EIGHT PAGES me fire lus III SfiKiI !bOfiili 1 I ALCOHOL 3 PER ri'VT AVcgelabk Prcparationfor As similailngihcFoodandRceula (ing(JieSiomacteandJ3tn?lsof Promotes DigrationrWeiftl ness and RestjContainsneiitin- Opium.Morphine norMittraL NOT NARCOTIC. AtyittOlJlkSHUmWA Jix-Samt JbttrlttSJtt- npvtmmt' martonakUh ( HimSrtj- 1 Qmfrtiinor. 1 haotftm Ikmr. I Aperferl Remtdy forConsflpa tion . Sour Stnraach.Dlantcca Vorras,Coirvulsioiis.revcrisu ncss arolLoss or Sleep. lie Simile SiSnamre of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children: The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature Aha I'WACTK i: (i t.Mi: ItKSl'LTS ' IX TO 9 TO 3 VICTOIIV Sui-ko ln-for 1'nt I'p Great Exhibi tion Hut l ull to Aniwx Enough Scores Sonic Has Uwiih liere Willi III" Mir Mlt. Exact Copy of Wrapper, In Use For Over Thirty Years m TM etTU MBMM. Ht TOM C1TT. SPOR TS NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago S; Clndnnatl S. Chicago, May 4. Pitcher Suggs' generosity, coupled with an error and opportune hitting, gave Chicago the first game of the Cincinnati series yesterday, 8 to 2. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 2 Cincinnati 2 9 1 Urown and Archer; Suggs and McLean. Ifcwton 4; Philadelphia 3. Philadelphia, May 4. Boston won the final game of the aeries here yes terday, 4 to 3. The visitors hit Beebe hard, eight of their safe hits being for extra bases. Tenny, for Boston, got five hits out of five times up. The score: R. H. E. Boston 4 12 1 Philadelphia 3 8 2 Pfeffer and Graham; Beebe and Dooln. New York 3; Brooklyn 0. Brooklyn, May 4. New York won Its seventh straight victory of the sea son from Brooklyn yesterday 3 to 0. Rucker pitched well but Devore's trip le and Doyle's sacrifice mly scored one run and two more were batted out by clean hlttlng Score: R. H. E. New York 8 6 1 Brooklyn 0 4 2 Raymond and Wilson; Kucker and Bergen. IMttMbiirg 8; St. IjOuIm 4. Pittsburg, May 4. The St. Louis team yesterday made Its first ap pearance In Pittsburg and was beaten. In Pittsburg and was beaten 8 to 4. Harmon was wild, rlttsburg never das In distress. Score: R. H. E. Pittsburg 8 12 0 St. Louis 4 3 1 ' Lifield and Nagle and Gibson; Har. mon, Oeyer and Bresnahan. R. H. E. Cleveland 8 10 2 Chicago 7 8 2 Greg and Land; Young, Scott, Walsh and Sullivan. Detroit S; SU Louis 2. St. Louis, May 4. Detroit won yes terdav. aealn defeating the locals 5 to 2. Willis, a minor league recruit made hi debut with the locals and was hit hard. Score: R. H. E Detroit 5 10 1 St. Louis 2 4 0 lAfitte and Stanage: Willis, Gra- nery and Stephens. Boston 6: Washington 3. Boston, May 4. Playing In severe cold, Boston won from Washington yesterday 6 to 3. Street was injured hv a foul Hd and. McBrlde left the game after objecting to a close deci sion. Pape was given perfect sup port. Score: R. H. E Washington 3 6 S Boston 8 Groom, Gray and Street, Alnsmith; Pape and Nunmaker. Philadelphia 13; New York 4. New York. May 4. Philadelphia hit two New York pitchers Fisher and Qulnn severely yesterday and won easily 13 to 4. Harry Davis smashed the ball Into the new stand In the cnter field for a home run. Score: R. H. E. Philadelphia 13 13 4 New York 4 4 1 The Buckarooes walked off the dia mond at Roundup Park yesterday af ternoon with the scalps of the local fire laddies dangling from their waist bands, but their triumph was not glorious. The score, according to the official marker, was 9 to 3, and the flame eaters are mighty proud of that three, which was written oppo site their name. The game was a practice affair for .the leaguers and they were given a good workout. Milne, the little high school twirler, pitched for the pick ups, while Bliss, the new southpaw art.st, who distinguished himself at the bat last Sunday, heaved the sphere for the regulars. Both men were found at times by the opposing batters but performed very creditably. Milne struck out seven of the Buek aroo sluggers, while Bliss retired nine of the firemen clouters by the same route. The pickup n:ne had some mighty- good exponents of the game in us: midst. The Penland brothers, three I 1 1. number, proved tnat iney navj fr.ftmttAti "hnw In nick n a ball de- spite the fact that they have been In retirement for some time. "Fat" Graham at first was a Rock of Gib raltar and stopped everything that came his way, runners Included. Be sides he was there with the bludgeon and slammed out a three bagger that would have been good for six bags if the fat one had been nimble of foot. Corby, at short, put up a Dig league article until his body, soften ed by disuse, rebelled at the indigni ties of over-exertion. Brandon, Coon and Finch were planted In the out gardens and they ate up everything that came their way besides wielding the bat right viciously. Following