EIGHT PAGES 9AILY MAST OREUONIAN, PBNBliHJrOW, OKBQOH. TIIUIISDAY, MAY 4, 1911. PAGE! FtVfi Extra Special Sale Friday and Saturday Ladies, Misses and Childrens Spring Jackets Notice these low prices then come in tomorrow and let us ' show yon $3.50 Jackets will sell for . $2.65 $4.00 Jackets will sell for . $2.95 $5.00 Jackets will sell for . $3.45 $6.00 Jackets will sell for . $4.90 $7.00 Jackets will sell for . $5.60 $8.00 Jackets will sell for . $5.85 $ 1 0.00 Jackets will sell at . $6.95 $12.50 Jackets will sell at . $8.35 $ 1 5.00 Jackets will sell at . $9.45 Friday and Saturday F. E. LlVENGOODCO. The Ladies' and Children's Store JUNK Ladies Home Journal Patterns now Heady. ! LOCALS! See Lane A Son for signs. Pastime pictures please All. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 171. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane ft Son. I'hone Main 449 for bread wagon. Phone Plattoeder for freah meat and lard. Main 446. Front office for rent in Judd build ing. P. E. Judd. Found Tracy with the goods at Donaldson's drug store. The Icing of all to dears, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Hulllvan sole agent. Lost Multnomah gold medal with Winged M. Return to this office. Everybody goes to the Orpheuin to ee the beat and the clearest picture I. C. Snyder guarantees good spray ing. Yours for good work. Phona R. H1I. Fancy baked goods from the Royal Bakery on sale at the Delta. Baked fresh every day. Dressed chickens Friday and Sat urday at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. Wanted By man and wife, posi tion on ranch. Inquire "T" this of fice. A woman wanted on farm. Steady employment. Call at Standard Gro cery Co."". For Rent Three furnlBhed house keeping rooms, electric lights and gas. No children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main Barn, 020 Aura street. Phone Main IS. PERSONAL MENTION Walter Smith of lone, was in Pen dleton today. H. M. Bell of Payette, Idaho, Is a guest of the Bowman, James Swltzler of Walla Walra, Is a business visitor In Pendleton. Eldon Furnish went to Hermlston this morning to spend the day. Blllle Campbell camo down from his home at Meacham yesterday. Peto Murray made one of his fre quent vlsitos to Pendleton this morn ing.. E. G Marquis the Adams drug gist la a pendleton business visitor to day. J. O. Kincald of lone, Is in the city attending to his insurance busi ness. J, M. Sullens of Gibbon (was among the out of town visitors in Pendleton yesterday. H. O'Neill of Echo, came up from that town yesterday and spent the night in the city. J. G. Cutler, assistant superintend ent for the Northern Pacific, has been in town today. Ernest Knight, the young Helix rancher, came in this morning on the Northern Pacific local. E. P. Marshall went to the west end of the county this morning to look after his Interests there. .Dr. D. C. McNabb, the well known veterinarian, was an outgoing pas senger on the local this morning. Miss Irene Shea left on No. 17 this afternoon for Portland, where she will be the guest of Mrs. T. C. Warner for several days. , Supreme Judges Robert Eakln and Frank Moore left this morning on the local after completing the spring term of court in this city. Attorney J. T. Hlnkle was up from Hermiston yesterday on matters per taining to the opening of the new roads in the west end of the county. Mrs. H. T. Fraser. Mrs. A. E. Robb, Mr. and Mrs. Carl McNaught and Herbert Strohm returned to Herhis ton this afternoon In the McNaught car. Fred Hendley, formerly county re corder, but now connected with the reclamation service at Hermlston, re turned to the project town this morn ing after transacting - business at the court house. STATE FORESTER y.u;inc; campaign rou I'KOTIXTION OF FOUKSTS I loop pons'; For Ice Cream Sodas That Please. Try Our CHOCOLATE ICECREAM "Tho best made." Ice Cream Sundae Ono of our most popular dishes. Fresh Strawberries served with ico creamr Once a patron, always a pat ron, at KOEPPENS For Sale Cheap Two log houses at Meacham, Ore. Modern Improvement. Six rooms each. Enquire of Meach am Lumber Co. Buy your chickens for Sunday's dinner nt the Central Meat Market. I'hone Main 33, Wanted Ulrl for cooking and gen eral house work. Apply to Mrs. E. .1 Burke, 325 Water street The East Oregonian Is Eastern Ore gun's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage. Phone Main 91 for good clean lamp or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all pcrts of the city. Crab Creek Lun -ber Co., 700 West Alta street. If you want fresh meat rrom a new. clean market, pnone Main 44J. Farmers Meat Co, Conrad Plataoedar, manager. 224 B. Court etrat. Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone Black 2291. Piano i fornltare ul heavy truoklng of . ail. k'aaa. Calls an swered promptly. Office 4T IfaJa st For bread, oooklea, pastry and cakes made (rash every day, phona Main 449. and the wagon will call. Royal Bakery, Webb and Cottonwood streets. For sale Large stock of cedar tele, phone posts. They are now In our yards for Immediate delivery, J. A. Doric Lumber Co., Pendleton, phone Main O. For good light get a SteelmanUe kerosene burner. Odorless, smoke less, most brilliant light by small lamp; satisfaction guaranteed. Carl Obery, 211 Lea Street. For Rent Good pasture Jas. Mar pie place near Meacham. $1.25 per month per head. Stock to be deliv ered at ranch. R. Atterbury, Stan- field, Ore. Before having your plumbing done seo me lor estimates. sanitary Plumbing Shop, 304 East Court street. Ales Burt, "the honest plumber." x Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It Phona Dutoh Henry, Main 173. for clean screened Reck Springs cdal either lump or nut It burns clean and goes forth sr. For sale Two hundred acres gaod timber graalns land, aboat (4) aoraa tillable, running water on place. This la a anap If taken within next thirty days. Address W. B Bos 141, cMr. Wanted at once Housekeeper In family of five, elderly woman pre ferred. Wages, without washing, S2S per month, with washing, $30. Call on or write to Mrs. Ubel. care O.