East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 16, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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May be promoted by those who
centlv cleanse the system, now and
strusive manner as possible most of
the young ladles' followed. Then Pea
con l.leunllen took a sudden depar
ture just as the preacher was taking
his text. A little later T. A. Ueuallen
seemed to recall some forgotten dify.
Some thought that a baptismal cer
imnnv ivns to eomnlete services, oth-
then. when in need of a laxative era thought mat some young couple
remedy, by taking a deseitspoontul ch,uroh vas dooorat0li.
of the ever refreshing, wholesome Just as the pastor announced the
and truly beneficial Syrup of Rp'CiS LCS
nH F.lmr Ol Senna. Which IS the nn,l returned to his scat. W hile the
1., f;l ,.,h'va nonerjilKf lirw sinking was proceeding many side
only lamily laxatne generally ap- wev g)von t nv;inU the aoor
proved by the most eminent phy wlth the evident expectation that the
wdans, because it acts in a natural procession would appear,
strengthening, way and warms and u "Xau SSuiion
tones Up the internal Organs Without came to the front and asked all who
weakening them. Itis equally benefivv-uld excuse their mothers from get-
, . . , . 6 i'i ! ting an early dinner to raise the right
fiaal for the very young and the mid- muul Tne hands expressed a un-
A a,rL it tsalwavs efficient and anlmous consent. He then announe-
t n i tt l- -T. ed that all the mothers and their hus-
tree from all harmlul ingredients. 1 o Vands pf f nt were wantod at the
' get its beneficial effects It IS always residence of Mrs. J. T. Lleuallen.
k.... k.- Most of the mothers responded by
neccsiary 10 uuj uic Swi, formll. . processlon that moved
inc the name of the Company under the direction of Mr. t. a. luu
California Fia SyTUD Co. plainly A few mothers had planned n
- J c r"" family reunion at home and felt
printed On the U 0m 01 eVerypaCKaga obliged to plead a previous engage-
, ; ment.
went to cooking and mother thought
I expected company."
The young ladies who cooked and
served the dinner were: Stella Ueu
allen, Winnie Oelss, Augusta Stock
ton, Mablo Melntlre, Minnie Winn,
Minnie Wringer, Celia Slmonton, Jes
sie Chestnut.
For soreness of tho muscles, wheth
er induced by violent exercise or la
Jury, Chamberlain's Liniment is ex
cellent. This liniment is also highly
esteemed for the relief It affords in
cases of rheumatism. Sold by all
Children Cry for Fletcher's
Pastor of llerinlstoii Methodist Church
to rroaoh Farewell Sermon Other
Interesting Notes from tho Project
Iowa Clubwomen.
Sioux City, la., May 16. Health,
ivies conservation and the care of the
blind are among subjects before the
convention of Iowa clubwomen, open-
J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of
Greensburg, Ky., says, "We use Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in our own
household and know it Is excellent."
For sale by all dealers.
Sunday Seliool Session.
Fargo, X. D., May 16. Xearly every
Sunday school in Xorth Dakota Is
represented by one or more delegates
in the state convention here today.
Once within Mrs. J. T. Lleuallen's
I spacious home the odors of chicken
and coffee explained the pleasurable
j treat that our young ladies had awalt
Ing the mothers. Sixteen mothers
isat down to a rich repast all planned
and executed by the daughters In such
a way that every mother was taken
by complete surprise. There were
two mothers left to grace the fathers'
table. While the second table was
ARRANGED BY DAUGHTERS being arranged Miss Winnie Gelss as-
After Exercises at Church the Moth
ers Are HappUy Surprised by Be
ing Entertained at Home of T. A.
(Special Correspondence.)
Adams, Ore., May 16. Rev. J. W.
Stockton of the Baptist church ask
ed the co-operation of everyone to
make Mothers' Day celebration an
expression of our appreciation of our
mothers. There was a hearty re
sembled the mothers on the front
porch and took a picture of the group.
An hour was Bpent In social visiting
then the mothers returned to their
home duties with light hearts and
cheerful faces.