Is the- score by Innings: 123456789 Buckarooes ...20010518 9 Firemen 00100011 03 OOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOg o o O This bird on every package of that good o 0 1 Mountain Grown Coffee ! o O I taenia O II O ! i o Q Trade Mark of Quality. Q $ o Q O o LOCAL AND PERSONALS FROM PILOr ROCK PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. W. L Pet. Portland 20 13 .608 San Francisco 20 15 .571 Oakland 18 17 .514 Vernon 16 18 .471 Sacramento 14 18 .438 Los Angeles . .' IS 20 .394 Results Yesterday. Los Angeles 9; San Francisco 4. Oakland 9; Sacramento 1. (Special Correspondence.) Pilot Rock. May 3. Mr. and Mrs. "Doc." Holmes of Pendleton were visitors at Pilot Rock Sunday and Monday. Mrs. J. P. McManus, postmistress, spent Sunday in Pendleton with friends. Mr. J. McKeown and children left Saturday evening for Pendleton on a short visit. Mr. Jules Mathews spent Sunday and Monday in Pendleton with rela tives. Mr. Elery Micheals was a Pendleton business visitor Monday evening. Verne Pelts spent Sunday in Wal la Walla on business. Mr. John Gordon of Pendleton visit ed with his mother Mrs. Mary Gord on between trains Tuesday. Mr. Donald Ross and son passed through Pilot Rock Tuesday on their way to their home at Butter creek. Mr. Frank Glliland came down from Ukiah Monday after a load of freight for the store there. Mr. Oilman Folsom of Pendleton, but who has been plowing at his homestead near Pilot Rock, returned to his home Tuesday o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 is 2 o o aciifo it- rlomnnofratinrr r vnil rW O (I Ml Ibtno IpUUlJUl V All UVlllUlltJUUlllIg I.V JVM v-v Distinctive Flavor in th Grocery Department o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo f the Alexander Department Store The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear. ADAMS SCHOOL HAS A LETTER CONTEST Mr. James Kennedy and small son of Pendleton spent Saturday at the home of Mr. Carl Jensen. A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rankin Friday evening, in honor of their dau- ' ghter Hazel's fourteenth birthday. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Oregon, May 4. The Ad ams Commercial association offer ed three prizes to each of the four rooms for the best letters written to eastern inquirers seeking Information concerning eastern Oregon. First prize, "5 cents cash, second prize 60 cents cash, third prize 25 cents cash. The scale of merits was 50 for In formation, 30 for -style, 20 for me chanical execution. Forty-one presented letters for ffrnrtlncr Mrs A. T-T Olds. fin PI S' Pendleton. 1 8Lhool teacher who had no children in the school graded the letters. Mrs. A. M. Coffey and G. O. Richardson awarded the prizes on her grading. There were but two letters from Mr. Haley's room. Miss Martha Lavandour received the first and Miss Mabel Mclntyre the AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland S-.lilcBgo 7. Cleveland. May 4 Cleveland feated Chicago 8 to 7 yenterday. With the score tied In the ninth and the bases filled, with two out, Olson's er ror saved Dougherty and allowed Lord and Zelder to score. Hits by Olsen and Lajolo then gave Cleveland three runs and the victory. Score: after which light refreshments were . ii,, 1.VI.UV1 'served. inose present were: ine Los Angeles, Mav 4. The Angels 1 Misses Hazel Lynch, Clara Beck, fell upon Miller yesterday and hit him I Georgia Jaques. Esther Sturtevant. for six runs In four innings. The Hazel Beltle. Nellie Wilson. Fay final score was: Los Angeles 9; San Sturtevant, Grace McReynolds, Myrtle Francisco 4. In the second Inning . Reynolds, Vera Jaquea and the Mes Dillon led off with a double,' and be- i rs. Lon Eetter, Frank Humphrey, fore the side was retired a total of Guy and Herbert Wilson. Elbert Cas flve hits had netted five runs. Brown. I el. Lewis Beck, Ercel Yynch. Marvin in na ..m in in ih firth int tho i Roy, Ed Westgate and Sydney Mc- m Angels tallied three more runs. The Reynolds. score: Tne farmers of this vicinity have a R. H. E. ! smile from ear to ear, because of the de- Los Angeles 9 12 0,b'ng need rain which has begun to Snn U-ranrlsen 4 7 Z.iun. 'The evening was spent In games andigeconj Ten from Miss Beebe's room pre sented letters. Jessie Chestnut and Dan Mclntyre each won firsts, Eugene WATCH YOUR KIDNEYS. Their action controls your health, done for your neighbor. F. 8. Rex ford, 616 New York Life Bldg., Kan sas City, Mo., says: "I had a severe attack of a cold which settled in my bark and kidneys and I was in great pain from my trouble. A friend rec ommended Foley Kidney Pills and I used two bottles of them and they have done mo a world of good. I can recommend Foley Kldnoy Pills to anyono who suffers as I did." A. (. Koeppen & Bros. Schafer and Grlndle; Browning. Miller and Berry, Ryan. Oakland Wlim. San Francisco, May 4. Oakland had no trouble In defeating Sacra mento yesterday. Seven hits and ten runs were charged against Thomp son, the Sacramento pitcher during the first four Innings, after which he was replaced by Fitzgerald. A fea ture was a home run by Mnhoney. Score: R. H. E. Sacramento 1 4 4 Oakland 9 10 2 Thompson, Fitzgerald and Thom as; Christian and Mltze. