East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 04, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published Pally and Soml Wvkly at Ven
dition, Oregon, bj tb
Organizing hla forces with a view
t keeping down forest fires to the
minimum and preventing the terrible
destruction of past years State For
ester F. A. Elliott la now In eastern
Oregon. He Is a practical man and
srHSCRlPTlON rates. going aooui in a practical way to
Dally, on year by mall . $3.00, nanaie the task before him.
Pally, fix month, by mail 2.50
j urn -Mr. tinot nor any otner stato
i.SO j forester can succeed without the In-
i tclHgent co-operation of the people of,
.63 ' the state. Those who go Into the for. I
75josts for work or for sport must learn!
tl-eir duties and their responsibilities. I
I The
llly. three njomh.i. by mall ..
Lwlly, one month, by mail ....
iti.y. one year. ty carrier
Pally, nli mon:h. by carrier ...
Lolly, three month, by carrier..
Lolly, one month, by carrier
eml Weekly, one year, by mall..
mi Weekly, six months, by mall.
eml Weekly, four months, by mall
The Dally Kant Oreironlan !s xeut on sa'i
at the Oivcoa News i'o.. 829 Morrison flies is
treet. Portland. Dresron.
.Northwest News Co.. Portland. Orecon. ! being started
Chli-airo litireau. !Hii Security Building.
Wanhlnston. D. C, Bureau, 501 Four
teenth street. X. W.
wy to effectively handle forest
to prevent them from ever
Member 1'a.d Tress Association.
leiinone Main 1
Official City and County Paper.
If campers nn.l other people will
but use a proper amount of discre
tion in handling camp fires and in l
rUldly refraining from" leaving a
Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton. U,.lrnin fira ior, ...,,, ...n, ,.,i.,.,
Oregon, as second class mail matter. turning lire a long s.ep will be taken
towards saving the forests and tow
ards saving the little homes that be
come jeopardized whenever a big for
est fire gets underway.
Last year Oregon paid a heavy toll
to the forest fire fiond and this in
I spite of many precautions that were i
jt::ken and in spite of the patrol work i
carried -tn by the national govern-
1 ment and by various corporations.!
- . This year the state has taken upon 1
' its shoulders the duty of saying its !
forests anj If the work that has been j
, started under the direction of Mr j
What is this world? Until we
give it thought
Loss than the shadow of a
sou!, and we
Each one for each remake
the mystery
That was not till ourselves
the phantom sought.
All life, until within our own
'twas brought
Was death, was nothing. Aye,
and when the sea.
The mountains and the stars
appear to me,
I know t!-.ec &U-:. even these. I
wrought! "
The Gospel of Ideals to the
Each for himself the universe
has planned
And rules it with his own
imperial rod.
But. oh. what terror in my soul's
blanched face!
J?ince n-'thing is save- what I
:.m, I stand
Elliott can be carried out success
fully the state will be reimbursed
many times over for the appropri
ation made for this purpose.
Dr. Anna Shaw, a noted lecturer,
says that men are afraid of women
and have a'.v.ays Lec.i. She says that
this fear was born in the heart of
4 , .AUiim w:ifn lie w lis oegui.eu liuo lilt'
. j Garden of Eden. Bui Dr. Shaw's
version of the appl? eating episode Is
j slightly different from the accepted
Mm Pwier
view of that affair.
"The story is this, an the men
w r : .
r.:i.e:v.')cr It rightly," she says.
Alone in cha. s. face 1 1 face !, , . .
with God! i '"'.-'' 'no tasted t it and went to
r.egip.c.ld Wright Kauffman. 'Adam and ir.vit.l him to share in it
- Under the city charter as it no'.v
stands the city must pay for the im
provement of the intersections w hen vr
street work Is done. When Main and :'!C'
Court streets were paved the part of
the expense falling upon the mu
nicipality amounted to J 10,000. It
a3 a considerable portion of the ex- : pnaw tnat perhaps
pense and the payment of that am- ' tvtirtu of fair beguiler after they
cunt look- all th surt.ina r.,,in tho ! "ere kicked out of Eden?
Since the first paving work
She v.ar.ted him to g.t something in
hu noggin. He was t.fraid. If it had j
nou been f r Eve, w hy Adam would I
have remained sluing or. the trunk o; !
r. fallen tree tiddlir.g a twig to this j
Worn on h.'ve always le ! ,
,'ic- men. Eve srui-lei Adam, and wo- I
".:!! vl'.l al.vays show the way for the 1
Ten." j
Hut l.'s It newr ..cure J to Mrs.1
Adam became 1
The manufacturers of Royal Bak
ing Ponder have always declined
to produce a cheap baking powder
at the sacrifice of quality.
Royal Baking Powder is made from
pure grape cream of tartar, and is
the embodiment of all the excellence
possible to be attained in the high
est class baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a
fair price, and is more economical
at its price than any other leavening
agent, because of the superlative
quality and absolute wholesomeness
of the food it makes.