Tour scribe thought he would like
to know how such a thought origi
nated and bloomed so beautifully, so
he asked the one he surmised had
the information, and this Is the way
she told it:
How It Was Planned.
"Just about six o'clock Saturday
ennnpa ,a , h lo Invltatlnn Mflnv mntVi.
ers were made happy as they entered , evening alter we had the church de
the church decorated with lilacs, nar- corated and buttonleres arranged I
clssus. carnations and red tulips. The ld to sister, 'I wish we could get
primary department of the Sunday hP surprise dinner aown in me ui,
nrhool n- "Precious Jewels." As hall for the mothers.' Sister said, it
would be nice but it is too late.' I
school sang "Precious Jewels." As
they stood back of the bank of flow
ers they seemed the most beautiful
of flowers on the platform. Mls3 Win
nie Gless rendered "My Mother's
Prayers," with great sweetness.
The hymns were the old familiar
ones that mothers have sung for gen
erations as they lulled their little
ones to rest.
Rey. Stockton Speaker.
Brother Stockton made an appro
priate address from Pharaoh's daugh
ters direction to the mother of Mos
es: "Take this child and nurse It for
me and I will give the thy wages.-'
The topic was "Mothers rewards,"
After Miss Gelss had given her bo
lo she quietly retired. In as lnob-
sald the girls are all scattered but I
believe it can be done yet, so I start
ed out and made the rounds and
eave each girl a little talk like this:
'Have you got your Sunday cooking
done? Can't you make an extra cake,
cook a chicken or something, like it
was for a home dinner, and after
mother has gone to church bring it
to where we will have a surprise din
ner for the mothers.' Every one of
them said yes.
"When I came to Stella Lleuallen
she said yes and I will ask papa for
our house in which to hold the din-
tier.' She did and of course he con
sented. Then I hastened home and
Wilson to Students.
San Francisco. May 16. Gov. Wil
son of New Jersey will address Unl
verslty of California students in the
open uir theatre at Berkeley toaay,
Is there anything in all this world
that Is of more Importance to you
than good digestion Food must be
eaten to sustain life and must be dl
gested and converted into bjood. When
the digestion falls the whole body
Buffers. Chamberlain's Tablets are a
rational and reliable cure for Indl
gestlon. They Increase the flow of
bile, purify the blood, strengthen the L'g) for the ReDek"ah9
stomach and tone up the whole diges
tive apparatus to a natural and heal
thy action. For sale by all druggists.
(Special Correspondence.)
Hormiston, Ore., May 15. The main
corps or the government civu engi
neers, who have been doing the sur
veying on the proposed western ex
tension of the Umatilla government
project have moved their camp from
down near Coyote to within a few
miles of the town of Hermlston. and
It Is supposed 'that they will now take
the topography of the high lands.
Farewell Sermon.
Rev. H. Xewham pastor of the
Methodist church at Hermlston will
give his farewell sermon next Sunday
evening, he has taken passage In the
Ireland Princess" which will leave
Quebec. Canada, on June 2nd, for
London, England. Mr. Xewham orlgl
nally came to this country from Lon
don, and Is now going home to see
his mother whose health is fast fall
ing. He will be gone until the end
of the conference year. It Is not known
at present who will take his place
while he Is away.
Odd Fellows to Portlnnd.
Several members of the Odd Fel
lows left on the local this morning
for Portland to take in the Grand
Lodge. Among those who will repre
sent the lodge at Hermlston are J.
M. Scarborough, F. R. Reeves, and
D. BrownelL Mrs. Copeland will go
Mrs. Reeves
V3 M
111 BJ
accompanied her husband.
Other Interesting Notes.
The Hermlston Bank and Trust
company are having a ten-root ce
ment walk put In the entire length
A re- 0r their new stone bank building. Mr,
To Name Congressman,
Council Bluffs. Ia.. May 16.-
publican congressional convention for Charles Skinner has the 'contract for
the Ninth Iowa district was opened the work, which will be finished this
here today to name a candidate for week,
the special election of June 6 in which Mr. William H. Skinner expects to
a successor to Rep. Walter I. Smith move Into his beautiful new home
will be chosen. Smith retires from about the last of the week, he has one
the house to become judge of the 0f the finest homes In the city.