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. What l-'olny Kldnry PMh Will Do for Yon. I Foley Kidney Pills are a true medl- spokano . cine. They are healing, strengthen- Seattle .. lug. antiseptic and lnlc. Foley Kid- Vancouver Hlls take hold of your system Tacoma 5 nev nud help you to rid yourseir or your dragging backache, dull bendache, nervousness, Impaired eyesight, and of nil tho miserable feelings that ro milt from tho Impaired action of your kidneys and bladder. Remember It Is Foley Kidney fills that do this for Read what Foley Kidney Pills have voti. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Standing of tho Teams. L. 2 4 6 9 10 11 No games scheduled yesterday, W. .13 . 9 7 Portland 4 Victoria 3 Pet. .867 .692 .683 .357 .2S6 .214 TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine TnbleU. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. Kelly vs. Morgan. Chicago, May 4. Spike Kelly and Jack Morgan of Indianapolis, are matched for a bout at South Bend, Iird., this evening. Although Kelly Is only a welterweight, he has agreed to let Morgan make 154 pounds. Feat.he-rwolghtti to light. New York, May 4. Two rugged little featherweights, Patsy Kline of Newark and Battling Mantell, the lo cal fighter, will fight ten rounds at the Longacre Athletic club's stag to night. This will be Kline's first fight In several months, as he has been out of the ring owing to severe Injuries to his eyes. Wolgast to lo Tried. Los Angeles, Cal., May 4. Ad Wol gast, lightweight champion of the world, and his manager, Tom Jones, will be tried hero tomorrow on a charge of violating the laws regarding prizefighting. The two men are now free on bonds. Lavandour won second, Erwln Stock ton third.. Miss Barne'8 pupils furnished thir teen letters. Rena Hales took first prize, Violet Plcard second, and Ila Blak third. Mrs. Stockton's little folks surpris ed us with seventeen letters. Harold Carlstrom received the first, Hellen Blake second, and Gheratlne Winn the third prize. The committee were so well pleas ed that they determined that every child who submitted a letter and did not receive a cash prize should have a sack of candy. The awards were made Thursday afternoon. A Smile. if a pretty hard thing to accomplish when you're blue, bilious and out of sorts. There Is a sure cure for all kinds of stomach and liver com plaintsconstipation and dyepsla. Ballard's Herbine is mild, yet abso lutely effective in all cases. Price 50c per bottle. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. PLAN 55-STORY BUILDING. New York City Will Htb the Tallest Structure to the World. New York. Plans were filed yes terday by the Broadway Park Place company, the construction at Broad way and Park place of the highest building in the wolrd. From the curb to the apex of the tower it will stand 750 feet. There will be thirty stories In the main building and an addi tional twenty-five In the tower, fifty five in all. The highest building in the world now standing Is the Metropolitan tow er, 700 feet 3 inches, and the second highest is the Singer tower, 612 feet. The Eiffel tower, a skeleton steel structure, is not reckoned a building. MONEY to Loan at 5 Per Cent. Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental money pay for your home. Call or write for particulars. THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H. Dolanoy, Agl.,5s.;T"1- 3 All lp Nt Swell. Oakland, Cal., May 4. The largest of all the dog shows that have been held by the Oakland Kennel t'luh opened here today. While the best premiums go to thoroughbreds, there have been accepted for exhibition many fancy nnlmnls without pediurces for which there are special prizes. Concrete Blocks-Concrete ITJork The Most Modern and Most Substantial Building Material-More Comfortable, and Cheaper in the end Save Yoursell f Give Yourself Satisfaction Money Concrete Blocks and re-in-forced concrete are cheaper and far more satisfactory. Make prettier work when finished and give tho great est comfort in either hot or cold weather. See my many beautiful de signs for Basements, House Foundations, Valls, Fences. Curbing, Building Trim mings and Cemetery Fences. They grow stronger with age. Estimates Furnished on Application D.A.MAY Phone Black 31 Tend lcton, Oregon. Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Concrete Work. ESSES