Mixtures made in imitation of baling powders, Lut containing alum,
are frequently distributed from door to door, or given away in grocery
stores. Such mixtures are dangerous to lae in food. In England,
France, Germany an some sections of the United Sta'?' th.r- :' ft
prohibited by law. Alum is a dangerous mineral acid, dad all
physicians condemn baking powders containing it.
The label of alum baking powders must
show the Ingnoilicnii,,
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Manufacturers
and Distributors of the
TallmaiY & Co.
Leading Druggists of East
ern Oregon.
Hotel St. George
GEORGE DARVEAU, lrorlotor. '
IX)R 1
J Culling Card J
Wcdilliig Stationery
J EmbooMMl stationery
Call at office of
European plan. Everything
flrst-clnns. All modern conveni
ences. Hot'' water heated
throunhout. Roonm en suite
with hnth. Iargo, new sample
rooms'. The Hotel St. George la
pronounced one of the most up.
to-date hotels of the Northwest.
Telephone anil fire alarm con
nections to office, nnd hot and
cold water running In all rooms
Rooms $1 ard $1.50
Block and a half from depot
See the big electric sign.
Grande Ronde Apple Orchards
on the INSTALLMENT plan.
Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these
At the office of MARK MOOR.HOUSE CO.
fice boy, a3 he recrossed his legs up
I on the desk, and prepared to resume
, his reading, "does it look like it "
, Answers. ,
A roughly dressed man went Into
a drug store and presented a doctor's
prescription to the clerk. This paper
called f"r ten grains of quinine, but
when the ilruegi.-t proceeded to do
up the prescribed amount hi cus-i 13S1 John Hell, a priest and com-
tumor objected. ' ', peer of Wat Tyler, preached to Ty-
"Here, I want you to put that iui- ! ler's army from the ptuvri lil.il rhyme:
nine on in s prescription, " he said; When Aram dalle and Kve span, i
Is made from the choicest wheat that
erows. GiMxl broad is assured when
HYERS' 1JKST FLOUK is us,h1. Bran,
Short, Steam Rolled Barley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
IVnuletnji, Oregon.
I and I want a lot ntore'n w hat you've . Who was then t'wc gentleman?"
The Commercial club is vntirely ! got weighed out, too!" I 1 IsT I.aml 4 rt Simnei, ai, Imjius-
. ... i 1 .1 t "Ihlt vrinr rirr-vr-rmt Irm rnll f.ir'li't- , r. ,t rit.l :il Ttithlin lv tin. ti ,,'
1 LMiM.ir- l 111 latuiuiK me Mrm nil- : - " . , - .... .
done other streets have asked for ., h.,., tv,.. ! onl5' 10 grains," exclaimed the clerk. 1 Edward VI.
Never you mind; you dump all 1747 N'av.il i.attlP h..ttv....n 11,,.
; 10 uVMiit-nt charter amt-nilmont That
paving and several streets have pe- i.u,.I5dliK.Rt looks to ,,roviding more
titioned for macadam. That work ; ,lIctt v.,,rk fr Pelial,t,m Bn(1 if thtre
has not been done and the failure of (;t al:ylhlns ul:J,r the sun that ls now
the improvement was due more than neeJeJ here u u some lmproved
anything else to the inability of the gtreet9
city to meet its part of the expense, j
In other words the present charter RightmFnded people will not go
tends to delay rather than to promote ! away and leave camp fires that may
. 1
that the doe gave me. I know what'r,.n. and the French fleet under M.
he sid. I told h m I wanted some,,. ia j,,nuioro, which was convoying
quinine for a eofj, and he says, says L-ix East Indlamen and a number of
he, 'You take this paper right over transports and merchantmen to Can
to the druggist and get It filled. 'ada.
street improvement's. This will al
ways be the case so long as the char
ter remains as It is.
Another unsatisfactory provision of
the present charter Is that outside
the intersections each property own
er must pay for all work done in
front of his property no matter what
that work may be. This often causes
grave Injustice. For Instance when
Main street was paved a street sewer
bad to be constructed and it extends
down tbe center of the street to the
fiver. At the south end of Main
street the sewer is small and as it
Dears the river It necessarily becomes
enlarged. So It cost far more to lay
the sewer through the last block and
the .property owners In that block
were heavily assessed to meet the ex
pense. Yet they received no more
benefits from the street sewer than
do the property owners at the up
per end of the street.
When this work was done tha In
justice of the system was plainly seen
yet the council had no alternative.
It was necessary to make each prop
erty owner pay for such work as was
done in front of hit property. To
have done otherwise would have been
a violation of the charter.
Under the charter amendment that
has been drafted with reference to
treet work the city council Is given
vide latitude. The city may pay for
work when the council considers It
J.ist that the city should do so and the
property owners In the Improvement
district are to b assessed In accord
ance with the benefits to be derived
fiom the work that ls done. Under
this syistem If the council acts with
proper Judgment exact Justice will be
meted out to all property owners.
Under the charter change proposed
end which will be voted on along
with other amendments May 9 the
city will have power to do what It
considers right. At the present time
the powers of the council are arbi
trarily defined and the city ls often
forced to be unjust even when It does
not wish to be.
