PAGE FOTO OA1LX KAdT ORKGOVIA. PKNDLKTON. OREGON . MONDAY, MAY 1. 1011. EIGHT PACKS AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Daily ami Semi -Weekly at Pen dleton. Oregon, by tbe RA8T ORKUONIAN 1THL1SUINO CO. SVIISOKIPTION RATES. P!!y, one year, by mall $3.00 l"lly, six months, by mall 2.50 I'ally. three mouths, by mall l.M tliy, one month, by mail BO tlly, one year, by carrier 7.50 twlly, six niontlm. bv carrier 8 75 Daily three months. by carrier 1.93 Dally, one month, by larrler t5 Bern! Weekly, oue year, by mall 1.50 emi Weekly, six months, by mall "3 Semi -Weekly, four months, by mall... .50 The Daily East Oregonian !s kept cn sa! t the Oregon New Co.. 3-U Morrison treet. Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon. t lilodco Itureau, ii9 Security RulMlus. W'ashiufton, Iv C. Itureau, 501 Four teenth street, X. W. Member l"n ed Press Association. Kntered at the postofile at Pendleton, Oregon, as nvoiid class mail matter. was Blaine or Sumner, he was a busi ness statesman- who Accomplished more In the way of getting legisla tion for which he fought than any man In the history of this govern ment. His passing, therefore, ia worthy of more than ordinary note, and because of his consistent devo tion to special privilege, should be hailed with thanksgiving by those who sincerely believe in fair play and the rule of the people. r theater. New York, the plees hns been attracting Urge and enthusiastic crowds to this playhouse, and all In dication point to a reeord-brenklntj run on Broadway. "The Climax"' is a tery beautiful story of Bohemian life UVA great metropolis, but the inton- teama of homes urged on by t:io con testln drl .rs. The Interior of i Roman -galley, with lis horde of slaves, and the rovete of the nymph before the Temple of Appollo in th. Grove of Daphne, will pulist Ilia rorv lees of doub a the number en.-m trtoorlglnal production, at ta very hu.clty Is so cs'STPftu the Mount of 01ivkyV5. elepbone . . Main 1 Official City and County Paper. A WOMAN'S SOXtJ. In a very humble cot. In a rather quiet spot. In the fuJs and in the soap. Worked a woman full of hope; Working, singing, all alone. In a sort of undertime "With the Savior for a friend, He wil: keep me to the end." ,i:iii.ti:UvS happening along. I heard the semi-song. And I often used to smile. More in sympathy than In guile; P.ut I never said a word In regard to what I heard, As she sang about her friend Who woulu keep her to the end. Human hopes and human creeds. Have their roots In human needs; And I should not wish to strip Fro m that washerwoman's lip Any song that she can sing. Any hope that songs can bring; For that woman has a friend Who will keep her to the end. Eugene F. Ware. 4 N ATl'lJAl. Mll.lXTlOX. Surely it was a fitting romance that f.,ilr. ! i t ...1 in tVi. mlpi-l-iu.i vonnir . Or rtould to a pirl who is proclaimed ns j ralv . i -Us - ""T 31 r T a princess of the old Hawaiian royal - fy" all that a blushing April bride should j ..JY v,V$fc.$s' oe and .it may lie uiuunj to mane i 'VtJvT.',rsmJ'jJ the Hawaiian royal family brings shfttf, firth vi-ioni of an early day sea island potentate sitting on bi'X throne bedecked in a toma crown. H.nvever, if the young bridi cestors were cannibal kings n I,irTifilVrSle5Tf'T - - Is. i hconui Onora hntixl J A.. e .aTly tf- V:iK3llhcomBr roe AT ndorsei 1 lrMi:aSi3k : " lift J. ' "i"!'.' ." JL MT. .. . S ( T.('-jK'tVT1:. i i T jT utisuspecting missionaries and rival iMS ti$ffi$$tZtkTffi 'Pi aspirants for the throne ,he has not,, tilMlllf ig over her husband in this respeet. Oh, Jay Gould was himself eonsid- ! bJW$M UfrW&AS ? V W l3 OS1 vW5 ,: a cannibal and as such he j i - still reme:nbord His strong suit : arccsiivif -V- i said to have consisted , wrecking M the railroads with which he was con- , liefc rwlB corned. ..allowing the other stock-i '"M fiMnkWr pa'Ej an an MtStM natural lujraJTrSifry actors, l.'eople 3? upon HJiKht wire. FJs sj nrtA nf kuuii u-riiiKn K holders vhole and then emergin as the sole survivor and owner was a railroad pirate rather th empire builder and it seems that his grandson should find an af finity whose paternal ancestors ex hibited iniilar traits though their disi lay talk setting. