EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAW, PHXDLWTON, ORBGOX, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1911. PAGE 8KVK.T piles bring despair. Tnko Courage! Inleriuil Treatment Will Cure. Piles make life unhappy and ruin the best deposition. Mont sufferers have been bitterly disappointed by many failures to find a cure. A med icine In tablet form, taken Internally, that avoids the unpleasant features of ointments, suppositories and opera tions, and cures thoroughly by remov ing the Inside cause, Is surely worth trying, especially as Pendleton Drug Co, and druggists everywhere guaran tee It. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rold costs 11 for a lurgo box 24 days' treatment. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y. MONEY HACK. Ilyomel Cures Catarrh Without Stom ach Dotting, or Money Hack. Yes, dear reader, catarrh can be cured; but not by pouring vllo. nau seating drugs Into the stomach. And catarrh germs thrive, flourish anil multiply in the nose and throat Can you kill these tough and per sistent little health destroyers by swallowing pills or nostrums? Any physician will tell you It cannot be done. HYOMEI (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) Is a germ killing vaporized air which, when breathed either through the mouth or nose, will kill catarrh genus und sooth? and heal the In flamed and mutilated membrane promptly. It gives relief In two min utes. HYOMEI Is such a powerful germ destroyer that It penetrates every fold and crevice of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. A complete outfit, which Includes Inhaler, a bottle of HYOMEI and simple Instructions for use, costs II. Should you need a second bottle of HYOMEI the price Is only 50c. Tall man & Co. and leading druggists every where sell HYOMEI. A STEADY DRAIN. Sick Kidneys Weaken the Whole Roily Make Yon III, languid naa Depressed. Sick kidneys weaken the body through the centlnual drainage of life-giving albumen from the blood Into the urine, and the substitution at poisonous uric acid that gees broad cast threugh the system, sowing the seeds of disease. Less of albumen caase weakness, languor, depression. Uric poisoning causes rheumatic pain, nervousness nausea, cricks In the back, gravel and kidney stones. The proper treatment Is a kidney treat ment, and the best remedy Is Doan's Kidney Pills. Great Pendleton cures prove it. C. 8. Howard. 1814 W. Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "For fifteen years I had a great deal of trouble from a dull pain threugh the small of my back and left side and during the past year there was a numbness un der my shoulders. I was unable to He comfortably on my back and I was bothered a great deal by too frequent parage of the kidney secretions. After several well known remedies had failed to help me, I took Doan's Kidney Pills and they relieved my trouble I am grateful to this rem edy T-r ;:j t work." Fer sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, so'e ag"nts for tho United 8Utes. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. llie Well Known Chinese IKictor Cure a jr and all dis eases that the human flesh is heir to. My. wonderful find powerful' roou. aero remedies arej composed o f Chines buds, bark and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmless, aa we use no oolsons or drugs. No operations. No knife used. We cure stomach troubles, liver kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth ma, nervous debility, female corn plaints and rheumatism and all disorders of the blood. We cure in nv cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Plies and Private nisenses of men and women, can nnd sen him or write. Consulta tlon free. If you are unable to call, anil see him. send two cents Inl stamps for symptom blank. Ad Aramm- THE L. CRTNO WO CHTNESK MEDICINE CO. nn W. lliw St. Walla WaTta. Wn More Sick People to be CURED Walla Walla, Wn. To the Public: I have taken Doctors York & York's special treatment for kidney and stom nch trouble fur about a month. I bad suffered with this trouble for many years nnd doctored with many doc tors as well as tried various patent medicines, but nil without avail. Now I am well and nble to work. I have also gained twenty pounds I" weight I nm certainly glad to give these Chi. nese doctors thlH testimonial. (Signed) ANDK. MICRO. Wo receive testimonials dallly from grateful patients. If the public desir es to Investigate them, we will be only to glad to show them. Doctors York & York successfully tteat'nll chronic and blood diseases Out of town people enn write for free consultation paper and circular, en close 2c stamp. YORK & YORK MEDICINE CO. e444e4e4ee4ee4e4e NEWS OF THE . ST 4e44ee4e4e4e44e4 Votew Bonds for Water. Haines, Or. Only 39 people voted In the Haines water bond election, but only 10 of them were opposed to issuance of the $20,000 required to put in an adequate supply. Another Pumping Plant. Nyssa, Or. The Kingman colony Is having surveys made for an elec tric plant on Snake river to lift water to bench lands, which will be Irri gated. The project la Intended to cover 5200 acres. IjCwIh County Docket Long. Chehalis, Wash. Judge A. E. Rice will begin a Urm of the Lewis coun ty superior court In Chehalis next Monday when a large number of civil cases will be tried, as well as several criminal mases. 