $27..r.O Spring Suits go nl $10.65 All $30.00 nnd $r!2..r0 Spring Suits go at, $22.35 100 WASH SUITS In blue, linen, pink, lavendor and white. All sizos, Mines' 11 to 20. Ladies' 31 to 14. Just 100 in the lot and were Iwudit to sell from $7.50 to $11.50. Your choice all this week $4.95 ONE LOT OF 30 WOOL TAILORED SUITS Sold regular up to $05.00. . Last season's styles. Xearly all si.es in the lot. TAKE YOUR CHOICE $9.95 SILK DRESSES All lvP0 Oivss.s will iro for $11.35 All $2P.P Ureses will go for $13.-t0 All $22.50 lroe will go for S16.35 All $25.00 Dresses will go for S1S.85 All $27.50 and $.A0O Droe will go for $10.03 harass Iw itratie!s I F. E. LIVE COMPAN V THE LADIES AND A