EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREQOXIAX, PBNDUfTOIf, ORBOON, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1911. PAGE) 8CVJU Women who use Mother's Frlond are saved much of the discomfort and suffering SO common with expectant mothers. It Is a penetrating oil that thoroughly Indi cates every muscle, nerve and tendon involved at such times, and thus promotes physical comfort. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues and per fectly prepares the system fov the coming of baby. Mother's Friend assures a quick and natural recovery for every woman who uses it. It is for sale at drug stores. Write for free book for expectant mothers. BBADFIELD EEGULA.TOB CO.. Atlanta, Oa. CATTLE MARKET IS DIME HIGHER SHEEP MARKET STRONG; HOGS Alt 10 STEADY Jlonvy Run of Livestock In Portland Yiird Ycwloriliiy Offorliurs of WImmiI Continue) Very I.liultcsl. 4 In the? Stockyards. 4 Ninth Portlund Hogg steady, cattle firm, sheep firm. South Omnhn Hogs 15e low er, rattle steady, sheep 10 to 15c higher. ChK-ngo Hogs 10 to 15c lower; cattle steady; sheep weuk, 10c lower. (From Monday's Journal.) There was a heavy run of cattle and sheep In tho yards today, but prices were generally well retained. The cattle market had a total of 935 head over Sunday and these were offering In the yards this morning. The murket for cattle was rather steady and one lot was sold at 17 or fully a dime above previous quota tions. General range of cattle today: t. .. .. i t a on Fancy grain steers 6.70 Ordinary "grain steers 8.60 Best cows ; Medium cows 6 25 ' 5.25 ! Ordinary cows 6.00 -o business ts reported in me nop Poor to fair cows 1300 to 4.00 contract market, while there are re Best bulls 6.00 ports that ISc Is available for this Fancy hulls 4.75 year's crop, still no offers at this price Ordinary bulls 4.25 I can be confirmed throuhg "reliable CALVES. dealers. Best light ..v $ S.00 j Spot hops are firm with oddss In Ordinary 7 00 , heavy demand around 13 l-2c for por 13 to 4.00 . 190!'s. Sho p market had a run of 2763 ; Foreign hop markets are generally head during the IS hours and the , firm. trade opened this morning rather j firm. A mixed M of wethers and How I This? - eu' S that averaged 90 pounds went at , offer One Hundred Dollars Heward 13.50 rne iaur uvenmeu pounds. Yarl.ng lambs found a g od demand with a sale of 71 pound average stuff at 15.50. There wan n firmer tone for sheep . and lambs at Omaha today and prices h,j ir... hi..h,.r than Saturday. ' but Chi. inio u.is ui.il;, lUo lower. Sheep market general North Portland today: Spring lambs, good . . . Yearlings, good ....... Wethers, best Wethers, good rang at . 80 5.25 6.00 Ewes, good '-25 to 4.50 There was only a limited showing of hogs nt North Portland this morn ing nnd general cond.tlons were prac tically the same ns last week. In the east there was n mixed tone in the swine trade. At South Omaha there was a drop of 15e with the top ptl.-e there 15.75, which means S6.S5 to land at Portland, while u' Chicago there was n general loss of 10c t-t lie from Saturday. ' General range of the hog market at North Portland: Best blockers $7ti;." Medium light 7.00 'n,,..re ,i,l n. Vinnv- It-Jll Rough "and heavy . . . . . .VlV'to 6.80 Amoni; tli( Shippers. Cattlt B. J. Phlllippl, Jefferson, Or., two loads; II. L. Prldy. Oateway, Or., 9 loads; J. W. Moran, Anaconda, Mont., 13 loads; A. L. ltlckert, On tario, nr.. 2 loads. D. MeUIII, Ontario, 1 load; J. L. Cot. Eaton, Idaho, 5 loads; C. p. Walker, Huntington, Or., 5 loads. lr,,ir. T II llolmnn Morn. dr. 1 load: W 11 Kurlz, The Dalles, Or. 1 l.1(l . .- - : rr A Reliable Remedy CATARRH Ely s Cream Balm "el OAU7,c U quick If absorbed. ISV thai tloliol at Once It cleanses, soothes, beals and protects the disensi d' Tneni brune resulting from Catarrh iiiul drives away a Cold in tho Head ntticlilv. It HAY FEVER Stores tlm Senses of Taste and Kincll. 1'ull size 50 cts., at Drug cists or by until. In limid form, 75 c nts, Ely Brothers, 5i! Wuitou Street, New york. Woman U Interested and ihobld know I MARVEL Whirling Spray Tho new vaD'nai yrmg. Best most convenient. 11 . cleanses Instantly Ask grout dnintlfl for It? ir he cannot supply I MARVEL, accept no c but send stamp for Illustrated book sealed. It Blvcl full particu lars and directions Invnluatilrto ladle. MMVIL CO., 44 East 234 Itrtet. New York" MEN ANO WOMEN. Us Tils u for inflamma tion., Irrilatluna or ulcera tions nf mucoua membranes, rainless, and not astrlo- lTWEVSfocMIMlCO.Snt or Koa. tola nr iis-tinKis or sent In nlain wrappar. . by express, prepaid, for I1.U0 or bottlna. tl 3. Ol-cular aent on raniiest. ft in M 1 la I to I ar if r M not to strtotara. jr noiHjm,o.rl For the mother In th borne to te strong and veil. able to derote net time and strength to the rearing of children, Is one of life's greatest blessings. Often the bearing of children Injures the mother's health, if she has not prepared her system In advance for the important event. Sheep and lambs Geor Kraus, Oakland, Or., 1 load; George Dixon, Willow, Cal., 4 