East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Special for
One More Day
of the Big
Suit and Dress
Don't Miss it
The Lad ies and Children's Store
See Lane & Son for signs.
Pastime pictures please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Son.
Phone Main 449 for bread Wagon.
Phone Platxoeder for fresh meat
and lard. Main 445.
Front office for rent In Judd build
ing. F. E. Judd.
Lost Dog collar with tag No. 17.
Return to this office.
Found Tracy with the goods at
Donaldson's drug store.
T'n king of all 5c cigars, "Devlin's
Fives." Joe Sullivan sole agent.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
ee the best and the clearest pictures.
I. C. Snyder guarantees gooj spray
ing. Tours for good work. Phone
R. 3S1J.
Fancy baked goods from the Royal
Bakery on Rfile ut the Delta. HakeJ
fresh every day.
Hressed chickens Friday and Sat
urday nt tin; CaMi Market, phone
Main 101.
Wanted By man and wife, posi
tion on ranch. Inquire "T" this of
fice. . ,.;
V r I'.ii.t Three furnished house
keeping rooms, electric lights and gas.
No i hihlri n. 701 Thompson.
Home linking For. pies, cakes,
brea l and doughnuts, phone Black
37 ",. ',, Orders taken and delivered.
Special rales to horses boarded by
the week or month ut the Commercial
Itnrn, S20 Aura street. Phone Main 11.
Shaoh & Kddliih's have secured the
local agency for the Johnson Ideal
Halter, the best cheap halter In the
For Sale Cheap Two log houses .it
Mearliam, Ore. Modern Improvements,
Six rooms each. Enquire of Meach
am Lumber Co.
The East Orugnnlan Is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads
and the people appreciate It and show
Ir by their llbernl patronage.
For Sale Second hand lumber,
brick and wood for half price. Must
clear lot at once. Apply at olj build
ing corner Court and Johnson
Phone Main 2 for good clean lump
or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all
parts of the city. Crab Creek Luu
ber Co., 700 West Alta street.
If you want fresh meat from a
new. clean market, pnone Main 443.
Farmers Mnt Co., Conrad Platzoeder,
manager. 224 E. Court street.
Penland Bros.' Transfer Co., phone
Black 3391. Piano, furniture and
heavy trucking of all k'nds. Calls an
swered promptly. Office 647 Main et.
For bread, cookies. pastry and
cakes made fresh every day, phone
Main 449 and the wagon will call.
Royal Bakery, Webb and Cottonwood
For Sale Two acre homo east
Pendleton. Alfalfa, fruit, garden.
Good buildings, water system and
bath. Address J. H. Bryant, Pendle
ton, Oregon.
A woman wanted on farm. Steady
employment. Call at Standard Gro
cery Co.
Buy your chickens for Sunday's din
ner at the Central Meat Market.
Phone Main, 33.
Buy your chickens for Sunday's
dinner at the Central Meat Market.
Phone Main 33.
Wanted Man or woman immedia
tely in this city. Good salary to en
ergetic worker. Address C. S. W. this
An experienced woman wants po
sition as housekeeper or cook or ho
tel work, city or country. "S," this
Wanted Housekeeper and cook.
Good wages to right party. Middle
ugej lady preferred. Apply "F," this
For good light get a Steelmantle
kerosene burner. Odorless, smoke
less, most brilliant light by small
lamp; satisfaction guaranteed. Carl
Obery, 2!1 Lee Street.
For Rent Good pasture Jas. Mar
pie place near Meacham. $1.25 per
month per head. Stock to be deliv
ered at ranch. R. Atterbury, Stan
field, Ore.
Before l.avln:.' your plumbing don"
see me for estimates. Sanitary
I'lum'.dn;; Shop, Z)i Bast Court
I reel. Alex Burt, "the honest
Tou can't burn slate and gravell
ron't try it. Phone Dutch Henry,
Wain 173. for clean screened Rock
Springs coal either lump or nut. It
burns clean and goes further.
For sale Two hundred acres good
Limber grazing land, about 60 acres
tillable, running water on place. This
Is a snap If taken within next thirty
days. Address W. B., Box 341, city.
Wanted at once Housekeeper In
family of five, elderly woman pre
f' rred. Wages, without washing, $25
per month, with washing, $30. Call
on or write to Mrs. Ubel. care O.-W.
It. & N. depot, Umatilla, Oregon.
Until May 1st we will sell 10 lb.
con's pure lard, $1.60; 5 lb. can pure
lard, 80c; 3 lb. can pure lard BOc. Cen
tral Meat Market.