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We ar Sole Manufacturers aud Distributors of the Celebrated s TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and 1 MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. run - Z Cullinjr finds a Wnldlng Stationery a llmlm-v-itl Stalloiiery Cull ut office of KAST OI11.GOMAX Hotel St. George GEORGE DARVEAV, Troprliitor. k LT J MlflOflisliM n,.,AVl 'X -t-JK European plan. Everything flrst-elaHS, All modern conveni ences. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. Lnrge, new samplo rooms. Tbe Hotel St. fieorgo is pronounced one of the most up-to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm con nections to office, and hot and cold water running In all rooms Rooms $1 and $1.50 Block sand a half from depot See the big electric sign. fD motl r a sugnny luitereni i yin I IwerjIteS IB Vtlf' ... .. . . .'.-,,.: I i III-: l AM-; O Kl 1 1 1 . 1 ( . 1 1 I. - 'ri .-v. i. t.jsniii;!!!. .asi'iruiii. lor me re- ieA'lllo Ji, iperiiuuritf.r: jig engagaa la each cij ibe appearance of th- leenc stiowcthe "Hoik MCI- JSsee.-sa -Jljf .li'Q nrA ITOOll .Tk. anvv va, 2iM Another 13 railway train iere are about ta in the play otaer small us, the pony republican nomination for mayor of Portland, is rea; l:tj punishment for his failure to qualify as a member of the legislature he ha .1 subscribe al company of vau- make their appear- mce in thL Theater" 'The Midnight in this respect la unique. In that ompllslicd ling one of the littl! s nnd plac C3 her feet on bis lilpi vatd holdlni? on to her rw'wtfirx'a-'M the LidaHatVOjinj' ,;ene3 Si hii, inull wheel w Ing same aero another miss s and a parasol hands. The som'hlng to of: line Their recital track life are ulways wel recolveul Tom HaveHy and Coriiuie We-lls an tal of si TTil .lnti run ilo li l tii pmur n 1 vnvn io las: winter. Though ! f M ,alle(l ln eompany with t.i a pleilge to serve ; another vessel to the East Indies, un it elected Rushlight refused to go tojder t'apt. Rertdell and was lost. Salem In January. He gave as a rea- j it: -Verplank's point on the Hud- t Ki.i:isi:.TE ami no ir right. Tomorrow evening the businessmen of the city will decide whether or not the fi.uitb .,f July shall be ceU-brat-d In Fen lleton this year. It seems probable that the decision will be in favor of a celebration since none was held last year and since it will be pos sible t:.i.- year t hold a celebration such as has never Ik en given lure be. fore. With the iiiiprovenient of the Roundup park a place is provided where a I ig public c .-b-bration may lt .-':d witn-sse 1 with some de gree ,.f c-'tr.f -it. T..- R..ui.-lup sta- son that be portlar..; city the vaeati 'n .-"u'.e. Hi.-.-. v d. -sired t council s. if streets on tin' r. it is charged h stay in the ea--t was i i t so ia-ere.-te 1 in the matter of the .-treet vacations as in other matters that were '-. r th- e .;:;.cil a..d Wei i.; mn.-e inter ti certain corpora-! t:i ns than ti the u'd:.-. Rushlight! s now opvosed by t'.,- ' y forces that made his f--r:.lcr su -et sses possi'.il--nd it will be interesting to watch the . outcome of the mayor.ility fisht and see what the people think of a man ': who fails to qualify for a p-st to which i.e ha.', been elected. ! a .-j.ien.iil pku o:u:ii v ::i pr .-. i ; for t!..- :....ts of tin- day which may be witnessed from the ::ig Kranlstanl whish should I.... (M..mpl-i-d by that tiiue. Tile gnu-..- alur.g the river will also ,r i.s.i:,i:iti-s to the commit-' tee. in th.- past the b-.tie of a fvurth of July ci "b-br.ition iti p.-mllet ,ri has bei-r. the f ict that ail xi-r is.-s have been held on Jl.Jn s'reet which has usually been toiri.i and unci infortable. This year pen-lief -n shoubi be able to do ti.e thing right and furthermore It should be done light if ut ail. Ti,- h ! at: l b ti mporarily i-t Wi.-t-r. si'i-rpn ti t v.ithi.-r. a son river, with a garrison of seventy men. surrendered to the British, tin ts to oppose I der a- j Clinton. The Federal convention for the adoption of a natiom! constitu tion m-t in Philadelphia. Tbe out come of this convention was the pres ent constitution without, of course the amendment subsequently made. 1 SOS Embargo laid on American shipping in France. lSJfi The American Institute for the State of New York Incorporated for the purpose of encouraging do mestic Industry in the State and the t'liit-d States in atrri-uUtir-, com merce, manufactures, and the ait.