PAGE TOVR PA1XI PUT OREOOSOAa. PENDLETON, OREGON. TVESI.Y, MAY 2, 1911. EIGHT PAGES AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Pobllnlied Dally and Sml Weekly at Pen- dlelou, Orefoo, by tbe EAST 0i:vJOMAS l'L'BHSUING CO. erratic. It is to be hoped he will not be so freakish this spring as to in sist on continuing the drouth pro gram of the past four months, for there Is a very Intimate relation be tween the rainfall and crops in this section. Jl'STK'K TO HOWKKMAX. This paper is glad to publish a com inunli' today from James Johns .md which alms to offset an injustice he foils has been doi.e to Jay Bovver- governor, and SlltSClUPTION RATES. Dally, one year, by mall $3.00 lally, six months, by mall 2.50 'ally, three months, by mall 1.5 ally, one month, by mail 50 Dally, one year, by carrier 7.50 Dally, six months, by carrier 3 75 tally three numilia. by carrier 1.93 ally, one month, by carrier 63 cmi-Weekly, one year. bT mall 1.50 nun, former acting wuii- rvfci.v, six mouwis, uy Ultui.... ,u eeml'Weeklx, four mo'iths. by mall... .50 who as such located the branch asy lum adjoining thLi city. As Mr. Johns points out the branch asylum water right is In no danger for the reason that the government's suit is a prefun.-tory affair as far as the state and many other water users arc concerne.l. The asylum water right is perfectly safe and it is a valuable as- Utt to the branch asylum location. The Tbe Dally Fast Oregonlan !a kept cn aa.'i at the Oregon Nona Co., 8J0 Morrlaon aireet, Portland. Oregon. Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon. Chicago H urea ii. o Security Holding. ! Washington, l. C, Bureau, 501 Four- teeotb atreet, .. VV. : a. Member I n .ed Presa Association. Entered at the postofflee at Pendleton, Oregon, aa second class mall matter. Official City and County Paper. 2. IX COMMON THINGS. Main 1 ! state not onlv has water for irrigation purposes but since the purchase of the Roberts place by the new board it will be possible for the state to de velop a valuable water power plant. It is but fair to Mr. Bowerman that these facts be made known. tok tlvMr seats n the House of Lords. 1S56 James Gates Porclvak, Am erican poet and philosopher died in Wisconsin, aged sixty, 1904 Togo sunk twelve merchant steamers in the entrance of Port Ar thur horbor, intending to bottle up the Russian fleet. eek not afar for beauty. Lo! It glows In dew-wet grasses all about thy feet; In birds, in sunshine, child ish faces sweet; In star and mountain summits topped with snows. Sunday and Monday were fiery days. !n thi county there were three towns bavlug conflagrations Weston, Echo nd Hermlston. At Bangor, Me., a Ha:. did damage to the extent of $6, i' "i ,i,)o and Oakland, California, had a $100, 000.000 blaze. It was blue Mon day for the insurance companies. . for happiness. Ll-ssoir.s Lo not abroad For seel It is a flower that by Cay door; I'rir.c bve a,nd justice home; :.n 1 then no more Thou'U wonder in wha; J.m'.I in j '.v may be. Dream nut of tlse where The simple - ,1 thy ha:;d Is God's VOH utl command; Life's common il.t-..:-that saint.- h.iv noble service wrought, tv that a.vai'.s u.viii. ji'.t thou some In wonder workings or bush aflame Men look for God. and fancy Him concealed. But in t-tirth's common things He stands revealed While gn-ss an I flivvers spell out his name. Min'it J. fa vase. it might be of interest to have some ore tell who provided the $162,4 SO that was spent in trying to elect Mei:i:im mayor of Chicago. Surely tiie re) u'l;. an candidate, who is a ;:'iivcrsity -lessor, did not have that .'ii.,nrii of surplus coin to spare. TODAY'S ltlllTIlDAY SKETCH. Manuel de Zamacona Inclan, who succeeds Penor de la Harm as Mexi can Ambassador"to the Vnlted states has n birthday today, though he Is not sufficient) well-known in Wash ington as yet to be the recipient of many congratulations from others than his