EIGHT PAGES ALY CAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, MAT 10, 1911. PAGE K1VB i tloonnons j For Ico Cream Sodas Thai Please. Try Our : CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM "The heat made." IcelCream Sundae One of our most dishes. popular Frosh Strawherries served I with ice cream. J Once a patron, always a pat- ron, at KOEPPENS LOC ALS I tillable, running water on place. Thla In a anap If taken within nest thirty daya. Address W. B., Box 841, city. For Rent Nine room house and furniture for sale, within one block of Main street. Inquire 206 W. Webb. For sale 160 acre homestead, m arly all good timber. Inquire at or address 107 Garfield street, Pendle ton. LoHt From, my place near asylum site. Spitz pup. Finder return or no tify Frank Nudo, Box 3S2, City, and receive reward. For Sale Cheap Two log houses In Meacham, Ore., 6 rooms each; mod ern Improvements. Also 327 acres of land within four miles of Meacham. Good grazing land and contains con siderable timber. Inquire Meacham Lumber Co. Special. Until June first we will sell 10 lb. cans pure lard, $1.60; 6 lb. can pure lard, 80c; 3 lb can pure lard 60c. Cen tral Meat Market. See Lane A Son for slrna. Pastime picture please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 171. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane ft Son. Front office for rent In Judd build ing. F. E. Judd. Wanted Plain sewing. Apply 808 fiouth LUloth street. Phone Platsoeder for troth meat and lard. Main 441. ' The king of all So cigars, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan sole agent. Everybody goes to the Orpheutn to see the best and the clearest picture. Parties who have not sprayed for scale, phone I. C. Snyder, Red 8813. A woman wanted on farm. Steady employment. Call at Standard Gro cery Co. Dressed chickens Friday and Sat urday at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. Buy your chickens for Sunday's dinner at the Central Meat Market. Phone Main 33. For sale Fresh cow and three good young mares. Apply J. S. Wheeler three mites west of town. For Rent Three furnished house keeping rooms, electric lights and gas. No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horses Doarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 120 Aura street. Phone Main 13. The East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage. If you want freah meat from a new, clean market, phone Main 448, Farmers Meett Co-. Conrad Platsoeder, manager. 234 E. Court street Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone Black 3311. Piano, furniture and heavy trucking of all k'nds. Calls an swered promptly. Office 847 Main st For good light get a Steelmantle kerosene burner. Odorless, smoka less, most brilliant light by small lamp; satisfaction guaranteed. Carl Obery, 211 Lee Street Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try it. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 1 VS. for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut It burns clean and goes further. For onle 160 acres choice timber land In Wallowa county 10 miles from Wallowa. Fir, blue plno and tamar ack. Call on or address J. A. Joyce, Pendleton, Ore. l-'wr sale Two hundred acres good timber grazing land, about 60 acrea An Idonl Power Plant. Installed recently at the Bentley Ranch, McCormack, Ore., is a light and power plant which Is considered to be the most modern and best equipped of Its kind In Oregon. The power Is furnished by a 10 II. P. gasoline engine which operates a DD0 volt and 42 volt generator. The larger generator runs a 3 H. P. motor which operates a pump that supplies the varlols buildings with water. The pump Is located a mile from the ranch and Ir so connected that It can be operated from the house and no time Is lost In going back and forth as is usually the case with the average plant. The 4 2 volt generator Is "used for charging the storage- batteries which furnishes the light for the various buildings. On top of the barn are two 40-watt tungsten lamps which throw quite a light and can be seen for miles around the country. The plant was Installed by Mr. H. J. Keogh of Pendleton, and the mo tors, generators, lights, etc., were fur nished by the J. L. Vaughan Electric al company of this city. PERSONAL MENTION Wati-r I'scrs Meet. A number of Pendleton attorneys went to Pilot Rock this morning to in hn untinn f..r h rr,r, f 1 W'th friends and cussing the suits which have been ! Pendleton' ner former home- brought by the government against them. H. A. Crump of Boise Is registered at the St. George. E. A. Dudley Is In from his home at Athena today. L. W. Keeler la a Pendleton visitor today from Echo. . Roy Bowman la registered at the Bowman from Umatilla. R. T. Brown of Athena came down from that town yesterday evening. Fred Hoover of Portia- Is here on a visit to her cousin, E. W. Myers. S. V. Barnhart of Walla Walla came over from that city last even ing. Nate Cecil of Echo was among the out of town people In the city last evening. County Fruit Inspector S. J. Camp bell Is down from his home at Milton today. John P. McManus, the' Pilot Rock journalist, is transacting business In the city today. Mrs. O. W. Knight and son, Ernie, came In this morning from Helix on tho Northern Pacific. Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakeley is spending the day In the east end of the county on civil business. Miss Maud McReynolds and Miss Clara Williams, both of Pilot Rock, spent last night In the city. John Durham, mine host of one of Athena's popular hotels, came down on the local this morning. 