-; it held th first annual fair in Castle Garden. , ls2 Gin. John H. Morgan rap-tur.-d the I'nion Troops at Pulaski. Ti r. n . Tim er.- k proves a s u; ess - -1 II p; f tv- i. id R ival. irrii-'ati i thre- l re.-t-.l nurne.; wil! le stil.y. f :i project t .y brick n the .-!'." hv..;i h Ui ! '- 'it v- 1' til. .:-s;air. Th s'.iil be e n'nx bave been clo ;-. th.-r- a 'ia W.. ra on iifte Mean ir is public need not will case will ill other cvt tits IsPI T'at'l- of I'lrHv.ii,,-,-;: I i7i ;, ti - ixplosinn of inf'.am- ma'.Ie ga.-es, five steam flourin .r r.ili: Minneapolis. Minn., were distrnyed ;'ith a l-.-s of rlghtren liv s and 51, '"na.i.en in ci.(,ipil. 1 '.iii.-, U-liert Mi-tber of the Rock jls'ai: ! Itailr- ad e-nnpany told th-Isiiiat-j fomm-tte why it would be im i prDctii c'd- for r ivernrii'-nt tribunal ir'-i fi--: fr-Uht rates. I ) A M M x ; I ; V 1 1) EXCE. "Madame." says the agent of the black hand, "we have a photograph of you and Count de Gayleigh riding in an automobile. Send ten thousand dollars to us or we will publish the , picture." I "What care I " haughtily says the ! lady. "The count Is a gentleman In j every way, and, besides, he Is going i to niarrv my d'upgbter. There can ; be no scandal connected with my riding with him." "That's not the point. It was a llo-ni 'd-i car." With a low moan, the unfortunat woman sank to the floor, after givin a feeble indication frpm her faint check for the hu Life. '.in. ioe tiiiii'i lo'iiii , j he floor, after giving .j on that on reviving i 3 she would wr.te a ' V A hush money. X. Y. ! " THE Wil li's WORK. The man who makes bis wife get up J n the morning to start the fires at . last saved enough money to buy an i automobile, line day while going u JJ n hill th" machine stoppnd "You'll have t i get out and push, : Fannie," he said, "because I've got to ;t:iy here jind guide it." Fa'b'r Well, Reggie, how- do you think wou would like thH littl- fol low for a brother. it Iti'ggio (inspecting the new 'nfant.jj, s'imh 'a na: nuirtu un i- nave we g t,i k-ep him. papa, or is he only sample Excursion Fares East for 191 1, from all points on Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company TO FARES Chicago J 72.50 Council Bluffs Omaha Kansas City. . , V 60.00 St. Joseph St. Paul St. Paul, via Council Bluffs 63.90 Minneapolis, direct 60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Pluffs 63.90 Duluth, direct 66.90 Duluth, via Council Hluffs 67.50 St. Louis 70.06 SALE DATES May 16, 17, IS, 19, 22, 23. 24, 25. 27, 28 and 20. June 5. 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17. 21, 22, 2S. 2? and 2(1. July 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 19. 20. 26. 27, and 2S. ' August 3, 4, 5. 14, ID, 16, 17, 21, 22. 23. 2S, 23 and 30 September 1, 2, 4, 5. 6 l.nd 7. Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit October 31st. One way through California $15.00 additional. Inquire of any O.-W. R. V X. Agrnt for More Com plete Information, or I N 14 it 7 Wm. Mc MURRAY C'SI IT? en; i".::t:..m. a.. mirrn i I m ir n-nimuis n mi minus " 3 MONE All that the a grandstand. ',ui:k!y to t;i ' 9 needed was i 3 They will now pa-si hea 1 of the league. j t I fi J T T. t. t tl 1ftl ' a m:ati: wjthoit a rcj.s-. For t';i- first tia.e since the- civil war the Crated States has no real boss, writ-s Robert Wiekliffe Wool ley in ".Success Magazine." Jacob H Ga'lir.'er. of ;-- Hampshire, may liugi:.e I i i.s-lf such becauso he Is chairman of the republican caucus, or Ro.- - !''-. of Pennsylvania, may claim th- tit:- as an appanage of the ehsiirr.iansi.lp of the great committee on f r.anre; but 'he fact Is'that the real say-so is vested ir. neither the regular if publicans nor the regular d rio.cra.s. A s-lei t but potent min ori'y compost d of the progr -iv. s in b"t- p;irtb-s wiel is the s -enter, an 1 all titles whi li have heretofore been lr.'