EIGHT PAGES BAHjY BAST OREGONIAN, FEXDWETOW. OJEUDOOl. WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1911. PAGE FIVE Extra Special oon Sale THURSDAY For one day only we will place on sale 1800 yards Silks in Messalines, Plain and Fancy Foulards in all shades and designs 1 9 to 27 inches wide. All Silk Pongee in 27 and 36 inch Regular Values up to $1.25 Thursday Only t rrti PER YARD All You Want See Large Window Display Tonight F.E.L1VENGOOD&CO. The Ladies' and Children's Store JUNK Lailies Huiije Joiirnnl Patterns now Ready. ! LOCALS ! Pee I.biic 4 Son for signs. rnsMmo pictures please all, Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Eon. Tlione Main 4I! for bread wagon. Phono Platroeder for fresh meat anj lard. Main 445. Froflt office for rent In Judd build ing. F. E. Judd., Found Trary with the goods at Donaldson's drug store. i' i" king of nil Be cigars, "Devlin's Fives " Joe Sullivan sole agent. Ljt Multnomah g"hi medal with Wlng. d M. Return to this uiflce. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to ee the best and the clearest pictures. I. C. Snyder guarantees good spray ing.' Tours for good work. Phone R. 3811. Fancy baked goods from the Royal Rakcry on sale nt tho Delta. Baked fresh every day. Dressed chickens Friday and Sat urday at the Cash Market, phone Main 101. Wanted Ry man and wife, posi tion on ranch, inquire "T" this of fice. A woman wanted on farm. Steady employment. Call nt Standard Gro cery Co. For Rent Three furnUhed house keeping rooms, electric lights and gas. Xo children. 701 Thompson. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial flam, 620 Aura street. Thone Main Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main' 13. jCIoeppens l For Ico Cream Sodas That J Please. Try Our CHOCOLATE ICECREAM "The best made." Ice Cream Sundae Ono of our most popular dishes. Fresh Strawberries served with ico cream. Once a patron, .always a pat ron, at KOEPPENS For Sale Cheap Two log houses at Meachnm, Ore. Modern Improvements. Six rooms each. Enquire of Meach nm Lumber Co. liuy ynur chickens for Sunday's din ner nt the Central Meat Market. Phone Main 33. Huy your chickens for Sunday's dinner nt the Central Meat Market, i'hono Main 33. For sa! Fine black driving and riding hoiv. 7 years. Inquire R. Sheen, care this office. Wanted r.lrl for cooking and gen eral house work. Apply to Mrs. E. .1 liurk 32;, Water street. The East Orcgonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show ' by their liberal patronage. Phone Main 92 for good clean lump r nut coal. Prompt delivery' to all puis of the city. " Crab Creek Luii -her Co., 700 West Alta street. If you want fresh meat rrom a new, clean market, pnone Main 44 5. Fnrmcrs Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager. 224 E. Court street. Penland liios. Transfer Co., phone fllack 8391. Piano, furniture and heavy trucking of all k'nds. Calls an swered promptly. Office 847 Main st For bread, cookies, pastry and cukes made fresh every day, phone Main 4 49 and the wagon will call. Royal Hakery, Webb nnd Cottonwood streets, For sale i-ro stock of cedar tele phono posts. They are now in our yards for Immediate Unlivery, J. A. P.orle Lumber Co., Pendleton, phone Main O. For good light get a Stcelmantle kerosene burner. Odorless, smokJ less, most brilliant light by small l ,...np; satisfaction guaranteed. Carl I Obery, 211 Lee Street For Rent Good pasture Jas. Mar ple place near Meacham. $1.25 per month per head. Stock to be deliv ered nt ranch. R. Atterbury, Stan field, Ore. rtefore having your plumbing done see mo for estimates. Sanitary Plumbing Shop, 304 East Court street. Alex Burt, "tho honest plumber." Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try it. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It I, urns clean and goes further. For sale Two hundred acres good timber graxlnff land, about 60 acres tillable, running water on place. This Is a snap If taken within next thirty days. Address W. B., Box 341, city. Wanted at once Housekeeper In family of five, elderly woman pre ferred. Wngos, without washing, $25 per month, with washing, $30. Call on or write to Mrs. Ubcl, caro O.