1AHjY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, BRECON. TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1911. PAGE THREE J IS oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .Children Cry for Fletcher's EIGHT PAGES o We've Made Our Mark bv giving our natrons what thev want at Tlio Kind You Havo Always Douyht, and which lias been In uso lor over 30 years, has bovno tbo Blgnaturo of ymyff unl ban bcua iuado under Lis pcir- Bonal KUi;crvIsia since Its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations iuil "Ju.st-ns-;ool' aro but Hxporlmcnta that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Cblldxcn lixperlenco agalmst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Civstorla Is a banulens mibntltuto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphines cor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys AVonus and allays Fcverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Jt relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, rcjpilates tbo Stomach and Itowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Cbildreu;s Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CIMTftUH COMPANY, TT MUHHAV THT. NCW YORK CITY. .1 SPOR TS NATIONAL LEAGUE. " W. It. Pet. Philadelphia 11 3 .786 New York .'..8 6 .15 Pittsburg 8 S .616 Chicago 9 C .00 Cincinnati 4 6 .400 Boston 6 10 .BIS St. Louis i 7 .800 Brooklyn 4 10 ,286 ItoUadrtphla S, Boston 1. Philadelphia. May 1. Philadel phia's victory over Boston, 3 to 1, to day was due to home run drives by Magee and Titus, the lalter'i hit also scoring Alexander. Score: . R. H. E. Ronton .....1 6 0 Philadelphia 8 13 8 Brown, Parsons and Rarlden; Alex ander and Dooln. AMERICAN LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. Detroit 13 3 .867 New York 7 5 .683 Washington 6 8 .600 Chicago 7 7 .600 Boston 6 7 .462 Philadelphia 6 7 .462 Cleveland 6 10 .876 St. Louis 4 11 .267 Detroit 1,1; Cleveland 5. Detroit, May 1. In a loose and un interesting game, detrolt defeated Cleveland today, 14 to 6. The hard hitting of Jackson, Lajoie and Gaynor and Cobb's base running were the features. Detroit has not lost a home game this year. Score: R. H. E. Cleveland 6 18 6 Detroit 14 16 1 Kaler, Harkness and Land; Cov ington and Stanage, Casey. Boston 8, Washington 3. TOTJ GET WHAT YOU PAY POM. The price of an article is almost al ways regulated by its quality. No manu facturer can hope, for any length of time, to get more for his goods unless the quality is really there. In cooking fats, Cottolcne occupies a position superior in quality to all others. It is made in cleanly surroundings, and is packed in air-Unlit pails of special de sign, that keep the contents sweet and fresh free from dust and odors. Cottolcne is richer and will go one third farther than lard or other cook ing fats made to resemble Cottolcne, Your grocer may ask you a trifle more ior Cottolene, but isn't it worth more? Boston. May 1. Timely hitting In the fourth Inning after Washington had secured a lead on one run won for Boston today, 3 to 2. Two sin gles, a wild pitch, a sacrifice and t double caused Groom's retirement at the end of the fourth Inning. Score: R. H. E Boston , 3 9 Washington 2 7 1 Karker and Nunnemaker; Groom and Street. I'ltl lT MEN FAIL TO GET A lilXGI.E . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. W. L. Portland 19 San Francisco ....19 13 14 Vernon V .16 17 Oakland 16 17 Sacramento 14 16 Los Angeles 12 19 Pet. 594 .(76 .486 .485 ..67 .387 No games scheduled yesterday. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Standing of tho Teams. W. L. Pet. Spokane 13 1 .929 Seattle 9 4 Tacoma 4 9 Vancouver 7 5 Tacoma 4 9 Portland 4 10 Victoria 3 11 .692 .308 .583 .308 .286 .214 Spokane Wins Again. Spokane, May 2. Spokane won its eighth straight game yesterday de feating Tacoma in the first game of the present series. 6 to 3. Willis was steady while the Indians hit Bert Hall when hita were needed. Score: R. H. E. Tacoma s 8 3 Spokane 6 11 1 Hall and Burns; Willis and Hasty. Seattle Defeats Victoria. Score: n. H. E. Seattle 8 12 0 Victoria 7 11 0 Skeels Roche. and Shea; Starkell and Portland Drops Another. Score: - n. H. E. Vancouver g g 0 Portland . 3 8 0 Erlckson and Lewis; Tonneson and Harris. A Smile. is a pretty hard thing to accomplish when you're blue, bilious and out of sorts. There Is a sure cure for all kinds of stomach and liver com plaints constipation and dysepsla. Ballard's Herbtne is mild, yet abso lutely effective in all cases. Price 60c per bottle. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. May not a marriage ceremony be Justly called a transaction in bonds? Now for Good Soda You will find nt our fountain the very best that can bo made from puro fruit Juices. Everything first class and up-to-date. DcllcJoiia Cnmly at 20o per pound. V. .1. DONALDSON, Reliable Druggist. I'VInk PltrlicH I'lrst No Hit Gamo Thin KeaHon Elnul Sc-ore Ih 9 to 0 Milton Pluyern Muko Many Errors. Athena, Ore., April 30. Frlnk, pitching for Athena, Bhowed the Mll-ton-Freewater team and Its fans how he could hand out a no-hit and no- run game to them. Had 11 not been for three errors on the -Millars nut a Milton player would have reached first, but three men got there and only one of them got a look at second. Niles, playing for Milton, tried to steal, but he was too fat and too slow and Pelland on sec ond caught him 15 feet away from the bag. The Millers tapped Halgarth al moBt at will and Brown got a three base hit besides Pelland and Picard both hit a two-bagger. Five scores was the most made at any one inn and nine hits was all that Athena got off of Halgarth. In regard to errors, they should not be mentioned for it is a shame to tell how many Milton made and the Millers made three. It seemed that every time Milton got hold of tho ball and started to throw It In a hurry they would toss the bull wild and somebody woul steal two bases or someone would Bcore. The story of the game Is something like this. Milton's first man struck out. Res er put a hard bee-liner over Clark's head and the 11' tie fellow on nrst made a high jump and caught it with one hand. M:lton again struck out. Owens started things off In his usu al way by getting a hit right over third; was advanced to second by Clark on a bunt and Clarke beat out his bunt. Frlnk put a little fly to the pitcher and Clark was cou.ght off of first. Pelland was put out on a grounder to the pitcher. This Inning is short and sweet three men struck out, and Athena again came to the bat. Picard put a fast one to the pitch er, who only touched it and second failed to recover the detracted ball in time to put the runner out. Pi card advanced to second on a sacri fice by Lleuallen. Bundy hit a fly to first and Picard stole third and made home on a bad throw to third by first. Brown closed the Inning by strik ing out. Storm for Milton put a fly into Pel land's hands; Darling hit another to Owens and the next man struck out, thus closing the first of the third. Depeatt knocked a long fly to Mil ton's one armed man in left field and I was caught out. Owens went to f'.rst I on a fumbled grounder at third and I he then stole second. Clarke failed 1 to beat out a missed third strike, but I Owens stole third. Frink beat out a slow grounder to third and Owens scored on the same deal and Frink proceeded to second on a bad throw to the pitcher by the first basemai Pelland struck out. , With a grounder to first, one to 1 second and then one to first again, Milton finished up their part of an other Inning. Picard got to first on . the third strike. It being a low ball, and was advanced to second by a sacrifice hit of Lleuallen. Bundy struck out and Picard" stole third. Brown got a hit out back of first which scored Pi card. Depeatt fanned. With a strikeout and two grounders to Pelland on second, Milton again failed to reach first. Owens made first on an error of the shortstop and failed to reach sec ond on grounder of Clarkes, but Clarke made It safe. He reached sec ond on Frlnk's grounder and Frink made safe by an error. Clarke stole third and then home on a passed ball by pitcher and some bonehead throw ing by Darling. Frink made second on the same errors and went to third on a hit by Pelland, but he was caught between third and home in an effort to steal home when Picaro. hit one on the ground and beat it out. He promptly went to second on a passed ball but died there as Lleu allen was retired on a grounder to Storm on second. Storm struck out. Darling did the same, but Brown dropped the third str ke and Clarke duplicated the play on first, so Darling reached the first bag, and it was the f.rst bag Milton had seen. We heard that he was to receive a leather medal for be ing the first man to get to that first base. Darling should have two med als coming for he got to second on a sacrifice hit. Then the next man struck out, thus making three of them and the first of the sixth was over. Bundy hit one over short, was advanced- to third by hit by Brown be tween first and second. Depeatt was retired by a grounder to pitcher. Owens made It to third all right on the same error and got home on an other passed ball by Darling. Clarke got first on an error on third; Frink was retired on a grounder and Clarke stole second. Pelland was walked to first and scored on a two base hit by Plcar. Lleuallen was put out on an other grounder. Five scores was enough for one time. Fink really got a two base hit but his umps did not see It that way and called the drive a fowl, although it passed in side of the fowl line.. Itesor started the seventh inning by being caught out on a fowl fly