-W. R. . & N. depot, Umatilla, Oregon. If the person who took the gold headed umbrella belonging to a little girl from the Christian church social Monday, May 1st, will return the same to 309 Thompson street. No questions will be asked. The party Is known. Special. Until June first we will sell 10 lb cans pure lard, $1.60; E lb. can pure lard, 80c; 3 lb can pure lard SOc. Con tral Meat Market ence as a woodsman and forester that should serve him in a splendid way in the position he now occupies. He was for many years In charge of the land department of the Oregon & California railroad and as such or ganized tho first fire patrol ever formed In Oregon. He has devoted many years to forestry work and Is enthused over the possibilities of his present position. OPENING OF MILL IS ISOOX TO UEXD Bend, Or., May 3. Tho reopening of the old Pilot Butte Development company's sawmill at Bend under the management of the Bend company has come as a boon not only to Bend but to all the adjacent country. For several months the sawmill has been Bhut, pending the outcome of negot.a tlons which resulted In the recent transfer of the properties of the 'Bend Townslte company to a group of timber men and others. Now, un der the new company, the mill has been again put In operation, and Is cutting about 30,000 feet daily, and employing n the neighborhood of 40 men. Not only does the new supply of lumber mean much to the building development of this town, but it Is of great importance to the settlers upon the .big homestead country to the southeast of Bend, where hundreds of landseekers are locating or have lo cated, all ow whom require lumber "for the construction of homes. The Oregon Trunk Railway Is con structing a spur to the Bend com pany's mill. It is expected that much lumber will be shipped from it to the towns along the railroad north of Bend, these for the most part being now entirely dependent upon the Willamette valley mills for their lumber supply. New York State League Opens. Albany, N. T., May 3. Baseball had Its official inaugural today In the cities of the New York State league, which includes Albany, Syra cuse, Elmira, Utica, Troy and Blng hampton, X. y., and Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. Pa. The season will contfnue to September 17. The Al bany Senators open today at Troy. Increased Gold Output. London, May 4. Reports receiv ed from Rhodesia, South Africa, place the gold output for the last month-at over $6,000,000, nearly three times as much as during the preceding month. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and to the lodges and schools that so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our behoved husband and father. IDA STROUT. MABEL BROTHERTON MARVIN STROUT. There is Always a Reason The reason for the big Increase of business In our Boys', Misses' and Children's shoe department Is Qual ity, Price and Style. Don't take our word for It, try a pair and be convinced. Wohlenberg Dep't. Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY Lost Black horse, fo white shoul cUrs; branded J. H. Return horse to China Garden above the Hospital. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpheuin. Pendleton's favorite picture thea ter. Fine program for Friday's change. 1. "Winsor McCoy and his Animat ed Comics." Vitagraph. Winsor makes 4000 drawings of his charac ters from his celebrated cartoons, "Little Nemo" and suddenly they be come active and cut up all sorts of pranks that make you think you are having one of "Little Nemo's" dreams. 2. "Bob sledding at Huntington, Long Island." Vitagraph. Showing the exciting and ehibarating winter pastime of coasting on the extensive hills of that section of Long Island that has made "Bob Sledding a na tional pastime. 3. "His Best Girl' After All." Lu bln. Toung hubby, at a dinner with two girls, wined too well and dream ed wlfie had discovered him. He "beat It" home with a "never again" resolution. 4. "A Visit to Nassau, Bahama." Lubin. A scenic picture showing na tive life in this little West Indian paradise. Sponge and shell gather ing, hut building, village life and so on. Interesting and instructive. 5. The Resurrection of John." Ed ison. This Is a deliciously funny comedy from start to f'.nish. It tells an entertaining story and develops a number of Interesting situations. 