!!' .viv- of .ower are now little moi e than rn-re matters of form. This does not necessarily mean that the people rule in what we are fond of calling the greatest deliberative, body in the world; but It does mean that they are getting a foothold where for years their rights and demands W'ere scoff '.J at, and that a new order cf things Is at hand. There fame into being In 1 6 1 n senate oligarchy which was self per petuating down to March 4 last. The interests of the favored few of the great toroprations were looked after practically to the exclusion of those of the masses of our people. We of this generation have a habit of refer ring to Nelson W. Aldr'ch as the rep resentative and advocate of the chosen few. As a matter of fact he was only tin- successor of a number of distin guished statesmen, such as Morrill, Sherman and Rlaine, who honestly Md not know what It was to experi ence a heart throb for the masses. Al drlch probably had as remarkable a career as any man who ever entered the I'nlted States senate. Xot ln the least the orator that Clay, Webster or Calhoun waa, nor yet so brilliant as TODAY'S RIRTIIDAY SKETCH. j? Charles K. HarrW, the music pub- j iish-r and composer of more popularly th in perhaps any other writer ! j of to. lay. is forty-six today, for it was j w on May 1, lf,T, that be first saw the :it'l:t at Poughk'-cp-ie, X. Y. His, laotin-r tin ! father were not rich peo ple, so instead of going to a private s'ii 'ol. young Harris was hustled off to the public schools of Poughkeep. .-! -. u her- he made unusually high marke in his lessons, but had the n vera K boy's share of love for pranks. Harris was always fonj of mu.-ii..' and as a boy did his share toward making the neighborhood lively with his "quartette" which usually sang j either Harris' compositions of bis "x-rang'-ments" of other people's mu sic. When he started out to work Harris "rflei! .Saginaw, Michigan, which! is as proud of him as is Poughkeep- j sie. He married in 1893, Cora Lehr berg, of Owensboro, Ky. Perhaps the I gratest song hit of Harris's career was "After the Ball," of which It Is said over 3.000,000 million copies were sold. Since 1S92, when that song first came out he has written over 100 songs, many of which have lived and as many more failed of suc cess. Xothing he has ever composed, however, has ever attained the popu larity of "After the Hall." Mr. Harris Is the head of his own luhllshlng company, which was es tablished first in Milwaukee, when it branched out with headquarters in Xew York and many other cities. Since 1903 Mr. Harris has made his home ln Xew York, where he is a member of several clubs. He also be longs to several Milwaukee clubs. vesr Flour I- in;i'!" frutii the 'olioicest wheat tlidt crows, (iooil broad is assured when liVi:!;' UKST FLOUR is nsod. Bran, Kilo;;.-, Sic.iMi Hulled I'arlev always on haml. Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Oregon. rirrin i-i-VKrm-wmJ will ! aarf Summer Excursion Fares lWlaWMnw MAY 1 IN HISTORY. The Half Moon, ln which CASTOR 3 A For Iniant uut Childien. Tbd Ktotf You Hae Always Botig.- Krt the Stiatai To the East And Convention Fares May 12 to Oct. l4--aih?ays To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City, and other Eastern Terminals $60.00 To Chicago 72.50 To St. Louis 70.00 To Denver 55.00 To other Eastern points, proportionately low fares. These are round trip fares. LIBERAL TIME ALLOWED FOR TRIP. STOPOVERS PERMITTED. It is not too early to plan your summer trip. If you will advise us where you want to go and where you want to visit and when you want to start, we will advise the lowest cost and best ar rangements. TICKETS ARE FIRST CLASS and can be used on the NORTH COAST LIMITED Tbe Crack train to and from the East. And on our other three Transcontinental Trains Secure full information from any passenger representative. Northern Pacific Railway WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon A. I). CIIARLTOX, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland Ore. Y to Loan at 5 Per Cent. Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental money pay for your home. Call or write for particulars. THE STANDARD REAL EST AT K LOAX CO. .1 ll nalanfttf Kts Room 4 Temple Juilding STOCK 000 CM vii II 0 00 Que of the bout lavs In fnuUllla . H.lmllil lm. proveiiH-iim, nil fmppl, fine wnler. In fnH, II U mm of dm hewt slin k rnni-lH'a In tlio slal. I'rhv, liiclnillnif H linisx.. farm mnrlilniry nn roimlilernble hay, 7.00 iiito. This pluco must lc wild at once. Hm rIhmiI It lxlny. g.'.T m-re. wlient rnncli, 170 nrrow In cull I union, at w ,TIMI In hlcliiMi pork. hiiiiiII Iioiihp, chicken lionw, 4 or A mini mor lionsoH. This la o flnn plnoo. 'rl,.Q only li,000. LEE TEUTSCH The Home Finder