loads; J. W. Hunt, Willow, Cal., 3 loads; R. N. Stanfield, Stanflold, Ore., 1 load; Gooding Land & Investment company, Gooding, Idaho, 3 loads; F. B. McCulley, Jo seph, Ore., 2 loads. Tho Wheat Market. Whllo one Interest Is offering and buying bluestem wheat as high as 93c a bushel, basis track delivery tide water, other local buyers are not bid ding more than 91c, and they say this Is the extreme limit. Offerings of wheat continue very limited and with the market In an advancing mood, there is less dispo sition to try the trade among farm ers than when values were down. lMueMem remains In greatest call, northern and southern millers doing more of the bidding. Club wheat, while In demand, Is not being so ea gerly sought as bluestem. Bids for club remain between 85 and 86c a bushel. Coarse grain market Is firm, but little business having been carried through recently. Offerings of oats are more liberal than anticipated, es pecially from the Willamette valley. Hiiy market Is steady to firm with alfalfa erratic and no two dealers bid ding alike. Flour market Is flrrrt for all de sert ptions. Poultry Cnrrled Over. Quite a number of coops of poul try were carried over from Saturday by Front street dealers today on ac count of the limited demand at the M' "f Saturday Prices are still low and the trade Is anticipating no Im- provcniem mis weea. Hop Contract Waiting. ed bT Hall s Cnlurrli Cure. F. J CHENEY Co., Toledo, . ; We. the tindendgned, have known F. J. 'Cheney fur the last l." years, and believe una perfectly Honorable in an business transactions and financially able to carry out atir.obllgatlnusjiiR.de by his firm. ""' ' '.'. ?"''. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hull's Cnturrn Cure is tnkeu Internally, acting directly upon the blooil and mucous warfares of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7."c, per bottle. Sold by nil I M insists Take Hall's Family Dills for constipa tion.. AT (Special Correspondence.) Hermlston, Ore.. May 1 The in creased business has made It neces sary to put on another man at the depot of the O. W. 11. & N. railroad, i 1 Cerry having been changed to OMV IlKin lllllt I F. Smith given tho ' n,ht Mt . T,u - probably not ;twioiner point mi un iiiuiiiiMn mn.- where the volume of business Is as great ns here In comparison with the s ze of the town. Pendleton Is nbout seven times lnrger than Hermlston yet the amount of business is but three times as great as that of the local office here. Mr. A. E. Robb has vlosed n deal for the Maxwell Land ft Irrigation company of Hermlston, which sells I to K:rl L. Tteeder of Dayton, Ohio, a j 2n-ucro tract of land, being In section 21. Mr. Reeder was here for a few days looking over the project and Is fully satisfied with his purchase. Mr. ltobb is now, nt Dayton, Ohio, and has Interested nilte a number of people nt that place. The Herm'ston Light ft Power com pany will have day current on nnd after tne first of May, according to Mr. Chlstholm. This will allow of a more generous use of electric power by tho people of Hermlston. Several motors have been Installed around tho city and more will be Installed ns soon ns tho day current is turnofl on. K. L. Wheeler, an old time nursery man, has started a nursery on the farm of J. W. Crnlk. He has had n good deal of experience on the coast, having come hero from Kellogg. Ida ho, where he had a nursery at that place and before one In Linn county, this state. Mr. Wheeler will start his trees from tho beginning and has al ready commenced operations. James 'j. Payer, field secretary of the Oregon Development league of Portland, came to Hermlston Satur day and made a visit to the Project. II. D. Newell, project engineer, took him over tho project thnt he might become acquainted with the real con ditions here, and bo better able to tell the people at Portland Just what wo have. Ho wont from here to Slnnfleld. A New York lunatic has been pa rolod from Bloomlngdnlo to make a trip to Europe, after giving his bond thnt ho would come back. SECOND PRIZE WINNER IN STORY CONTEST The following story written by Mrs. Margaret Cooper, 'won the second prize In tho "Cook With Gas" story contest conducted by the Pacific Power and Light company: Betty was a bride of two weeks. Just two days before she and Jack had returned to the suburban home after a honeymoon spent 'neath the sunny skies of California. After having surveyed the rest of the house she was escorted to the kitchen. Now It was not, as quoted from one bride, a "darling Dutch kitchen with a love of a gas range." It was a large kitchen with an old fashioned range. This had been the same kitchen that twenty-five years before Jack's father had brought mother. Then it was like a small farm. Now lots had been sold and It was a thriving suburb. The rest of tho house had been re modeled and refurnished but the kitchen had been left the same. It dos not matter, the young husband had said. After kissing Betty and promising to return promptly at six for their first dinner at home, Jack left for the office. Betty ordered