TEN PAGES. FAGK SIX DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PJSfDIiETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1911. SPOR TS NATIONAL LEAGUE. At St. Inils. Cincinnati-St. Louis game postpon ed; rain. At Chicago. St. Louis-Chicago game postponed; wet grounds. At Brooklyn. Score: R Philadelphia 0 4 7 Brooklyn 5 ? 0 Batteries Rowan and Dooin; Bell and Bergen. At New York. Score: R- H.-E. Boston 1 1 New York 6 Tyler and Rarldan; Ames, Drucke, Rudolph and Meyers. At Pittsburg. Score: " R. H.-E. Chicago s 7 1 Pittsburg 9 Batteries Mclntyre and Kllng; Adams and Gibson. Spokane Wins Again. Spokane, April 29. Bonner was ewwective yesterday and Spokane took the fifth game of the series 6 to 2. Victoria could no nothing with Bonner except in the fourth when they scored two runs on a scratch single, a double by Householder and two wild pitches. McCreery and Hemenway; Bonner and Hasty. Tacoma Defeats Vancouver. Vancouver, B. C. April 29. Taco ma hit Cates hard yesterday and hud no difficulty defeating the locals 7 to 1. Gordon, for Tacoma, pitched steady ball and kept Vancouver's hits well scattered. Score: R. H. E. Vancouver 1 9 1 Tacoma 7 12 3 Cates and Spiesman; Gordon and Devogt. Port Inn ,1 Wins. Seattle. April 29. Seattle outhit Tortland but the visitor's hits were timely and aided by Seattle's errors they won yesterday's game 10 to 5. The locals came within one-of tielng the score in the eighth but the vis itors came back in the ninth with four runs and clinched the game. Seattle 5 13 Portland 10 11 2 Zackert, Joss, Dickinson, Furchner and Shea, Spencer; Lamline and Har ris. SPORTING CALENDAR. Monday. NOTICE OP BIDS FOR STREET IM PROVEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Pen dleton will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Recorder In Pendle Inn Oreirnn. nn to Muv 10th. 1911, Florida anti-race track gambling Bt . n.rinek P.M. for the construction law goes Into effect. of sidewalks and cross walks on the Sailor Burke and Jim Smith will: 80Uth side of West Court street be- fight ten rounds in New York. Itwecn the east line of Star street and Ernest Barry, champion sculler of, tne weat ne 0f Ash street, in nccord- England, will row W, Albany at Lon don. Tuesday. Western Pennsylvania trapshootlng tournament at Canonsburg, Pa. Opening of New York State league, Trl-State league. Southern Michigan League, Wisconsin-Illinois League, Western association. College baseball: Illinois at Chi cago, Lafayette at Brown, Holy Cross at Yale, Rochester at West Alma at Michigan. ftnee with the ordinances of the City of Pendleton, the bids to specify as fellows viz: Wood sidewalk price per lineal foot. Cement sidewalk, price per lineal foot. Wood cross walk, price per lineal foot. . Cement cross walk, price per lineal foot. Each bid must be accompanied by Point, a certified check in the sum of $200.00 as a guarantee that the bidder will Harry Lewis and Leo Houck, Am- enter into the contract if awarded to 1 L I .1 J 1 .!. . . . ' I 1 I i. 1 AU A VI I $ AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Boston. Score: H.-E. New York. 1 ' 1 Boston 1 9 0 Batteries Caldwell and Blair; Col lins and Nunemaker. At Cleveland. Score: R- H.-E Detroit 6 7 ! Cleveland 3 7 1 Batteries Lafitte and Stanage; Krapp and Harkness ana Smith. At Philadelphia. Score: H.-E Washington 2 7 1 Philadelphia 1 5 1 Batteries Johnson and Alnsmlth; Coombs and Lapp. . WITH THE PCGS. . erican middleweights, will fight In Paris. Thursday. Interstate trapshootlng tournament opens at Camden, Ark. New York Women's Golf associa tion tournament at Nassau Country club. Second annual exhibition of ew Jersey Show Association, opens at Newark. Patsy Kline and Battling Mantell, featherweights, will fight in New York. College baseball: Virginia at Brown; Bowoln at Harvard. Friday. Interscholastlc meet will be him and be returned to the bidder if unsuccessful, and the Common Coun cil reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 28th day of April, 1911. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. and mall service between New York and St. Petersburg, Russia, will be established. Strikes will be Inaugurated by the workers in metal Industries, the New York kosher bakers, and other labor unions. Scottish national' exposition of In rtiistrlea and arts will be formally opened In Kelvingrove Park, Gins row. Scotland. Memoirs and autobiography of niehnrri Wagner, the great German composer, will be' Issued In four vol limes by a Munich house. William B. Dickson, firs', vice pres ident of the United States Steel cor poratlpn, will retire. International Hygienic Exposition will be opened In Dresden, Saxony, to continue until the latter part of Oc tober. R. T. Lincoln, son of President Lincoln, will retire : as president or the Pullman company, and will be succceeded by J. S. Runnels. New tariff schedule of the repub lic of Panama, Inc-easlng duties on all Imports except corn, rice, lard and flour, become effective. Tuesday. Northwestern Development League will open its annual convention at Helena, Mont. Special examinations for appoint ments as cadets at West Point will FINE TONIC FOR WOMEN. 1 pi NOTICE OF BIDS FOR STREET IM PROVES! ENT. Notice Is hereby given that the Com- he held at military posts throughout mon Council of the City of Pendleton the country. will receive sealed bids at the orflce of the City Recorder in Pendleton, Pet .600 .600 .464 .467 .467 .393 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. W. L. San Francisco 18 12 Portland 18 12 Sacramento ..13 15 Oakland 1 18 Vernon 1 8 Los Angeles U 17 Results Yesterday. Vernon 3, Angels 0. Portland 1, Sacramento 0. Oakland 2, Frisco 0. Angela Are Shut Out. Los Angeles, April 29. Castleton won vesterday's game for Vernon. He struck out seven men and only five scattering singles were made off his delivery. Klein also pitched a good game but was unable to come up to the standard set by his opponent. Score: R- H.-E. Los Angeles 0 5 1 Vernon ........3 7 Klein and Smith; Castleton and Ho. gan. Portland Tied With Frisco. Portland. Ore., April 29. Port land followed up Its shutout victory of yesterday by repeating the dose today, winning from Sacramento by the score of 1 to 0. Neither side bat ted effectively until the Htn inning, when Ryan landed a long drive that eventuated in a home run. I Score: R- H.-E. Sacramento 0 " Portland 1 9 1 Nourse and Thomas, LaLonge; Hen derson and Murray. Oakland Taken One. San Francisco, April 29. Oakland took the third straight game from San Franrism vesterdav by a score of 2 to 0. Harry Sutor contributed the only stellar feature in a good line of twirling, striking out ten Oaklanas. The match was featureless, with nei ther side in good batting form. Score: R- H.-E. Oakland 2 6 2 San Francisco 0 4 1 Pernoll and Pearce; Suter and Berry. Leach Cross, the New York dentist-fighter, and Matty Baldwin, the crack Boston lightweight, will fight ten rounds at the National Sporting club New York, this evening. Cyclone Johnny Thompson, now a middleweight with a decision over Bill"Papke, is going up against Hugo Kelly in a ten round bout to be pull ed off tonight at Racine, Wis.. After his bout with Kelly, Cyclone Johnny, who recently returned from Australia, will leave for England, where he has been offered several good bouts at Hugh Mcintosh's club in London. Jimmy Gardner, the New England fighter, who Is one of the "logical candidates" for the middleweight title. and Bob Moha, a promising Wisconsin scrapper, will go ten rounds in Mil waukee this evening. Roy Driscoll, an English light weight, will be tried out In New York tomorrow night against Jack Leonard, the fast Philadelphia boy who recently made a good impression on the fans by defeating Young Fitz- simmons. Willie Lewis of New York, and Young Loughrey of Philadelphia, who are now Parishes, have been matched to scrap twenty rounds be fore the Cirque de Paris, the leading boxing club of the French capital, to morrow night. Sailor Burke, who recently knocked out Montana Dan Sullivan, has been matched with Jim Smith for the main ten round bout at the stag of the Olympic