-W, R. & N. dopot, Umatilla, Oregon. PERSONAL MENTION OTLEIJKATIOV IS LEFT OPEX. (Continued from page one.) If tho person who took the gold headed umbrella belonging to a little girl from tho Chrlstlnn church social Monday. Mav 1st. will return the same to 309 Thompson street. No questions will be asked. The party U known. D. C. Brownell came up from Uma tilla yesterday, O. B. Mount of Baker la registered at the St. George. Bodley Hough of Hermiston spent the night in Pendleton. ti. P. Davidson of lone Is transact ing business In Mie city. Bruce Smith of Twin Falls, Idaho, is a guest of the Bowman. Van Bowman came In on the Wal la Walla local this morning. Mrs. H. C. Jensen of Wapata, Ida., is registered at the Pendleton. Mrs. Frank Parker of Cuprum, Idaho, is a visitor in the city. Mark A. Sturtevant of Pilot Rock, came in yesterday from that town. Mrs. E. V. Brooklcr of La Grande is over from the Union county seat. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ruppe drove In from their ranch this morn'.ng. F. V. Chapman and wife of Nye were In the city from their home yes terday. E. R. Parkes is here on a brief vis it with his brother, Judge Joe II. Parkes. P. II. M'Phee, manager of Wenaha .Springs, Is spending the day in Pen dleton. D. P. Hlgginbotham of Hermiston, came up from the project town this morning. O. D. Teele, the well known Echo land owner, is spending the day in Pendleton. G: L. Hurd, the Stanfield newspa perman, came In from the newest town yesterday. Ernest Walker of the Graham Fur niture Co., has returned from a trip to Portland. Tom Haddock is among the west end people spending the day In the city on business. Mr. and Mrs. William Leathers, formerly of this city, are up today from Hermiston. Henry Somers of Hermiston, is up from the project town today on a business mission. Attorney Homer I. Watts of Athe na, came down from that town on the local this morning. J. M. Hall of Pasco came over yes terday from the Washington end of the Northern Pacific local. Mrs. Burr Johnson left yesterday for Ellensburg. Wash., where she will visit for a couple weeks. P. P. Sullivan of Hermiston, came up from the project town yesterday and spent (he night in Pendleton. D. (. Saunders of Freuwater, came din from the fruit town yesterday and spent the night in the city. H. C. Means, the Umatilla hotel man, came up from the railroad town on the early train this morning. fieit Corley, wife and small son, came up from Portland last evening on a combined business and pleasure trip. S. D. Peterson, attorney and rep resentative, came down this morn ing on the local from his home at Milton. E. K. Myers, the well known local u.-W. R. & X. switch engineer, has returned from a brief trip to Port land. John Durham, the hotel man for merly of Echo, but in the business at Athena, came in on tho local this morning. Elvin Craig, formerly of this city, but now living in the v cinity of Sa lem, is here for a few days on a bus iness visit. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Lytic left on Xo. 17 for Portland. Mrs. Lytic will spend tho summer at the Weaver ho tel In that y. Bert Wilson, claim agent for the O.-W. R. & N. company, left on the local this morning after spending a day or two in the city. County School Superintendent Frank K. Welles, left on the local this morning for Hermiston, where he will visit the public schools today. William M. Roddy, advertising ad vance agent for the Sells-Floto cir cus, is in the city to arrange for the proper exploiting of the big tented show. Francis Donahoe of Chehalis, Wash,. Is visiting with his daughter. Mrs. E. E. Klrtlej, wife of the well known salesman, in the Alexander de partment store. E. P. Dodd, the Hermiston real es tate man, is up from the project town to appear before the county court for the petitioners for one of tho new roads in the west end. Mrs. Ren Hill' came over from Wnlla Walla last evening. and with her hlster, Miss Lora Perry, will leave tonight for Kansas to spend the sum mer with their parents. Tut McKee, the local O.