A Mighty Man.
Topliom, the prince of English
strong men, had kuots of muscles
where the armpits uro In the ordinary
man. lie could take u Ivir of Iron one
and one-half inches lu diameter anil
live feet long, place the middle of It
over the back of his neck nnd then
force the ends forward until they met
before his face. On one. occasion ho
culled upon a village llbeksmith nnd
Pi:'.de of him un pvoTlnstlnir enemy by
picking up n number of .horseshoe
nnd snnppInK them In two ns easily nr.
If they hnd been pine sticks.
Read the want ads today.
Haviland China, Cut Glass
Hand Painted China, Etc,
Still going at Auction Sale Prices
If you dident secure what you wanted
during the Auction, come in and we
will make you a satisfactory price on
any article you select.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
T. L. Dunsmore of The Dalles, Is a
Pendleton visitor.
R. R. Stanton of Condon, Is a guest
of the Hotel Pendleton.
P. T. Harbour of Weston spent
last night In Pendleton.
L. A. Lamey of La Grande, is over
from the Union county seat.
B. F. Bagley of La Grande, Is a
guest ofN one of the local hotels.
I. M. Kemp of Weston, came down
from that town yesterday evening.
J. H. Price represented Weston
last night at the meeting of the Blue
Mountain league,
Bert Moore of Echo came up from
that town yesterday and spent the
night in the city.
A. S. Bennett, well known and
prominent resident of The Dalles, is
visiting in Pendleton.
Edgar W. Smith and wife drove In
from their Vansycle-ranch this morn
ing In their new Ford machine.
R. B. Stanfleld, manager of the
Echo Lizards, attended the league
meeting in this city last evening.
J. E. Keefe, secretary-elect of the
Pendleton Commercial association
was down from Weston last evening.
If. E. Bickers of the firm of Teutsch
and Bickers, went to lone on the lo
cal this morning on a business mis
sion. T. S. Henderson of Milton, repre
sented that town at the meeting of
the Blue Mountain league last eve
ning. Mrs. C. P. Bishop has returned
from a three weeks' visit with friends
and relatives in Hood River, Portland
and Salem.
Clyde Lester came over from Wal
la Walla last evening to represent
Bade's Bears at the Blue Mountain
league meeting,
Mrs. Clark Nelson and Mrs. Roy
Alexander went to Walla Walla yes
terdoy to witness the big aviation
meet In that city.
Asa B. Thomson, vice president of
the Blue Mountain league, came up
from Echo yesterday to attend the
deliberations of the officers of that
association last night.
A. J. McAllister of the Pendleton
Drug company, returned this morn
ing from Walla Walla, where he had
been to watch the birdmen fly. Mrs.
McAllister will remain in the Garden
City for about a week.
And He Had a Sign Out to Let the
Neighbors Know.
In a little setilei.iciit on the outskirts
of Chicago two houses stand out more
boldly than the rest. These two are
the domiciles of two Italians of menus,
who, although, belnjr very Ignorant
men, vied witli each other for the.
social leadership of the locality.
One day a newcomer, in search of
temiMirary lodgings, attracted by a
conspicuous sign in the window of tho
first of these two houses, stepped to
the door to m."ko Inquiry.
"I see you have furnished roonw
here," he said to (he swarthy man who
answered his knock.
"Ya," rejoined the foreigner, point
ing to the fiirnished room sign, "deiv's
da sign."
"Well, if you have one that's suitable
I'd like to rent It for awhile."
"Wo no rent da rooms," was the be
wildering declaration. "I got my fam
ily In here, and dey take up all da
"Don't rent any rooms? Why, then,
have you that sign stuck in the win
dow?" "I'll tell you. Las' week dat follow
next door hang such a sign In his front
window, an' wo'n 1 soo dat I put one
of da same kind in my front window,
just to show da people dat he ain't
only man In dis place dat have his
rooms furnished!"-Judge's Library.
It Should Be Viewed Through the Bi
ble and "Arabian Nights."
Tho best books on tho east, as every
otic knows, are the Bible and the "Ara
bian Nights," and yet I found most
travelers were saturating themselves
with suippiiy descriptions of monu
ments nud places, with tabloids of his
tory, with technical paragraphs ou ar
chitecture nud the ethnic religions,
with figure.s about tho height of this
nnd the length of that or coudensed
statistics of exports and imports nud
the tonnage through tho Suez cnnal
and dates about the Pharaohs nud the
Mughals. No wonder they see nothing,
know nothing, enjoy nothing nnd come
home bringing a few expletives, adjec
tives nnd photographs which cau be
hnd for n small price In either New
York or linden.