Athletic Club of New York on Monday night. Porky Flynn, the Boston light heavyweight, arrived home this week from England, where he won three fights and lost one. Ha expects to return to the other side after a rest of a few months. He was accom panied by his manager, Joe Wood man, who also manages Sam Lang-ford. Jose Rivers, a Mexican feather weight who has been doing some great fighting in California, is sign ed up to meet Johnny Kllbane, the Cleveland featherweight, for twenty rounds at 122 pounds at Tom McCaf- fey's Pacific Athletic club, Los An geles, tomorrow night. Freddie Welsh, the English light weight, will probably be matched soon with Packey McFarland for a ten round bout at one of the New York clubs. All of the other light weights are manifesting a disposi tlon to sidestep Packey, who is now the real goods in the lightweight di vision, despite the fact that Wolgast holds the title. at Beaver Field. Penn.. State Col lege. Ad Wolgast and Tom Jones, his manager, will be tried In Los Angeles on a charge of being connected with a prizefight. Saturday. Dual track and field meet between Yale and Princeton at Princeton. Dual track and field meet between Columbia and Syracuse at Syracuse. Dual track and field meet between I Oregon, up to May 10th, 1911. at 5 o'clock P. M., for the construction of sidewalks and eross walks on the north ne,tl I side of West Court street between the Harvard and Dartmouth at Cam bridge. Varsity track and field meet of the University of Michigan at Ann Ar Arbor. Twelve-mile Marathon race from the Bronx to City Hall, New York. Annual show of Bulldog Breeders' Association of America in New York. Naval academy and University of Pennsylvania crews will row at Annapolis. Interscholastlc track meet under auspices of Yale at New Haven. Interscholastlc track meet under Auspices of Swartmore college. Pa uoiiege DaseDall: Vermont at Harvard; Ohio State at Michigan; waseaa University of Japan at Chi cafo; Stevens at Brown. East line of Calvin street and the West line of Ash street, in accord ance with the ordinances of the City of Pendleton, the bids to specify as follows, viz: Wood sidewalk, price per lineal foot. Cement sidewalk, price per lineal foot. . Wood cross walk, price per lineal foot. Cement cross walk, price per lineal foot. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $200.00 as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract If awarded to; him and to be returned to the bidder if unsuccessful, and the Common Council reserves the right to reject! any and all bids. Dated at ..Pendleton, Oregon, this 28th day of April. 1911. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. Wednesday. Third annual National Peace Con gress will open in Baltimore and con tinue three days. Thursday. Second annual Boys' Exposition will open In Baltimore and continue three days. ThurMlay. Second annual Boys' Exposition will be opened in Cleveland and will extend through three days. Fifty students of the Royal Univer sity of Copenhagen, Denmark, will sail for America on a tour of thla country, under the patronage of Crown Prince Christian. Friday. Trust company section, American Bankers' association, will hold . nar tlonal meeting and banquet in New York. Pan-American Union, comprising twenty-one American republics, will hold a ceremony at Washington for the presentation to Andrew Carnegie of a gold medal rcdlng "Benefactor of Humanity." A Bite and a Peek. His Wife This paper telli of a wo man who suffered two weeks from the effects of a mosquito bite. Her Hat band Thafs nothing. I know a man who has suffered for years from the effects of a henpeck. Chicago News. Orpheum Theatre i. P. MKDNUACB. HIGH-CLASSliUP-TO-DATEiMOTlON " PICTURES ForMen, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM Df TODAY'S PAPER. THE COMING WEEK. Sunday. Tuberculosis Day will be observed with special sermons and services in churches throughout the United States. Monday. i National convention of the unem ployed will open In Washington and continue through the week. . . New weekly steamship passenger Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these tracts. HILL & IIIBBERD, OVNERS At the office of MARK MOORHOUSE CO. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 a mi NORTHWEST LEAGCE. W. L. Pet. Spokane 10 .1 .909 Seattle 1 2 -787 Vancouver 6 6 -500 Victoria 8 .273 Tacoma 4 7 .364 Portland 3 8 .273 RewulUt Yesterday. Spokane 5, Victoria 2. Tacoma 7, Vancouver 1. Portland 10, Seattle 5. Foloy Kidnoy Pills Tonic In Action Quick In Results. Give prompt relief from BACK ACHE. KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CON GESTION of the KIDNEYS, INFLAM MATION of the BLADDER, and all annoying URINARY IRREGULAR ITIES. A positive boon to MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. Charles S. Potter, Springfield, 111., says, "I Injured my kidneys some years ago but lately the trouble has become very serious. I had a dull pain In my back that seemed to drag me dnwn, my kidney action was irregu lar and I lost much sleep at night In consequence. I heard of Foleys Kid ney Pills and began taking them. Be fore I had taken one bottle I was greatly relieved and now I certainly feel like a different man. Thanks to Foley Kidney Pills am once more well and I recommend them to any one suffering wrom kidney or bladder trouble." A. C. Koeppen & Bros. An Artist's Joke. Holman Hunt, who began life as a otHr ta an auctioneer and estate irenL was constantly drawing por traits when he should have been draw ing no leases, and in his chosen pro fession he was never slow to seize the flvlne moment The windows In his room were made of ground glass, anJ n he hnd little to do he spent much of his time In drawing flies upon its rouebened surface. A blot of ink stir flced for the body and some delicate pencil strokes for the wings, and at a i!tinri. the deception was perfect. rmv hr dav the number Increased, ana one mprnlng his employer came In. Btoppea Deiure iuw " """"" -claimed: "1 can't make out how It Is. Everr day that I come Into tnis room there seem to be more and more flies." And, taking out his handkercniei. ne attempted to brush them away. Patohwork. The Idea that patchwork had Its nriHn In America Is not founded on a thousand rears before the Christian era a oueen of Egypt went down the Nile to her last resting place under a wonderful canopy of skins that were dyed nnd pieced together in rnmnlc nattern. ears before tui work hnd reached perfection and ac nuired n definite place among the nrts Then, too, patchwork quilts were made In Englnnd in the eighteenth centnr. as witness the lines written by Low per to a Mrs. King upon receipt of "n kind present of a patchwork quilt of her own making." Womnn's Home Companion. Ju; Like Shopping. FlrnUSiiffrnV'tte If yon wore i-m-nine for ofl' would you buy vofpi? Second KufTrni-'ette -Not unless they could be chnnged or credited.-Life. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o MARION 3 For the purpose of advertising the Marion Car . throughout the state we will for a limited time make a Special Offer to the first buyers where we have no agency. The Marion 30 will be on exhibition in Pendleton Monday and Tuesday, May 1st and May 2nd at Hotel Pendleton. Call and secure a demonstration in this wonderful car. SPECIFICATIONS Body 5 pas., fore door Touring. ' Horsepower 30. Cylinders i cast separate, 4-in base, 4 1-2-in. stroke. Crank shaft Supported on 5 bearings. Wheel base 110. . Transmission 3 speed selective Price $ Front Axle Drop Forged I beam. Rear Axle Semi-floating double truss. ? Frame Extra heavy dropped frame. Steering gear Irreversible, 18-in. wheel Magneto New style Splitdorf, concealed coil. 5 bow Mohair top, 5 lamps enameled and polished brass. in Pendleton Sllsfort tines have their dignity their redeeming power. Hlllard. nnd Save money by reading today's ai's. o o o o o o H. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Call and learn our special offer , to first buyers, SEE A. BURGESS. Hotel Pendleton I REPRESENTING Crowe Auto Co. Portland, Ore. o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooooooooo 0