-W. R. & N. yardmaster, has returned from a visit to the eastern states and has re sumed his duties. Mrs. McKee will continue her visit for several weeks. Mrs. M. Wallace, a sister of the Into Mrs. J. P. Ritnor. of Washington, Tenn., nnd Mrs. M. B. Wallace nnd Master Todd Wallace of Boston, Mass., who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Storle since Sunday en route home from a winter's sojourn In California, will leave tonight for th east. Mrs. Mark Ferguson nnd children came In this morning on the North ern Pacific train to Join Mr. Fer guson, who has been here some time. Mrs. Ferguson is well known in this elty, being tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bentley, nnd her many friends will be glad to learn that she will make Pendleton her home ngain. the cooperation of tho members In his Bupport. J. J. Sayer. J. J. Sayer, field secretary for the Portland Commercial club, address ed the association and told of the In formation he Is gathering In eastern Oregon. He is obtaining data for use by the Immigration bureau and also by the press bureau of the Port land club. Mr. Sayer also gaQo ex tended advice regarding the work of the Pendleton club and urged among other things that due Interest be ta ken by Pendleton in the various sec tions of the county. He urged that better quarters be secured for the lo cal club, but places the display and publicity features of the club above the social side. Frank Sloan, president of the Stan field Commercial club and D. C. Brownell of Umatilla, were also call ed upon for remarks and responded with interesting talks. During the business session of the club the following new members were elected to membership: F. J. Mc Monies, S. R. Thompson, J. H. Gwlnn and Lester Hamley.' T0 Tight In Paris. Paris, May 3. Harry Lewis and Leo Houck, the American middle weights, will fight their postponed twenty-round bout at the Cirque de Paris tonight. New York Woodmen. Saratoga, N. Y., May 3. Modern Woodmen of America opened the state convention of the order here today. The state camp has completed prep arations for its part In the entertain ment of the national head camp dele gates, who will gather in Buffalo in June. Lost Black horse, two white shoul ders; branded J. H. Return horse to China Garden above tho Hospital. NOTICE OF THE PAYMENT OF CITY OF PENDLETON' IMPROVE MENT BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bonds Xos. nine, ten and eleven will be paid up on presentation thereof to the under signed at the American Xational Bank, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon. Interest on said Bonds ceases from this date, Dated May 2, 1911. LEE MOUUHOUSE, Treasurer of the City of Pendleton. By Wm. Mickelsen, Deputy. Call for Warrants. All road warrants registered during the months of November and Decem ber, 1910, January and February, 1911, will be paid at my office in the county court house upon presentation. Interest ceased upon date of pub lication. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, May 2d, 1911. G. W. BRADLEY, County Treasurer. f T o r.i - B 0 V PRETTY DRESSES DETACHABLE PLOOMEKS COLLAPSIBLE HAT All of the SAME MATERIAL and WASHABLE. The Bloomers attached Inside the Dress WITH BUTTONS. The Hat COLLAPSIBLE, and all Easily Laundered. A blessing to mothers. A child wears only this combina tion in Summer and can easily Dress Herself. Xo other clothing needed. ) Wohlenberg Dep't. Store 8 BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieuni. Fenaieton s ravoriie picture tne ater, excellent program for Tuesday's 1. "A Republican Marriage." Vlt agraph. A story of the French rev olution with a dramatic grasp and historic import. Helene de la Croix, an aristocrat of proud and passionate disposition, has been brought up to look upon the peasants as little more than cattle. Bernard, a blacksmith, conceives a passion for her. She is storm stayed in an old hunting lodge, which is struck by lightning, and Bernard rescues her from the burn ng building Her castle Is besieged by the revolutionary soldiers, Ber nard, now a sergeant in the army pleads for her, renounces his allegi ance to the republic, espouses her cause, and chooses death "with her rather than freedom without her. 2. "Prlscilla and the Umbrella." Bl ograph. Another episode In the ro mantic life of Paul. Paul and Harry certainly have a tempestuous time fighting for the good graces of Prls cilla. A very attractive comedy. 