Tho first thing to do in going to tho
enst is to turn your education out on
your desk so that you can get nt the
bottom of it, nnd there you will fiud
the Bible nnd the "Arabian Nights"
and the "Odyssey" nnd "Iliad" nnd
"Virgil" and "Ilerodotus" and "Xeno
phon," nnd you will realize what n
fool you wore not to have devoted
more time to thorn when you were
asked to do so. Guide books cau get
you to tho east, hut they do not get
you inside. It Is temperament, not
trains, that counts. Price Collier In
Sorilmer'a Magazine.
hands of the avowed disciples of Carl
Marx. For four months . the county
of Milwaukee has also been in charge
Of the "Party of D'content."
Milwaukee Is disgusted and ash
amed. Her citizens are holding "tax
meetings" nightly. They have been
doing so for many weeks. The "let
alone policy" that was adopted by
the citizens generally for the first
six months of the socialist adminis
tration has been discarded. Thou
ands of the socialists themselves have
become alarmed and are joining the
taxpayers' association, that Is protest
ing against the prospects of greatly
Increased taxation. The vague alarm
felt some months ago has at last be
come definite. Mllwaukeeans are
afraid of the high taxes that are cer
tain In case the great scheme and vi
sions of the socialists become an as
sured fact.
Mllwaukeeans assert that the pres
tige of the city has been hurt all
over the country. Orders are being
withheld from their manufacturers
because of a fear that strikes and la
bor troubles may delay or prevfent
them from being filled.
J v. .
Special in
O.-W. II. & N. U) Ilullrf Well on Dcs- ,
chutes Llna in Near Future.
Contracts for the erection of five ;
new passenger stations on the Des-1
chutes line of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. !
have been awarded to Moore
Bros., of Portland and work on their
construction will be started at once. .
Three of these structures one each
at Hunts Ferry, Gateway and Madraa
will have bencral dimensions of 24
bv 70 feet and will be two stories high
at one end. It Is estimated that theyf
will cost 14 500 each. The two others
w!U be erected at Fargar and Pax
ton respectively and will cost about
$2000 each. They will be 24 by 70
feet and one story high.
The Hunts Ferry, Gateway and
Madras stations will be fitted up with '
facilities for both freight and passen
ger service, commodious waiting
rooms for the public, offices and sev
eral rooms to be used as quarters by
the agents.
Although these buildings will be
somewhat larger than is demanded by
present conditions on the new line,
the company has looked Into the fu
ture and intends that they be In use
five or ten years. They will be mod
ern in every detail and will be equal
In many ways to the stations on the
main line.
Work on these buildings will be
rushed so that they will be completed
by the time the road Is ready for op
eration. Tracklayers now are ap
proaching Madras and with the com
pletion of the new bridge across Wil
low creek at the edge of that town
the steel rails will be laid through
that point to Culver Junction, which
will make the line complete, as
south of Culver Junction a joint track
now being built by the other Des
chutes valley road, will be used.
In the last 30 days Gateway has
sprung from a sagebrush flat to a
town of more than 200 people. At
least 50 dwellings have been erected,
nearly all of them housing familk-s.
Some are of crude construction, but
others are of a permanent nature.
for This Saturday Only
Last year s Oxfords for $2.35 worth
up to $4.00, none sold less than $3
This season's oxfords Tan, Lace and
Patent Button, for Friday and Sat
urday only . . . $2.45 h
Our full line of children's oxfords are in, A splen
did assortment of natty styles, prices right and quality
assured. Our name is a guarantee for quality.
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Jl UtTlLi; UOOD3 itjll LlESS money
Adult Fiction.
New books which will be ready for
distribution Saturday morning:
Daskam Smith College Stor es.
Ei;gltston The Graysons.
Gilson The Wistful Years.
Hopkins The Clammer.
McXuughtan A Lame Dog's Diary.
Pnrrish Beth Xorvell.
Porter Freckles.
Harrison Oliver Cromwell.
Keller, Helen The Story of My
Juvenile Fiction.
Dana Two Years Before the Mast.
Kwald Two-Legs.
Habberton Helen's Babies.
Hill My Wonderful Visit. Stories
of strange Sights.
Smith Three Utile Marys.
True The Iron Star.