all the things she thought were needed for the kitch en. Now, if the truth be told, her edu cation In domestic science had been sadly neglected. She knew her math ematics and her Latin well and be longed to a national sorority, but when it comes to cooking, those things nre of little help. . Having decided on a roast beef, Betty got down a cook book and dili gently studied it. The roast was duly salted and pep pered and sprinkled with flour. About four the fire was built. The cook book had said cook from one to two hours with a moderate oven at first. Three times the fire went out and three times it was built by the little bride. Now there was a salad to make and dessert and oh, so many other little things to attend to. About six the husband returned, bringing with him a college friend who had Insisted on coming out to see the prize his chum had drawn In the matrimonial lottery. Instead of being greeted by the little fairy he had left, he found hud dled on the kitchen floor a pink heap of girl, coal dust and tears. In the oven was a roast beef not even started to cook and all the vege tables in the same state. "Never mind, Betty, darling." ' he said. "I'll build a fire and we will do the bent we can tonight and tomorrow we will go over to -town and board till we get a maid." As they started to build the f.re with old papers an ad caught his eye "Cook With Gas." "Why. I've got It, Pet," he said, "we will have a gas range and put in all the latest gas Improvements." Six months later the same college friend met them in town. She look id t,s happy a a nchool g.rl and said: STOMACH PRESCRIPTION. Ask AlHiut Ml-o-nn It Gives Hcllcf In I-Mvc Minutes. Tallman ft Co. will tell you that they guarantee MI-O-XA to relieve promptly and cure permanently ell diseases of tho stomach and indiges tion, or money back. Have you gas on stomach? One or two Ml-O-N.V, stomach tab lets and the misery is ended. Ars you bilious, dizzy or nervous? MI-O-XA stomach tablets will put you right in a day; give relief In 10 minutes. Now, dear render, don't go on puf fuii'.g with stomach trouble. Be fair to yourself, throw aside prejudice and try MI-O-XA. It Is a great doc tor's prescription. Xo doctor ever wrote a bitter one. And money back If you don't say MI-O-XA is worth Its weight In gold. Sold by Tallman & Co. and" leading druggists everywhere. 50 cents a largo box. Mrs. Mary Hutchinson says: "Pains and distress In my stomach and a general stomach comnlnint was entirely " cured for me by the use of two boxes of Mi-o-na stomach tab lets." DOS Pearl Street, Tpsilanti, Mich. Wrlto Booth's Mi-o-na, Buf falo, X. Y., for free trial sample. A HOPEFUL MESSAGE TO SCALP SUFFERERS AND MEN WHO'S HAIR IS THINNING Dandruff now bald later. Tho same, is true of scalp diseases. In fact baldness is a scalp disease. The trouble with the greasy salves and lotions, the so-called dandruff and scalp cures you have tried so far -s that they do not do anything but tem porarily relieve tho itching and cake the diuidrutf so it doesn't full until its dried out again. Nothing can cure really cure such troubles but it real scalp medicine that will kill the gerniH cauyLag dandruff and scalp dis ease. Learning from leading fellow drug g.sts throughout America that they had found u whirlwind cure for dand ruff, acaema and all diseases of the skin und sculp the Penloton Drug Stoic on proving to the laboratories compounding tho treatment that it is the most prominent drug store in this city secured the ugency for tho rem edy. Tills remedy is Z12MO, the clean, Uuuld preparation that kills the germ of disease and ZEMO SOAP to wash the scalp or sin clear and clean of the dandruff or scale and by its antiseptic cjuallt.es sootho and heal. Sold and guaranteed by druggists everywhere and In Pendleton by Pen dleton by Tendleton Drug Store. CURES OBSTINATE COUGHS THE MEW QUICKEST v whooping ,; y weak, cough cure ns SORE LUNGS "My troubles are all over now. I prepare all my vegetables and dessert In the morning and I have all my af ternoons to myself. We have the gas to cook with now and I can stay over town till five o'clock and then have dinner at six. I can even cook din ner In my best frock, there Is so lit tle muss. As for saving time, why we don't have to get up nearly so early and Jack has counted up the bills and they are Just half what it cost mother to keep up that big range. Everything Is Just fine and we are the happiest couple on earth since Jack read that ad in the paper. 