What do you think, Mr. Voter, la
not the street improvement amend
ment a good thing and should It not
Ve adopted?
spread and destroy whole forests.
Other people should be reminded of
the fact that the law has heavy pen
alties for those who are negligent In
this regard.
Seldom Is China entirely free from
a serious situation of some sort.
Well," said Farmer Hayseed to the
artist, "how much will 'ee paint my
farm with me standin' In t door for?
"Oh, 5 guineas," said the artist.
"Done," replied the farmer; "coora
In due course the painting was fin
ished. But alas! the careless artist
had forgot to paint the worthy far
mer on the picture of his farm.
"Yes, I like it," said the farmer,
"but Where's me, lad Where's me?"
The error he had made flashed
across the artist's mind, but he tried
to pass it off with a Joke. "Oh," he
said, "you've gone Inside to get me
my five guineas."
"Oh, have I?" retorted the nettled
old chap, "perhaps I'll be comln' out
soon, and If I dew I'll -pay you! In
the meantime we'l hand It up and
Particularly tbe Ladies.
Not only pleasant aad refreshing to
the taste, but gendy deansirig and swtet
ecuDgto the system. Syrup of Fiki aod
Elixir of Senna is parbcularry adapted
to ladies aad cUdren, and beneficial in
aD catet n which a wholesome, strength
ening and effective laxative should be
used. It it perf ecthr tale at all times and
dispell colds, headaches and the paint
caused by indigestion and constipation so
promptly and effectively that it m the one
perfect family laxative which gives mnV
faction to aO and it recommended by
miDiotti of families who have used it and
who have personal knowledge of its ex
cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has
led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita
tions which act unsatisfactorily. There
fore, when buying, to get ks beneficial
effects, always note the full name of the
Com pan California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
For sale by U leading druggists. Price
50 cents per bottle.
"Is the guv'nor In " asked the vis
itor. The office boy, with his chair tilted
back and his legs stretched out upon
the reck, made no reply,
"I asked if the guv"ner was in?"
said the visitor.
The office boy threw him a disdain
ful glance; blew a cloud of IgaretU
smoke down his nostrils, and resum
ed his reading,
"Didn't you hear me?" snapped the
"O' course I 'ear you," answered
the office boy, scornfully.
"Then why the dickens don't you
tell m If the guv'nor's In?"
"Now, I ask yer," retorted the of-
1318 rapt. Ross sailed from Shet
land on his first voyage of discovery
of the Northwest passage.
1829 The Portuguese consuls at
New York and Philadelphia dismissed
by order of Don Miguel.
1863 Suffolk, Va., abandoned by
the Confederates and fortifications de
stroyed. 1893 Chinese Exclusion act re
quiring every Chinaman to register
M place of residence in the United
States, went Into effect.
1909 Capt. Peter C. Halns. U. 8.
A., was found guilty of the murder of
Wm. E. Annls.
The Shah of Persia again granted
a constitution.
1910 Commander Perry la 'Lon
don received the gold medal of the
P.oyal Geographical society.
Cass Matlock, Prop.
aod illustrated tongs in
Show Afternoon and are
ningB. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to French Restaurant
, Entire change three times
ach week. Be sure and
lee the next change.
Adulta 10c Children
under 10 years, Be.
worth furniture, books, gas
stoves, steel range, piano,
center tables, dining room
tables, in fact everything
complete in 8 room house
ready to move into. This is
a snap ; must be sold at once.
Teutsch (&
Koal Estate and Insurance.
Orpheum Theatr
J. P. MEDFRVACH, Proprietor
For, Men, Women and Children
rrogram Owree oo a day's. Tnraday'f and rrMay .
on draught at the-
Columbia Bar
632-636 :Main St
We Serve to Pleaee
Hermn Peters,' Prop
Bowman Bar
One Block from Depot
A Gentlemen'a Resort
Try Our
They Please
Btrfei Anferten, Prop
Excursion Faros East
for 1911, fronsll Ipohhca ,
Orogon-Washington Railroad &
navigation Company
Chicago 178.60
Council Bluffs
Omaba I
Kansas' City... L go.00
8t. Joseph I
St. Paul J
St. Paul, via Council Bluffs 63.90
Mlnnsapolls, direct 60.00
Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs 63.90
. Duluth, direct . . , 66.90
Duluth, via Council Bluffs 67!so
St. Louis 70.01
May 16, 1718, 19. 22, 23, 24, 25, 17, 28 and 29.
June 5, 7. 9, 10, 12. 18, 17. 21, 22, 28. 29 and 30.
July 1, 2, 3, 4. 6, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27, and 28.
August 3, 4, 6, 14, 16, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30.
September 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 end 7.
Stop-overs within limits In either direction. k"lnal
return limit Octobor 31st. One way through
California $16.00 additional.
Inquire of any O.-W. It. & y. Agent for Moro Com
plcto Information, or
General Pamengor Agent.