United States circuit court of appeals.
Several candidates are seeking the
nomination, including Judge W. R.
Green of Audubon, E. S. White of
Harlan and Willis Stern of Logan
Edward Loudenslager will have
charge of the Hermlston Herald dur
ing the absence of the editor. It Is
expected that the next edition of the
paper will be one of the best,
Richard H. Straw today relinquish
ed his homestead In section 34, tp. 5
A Smile. X. R. 2S E. W. M., to the government
Is a pretty hard thing to accomplish and it was filed upon by Miss Anas
when you're blue, bilious and out of tasia Chezik. Miss Chezlk came here
sorts. There Is a sure cure for all I recently from the east to visit her
kinds of stomach and liver com- brother, who has a homestead under
plaints constipation and dyspepsia, this project.
Ballard's Herbine is mild, yet abso- Attorney R. R. Johnson of Pendle-
lutely effective In all cases. Price 60c ton came to Hermlston this morning
per bottle. A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Be grateful for your pay, but not
so grateful that you feel you should
celebrate every Saturday night.
Tho Khul You llivo Always Couxlit, and which has Leon
In iiso for over 30 yours, has loiuo tho Bipnaluro o
anl has been niaao under I'll l)cr-
iMtcrvifion Binco Us Ima.ioy.
no one to deeelvo youiii tills.
All ronnterfe.lts. Imitations and "Jiwt-ns-good" nro ltnt
Kxporlments that trlflo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Uxpcrliucul.
Castoria is a IiarnileHs substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, JUorphh:o nor other Narcotic
(substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trbubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
(Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
, rr mumhat strcct. Ntw vonn errr.
Economy in Painting
Your House
does not mean buying the paint sold at the
lowest price per gallon. It means getting the
paint that covers the most surface per gallon
and gives the greatest number of years of service
in other words, the best value for your dollar.
costs less because it takes less and lasts longer.
Let us show you pleasing color combinations,
estimate quantity needed, or be of
any other service we can, whether
ycni buy or not.
Corr.c iii and get an Acme Quality Painting
Guide Book and some color suggestions.
on the local to attend to legal business
for the Maxwell Land and Irrigation
Percy Holland Is In Portland for a
few days' visit with his family.
Over twenty-five of tho young bas-j
ball rooters attended the game at
Echo Sunday. A. L. Larson played
third base with the Echo team.
Roy Raley came down on the lo
cal this morning to attend to busi
Otis Sprague returned to Ft. Wayne
Indiana, yesterday accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Bond and sons of Ft.
Wayne. Mr. Sprague is the represen
tative of the Maxwell Land and Irri
gation company. He expects to be
gone about six weeks. His family will
remain at Hermlston during his ab
II. Q. Judd, a nephew of J. II. Reld
spent Sunday at Hermlston the guest
of his uncle. Mr. Judd Is .connected
withhe O.-W. H. & X., having charge
of a crew of men working on the cut
off. At the meeting of the Farmers' Un
ion last Saturday evening, there was
a committee appointed to look Into
the telephone proposition, the money
is now available to have a full tele
phone system Installed on tho Uraa
tilla project, and to connect with the
other cities and Pendleton, Including
all farms between these cities. Thin
committee will make their report at
the next meeting of the union.
The household goods of Olon Smith
and Mr. Plakslee arrived on the O,
W. R. & N. Saturday. Mr.. Smith has
purchased the Churchll homestead
and will move out on to the land at
once. Mr. Blakslee has purchased
land of the Maxwell Land and Irrl
cation company. He has accepted a
position of the government as ditch
rider and will make hla home In Her
mlston, having rented the Straw home
f-n Oladls avenue.
L. J. Campbell has accepted a po
sition In the schools at Walla Walla,
and will move his family to that city
If i August.
Next Thursday evening the mem
bers of the Reclamation Lodge N,o.