6. "Isis." Pathe Feres. Isis was the great Moon Goddess of the Egyp tians. She is the protectress of Thy ria, a beautiful singer, for whom she chooses Prince Dilo as a husband, sending him a message to that effect. The prince sees out Thyresa and charmed with her grace and beauty, is more than willing -to marry her and discard Sara, his former favor ! He. 7. "A Dog's Instinvt." Pathe, Irene Donald is employed at a milliner's ' and as usual at midday her maid 't sends Fido, the faithful black poodle, to bring her home." Tlio Pastime. The house of quality. Program of interest for Friday's change. "The Inherited Taint." Vitagraph, Herbert Warning Inherits a fortune. at the same time he Inherits a pas sion for drink. He become engag ed to a society girl she is a heartless coquette and throws him over for Jack Thurston. Driven to despair, Herbert takes to drink. He meets a young nurse, Kathleen Holt, and falls In love with her. He askas Kathleen to marry him. She tells him that If he can resist drink for a year, she will consent. He fights his year's battle and finally triumphs over his weak ness. "The Letter With the Red Seal.' Klein. Imagine being on ship board and finding that a letter which you had carried to the ship's captain gave directions to kill your husband as soon as the ship reached a certain lat itude and longitude, then you can form some conception of the interest ing complications developed In this film. The story is good and well told. "The Trading Stamp Mania." Am erican comedy. This story tells what occured to an unfortunate man whose wife had the trading stamp craze. "The City of Amalfl In Italy." This film shows the beautiful coast from Vietry to Amalfi on the Bay of Na-' pies. "With Interest to Date." (By Rex Beach). The story shows how Har ry Hanlford a' young engineer, tri umphs both in business and in love. Plan to Develop Northwest. Helena, Mont., May 4. Hundreds or delegates from Northwestern states are here today for the purpose of perfecting the Northwestern Develop ment league organized for the purpose of developing the entire northwest. Plans will also be completed for a great land shoy to be held either in St. Paul or Minneapolis next win ter. The show will have for Us only object the development of the north west with the Twin City as the east ern gateway. Read the want ads. Suys All the People of the State Should lie Interested In Holding IHwu Forot Fires Is F.perlenoed Yoodnuin. F. A. Elliott, newly appointed state forester, is a visitor In Pendleton to day and he is here In connection with the campaign lie is waging for the education of tho people with refer ence to use of the forests and for the protection of the forests against fire. Arriving in Pend;ton this morn ing, Mr. Elliot has passed the day as the guest of Dan P. Smythe. mem ber of the state forestry board. From here the state forester will go to Union and to Baker counties before returning to Salem. Discussing the subject of forest fire prevention, Mr. Elliot said: "All the people of the state are In terested ' or should be interested In holding down forest fires. Such fires not only mean a loss to the timber owners and to settlers, but when tim ber Is lost by fire it means a heavy loss to the people In general for the reason that they lose the money that would otherwise be derived from log ging the land and manufacturing the timber Into lumber. A big part of the money expended by the lumbering Industry goes as wages to workmen and for supplies." Lumber Men Oarelom. Regarding the fires that did so much damage last summer, Mr. El liot declares his belief that much of the blame for those fires may be laid directly at the door of timbering con cerns that were careless about fires. At times last summer there were fires that could have been easily handled when they first started, but thraugh the neglect of the men chiefly Inter ested they were altowed to burn on and later in the summer did Im mense damage. This year he thinks the lumbering people will be more than careful and will be zealous In flreflghtlng because they have learn ed a costy lesson. tfemiHendpr for Warden. In the reserves of eastern Oregon It will be the policy of the forester to appoint many deputies from among the sheep camptenders. This policy has been urged by Dan P. Smythe, who is familiar with sheep conditions and feels the camptenders if rightly selected will be able to do good ser vice. Steps are being taken to se cure the names of reliable and xperl enced camptenders who will . guard the fires in their localities. They will be paid only for labor actually performed. The United States forest rangers will also be authorised to en force the rules of the state forestry board. Hunters Are Cautioned. Hunters and others who camp In tho mountains for pleasure are strict ly warned against leaving burning fires since they may spread and do much damage. There are strict laws for the punishment of those who show negligence In this regard and it will be the policy of tho forester to see that such lays are enforced as close ly as possible. Is Experienced Woodsman. State Forester Elliot has an expert- oooooooooooooooeooooooooooeooooooooooooo O a rv cv vv , tr n vm a w w WW K r o O : . O J. A. BORIE LUMBER. CO. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Large and Com plete Line of Cor. College and Railroad Sts. adjoining Planing Mill No Orders too Large, No Orders too Small, we'll be pleised to figure with you Rubberoid, Genasco and Flintkote Roofing and Build ing Paper of all kinds, weights and sizes. Header Beds and Cook Houses made to order LUMBER SKIXGLES LATH POSTS SASH MOULDINGS DOORS LIME " SASD PLASTER BRICK COAL CEMENT CEDAR TELEPHONE POLES. Office opposite Electric Sub-station. Phone Main O. Special: We have 120 sacks of Hy drated lime that we wish to close out Just the thing for whitewashing fences, chicken coops, etc, marking out ten nis courts and baseball diamonds. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WALSH'S If you want real bargains in the Grocery line, you can make no mistake by trad ing at Pendleton's Best Grocery. We can save you money on every article you buy. A trial and you will be convinced. WALSH'S "Home of Quality" Phone Main 442 Prompt Delivery, We guarantee everything to be as represented.