to Brown and the next two men struck out. Bundy put out a long fly to center, but brown rapped out a three base hit. Depeatt knocked one out to cen ter ad Brown scored on the fly. Ow ens was put out by another fly to right field. Nlles got first on nn error by De pent. The next peg up was cusht out on a fowl fly and SMrni struck out. Niles got cute, tried to steal sec ond and was enuglit very easily. Clarke made first and second on a 9 VtiA TV t 0 L 1 s 0 ?jaj'''t 1 K i W f V O 1 f I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a a o o o o o o & 0 o o o o o i o c 1 J popular prices and giving a little better gar- Jf ment at that price than anyone else, lhe bear out this statement. A fourth more expended elsewhere won't buy more value for you. Large assortment to cheese from, all popular styles and a variety of patterns. It will undoubtedly pay you to look care fully into our big lines from $4.65 to $25 for we positively have the goods. Egyptian cotton underwear, a strictly high-grade article, comes in all colors, garment 23o Genuine Blood's underwear In all shades, regular 75c values 45o UnlonSuIts, all summer goods 75c and rjp 12 l-2c black and tan sox, 3 for 25c 15c and 26c sox, solid colors 10c straight MEN'S STRIPED BIB OVERALLS, Sizes 31 to 44, garment 50c JUMPERS TO MATCH. I Workiugmen's Clothing Co. OOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOeOQO missed fly by Bundy In center, but the lucky fellow was caught off first on a fly to Clarke. The third base man came to the bat and was retired by a grounder to pitcher. The game was over and Milton had been badly hut out. 12345689 Athena 01111511 11 Milton 0 0000000 0 0 Batteries Frink and Brown; Hal garth and Darling. WESTON BALL TEAM MAKES STATEMENT Weston ball players and fans take exceptions to the Walla Walla ac count of the unfortunate ending of the game in the Garden City Sun day. Accordingly they have prepared a statement of their side of the af fair which has been subscribed to by Jack Keefe, captain of the Weston team. The statement appears here as It was received over the telephone this morning: To the East Oregonlan The report in your edition of yes terday and dated from Walla Walla Is entirely misleading and lacking In Important details. Weston had been playing rings around Walla Walla and ;had had been rung several times. which had aroused his ire. He made the assertion that he would get the Weston first baseman and, on his at tempt to do, he received a well-deserved pair of swollen optics. After the smoke of the battle had cleared away, he remarked that he would spike every one he could, though his language was anything but choice, and he proceeded to carry out his threats Immediately. He attempt ed to steal second but was thrown out by six feet. Thereupon he threw his spikes into Blomgren, catching him Just above the hip and disabling him. The Walla Walla fans had no sym pathy with these tactics and cried "Give the game to Weston," repeat edly. Manager Bade then decided to stop the game on the urgent request of the fans, to which request Weston acceded but only after assured of a just deal and not a nine to 0 decision against them. No mention was made of playing the game over as we won it in a gentlemanly and sportsmanlike manner. These are the facts to which I sub scribe. J. E. KEEFE. Captain. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnin Tablets. Druggists refund money If it falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature Is on each box. 26c. A learned professor has discovered that men prefer blond women. Bot he needn't expect husbands with bru nette wives to help him prove It to the public. Watch Your Kidneys. Their action controls your health. Read what Foley Kidney Pills hav done for your neighbor. F. S. Rex ford, 615 New York Life Bldg., Kan sas City, Mo., says: "I had a sever attack of a cold which settled in my back and kidneys and I was in great pain from my trouble. A friend rec ommended Foley Kidney Pills and I used two bottles of them and they have done me a world of good. I caa recommend Foley Kidney Pills to anyone who suffers as I did." A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Do You Have the Right Kind of Heh Foley ldney Pills furnish you th right kind of help to neutralize and remove the ponsons that cause back ache, nervousness, and other kidney and bladder ailments." A. C. Koep pen & Bros. t Paint Your Own Carriage you can do it yourself and at little expense It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACME QUALITY CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal'a) - Is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni ture, garden tools and all surfaces that must withstand exposure and hard usage. Ready to brush on and the label tells how. PENDLETON 'J Hale & McAtee 0 resort