175 Voices In Grunts Pass Ojiera, (Irants Pass. Professor Turner, su perintendent of the high school, will put an operetta on at tho opera house May day, entitled "The Whole Year Round." One hundred and seventy f vu voices will be In the chorus. I i mli'k Ih I.uikI lloai- Attorney. Oregon City, Or. Gordon E. Hayes for "3 years attorney for the state land board In Clackamas county, has resigned, and Walter A. Dimlck, state senator, was appointed to succeed h'm. tirnduntes Will Number Two. Woodland, Wash. A class of two boys and one girl will graduate from the high school this year, but there will be a lorce graduating class next year. The Woodland school Is now classed as one of the best In Cowlitz county. Central Point (Jets Sewers. Central Point, Or. The 165,000 sewer system, wh.ch together with paving of several blocks anil exten sion of the water system Is among the municipal improvements contem plated at Central Point this year, will sonii begin. The contract haa been let to the Jacobscn-liade company. Warning Aunln-t Split lug Wood. ('.rants Pass. or. While Night Po liceman John Banfild was splitting wood yesterday a revolver dropped out of his pocket and was discharged. The bullet entered his Jaw and passed out below the ear. Handeld was out today. He Is not dangerously hurt unless complications set In. Sol,, s lo Clean I p. Sclci, ore. Mayor E. C. Peery has designated Friday. May 5. as clean-up day. Citizens are asked to do work about their premises and nearby streets and alleys. Some of the citi zens have agreed to furnish teams ami wagons free for the purpose of carting away the refuse. Suit for Injured Eye Lost. uri i;.iii City, r. George Matley 1.-st by an instructed verdict in the circuit court to. lay. in his suit for Sl'i.ooii ilamac s an linst Harry Jones. M i'ley was working for Jones last 1 H i ember, loading rm k, and w as in jured, a piece of rock flying into his right eye. Mntloy said the accident was due to ih' giigvnci- on the part of Joins. I l"iirne Mill at keiuiewiek. Kennewick, Wash. April 29. Tho Snlvcly-llolms flour mill is up to the third floor and Manager Helms says tha' the building will be completed the first week in May. The Kenne w ck Packing company Is niching "ok on the new slaughter and pack i "r house. Tile plant when complet c, x . ill com JlS.oaa to $20,000, and will have a refrigerating room nnd a i ' iiii iii storage cellar. !'a-tr I.omn Wife, Mood River, or Mrs. J. W. Rigby, wife of Itev. J. W. Rigby, who Is a superannuated preacher of the Meth odist chilli ll. died at Hood R:er Fri day morning from a stroke uf paraly sis. Mrs. Rigby was a prominent fig ure in philanthropic cnterprscs in Hood River. She was a leoder In the W. C. T. V., Woman's league nnd a prominent member of the Methodist church. She was 64 years of age. The funeral will be held Sunday from the Methodist church. Milpitas Holdings ro sold. Vale, or. Over 2001 acres of land better known as the holdings of the Milpitas Land & Livestock company, located In the extreme southern part of the county, changed hands during the past week. A large part ot the land is under a high state of cultiva tion through artificial irrigation nnd 752 acres of the 200 were purchased hv Henry Abel, Henry Curtner and U. D. Barber, all of California .from the Milpitas company. These nun formerly belonged to the big land impany with William M. Curtner, A. 1). Curtner and Waller J. Curtner. The rest of the land. 1470 acres, was purchased by Abel, Curtner and Bar- ber from Recce T. Evans. A Clear Drain nnd healthy body are essential for success. Business men, teachers, students, housewives und other workers say Hood's Sarsaparilla gives them appetite and strength, and nnkes their work seem easy. It over comes that tired feeling. Dr. Anna Shaw says that bachelors should be paid an Indemnity for the Joy they miss. Ob, it Isn't necessary to offer any extra pr'zes! Washing ton Post. lt Stnrtled tlie World. when the astounding claims were llrst made for Hucklen's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful cures have proved them to be true, and every where It Is now known as the best salve on earth for burns, bolls, scalds, sores, cuts, bruises, sprains, swellings, eczema chapped hands fever sores nnd piles. Only 25c at Koeppens. Do GhoHta Haunt Swamps? No, never. Its foolish to fear a fancied evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against In swamps and marshes, bayous and lowlands. These are the malaria germs that cause ague, chills and fe ver, weakness, aches In the bones and muscles, and may Induce deadly ty phoid. But Electric Bitters destroys and casts out these vicious germs fro,m the blood. "Three bottles drove all tho malaria from my system," wrote Wm, Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C, "and I've had fine health ever since." Use this safe, sure remedy only 60c at Koeppens. American Curs in Grand Prix. Paris, May 1. American entries at regular fees closed today for the French Grand Prix, the automobile classic of the world. Several. Ameri can cars are entered. Only a little cold In the head may may be the beginning of an obstinate ease of Nasal Catarrh. Drive out the Invader with Ely's Cream Balm ap plied straight to the Inflamed stuffed up air-passages. Price 