DAILY RAitf ORKGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, TIKSDAY, MAY 3, 1911. EIGHT PAGES EXTRAORDINARY .$150,000.00 SALE PAGE TWO $25.00 Women's New Spring Tailored Suits at $14.95 Very smart Suits. Maili of fino navy and black senre as veil a liirht-oolored mixtures ami inn-clnvk stripos. Kverv line smrcests the work of a elever designer nml a hijih class cutter. The coat is short the fashionable length, lias witWut Fineh back and a deep Tuxedo collar which is overlaid with limire antique silk to match. Lined with best quality eau de i-yciie. Skirt, has the now habit back; panel down front and back; double fan pleats on each side. Narrow effect but gracefully l-anaing and easy for walking. Specially Priced $14.95 Silk Waists, $6.50 val. at $3.45 An elegant assortment of Silk Waists in foulards and taffetas. viMi checked and striped patterns. ?tyled with high necks or .-ai'.or collars, trimmed in Valenciennes, lace yokes" and ruffle effect, with kimono sleeve? Spluulid values, suitable for sTJYot wear All new Values to !G.50 Speciallv priced now at, each 3.45 Women's Waists $1.98 We have just received a large s-liipinent of Aiivt waists for - mins wear, very mannish, almost exactly like a man's shirt, Dutch neck and short sleeves with mni back c ilf. little pivket :: let"? si !e. excellent assortment of colors, vvi v popular and going fast. Choice .". SI. OS 85c Messalines 43c A full line of this special swiss mesaline: inches wide; e :ic iii pink, light lhi lavender, black, biw.vr., white, etc. Worih 55o yard ; sixvial tomorrow 43 Dress Goods It is needles- to .ay how pretty the Dress (tools a'" thN sea fn f we couldn't begin to tell ; all we a.k is" "a show." that ' id ci nvince you. The new Ancles ne v weaves, iv-.v every s !.!:!: in sip line. Dres (eod from Neckwear The low forms of women's neckwear are a leading feature of the present demand. Sailor collars. Fichus, Dutch collars, Ixml Dyron's. We have them in various materials. The most beautiful assortment in Pendleton. The prices range from 15? to $3.50. Gloves 25c to 50c yd. No tr '.-.ble to show. 10 c Lawns 10c I'd 'Mii'i ri hr !;- - of lawns, each piece a di.-rinct pattern; ; ( --i t to see these, von'd be surprised. Wash Lawns at vav.l 10c 50c White Goods 25c A !:".!:L-t .f -hort letiath in White Cioods fop waists. - -. f-'c. Verv "i'e'tv and wijith from 50o to 35? vard. -.?;.! to:.:.: -ro-. : '25? Yesterday's express brought us a number of new tilings in gloves. l(i button length kids in a variety of shades, two-button in the soft modes and greys and the ever serviceable wasli ible chamois, some heavily stitched in self color and somo in black. Silk gloves in a variety of colors, lth long and short 'prices from 50? to 3.50 Hose We are prepared to fill everv want in hosiery. Women's Mlk hose from 50? to $2.00. ' Mercerised lisle from 25? to 1.00. Cotton hose from-10? to 50c. Children's- silk lisle and an excellent variety of children's "sox" in white and col ors, with the fancy tops. Plain rilnVd in lnih black and eok" ors from 10? to 35?. Special in Our Art Department We have a few dozen stamped corset covers in eyelet and French doigns. very dainty patterns. Stamped on very fine nainsook and linen. Regular 75? values your choice 39? P. H. S. Pillow Tops Reduced We have about four dozen stamped pillow tops with the ''P. II. S." design. Linen top and back. Do loyal buy vour local hiuh school pillow tops. Regular price 75?; sale oS? Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery, in Our Model Base ment. Phone Main 17 Fredi shipment new soft shell Walnuts, pound -25? Faiif-y Cheese Club Chee.-.e, jars 25? Pimento Cheese, jars 25? (.ienuine Camonbert, cans : - - 60? Nuafchatel, each 15? Roquefort, each 15? (b-rman Rreakfast, each 10? Pineapple Cheese, each Go? Kxfra Fancy Oysters, free from grit and sand, cans 25?, 45? New Shrimp, cans - 15? .ConiprcsM'd Yeast. -1 for : Dairv Putter, roll 60? !:. ; h !'.g-. !;::- n 25? VlatAi .Mallows, package 10? Maple P.nttcr, jars 45? I-'i:r Pud dim:, can 15? and 25? 1- i-b Flakes, cans 15? and 25? Our Famous Shoe Department This store has long; been known ns headquarters for the REST in shoes. Our stock embraces everything thnt is desir able and up-to-date in shoedom for men, women and children. Our prices are guaranteed to bo lower than any of our competi tors, quality considered. We take the utmost care in fitting all shoes. If you've had trouble with your feet, had a hard time getting a correct fit, you'd do well to come to us next time. We are specialists in the shoe business. ' We have arranged somo very extraordinary bargains in our shoe department for this great sale. '4.00 LADIES' OXFORDS 2.95 These oxfords como in button and lace, broad, high toe, ex tra good arch, genuine welt soles, 17-8 inch military heel. A very swell and dressy shoe and at the same time a shoe that will give satisfactory service all sizes. Patent leather a;ul veloui calf. Pargain sale price 2.95 LADIES' PUMPS SACRIFICED. These pumps are made of calf, and patent kid, suede, velvet ami cravenette. All fresh this season from the factory. A very