page tnvn DAILY K> ORKOONIM, PKXD LUTON, OKECOS. FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1911. TEW PAGES. AN l.NDKrKNDKNT NEWSPAPER. rnblifclitHl liilly anil Seinl Weekly at ren- (ilotun, Oregun, by tae CAST OKKUOMAN rUBUSUIXCl CO. srnscnirnos kates. IIly. on year, by mail I 'ally, mi month, by mall 'ally, three month, by mall I'any, one month, by mail Illv. on year, by carrier twlly. elx months, by carrier Illy three month, by carrier.... l.allr. one mouth, by carrier vml-Werkly. oae year, by mall.... fmlVekly, six mouth, by mall... Punt-Weekly, four moith. by mall.. $3.00 2.50 l.i5 .SO T.50 S 75 1.05 .65 1.50 , .75 .50 The Pally Kast Oregontan. ! kept cn at the On-con News Co., 3U9 Morrlon treet, VoitTanil. Oregon. Northwest New Co.. Portland. Oreson. Chlrnpo ltnreau. !H9 Security Kulldlng. Washington. L. t, Bureau, 501 Four teenth street. N. W. Member l"n .eJ Pros Association. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter eleohoue Maln 1 Official City and County Paper. party principle, per se, In the south, The Constitution is heartily in sympa thy. We have often pointed out the advantages that would flow to our own people and the nation from such freedom of political action as would permit every man to follow his polit ical conscience wherever It may lead him. "Hut "There never will be two parties In the south so long ns one of them stomachs Hitehcocklsm and Wickcr- sham ism. "Secretary MaeYeagh rightfully do- nounced the federal proscription of reconstruction, "The repression, the suspension of constitutional guarantees, the gadfly brutality of reconstruction were no worse than these qualities as they have been exhibited under the regime of Hitchcock and Wickersham. "liroad-mindod democrats In the south, conscious of the warping of in fluence of solidarity have encouraged the agitation for tolerance and lib erality in the south. "Rut whatever hope the republicans had cherished of formulating a sec- KiKchfiaurn'uotKes." ALL WOOL HAND TAILORED MAY. ;jieaks n the voices of busy brooks, In the sintring of wind in the grasses. From her smiling skies, ever downward louks On all her dainty bowered nooks That the lazy bumble-bee passes. loves the little and help less things She shelters each frail tiny fellow. And hovers protecting mother wings every struggling life that sings In her breezes gentle and-mellow. May O'er ond organization in tne south has j been I "Splintered into toothpicks by the I remote reminder that the republican ; will, even nominally, tolerate the fat-headed and inquisitorial i.oli- i its identified with shuddering mem irks of the late sixties, and now in fu'! i lower under the postmaster gen eral and the attorney general. "The republican parry Is carrying crstly cargo. For upon the heads of these two blunderers rests the rcspon s'b lity for dealing the republican propaganda in the south a blow from the effects of which it will be years in recovering, and which instead of We welcome you blithely loving arms. And the earth her Joy con fesses; Tou creep up daintily with your charms, "With lavish giving and upturn ed palms, And healing in your caresses. Ethel . Ha'.lef in May Lippin- cott's. contributing to the creation of two parties in the south Is far more like ly to create just one party in the with ! north, and that party not the party jjOffVtiaHTID, till 8V A. . 'SCNaUM A CD., 'MIIK'NCW YORK. fco ' o! Wlckersham and Hitchcock. J I A probe will disclose Ballingerism j saintly beside . Hitehcocklsm and Wickershamism.-' NO OCCASION" I "Oil IT. If Congressman Berger, socialist member from Wisconsin, keeps going at his present rate it will not be long until someone will introduce a bill to abolish Perger. He Is rn a pos.tion where he might do some good for his party but he is taking advnntage of fool of S .nit-times it occurs that a man r.evcr knows how many friends he has until some occasion arises that brings them to his defen.s". This is the case with Major Swartzlander and he has not made friends by favorit ism, .itln-r. He has gained them by the nV.-n.;'.' -.f favorit cm ::i h's :td-:..ini-tration. For reasons that have not yet been an opportunity to make a disclosed, an effort is being made 'to, himself. discredit the administration of Major j E. S. Swartzlander. agent on the Umatilla reservation. The attack is I led by a sheet that is noted for its; lack of character and for us nueious and blackmailing propensities. It is a sh-tt that has rece.ved scant at-, tention from the East or. g nlan and, its present ff forts w uk! go uni":!'