8. F. Wilson, the Athena attorney and banker, returned on the early train thin morning from Portland. A J. Sturtevant and Mark A. Stur tevant came In yesterday afternoon from Pilot Iiock and spent the night in the city. Mrs. Van Pearson who underwent an operation at St. Anthony's hospit al last week Is reported to be some what better today. Fred Stelwer, formerly deputy dis trict attorney, but now a plain prac titioner. Is transacting legal business at Pilot Rock today. Mrs. F. F. Waffle and son return ed to Portland yesterday after visit- relatives in o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o PROSPERITY SA Continue All This LE Week oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I OUR FIRST GREAT O i o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o Business is Good Thank You No Hard Luck Story Here. CHOOSE Any ladies Sllit, White Serges and Pongees excepted, at Any misses suit at Any silk dress, colored .... Any Spring COat, Silk and Pongees excepted at Any dress skirt at . PROSPERITY PRICES ALL EMBROIDERIES REDUCED. Half Price Half Price Half Price Half Price Half Price TKOIIU.E ENDS AMONG REBELS G. W. Proebstel, one time senator of this county In the Ftate leg islature, came down on the local this morning from his home at Weston. R. E. Manning of Pilot Rock, was among the people of that town who came to the county seat yesterday af ternoon on the local from that place. Joe Bailey came up from Echo this morning and reports that the" west (Continued from page one.) lutlonary spirit, and that the insur rectos In the field were rapidly in creasing In number. To Attack riiDiualiua. Chihuahua. Mexico. Mar 13. Via . end of the county has had a number "El Paso, Texas, May 16. This city , of big rains that have Boaked up the now Is in fear of Immediate attaok ; ground In good Bhape. and many citizens feel that resistance j Mrs. A. T. Matthews, who has been H hopeless. attending her mother at Portland for The 1. 000 lnsurrectos approaching the past week, has returned. to Pen from the south today reached Escal- ! jieton to care for her children, who Choose any 5c Embroidery at Choose any 8c Embroidery at Choose any 10c Embroidery at Choose any 12 l-2c Embroidery at Choose any 15c Embroidery at Choose any 18c Embroidery at Choose any 20c Embroidery at Choose any 25c Embroidery at Choose any 35c Embroidery at Choose any 50c Embroidery at Choose any G5c Embroidery at - 12 16 221 34 45 Choose any 75c Embroidery at 55 Choose any 85c Embroidery at ... Choose any $1.00 Embroidery at . All others 1-3 off. 65 75 PROSPERITY PRICES ALL WASH GOODS REDUCED. Choose any 12c Wash Goods at Choose any 15c Wash Goods at . Choose any 20c Wash Good3 at . Choose any 25c Wash Goods at . Choose any 29c Wash Goods at . Choose any 35c Wash Goods at Choose any 50c Wash Goods at . 10 25 37 Better Goods for O Less Money O oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o Wohlenberg Dep't. Store OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! Horses Wanted!! : : : : : - O on, a few miles below Jlmlnez. As they proceed, the lnsurrectos are tear ing up the railroad to prevent any pursuit by federal troops In their rear. The federal troops south of here all ore retreat'ng to this city, having found It Impossible to stem the onward march of the lnsurrectos. An armed train filled with feder al troops which went south to open the railroad returned with the report that the enemy were In overwhelm ing numbers and to attack them from the train would have meant annihila tion. It Is oelleved that the lnsurrectos will take Jlmlnez, capture the branch railroad running to Parral and then will camp around Chihuahua to at tack the city In conjunction with part of Madero's forces to be sent from Juarez. A high stone wall enclosing 30 acres of land around a Philadelphia siiw plant la built entirely of grind stones worn out in the place. are quarantined with scarlet fever. Arthur Thompson, erstwhile slab artist for toe Buckarooes, but who was released by Manager Nelson, left this morning on the local for Port land, where he will seek greener fields. Oliver Lynch, formerly connected with the O. W. R. & N. track depart ment, is in the city from his place near Ritter, Oregon. Mr. Lynch re cently returned from Kentucky, where he spent the past three months. J. L. Whltelng and wife of Almota are here today on account of the se rious sickness of Mrs. Whltelng's mother, Mrs. Van Pearson. Mr. Whitelng Is the agent for the O.-W. R. & N. Co. at Almota and Is assist ing nt the local freight office during his stay here. The best way to prevent spectacles stcamlngis to keep them absolutely clean. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Wanted at once, 100 head of range and saddle horses, ranging from 800 to 1 1 00 pounds Will be at the Oregon Feed Yard, Pendle ton, Oregon, for 1 0 days only, or until May 25th Campbell b Reierscm Buyers o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOQ o o o o 9 S o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o Great Closing Out Sale ot all TaiSore Suits Sulk and Wool D resses a nd Linen For Lad les and Misses -ll Every GARMENT in our huge stock will be on SALE TODAY and CONTINUES ALL WEEK at prices that wil make things lively in our Keady to-Wear bection. 103 WASH SUITS In blue, linen, pink, lavender and white. All sizes, Misses' 14 to 20. Ladies' 31 to 44. Just 100 in the lot and were bought to sell from $7.50 to $14.50. SPRING SUITS All $18.00 Spring Snita go nt $13.90 All $20.00 Spring Suits go nt $14.85 All $22.50 Spring Suits go nt $16.45 All $25.00 nnd $27.50 Spring Suits go nt $19.65 All $30.00 nnd $32.50 Spring Snita go nt $22.35 Your choice all this week $4.95 ONE LOT OF 30 WOOL TAILORED SUITS Sold regular up to $35.00. Last season's styles. Nearly all sizes in tho lo. TAKE YOUR CHOICE $9.95 SILK DRESSES All $18.00 Dresses will go for $11.35 All $20.00 Dresses will go for $13.40 All $22.50 Dresses will go for $16.35 All $25.00 Dresses will go for $18.S5 All $27.50 nnd $30.00 Dresses will go for $19.95 o o o o o 000000000000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 F. E. L1VENGOOD COMPANY THE LADIES AND CH1LDRENS STORE o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o