50c. If you prefer to use an atomizer, ask for Liquid Cream Balm. It has all the good qualities of the solid form of this remedy and will rid you of ca tarrh or hay fever. No cocaine to breed a dreadful habit. No mercury to dry out the secretion. Price 75c, with spraying tube. All druggists or mulled by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, New York. Hygienic E.osltion. Dresden, Saxony, May 1. What Is perhaps the most complete Interna tional hygienic exposition ever at tempted Is now practically complete and was Informally opened today. The formal inaugural will take place later In the month and the show will con tinue to the last of October. Missionary Meeting. Joplln, Mo., May 1. Delegates from a number of branches of the Missouri Christian Missionary Society met here today to bold a three-day district con vention. f Famous Ilotelmaii Quits. New York, May 1. Gustav Bau man, known to the traveling public of the entire world through his long connection with the Holland House, today retired from the proprietorship of that hostelry. How Is This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for anv ease of Catarrh that rannot be cur ed by-Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J CHENEY Co., Toledo, O. We, Hip undersigned. '"" known F. J. Cheney fur the last l.r years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all " business transactions and financially able to carry out anv obligations made by his Xm. WAI.MSi;, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7."ic, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take llnll's Family Pills f"r constipa tion. v . . .... NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT. (Continued from page slx. j and parcels of land should pay on ac count of the benefits to be derived from such proposed improvement, and the Cl'y Purveyor shall file such plans and specifications and estimates In the office of the Roo tI.t of The City of Pendleton. If tin.- Council shall find such plans, specifications and es tinates to be satisfactory, It shall ap prove tne same and shall determine the boundaries of the district bene fited nnd to be assessed for such Im provement and the action of the Council in the creation of such an assessment district shall be final and conclusive. The Council shall by resolution declare its purpose of mak ing such Improvement describing the same nnd lnclu linu such engineer's estimates of the probable total cost thereof, and also defining the boun daries of the assessment district to be benefited and assessed therefor. The nctlon of the Council In declaring i's Intention to Improve any street or streets or any part or parts thereof, directing the publication of notice thereof, approving and adopting the plans nnd specifications and esti mates of the City Surveyor, and de termining the district benefited and to be assessed therefor, may all be done In one and the same act. (3) The resolution of the Council declaring Its purpose to improve the street shall.be published for a period shall also be published therewith a notice that the Surveyor's estimate of the proportion of the cost of said work to be charged agolnst each lot, part of lot and' parcel of land Is on file In the office of the City Record er, -and a copy of such resolution, to gether with the report of the Sur veyor, showing the probable percent age of benefit to be assessed against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land within such district, shall be kept of record In the office of the City Recorder. (4) Within ten days from the date of tho first publication of the notice required to bo published In the pre ceding section, the owners of SO per cent or more in area of the property within such assessment district may make and fllo with tho City Recorder a written objection or romonstrance I nsalnst such proposed Improvement, and such objection or remonstrance shall be a bar to any further proceed ing in the making of such improve ment for a period of six months, un less the owners of ono-half or more of the property affected as aforesaid shall subsequently petition therefor. (5) If no such objection or ro nionstranca bo made or filed with-the Recorder within the time designated, the Council shll be deemed to have acquired Jurisdiction to order the im provements to bo made, and the Council may thereafter by ordinance provide for making such Improve merit, which shall conform In all par ticulars to the plans snd specifica tions previously adopted. (6) When the Imprevement of any street Is ordered lile Recorder, upon Instruction from the Common Council, shall Immediately Invite pro posals for making the same, in ac cordance with ordinance provided, which proposals shall be opened In the presence of a maJeritr (he Common Council and the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder for either the whole of said improvement or such part thereof as win not materially conflict with the completion of the remainder thereof. The Common Council shall have the right to reject any or all proposals received. If all proposals shall be rejected the Common Council shall have power by resolution duly adopt ed, to order that such Improvement, or any portion thereof, may be made under the direction of the Common Council by purchasing the materials and