immediate family and friends. Senor Zamacona boars a name which has occupied a promi nent place In the history of modern Mexico. His father, Manuel do Za macona, was distinguished In the early history of the Mexican Republic as it statesman, orator and scholar. He assisted Diaz to win his political leadership and was at one time Mexi can Secretary of State. In 1S77 ho came to this country as Mexican am bassador to the United States. The present ambassador was at one tlmo the treasurer of his government. He has decided to drop, while in this country at least, the last part of his surname. Custom among Spanish Freaking peoples has dictated that surnames shall be composed of the family names of both father and mother, but the Inconvenience of be ing addressed in this manner" has led the new Mexican ambassador to drop the final part of his signature and terminate it with his paternal name of Zamacona. "When L was national treasurer of Mexico some years ago," said Senor Zamacona, "I found it economical both in ink and time, when signing bonds, to use merely my father's name Americans are so likelv to con- (Jakes Home Baking Easy II Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Crape Dream of Tartar HO lime phosphate sider the last part of a Spanish name ns the supname proper that I think I shall dispense with it." The-coffee boycott is on. More tea and cocoat is being Imported this year than ever and coffee is falling off. Perhaps that coffee trust will discov er that lots of people have found hot water just as good and a whole lot cheaper. It is getting pretty hard to tell one lie from another. 1 - t HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Solo Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated s TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. Hotel St.. George GI'.OHGi: DAHVEAU, Proprietor. i 1X)H Culling Cards Wedding Stationery Einbos.Mil Stationery Call nt office of i:ST OKKGOXIAX Ruropean plan. Everything first-class. All modern conveni ences. Hot water boated throughout. Rooms en nulte with bath. Largo, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George Is pronounced one of the most up-to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm con nections to office, nnd hot nnd cold water running In nil room Rooms $1 a d $1.50 Block and a half from depot. Seo the big electric sign. W. J. Burns seems about the busi . -t i.-.-'ii rHvr- these days He is a teiror to cr oXe.l legislators as well to gnf;i--: policemen and dyna '.itt rs. all ;ht. Yesterday was the most dlsagree Lde day this city has had in many ais mil it happened while the su .' ae court wa here. Such luck. NViiher did the Kiist Oregonion h:h'o: 1,'oweniiun but this paper ad mits he used good judgment in locat ing the eastern Oregon branch asylum. IN LIFE'S MAY DAY AND YOUR RAT DAY. THEN RUT MONEY IN THE BANK Wh aid it would not rain? LAIiOli NOT OX TKIAL. Some S'.ciiuist.s and union labor men in Portland held a parade ?un duy for the purpose of demonstrating ag.iin.-t the prosecution of the Mc- N a : ii ru Lo.- Ar.- l. s Times. It was a splendid sample of mi.-guided zeal or of some thing woi.-e. It is .net up to organized labor to make the fea use of the McXamal'aa their uvn These men are r."t charg ed wi'-h being u WATKI! Hlti! AliK SAI'K. May 2, 1S11. Editor East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon. . Dtar Sir. I notice in the Oregon r the dynamiting of the Journal of Saturday, April 2'tth. on toe front page, trie following: "Stale l:uys Suit With Water Title. Has to Spend Honey Now to Defend Site lio'.vermaa Arranged For." The article is .la ted Salem. April 29th, and the party who wr.tte that had other reasons for writing it be sides reporting the news. H;i.l this ion labor men but i.t.n tllf... ,,bj.