Twain The Prince and the Pau
per. Fairy Tales.
llaaren Ballads and Tales.
Little Hod Hiding Hood.
Nature) Stories.
Bass Animal Life.
Coffin Boys of '61.
Dye Stories of Oregon.
Pendleton's favorite picture show
offers a fine program for Friday's
1. "1861." Sells.' An - Interesting
story of the civil war. "Hold Chatta
nooga by all means. Hooker and Sher
man marching to yodir relief. (Sign
ed) Grant" Those memorable words
had just died upon the Hps of the
grand old general, as he gave Lieu
tenant Allen orders to reach Thom
as. One of the best war stories ever
2. "Jim, the Mule Boy." Edison.
A mining story. There Is novelty,
pathos and keen reality in every'foot
of this wonderful film.
3. "Secret of the Forest." ' Kos
mik. A beautifully photographed
picture, it presents numerous unusu
ally picturesque scenes.
4. "Tribulations of Jiggers." Kos
mik. The laughable experiences of
the well known comedian. Jiggers.
He buys a new hat which proves to
be haunted.
5. "The Twin Cinderellas." Pathe,
Freres. Jeanette Xally in the exub
erance of her joy at the wedding of
her friend, takes off her overslippers
and throws it after the happy depart
ing couple. Officer Smith, Jeanette's
lover, finds it and taking it to the po
lice station, put it in his locker for
safekeeping. Hardly has he done so
when Officer Swat stows away an
other pretty slipper in his locker. The
latter has been lost by an actress on
leaving the stage door, and when she
discovers the loss things begin to
happen for stowed away in the toe is
all her Jewelry. Detective Beogan is
assigned to the case but It Is baffling
until, upon going with Smith to call
on Jeanette, what should he see but
the missing slipper. Of course, its
not the one he wants but he doesn't
know that. Jeanette is arrested, the
actress is summoned. Detective Ree-
gan. Sergeant Doyle, Officer Smith
and Jeanette get mixed in an up
roariously funny situation. Explain
ing would spoil the picture'. See It
and find out for yourself whose feet
the slipper fitted.
The Pastime.
The house of quality. A program
of interest for Friday's change.
"Sir Percy and the Punchers." ' A
comedy drama of the experiences of
an Englishman with Texas cowboys,
produced by G. Melies. You all know
him, that handsome, haughty, effem
inate Englishman, who lives for so
ciety's sake and who figures out that
the world over owes him a living. Of
such a type is "Sir Percy Granville"
who fals heir to a ranch in Texas and
while on the way there becomes ac
quainted with Mary Stevenson, whose
father owned the adjoining ranch to
"Sir Percy," Mary was returning
from college and her youth and fresh
ness appealed to this Englishman.
So attentive was he to the girl that
when Billy James, her old time
sweetheart, met them at the station
"Sir Percy" insisted on riding home
in the same carriage. From the
start he was the rival of young
James. Don't miss the finish. It
will bring a hearty laugn.
"Her adopted Father." Selig. A
clean and wholesome drama having its
inception on the storm beaten coast
and carrying the aroma of the salt
sea air. A love story interwoven
gives heart interest.
"Dr. Charcot's Trip Toward the
South Pole." Urban. Contains won
derful and impressive views of the
polar regions. A picture at once ed
ucational and thrilling. It is a stu
pendous spectacle to see the ocean
heaving, swirling and as if it were
chafmg under the fee floes which en
cumber it.
"The Camorra'sts; or Japanese
Catching Fish With Birds." A nov
el picture.
"Girls Will Be Boys." Essanay
Co. The novelty of the plot, the
cleverness of the acting and the beau
tiful scenic appointments make this
story especially interesting.
All Kinds of Lumber Products
Shipped direct from
Manufacturers to Consumer
Keep tho Middlemen's Profits in Your Own Pocket. We
will ' chcerf iily quote vou prices.
Paulsen Pills. Spokane, Wash:
(no Year of It Plsffiists Milwaukee
Party llordo of Off loo Seekers.
Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee has
had one year of socialism. It has
been a disappointment even to the so
cialists themselves, who complain
lmt their own nartv has failed to
support them In many of their under
takings. For twelve months the gov
ernment of the city has been In the
If you want real bargains in the Grocery
line, you can make no mistake by trad
ing at Pendleton's Best Grocery.
We can save you money on every article you buy.
A trial and you will be convinced.
"Home of Quality" Phone Main 442
Prompt Delivery, We guarantee everything to be as represented.