107, K. of P., will nominate their of
ficers for the ensuing term. The
Grand Lodge representatives are O,
H. rptheerove and E. O. Comegys, al-
ti'rnntos being Robert E. Aflon and
.1. T. !klo.
Rev. Syke of Walla Walla, presid
ing elder of tho Methodist church,
spent Sunday at Hermlston, having
charge of the evening service. Ho
gave a very Interesting sermon.
E. C Nelllng returned to Portland
this morning to make arrangements
to move his family to that place where
ho has accepted a position. Ho will
move his family the latter part of the
The T. R. Barks orchestra of Her
minton will furnish tho music nt the
high school commencement nt Echo,
on tho Iflth, Friday.
The commencement exercises of the
Hermlston high school will bo held
on Friday evening of this week, Judge
Sl'-i'h'-n A. Lowell will he the prin
clpal sneaker. Miss C. Photwell Is tho
only graduate from the high school.
It Is not known just how many of the
elghlh grade pupils will he In tho class
:i" the papers have, not returned from
tlu county superintendent.
Pendleton's favorite picture theat
er. Another big Vltagrapn teature
film for Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. Four full reels, 4000 feet
of film each performance.
1. "The Leading Lady Vltagraph.
Another of the funny kind. If you
enjoy a laugh see this one and you
won't laugh alone. Sheriden Muggs
has written a musical comedy called
"The Irish Washerwoman." The cast
Is all engaged but the leading lady.
Muggs Ins'sts that she must be of a
particular type. In a newspaper lie
sees tho picture of an old Irish cook,
a local celebrity; he insists that she
Is the type he wants. They engage
her and rehearsal begins. Bridget
& McAtee
Sk headache results from a dis
ordered condition of tho stomach, and
enn t! cured by the uso of Cham-
brrlaln's Ktomach nnd Liver Tablets
Try It. For sale by all dealers.
Tho Cony.
Monday and Tuesday:
"Robert Emmet." Thanhouser. A
feature film depicting the life of this
famous Irish patriot. It Is well act
ed, well staged and Is a fine picture
In every sense. Robert Emmett and
hla misfortunes appeal to every pat
riot and lover of liberty the world
over. That he was captured because
he went to see his sweetheart adds an
other romantic element. See th
greatt rial scceno In which he Is con
demned to death for daring to uphold
the cause of Irish liberty.
"A Dog With Two Little Mistress
es." Itala. A beautiful, pathetlo
child story which begins in sorrow and
ends in Joy. Tho child of a poor wid
ow owns n little dog which Is covet
ed by a rich girl. The widow being
penniless, sells the dog to the rich
child. Her little g'rl becomes sick,
grieving over the loss of her friend.
The doir leaves the new home and
wants to run things, which starts a travellnK acr0!(s the snow-clad hills,
row. The finish is too good to give j comcs bno , mtIo mistress. The
away. See It and have a hearty rich chn,, comes to rnm the dog
laugh. ; an, after a struggle for possession.
2. "Lost years." Gaumont. A tra-' h father tells her he will take the
widow ami child home with them and
. they can both own tho dog.
I "Tho Call of tho Heart." Powers.
gic tnlo with a happy ending. It Is a
picturesque, thrilling picture, thrill
ing and replete with beautiful scene
3. "Brest, a Fortified Harbor of
France." The largest commcrciul and
military seaport of France els her
shown. Tho old castle of the Duke of
Brittalny, the arsenal employing thou
sands of workmen and the huge swing
bridge are shown and are nil objects
of superior Interest. 1
4. "A Burled Past." Edison. This
well told story shows a man who has
served his time In prison, but Is mak-'
Ing good. The film Is strongly dra
matic without verging on melodra
ma. 6. "A Stage Romance." In this Ed
ison picture story It Is proved that i
even show people can love truly and
get Jealous, feverish minds and want
to kill their rivals, although the pic
ture has a beautiful climax.
Tlio Pastime.
A story full of human Interest that
you will never forget. It proves the
truth of the old proverb, "cast thy
bread upon tho waters" and tells a
touching story of the love and devo
tion of a poor couple to a little blind
girl and the wonderful way In which
they are repaid Is one which will de
light and charm.