-ct. they .v.iuld have in i! i !! ArVtT KA 1 IST- fc.lTr.l-k rw-iVV SA ! J. MIT "f tl nioiirv make mi l .ui it in ill,, lumk. mi mi i ii hi nitiu'iaM m ,1.,11.,,-J Murder is no the truth v. hich is. that all the water rights ...n th Lmatilla river and its tributaries, have been con i tested by the governmi-nt. The state of Oregon is no worse off than about O'lO individual water users. We all l!i:V.. to app-!r before the State Board of Water Commissioners and show what our rights are, and have them ' properly adjusted to the end that we less their guilt is con iu.-ively proven, i may all know what our rights are, Meanwhile li-.-r union men as well; "ml the government will a No have .. . ," ,,..; i .. . their rights established. It appears to a-- others spoulj await trie trial an J . , , , i'ie mat the party who wrote that ti... w.di i i,n ; uu.-t that toe verdiet artclet either did not know what ho v. :.(.: r a' he.l will be in accordance ' was writing about, or wanted to hand with tru:h and justi. . I-abor union-1 : -t Ex-gov rn..r a left handed compli- ' merit. I do not think that the fact that the government wanted its vva- with being murderers. of the um-.n l.v.or i ; -nda. ! It Is true the accu-e 1 men should : have able la . vers to defend them and su;h lawyers have already been en gaatd. The MeXamaras will have a fair trial and it may rightly be as sumed thev will not be convicted tin- '.our- iliis .s.'in i i ii. 1 tin.' inti rest mi it will 1"' :t SXl'lr FOil Tl'.VK. m :',-' oui: ;,vd- vow lUni-, We ji;iy li'ucrul intcn si consistent with nfpty, -1 per rout ( 'ini'. .nin!i'. .-(oni-rinimativ. aaiBHBaBHHm HI III 111' ii lii'll I Flour i ' 1 m .f.el 'V ST i a iroiimiiii m hT( I ' 3; I ..... u M II ! I Grande RnnHp Annfa Orrri.irflt - ppv v aav niv mm on tko INSTALLMENT plan. 0 iaiK wim the 1 ondleton people who have visited these tracts. HILL & HIBBERD, OWNERS g At the office of MARK MOOR.HOUSE CO. 1 niiiile from the choicmt wheat that trrows. Cumh liretnl i.s pssured when IJYK1IS' I!i:ST Fl.Oril h iNod'. Bran, Shorts. Steam lolled Hurley always on 1. Pendleton Roller IVll'iietnn, Oreooi). i-ni is uot on trial a; Ls Ambles. The MeXamaras are on flai as individu- t r rights fully adjusted, should be v Tiny are ch--: h.ivinc! i charged against Jay I'ovverman The dyr.-tm'ted a tulMing and having kill ed 21 m i. oi' v, ;..!. WlIl- tin of the L.-.jt Alleles Times and lo ...y of whom N:'t widows and or phai.s to mourn their loss. If they c li.Mitted the r rhr.e they did it as in-i.ijai- because as has been stated b, ".,r... i: ii r.o ; art of the union la-l-r f i -1 t to i::i,u:iAu; buil iin's and n.-t jer iriijent men a';d women. .-late nor any other water users are i. any danger of losing their water rights. 1 might say in ronclusion. that I lid not vote for Mr. Iloweiinan as I i ft'ere, with him politically, but I ieibve in a square deal. Yours truly. J.MKS JOHN'S. . MAY 2 IV HI.TOUY. 1420 The Duke of Suffolk, prime minister to Henry VI. of England, be headed in a boat at Calais. 15?S Mary Queen of Scots, aided by the gallant fleorgo Douglas, escap- from the (.'astb. of Dochleven, after the It I N 1 'M.I. AM) II U i:.Nl -.. It will be itif. re-ting to note the Bert of a harvest Umatilla county will get as a result of the unusual con- where sh was confined ditions with reference to rainfall this murder of Darnley. ..... ., . ! 16",; England toeik Jtunalea tison. So lav this season there has , ,, . ,, , I 104 The Connecticut valley de been 10 Inches of rainfall in Pendle- ( v.istated by a flood. 'Many persons ton an ! this is more mo'sture than ( .. ere drowned and hundreds were wc received during other years of the 'h'lven from their homes. 