stylish dressy line of pmnps; the lest quality in Eastern Ore gon f;- the price: 4.00 Pumps reduced to 3.35 3.50 Pumps reduced to 2.95 2.50 Pumps reduced to 1.95 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. All the very newest strap effects from anklo straps to the five strap slippers. Welts and turns, in tan, black vici kid and pat ent leather: 2.25 Misses' and Children's Shoes 1.89 2.00 Misses' and Children's Shoes - 1.59 1.50 Misses' and Children's Shoes 1-20 MEN'S SHOES. We are exclusive agents for the celebrated Johnston-Murphy bench made shoes for men. 7.00 MEN'S SHOES 4.98 During this sale we are going to sell these patent leather, kid i.iul calf skin shoes, made in lace or button, absolutely the verv best shoe you can possibly buy. Bargain Sale price .4.98 MEN'S SPRTNO OXFORDS. Our line of men's spring oxfords is the liest and most com plete that skill, patience and money can produce. The latest l'ovelties. the new swing toes, fancy !-eyelet, lace or button-, short vamps," high heeds. In fact everything that is new in shoe craft can be found here. 4.00, 5.00 AND 0.00 HENCR MADE OXFORDS. Our, record breaking price reductions on all these new goods is as follows: 3.00 Values will go at 2.48 553.50 Values will go at 2.95 Si.CO Y;.l,;e., v. ill p .V. - 3.35 5.00 Values will go at 3.95 6.00 Values will go at 1.98 They are made up in patent colt, calf skin, vici kid, black, tan and ox-blood, in button or lace. B jf Coupons T iP 1 ill lf-ijiL 2 IMIMMfJ EHOUSE It ere it Pays to Trade l!i!-u:n to Have Gootl Komlt. ! Cameron district, a distance of eight , . a r.-iir-macadam. ; miles. This improvement is to be uil! oi,--i:ute an import- ! made nossiblv bv 18000 from the state road fund due this district. C. .ill. Thornton, road supervisor, de- JJ:. .'. III tllf LUUHl) I'JtXKia aid i..- : i i. .a L', ciruni'-ncing ui a puiiu i two i u; the White Salmon River from "n- r-.- on the wc-Et side and run- clares that active operations on the liii.s --outh through Husum to the -road will beg-In at once. MILLIONS f FAMILIES ELIXlWSENNA FOR COLDS AND HEADACHES, INDIGESTION AND SDUR STOMACH, CAS AND FERMENTATION, CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. 2! CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO.fl ON IN THE CIRCLE EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE GENUINE THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS, IN ORDER TO MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH. OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH. WHEN YOU ASK FOR SYRUP OF FIGS AND EUX1R OF SENNA, HE IS PREPAR ING TO DECEIVE YOU TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE CENUINE. MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS KNOW THAT THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND THAT IT IS MANU FACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ONLY NOTE THE NAME .1IIJII.II irBdltmi lllTTl i:ni linn.-- - PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS.NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE C1RCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OF THE CENUINE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS REGULAR PRICE SOc PER BOTTLE. 4 mm i 1 111 i J .IV.IaI.-.'I ft Hk k ii flCNT, OF ALCOHOLk j jt MINIATURE PK.TUU or PACKACC SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS Of LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE. AND ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS. IT IS EQUALLY BENEFICIAL rot WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. California Fig Syrup Cq T III FAST GAME SUNDAY (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., May l.-IIoldman I'ir't bas'biill team came up and play ed Adams first baseball team Sunday and the score was 4 to 6 In favor of Ifoldman. Come again, boys. Mr. Owens made a business ,,tr.p to Pendleton Friday. Miss Xeliie Darr visited In the city f Athena .Saturday. Edith I'erlner was a vis. tor in Athe iia Saturday. Thomas Mrewster of the Tallrnan I-rug store of Pendleton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. lirewster on Sunday. C. C. Darr left Friday for Mea- cham where ho will spend a few days with the Darr brothers at the saw mill. Mrs. L. M. Datrus and Mrs. W. Nel son left Friday for Tendleton after remaining the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Marquis for the past week. They will visit friends and relatives in Pendleton for a few days and then return to their home in Pomcroy. Miss names west to Weston Fri day evening to spend Sunday at home. Miss Nellie Darr of Echo, came up Friday night to spend Sunday at home. Miss Mable Mclntire went to Walla Walla Friday evening to attend the aviation meet of the Garden city. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Myrlck of He lix, were the guents of Mr. and Mrs. T. Tirewster Sunday. Miss Mable Mclntire was an Athe na v:sltor a few days the past week. Dr. McKinney came over Sunday to see his many patients In Adams In his new auto. He can come now on short notice. aMrs. McBean made a business trip to the mission Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Steen of Milton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. r. lirewster of Adams Sunday. The Misses Lola, Gwendoline and Mildred Uog'-rs returned to school in Penleton Monday morning after spending Sunday In Walia Walla with friends and relatives. George Iiently has been confined to his home for the past week with la grippe. Dr. McKinney of Helix is at '"ndiiig the case. Mr. Coffey of Milton, was the guest of A. M. Coffey over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. King returned to their home In Adams Sunday ufter vislting for the past two weeks in Salem. IF I HAD ECZEMA I'd wash it away with that mild, soothing liquid, D. D. D. Trial bot tle, 25c. Itelk-vus all kind: of skin trouble, cleansing away the Impuri ties and clearing up the complexion as nothing else can. Yes. If I had any kind of skin trouble I D I'SK D. D. D. Tallrnan Drug Co. Ilroakvtaler-s Purser ICosljrns. Marsh field, Ore. Bert McCollum, who for a number of years has been purser on the steamer Preakwnter, running between Coos Pay and Port land, has resigned. He will go to San Francisco to reside. It Is under stood that a wireless operator will be put on the Breakwater as purser. Iloys Will IU5 Hoys. and are always getting scratches cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burns or scalds. Don't neglect such things they may result seriously if you do. Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment ac cording to directions right away and It will relieve the pain and heal the trouble Price 25c, 60c and $1. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Columbia I liver Hisiug. Vancouver, Wash. The Columbia niver has been rising about one foot a day for the past two days, and is still coming up. The season has been sr cool for the greater part that the snow has not been melted in the mountains yet to any great extent. Do you read the Bait OregonlanT UCCURS AI ATHENA (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., May 1. Fortune be ing in their favor was all that saved a party nf four people of this city a very serious runaway accident with n team yesterday. H. B. Hlchnrds and wife and H. It. Hill and wife had just started to Weston In a surrey yesterday afternoon and had only got ten a short distance from town when the team became frightened at a-road grader standing In the road and ran upon a bank, tipping the rig over and partially throwing the occupants out. Mr. Klehards who was driving, hap pened to light on his feet and thus held the team from running, for If they had run they would have drag ged tho two women to donth as they were held In by tho top of the sur rey. Tho other gentleman, Mr. Hill, wns thrown clear out and was unhurt but In turning over the rig pinioned the left leg of Mrs. Hill and severely bruised the anklo and knee. Outside of her injuries there was no other than slight bruises to tho other par ties. The team was owned by Harry McBrido of this city. The wheat In this part of tho coun try is In th6'very best of t condition despite tho fact that this has Been the dryest spring that the farmers of this community have liad to exper ience. There has been considerable wind and very littlo rain, so at tho present rate, If- this kind pf weather continues, this country Is liable to have' tho dryest season throughout that hns been known for yenra. Tho wheat Is growing rapidly and Is doing well for Ideal wheat weather, as far as the temperature Is concerned, hns been dealt out by tho weather man. Tho nights and days both have been comparatively cool, which Is a very good thing or tho ground would have dried out a good deal. Never theless a good hard rain in the next two or three weeks will make a bumper crop for this entire country n.n th straw will not bo long and the heads will fill out exceedingly well. MRS. WIU.IAM SICANKS I.cwiston, Me. ( Special ) "I have uscI Bully's l'urc Malt WhKk'-y for a poo 1 many years ami know ils value. I iutciiil to use it ri'lit. alnni;, ns I ncc! a slimtt kmt and tonic. I will only kc t..o (jk: 1 to recommend it to all tuy fiicmls as I feci smi-c it will 1? of ytr benefit to thnn." Mrs. Win. Skanks, 37 b'kinner St. If you wish to feel ynunp;, strong ar 1 vigorous and enjoy perfect health, tal2 Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, ac cording to direction1!. It correct the de fective digestion of the food, inrreascs the appetite, strengthens the heart action, f:ivcs force to the circulation, cures in somnia, hrings rest fulness to the-brain and nervous forces and gives vii;or to the entire system. Recognized as a family medicine everywhere. It is in valuable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children, and is n pro moter of health and longevity. We have thousands of grateful patients who write t.s they have been cured after they were tjiven up by the doctors. All druggists, grocers and dealers, or direct, $1.01) a large bottle. Refuse sub stitutes and imitations; they arc impure and dangerous. Send for free medical booklet and advice. Tht Daffy Malt Whlikey Co., Rochoator, N. T. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, New York.