hiring the labor therefor. The Common Council shall have the pow er to provide for the proper inspec tion and supervision of all work done under the provisions of this article, and to do any other act to secure the faithful carrying out and the com pletion of all .contracts, and the mak ing of all Improvements In strict com pliance with the ordinances and specifications therefor, and shall have power to direct that the cost of said Improvements, or any portion there of, shall be paid for by the City. (7) Upon the signing of the con tract, or upon the determination of Improvement under Its own supervi sion by purchasing the material and the Common Council to make said of ten days In some newspaper to be designated by the Council, and there hiring the labor therefor, or as soon thereafter as Is reasonably conven ient, the Common Council shall pro ceed to apportion and assess the cost of making such Improvement upon the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land within the assessment district, in accordance with the special and pe culiar benefits derived by each lot, part of lot and parcel of land. No notice of such hearing and assess ment shall be necessary other than the notice required by subdivision S of this section, and all objections or exceptions to the Surveyor's estimates of percentage or any application for raising or lowering the same in any particular shall be filed with the City Recorder within 'Ifteen days after the first publication of such notice, and at such hearing the Common Council shall consider the said City Surveyor's estimates of assessments and all objections thereto, and shall have the power at Its discretion, and without any further notice, to con sider, ascertain and determine the amount of the special and peculiar benefits accruing to each lot, part ot lot or parcel of land within said as sessment district by reason of such improvement, and the amount appor tioned by the City Surveyor to any lot, part of lot or parcel of land shall be so reduced or Increased by the Common Council that it shall be In just proportion to such benefits. But In n,o case shall any such percentage exceed such benefit. The amount of such assessment against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land shall be declared by ordinance, and the Re corder shall thereupon enter the sam In the lien docket of The City of Pen dleton, and the same shall thereafter be known as the Recorder's Estimate .. mi ...... . i -on .osc-ir-unrni. x lie c . ' 1 1 1 i act. uiicc, i.,(Pli nn th mafB , ,h. f!itv Purveyor, or if there be no contract ,ho estimates of the City Surveyor. the cost of right of way and expenses of condemning the land and a sum not exceeding five per cent the contract price, or the surveyor's esti mate as the cost of advertising, engi neering and superintendence shall be deemed to be the cost of every Im provement. This notice is published pursuant to order of the Common Council, the first publication hereof being made April 3, 1911. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, April 3, 1911. THOMAS FITS GERALD, Cltv Recorder NOTICE OF BIDS FOR STREET IM PROVEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Pendleton will receive sealed bids at the office ot the City Recorder in Pendleton, Oregon, up to May 10th, 1911, at 5 o'clock r. M., for the construction of sidewalks and cross walks on the north side of West Court street between the East line of Calvin street nnd the West line of Ash street, in accord ance with the ordinances of the City of Pendleton, the bids to specify as follows, viz: Wood fidewalk, price per lineal foot. Cement sidewalk, price per lineal foot. Wood cross walk, price per lineal foot. Cement cross walk, price per lineal foot. Each bid must be aecompnnftd by a certified check in the sum of $200.00 as a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into the contract if awarded to him and to be returned to the bidder ir unsuccessful, and the Common Council reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. Dated nt Pendleton, Oregon, this 2Sth day of April, 1911. THOS. FIT. GERALD, City Recorder. NOTICE OF BIDS FOR STREET IM PROVEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Pen dleton "will receive sealed bids at the office of the Cltv Recorder in Pendle ton. Oregon, up to May 10th, If 1. it 5 o'clock P. M. for the construction of sidewalks nnd cross walks on the south side of West Court street be tween tho cast line of Star street nnd the west line of Ash street, In accord ance with tho ordinances of the City of Pendleton, tho bids to specify as follows viz: Wood sidewalk price per lineal foot. Cement sidewalk, price per lineal foot. Wood cross walk, price per lineal foot. Cement cross walk, price per lineal foot. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of $200.00 as a guarantee that tho bidder will enter into tho contract if nwarded to him and be returned to the bidder if unsuccessful, ilnd the Common Coun cil reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 2Sth day of April, 1911. THOS. F1TZ GERALD. City Recorder. Wan t WANTED. ALL KINDS OF HAIR WORK done at Madam Kennedy's Hair Parlors, 607 East Court Ct. Also a nice line of natural human hair goods for sale. Hair ressing, sham pooing, all work strictly guaranteed. Bring your combings and wait 'till your work Is done. Two first class another dependent upon the mercy of of help and good work. Phone Red 3762. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers in the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, in remitting you can deductc ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address ' EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendle ton, Ore. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO- pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO- nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 554. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Black 3421; residence 'phone. Black 2951. C. R. BENNETT. DENTAL SUR geon. Office room 15 Judd build ing. Phone, Red 3301. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 415. Residence, 915 East Court street. Res. Phone Main 59. ATTORNEYS. Classified RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT work. it's clean, reliable 'and con law. Office in American National venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran Bank Building. teed, $3.25. Electric Hot Water and : . j Curling Iron Heaters. Electric Coffee JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT Percolators .etc. A complete stock of law. Office in Despain building. oas and Electric fixtures. First-class r t 5T tft? TTOPVFY at I W i wirin-- of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan. , , TL Main street, next to postnffice. Office Ir Despain building. j CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS i LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE nt law. Office in rear of Ameri- j scriptim for county court, circuit can National Bank Building- court, justice court, real estate, etc.. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER. ATTORNEYS nnd counsellors at law. Office in Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and con-tracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FETERSOX & WILSON ATTOR neys nt law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS & STEIWER. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. POI'dHS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY nt law. Will practice in nil state and federal courts. Rooms 1. 2, 3. and 4. over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON n ey s at building. & SKI ABLE, law. Office in ATTOK Despain architects. contractors. etc pmTy7 c??t1Ta7-t?uTTnd Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry. cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 37S6, or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to dav or night. "Phone main 75. AUCTIONEER. COL F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auslloneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW nnd second hand poods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest nlnce In Pendleton to buy household goods Call and get his prices. 212 E. Court street. Phone Flack 8171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D Goey. rrop At the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman & Co. Ads WANTED (Continued) WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. j FOR SALE. FOR SALE: Standard bred Single Comb Black Minorca eggs, $1.60 setting; $8.00 per 100. 215 Jane St. Phone Black 5091, Pendleton, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc., for Sale at East Oregonlan office. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms in East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. Save money by reading today's adt. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all Isnus in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. EENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance averts. ?"ew location, S15 Main street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS. "fl'sddin? announcements, embossed private and business sationery. etc. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR for sale at East Oregonian office. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 53 A. F. and A. M. meets the first and third Mondays of in. nth. All visiting brethren are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor diality invited to attend. Waffle. C. C; R. W. Fletcher. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. R. & N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave... 9:20a.m. Ore. and Wash. Express. 2:20a.m. Portland limited 12:15 p.m. Fast Mail 11:45 p. m. Motor 4:35 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 9:23 a.m. East bound Oregon division Fast Mail 1:50 a. m. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5:15a.m. Chicago Limited 5:15 p.m. Motor 10:40 a. m. Portland Local, arrive. . . 5:00 p. m. Portland local, arrive.... 5:00p.m. Pilot Rock Mixed 3:15 p.m. Washington .Dlv. Leaving Pendleton. Walla Walla local 5:25 p.m. Pendleton passenger ... 7:00 a.m. Spokane local 3;00a.m. Washington Dlv. Arriving FenJloton. Pendleton local 2:15 a.m. Walla Walla local 9:15 a.m. Pondleton passenger ... 5:00p.m. NORTHERN PACII1C. Leaving Pendleton Passenger Mixed train , 1:30 p. m. . 7 . i!0 a. m. .10:00 a. m. . 7:30 a. m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger Mixed train CITY Of PENDLETON MAPS AT East Oregonlan office Price 25c. Director! D. B. K. R. J10V4 W. Main St., Wnlla Wnlla Wn