1S0T The royal family of Spa'n 1 '' - Isent prisoners to France. The lnhab- lf wever three-fourths of the rain- Uanls of Madrid attacked the French fll this season came prior to thejsoldiers with knives and a bloody first of January and the precipitation j contest took place, which was only . . . . . ouelled by scouring the streets with plnce the first of the year has been ' . . t . AAa l grape shot. Estimated between 8,000 considerably below the normal. Whatjan(J 10,000 Frenchmen and Spaniards fff'-i-t will tl is have upon the har-: lost their lives. I 1809 French defeated the Portu- t? It would appear that such con-i v. 1 guese in tne battle or Amaranta. an abundant , .... . , . ine nunc ni Aoriom ami I ditions should assure yield for the fall seeded wheat though L, ven othcr Roman the spring sown wheat may be light. Yet the results may prove that the luoist'ire which fell last November remained in the ground and was ben eflcir.l to tbe spring seeded p-aln also, Then again It Is not too late for 1 ti e post we have had the heaviest ; i .' Ins of the season in May. The big flood of 1906 followed three day of ineesgant rain which fell during the last three days of May. Taking his work year after year the ralnmnn troatj Umatilla county very "Well although at times his ways are Catholic peers Spring-Cleaning The Human System Needs It. Mr. T Mnrlratl 411 4lh Ave.. 13.. .hi, .nring At times in1 Erair.erd, Minn., writes: "I take from e.ny rains this spring. At times in n( ((J t,ro bolt,n, (A Iloo,rs j--;irF.apa- r.ii i in t;ie rpririj to puniy ine Liooa 3'i 't as regularly ns I do my house cleaning, ni.d go arout.d lisiit-footej and Jl-iit-he-irte.j. I bcilrve 1L, I J the be-t blf.od piiri'br" Hood's Hnrsnparllla so fomblnefi the ci-rslive pi ij.' ir 'es of roots, bark i and I 'Tui as to rtise them to their highest c'li lera y: hi r.e It3 iir.eqtj il.-il euros. (' t It tod'y In usr.a! latuid foun or tubKU cu.l'.i Sazsu'M.b.j. THE American National B-tmk Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY UY $400 THmTRFli ti vLP W Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PJCTirKES MORE PICTURES LATEST PIOTUWES arir illuGtrated souc? in tbe citj. Showg afternoon and eve nings." Refined and en tertaining for the entitle family. Next to French Jientnvmpl ijBMaaHMBWaWBjaBMaMBMaiBaVBWBMBaeasBB Entire chuum thrct; tirt.w oafh wk. He sure and a r t r p rit-n fhaiiKft. Adults 10i. ('hi4tir'n under 10 yearg, 5c. BUYS woi'tli fiiniiturp, lxx.k.t, slovc.s, .slccl ranc, iiino. ('filler tallies, dining room tables, in fact cverytbinp' eomjdiftf in 8 room bousr ready to move into. Tbia is a snai; must bo sold nt once. Teutsch Bickers T'eal Ktrtato and Insurance, Orpheum Theatr P. MEDFRf AC H, Proprlotor HIGH-CLASS, UP-TO-DATE- MOTION PICTURES For M-n, Wnn-.f-n nnrl Childrfn SK.r: pho;um ix todav pii;h. m n mm m niMiinraasw Pnnrm Charttrw on Buday-s. Tonalay's and Friday. ANHEUSER-BUSCH -on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636 Main St. PINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Herman Peters, Prop Bowman Bar One Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our ' CIGARSandLIQUORS They Please Martin Anderson, Prop 3 -Se.-swiapTwae Excursion Fares East for 191 1, from !l points on y Oregon-rWashington Railroad & Navigation Oompany TO FARES Clilciigo 72.50 Council Bluffs Omaha Kansna City. St. Jospph . . , St. Paul 60.00 St. Pool, via Council fiiuffH 83,90 Minneapolis, direct go. 00 Minneapolis, via Council llluffa WW 63.90 Duluth, direct 66.90 Duluth, via Council llluffs WW. St. Louis 70;0a SALE DATES Mny 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, "25, 27, 28 and 29. Juno C, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29 and 30 July 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 20, 27, and 28. AuBUHt 3, 4, C, 14, 15, 10, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, it and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 f.nd 7t Stop-overn within limits In cither direction, final return limit October 3 Int. One way through California $15.00 additional. Inquire of liny O.-W. 11. & . Aiit for More Com plete Information, or Wm. Mc MURRAY Gcnorol PnKsciiiror Agctit. I-OIITWND, OREGON. I