"The Harem Skirt." American. An
extremely funny comedy telling of
tho laughable adventures that befell
a girl while trying to wear the new
style dress." The complications ars
wonderfully amusing and will make
you laugh heartly.
Illustrated song, "Sadie Brady."
IlaUer Suitor Kays New York Court
Ha No Jurisdiction in Case.
Baker, Or. Sidney C. Love has fil
ed with the county clerk his rcDlv to
The house of quality. Unusually f the answer of his wife, Marjorie
good program for Tuesday's change. Hums Love, In the action for a dl-
Speclal, "The Two Fathers." Lubln. ' vorce Instituted by him In the local
Fred Gearhart, In destitute clrcum-J circuit court. He alleges that the New
stances, allowed John Foster, a weal-, York courts had no Jurisdiction at
thy man, to adopt his baby girl ( any time over him, his wife or their
Eighteen years later Florence was a child. The reply sets forth that Love
cnarming young lauy ana very mucn entered an appearance In the New
Love has
and now saw a way to recoup It by . to arguo that tho court In the state
forcing Florence to marry a wealthy had no Jurisdiction,
suitor, Howard Lacey. Her own The Love divorce ense probably will
father learning of this sternly fur- , come before tho circuit court here in
bade the marriage to Laccy. But September. It Is believed it will be
Foster showed the papers of adoption one of the hardest fought legal bat
and that Florence must abide by his tics In the county over a child,
wishes. However, circumstances pre-1
vented the loveless marriage and I
The , siMPl.F! ttPMrnv
hi love wuii nuri y juruun. hit eui- i orK conns, in which Mrs
thy foster father had lost his fortune Instituted an action for divorce
Florence married Harry Jordan,
love interest is deep, the acting su
perb. "Jack Mason's Last Deal." Anoth
er of those stirring stories by the fa
mous Melics Co. Old Watson, the
Sworn proof that simple buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded
In Adler-l-ka. the new riormnn .n.
nrriHnertnr la ihn nrniin n'nif nf n r,Antiti. , ..
" ' i-oimitiua remuuv. ronilv rlnna nnn
mine and a daughter. Ruth; but when appendicitis without nnerntinn
T....I. If V 1.1.. ... ' '
um:n jiiunun, mo Buinuiur rcnn;n iu ( now do seen right In Pendleton at tho
A SIN-remody
town and opens a faro game, Old store of Pendleton Drug Co.
wuison loses an nm money ana mori- ULE DOSE of thlH slmiiln
gages the mine to Jim
sneak. Ruth Wratson
meets Watson and not knowing his
business falls deeply In love with
him and Jack, who has a big vein of
genuine manhood In h!s character,
loves tho trusting little girl in return.
Well for want of space, can't tell you
tho finish, but see tho picture and see
If you don't agree with us that It Is
a good one.
"How Sprigglns Took Lodgers." by
Edison. From the old farce "Icl on
I'nrlo Francalso.
Sanders, a ( will relievo wind or gas n the stom"
accidentally , nch or bowels, sour stoma. .h nti
patlon.and other symptoms of chron
Ic appendicitis.
played In the spirit of rollicking good
"At tho End of ilm Road." Kos
mik. A detective story of Interest.
"Saul and David," A biblical story
showing f-aul & David at the time tho
cvM spirit camn upon Saul and ho
hurled his Javelin at David with the
Intention of killng him.
Wo can irromlso yon n clear, clean
ltln nnd n beautiful complexion If
you mho 7.EMO and XEMO SOAP no.
It Is. a Jolly farce ford hi tr to ullrcciimm.
"ufliu is a sKin ueautifier and a
scientific preparation for tho treat
ment of eczema, pimples, dandruff
nnd nil diseases of tho skin and
sculp. ZEMO SOAP Is the nicest,
best lathering antiseptic soap over
used for toilet or bath.
Sold by druggists everywhere' and
In Pendleton by Pendleton Drug Co.