'Cook With Gas:'" CARELESS ABOUT AP PENDICITIS IX PENDLETON Many Pendleton people have chron ic appendicitis which is carelessly treated as if It were ordinary bowel or stomach trouble. If you have wind or gas In the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation, try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adler-1-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy. Pen dleton Drug Co. states that A SIXGLE DOSE of this simple remedy will re lieve any bowel or stomach trouble. NOTICE OF PKOPOSED CIHUTER AMENDMENT. (Continued from page six.) and parcels of land should pay on ac count of the benefits to be derived from such proposed Improvement, and tho City Surveyor shall file such plans and specifications and estimates In the office of the Recorder of The City of Pendleton. If the Council shall find such plans, specifications and es timates to be satisfactory, It shall ap prove tne same and Bhall determine tho. boundaries of the district bene fited and to be assessed for such im provement and the action of the Council in the creation of such an assessment district shall be final and conclusive. The Council shall by resolution declare Its purpose of mak ing such Improvement, describing the same and Including such engineer's estimates of the probable total cost thereof, and also defining the boun daries of the assessment district to be benefited and assessed therefor. The action of the Council In declaring i's Intention to Improve any street or streets or any part or parts thereof, directing the publication of notice thereof, approving and adopting the plans and specifications and esti mates of the City Surveyor, and de termining the district benefited and to be assessed therefor, may all be done In one and the same act. (3) The resolution of the Council declaring its purpose to Improve the street shall be published for a period shnll also be published therewith a notice that the Surveyor's estimate of '.he proportion of the cost of said work to be charged against each lot. part of lot and parcel of land is on file In the office of the City Record er, and a copy of such resolution, to gether with the report of the Sur veyor, showing the probable percent age of benefit to be assessed against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land within such district, shall be kept of record In the office of tho City Recorder. (4) Within ten days from the date of tho first publication of. the notice required to be published In the pre ceding section, the owners of SO per cent or more in area of the property within such assessment district may make and file with the City Recorder a written objection or remonstrance against such proposed Improvement, and such objection or remonstrance shall bo a bar to any further proceed ing In the making of such improve ment for a period of six months, un less the owners of one-half or more of the property affected as aforesaid shall subsequently petition therefor. (5) If no such objection or re monstrance be made or filed with the Recorder within the time designated, the Council shall be deemed to have acquired Jurisdiction to order the Im provements to be made, and the Council may thereafter by ordinance provide for making such Improve ment, which shall conform In all par ticulars to the plans and specifica tions previously adopted. (6) When the improvement of any street ts ordered the Recorder, upon Instruction from the Common Council, shall immediately Invite pro posals ' for making the same, In ac cordance with ordinance provided, which proposals shall be opened In the presence of a majority of the Common Council and the contract awarded to the lowest responsible KING OF CURES KING'S DISCOVERY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THROAT . , J SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY Z OKP PEN'S DRUG STORK. bidder for either the whole of said Improvement or such part thereof as will not materially conflict with the completion of the remainder thereof. The Common Council shall have the right to reject any or all proposals received. If all proposals shall be rejected the Common Council shall have power by resolution duly adopt ed, to order that such Improvement, or any portion thereof, may be made under the direction of the Common Council by purchasing the materials and hiring the labor therefor. The Common Council shall have the pow er to provide for the proper Inspec tion and supervision of all work done under the provisions of this article, and to do any other act to secure the faithful carrying out and the com pletion of all contracts, and the mak ing of all Improvements In strict com pliance with the ordinances and specifications therefor, and shall have power to direct that the cost of said Improvements, or any portion there of, shall be paid for by the City. (7) Upon the signing of the con tract, or upon the determination of Improvement under Us own supervl sion by purchasing the material and the Common Council to make said of ten days in some newspaper to be designated by the Council, and there hiring the labor therefor, or as soon thereafter as is reasonably conven ient, the Common Council shall pro ceed to apportion and assess the cost of making such improvement upon the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land within the assessment district, in accordance with the special and pe cullar benefits derived by each lot. part of lot and parcel of land. No notice of such hearing and assess ment shall be necessary other than the notice required by subdivision i of this section, and all objections or exceptions to the Surveyor's estimates