3. "The Apple of His Eye." Pathe. A iframa that is Interesting through out. The story is clean and the ac tors perform their parts with under standing. 4. "The Peat That Failed." Kos mik. An outlaw marked with the "Fleur de Lis," the symbol which criminal making his way Incognito through the country accompanied by his sister, is royally entertahed by an hospitable lord. He makes love to the lord's daughter and plans to do away with his rival In her affection?. His scheme fails. He then arranges a duel with the man he would have assassinated. His sistes is so hurt by I his evil plans that she reveals his i true social position and makes it im i possible for him to accomplish his de signs. 5. Pictures in chemistry showing in full detail the formation of numerous products Into crystals. Processes which really require hours are shown within a few moments' time. Tho Pastime. The house of quality. A good pro gram for Tuesday's change. "The Fortune Hunters," Sellg. This Is a society comedy drama. It depicts, with a good deal of anima tion, the adventures of two bogus counts who search for marriageable daughters of wealthy people. By pre tending to be of noble birth, they find no difficulty in gaining an entree into wealthy if not aristocratic cir cles. "Get Rich Quick Wallace," a hale and hearty capitalist falls an easy prey to the rogues. Wallace has two daughters whose ambition to shine as social leaders, causes them to cast aside two honest young Am ericans who love them for them selves, In favor of these fake nobles, who are put out of business Ju3t as they lead their brides to the altar. "The Warrant of Red Rube," by Melies. A story of how a bad man was too much for a number of depu ties, but was captured by the sheriff disguised as a tenderfoot. The story Is well told and has a degree of in terest which holds the attention throughout. It is both thrilling and amusing. "At the Old Mlll'.by George Kleine. This love story is told around a pic turesque old mill. The acting Is good and there Is considerable satisfaction seeing the crusty old landlord relin quish his demand for the girl's hand and bless the two young lovers. There is no question of the attractiveness of this picture. , "Making Bamboo Hats in Java." The natives work with such sprightli ness and good humor, the little chil dren amongst them smile so rough ishly into the camera, that the film holds the attention from first to last. "The Bad Man's Downfall." Es sany. A splendid western drama, with the winsome girl, the bad man and the avenging gentleman who rescues the girl. Read the want ads. 000000000000000000000000000OOOOOOG'0 s J. A. BORIE LUMBER. CO. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Large and Com plete Line of Cor. College and Railroad Sts. adjoining Planing Mill No Orders to Large, No Orders to Small, will be pleased to figure with you Rubberoid, Genasc and Flintkote Roofing and Build Paper of all kinds, weights and sizes. Header Beds and Cook Houses made to order LUMBER SHINGLES LATH POSTS SASH MOULDINGS DOORS SAND LIME BRICK PLASTER CEMENT CEDAR TELEPHONE POLES. Office opposite- Electric Sul Phone Main O. -tat ton. Special: We have 120 sacks erf Hy d rated lime that we wish to close out. Just the thing for whitewashing fences, ebicken coops, etc., marking out ten nis courts and baseball diamonds. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooocooooooooooooooooeoG9oQQoooaoo Horses EstrayoU. Estrayod from Umatilla reservation about April 1, two saddle horse.s lu y E on right shoulder, ono spotted sorrel, one gray, tho same brand; and one roan work horse, that est rayed April 18. Reply to Umaplne, East Oregonlnn. WALSH'S If you want real bargains in the Grocery line, you can make no mistake by trad ing at Pendleton's Best Grocery. We can save you money on every article you buy. A trial and you will be convinced. WALSH'S "Home of Qyality ' Phone Main 442 Prompt Delivery, We guarantee everything to be as represented.