of percentage or any application for raising or lowering the same in any particular shall be filed with the City Recorder within 'ifteen days after the first publication of such notice, and at such hearing the Common Council shall consider the said City Surveyor's estimates of assessments and all objections thereto, and shali have the power at Its discretion, and without any further notice, to con sider, ascertain and determine the amount of the special and peculiar benefits accruing to each lot, part ol lot or parcel of land within said as sessment district by reason of such improvement, and tho amount appor tioned by the City Surveyor to any lot, part of lot or parcel of land shali be so reduced or Increased by the Common Council that it shall be in just proportion to such benefits. But In no case shall any such percentage exceed such benefit. The amount of such assessment against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land shall be declared by ordinance, and the Re corder shall thereupon enter the sam In the lien docket of The City of Pen dleton, and the same shall thereafter be known as the Recorder's Estimate and Assessment. The contract priije. based upon the estimate of the City Surveyor, or if there be no contract, the estimates of the City Surveyor the cost of right of way and expenses WANTED. ALL KINDS OF HAIR WORK done at Madam Kennedy's Hair Parlors, b07 East Court Ct. Also a nice line of natural human hair goods for sale. Hair ressing, sham pooing, all work strictly guaranteed, llring your combings and wait 'till your work is done. Two first class another dependent upon tho mercy of of help and good work. Phone Red 3752. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers in the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST OHE GOXIAX tho net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to tho east OREGOXIAX. In remitting you can deductc ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address EAST OREGOXIAX PUB. CO.. rendle ton, Ore. 1 Want ROUTS STUBBORN COLDS H EALS of condemning the land and a sum not exceeding five per cent f th contract price, or the surveyor's esti mate as the cost of advertising, engi neering and superintendence shall be deemed to be the cost of every Im provement. This notice is published pursuant to order of the Common Council, the first publication hereof being mad April 3, 1911. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, April I, 1911. THOMAS FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. NOTICE OP BIDS FOli STREET IM PROVEMENT. Xotlce is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Pendleton will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Recorder in Pendleton, Oregon, up to May 10th, 1911, at 5 o'clock P. M., for the construction of sidewalks and cross walks on the north side of West Court street between the East line of Calvin street and the West line of Ash street. In accord ance with the ordinances of the City of Pendleton, the bids to specify as follows, viz: Wood sidewalk, price per lineal foot. " Cement sidewalk, price per lineal foot. Wood cross walk, price per lineal foot. Cement cross walk, price per lineal foot. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $200.00 as a guarantee that the bidler will enter into the contract if awarded to him and to be returned to the bidder i" unsuccessful, and the Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 2Sth day of April, 1911. THOS. FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. NOTICE OF BIDS FOR STREET IM PROVEMENT. Xotice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Pen dleton will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Recorder In Pendle ton, Oregon, up to May 10th, 1911, at 5 o'clock P. M. for the construction of sidewalks and cross walks on the south side of West Court street be tween the oast line of Star street and the west line of Ash street. In accord ance with the ordinances of the City of Pendleton, the bids to specify as fellows viz: Wood sidewalk price per lineal foot. Cement sidewalk, price per lineal foot Wood cross walk, price per lineal foot. Cement cross walk, price per lineal foot. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of J200.00 as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract If awarded to him and be returned to the bidder If unsuccessful, and the Common Coun cil reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 2Sth day of April. 1911. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. WANTED (Continued) WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. 3 FOH SALE. FOH SALE Standard bred Single Comb Black Minorca eggs, $1.50 setting: $S.OO per 100. 215 Jane St. Phone Black 5091. Pendleton, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court, circuit court, Justice court, real estate, etc., for Sale nt East Oregonian office. FOIl RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms In East Oregonian build ing. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. Save money by reading today's ads. Ilk