-ed wtro- 1; ri"t for the fact that they are dire'-l again-t a capchL- and honest offi'-i-il wlm is earnest-- upheld by pr.vties.;y c wry r- putable man with wh .m h" ha-? had any dealing and for the further fact that the int-res of .-c res of l ical farmers and busi ngs men are jeopa'dlzed by the at tar k- being made. A pointed out by local people thr-ugh interviews in this paper yes terday. Major Swartzlander has made a r- cr J un?'iualled by, any fQrmer In; .n a'.-nt. In the olden days the T' P"ri,:i'!":i rrek-d with graft and skulldugeery and frequently it was cori.nvm knowledge that the agent j. part and parcel of the game. But of late year"- th povt-mm'-nt has From the reproduction in oil cf tha Place de la Concorde, Pan. Tho Kirschbaurn Sprinj? and Summer m Mels shown on t'ia mule tiures (reading from left to right) ore a back and front view of the Three-button Keggy. I 3fl r4 ami'ia iJ 1 Soo- Spokane Route SPECIAL RATES EAST DATES OF SALE. MAY 16, 17. 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27. 28, 29. JUNE 6. 7, 9. 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, SO. JULY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28. AUGUST 3, 4, 6, 14, 15. 1, 17, 21. 22. 23. 28, 29, 30. SEPTEMBER 1. 2, 3, 4, 6. 6. 7. St. Paul $60. Chicago $72.50 . S. Louis $70 Proportionate rates to other destinations. You should take In the route via the Arrow Lakes and the Canadian Rockies. Write for circulars and de scriptive literature. M. E. Malone, Geo. A. Walton, Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St., Spokane, Hotel St. George Bar ;i:o. DAIIVEAV, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mons Resort. Anheuser-Busch's famou8 BUDVVEISER BEER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this I?ar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. r 13 VHR f n m rn i s K i rsr.h hmitn "Yungfelo" models are for young men who want style, fit and distinction in their clothes. Such fit, grace and character cannot be found in any other clothes. And under their graceful lines you will find the solid Kirschbaum foundation of honest "All-Wool" fabric, built by masters, on thoroughly shrunk, needle-molded. canvas and hair cloth. There are many "Yungfelo" models, includ ing the Reggy body-fitting with deep side-vents running ten inches from the bottom of the coat, four to five buttons on each sleeve and two, three or four buttons on the front. Prices from S13 to $30. if you find any imperfection in any suit bearing the "Kirschbaum Label," return it and get your money buck. Excursion Fares East for 191 1, from all points on Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Gompany TO Chicago , , Council Bluffs Omaha FARES ..$72.50 Kansas City. St. Joseph . . , 60.00 w ork nmmen s s Clothing Co. Modinrd's p')s'i,ffire is now closed Vj the puHie "U .unda;.s. That is -.iy well if th MeJfurdites like it. .'.ut in Pendleton the people like to ''cur'.' thi-ir mail on Sunday as well '.thf-r d.'s and they told the de . i iiu'nt so. St. Paul St. Paul, via Council Bluffs 63.90 Minneapolis, direct 60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs 63.90 Duluth, direct 66.90 nuluth. via Council Bluff 67.50 St. Louis 70.06 SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18. 19. 22. 23. 24. 25, 27. 28 and 29. June 5. 7, . 10. 12, 16, 17, 21. 22, 2S, 29 and 30. July 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 19. 20, 26. 27, and 23. AuRUSt 3. 4. E. 14, 15. 16, 17, 21. 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 1. 2, 4, 5. 6 l.nd 7. Stop-overs within limits In either direction. Final return limit October 31st. One wuy through California J15.00 addltlon:.l. Inquire of imy O.-W. K. & S. Asont for More Com plete Information, or Wm. Mc MURRAY it 4 '-' Cieneral I'assoiiBcr Ait. POltTLAM), OKKGOV. V '.VWJI JIWI V- aVA! "RIM Jill WMW A .Spokane attorney wants heavier i.unishments imposed on drunk men. is r ght; a drunken man Is not :.'.y a nuisance but often a menace ;. lives and property, lie should be uni.-iied accordingly. MAKCII 2 IX IlISTOItV. 1 i .-',1 i-.iL- in tile surrender of the 1721 An ..rler of the Fretn-h. (unci wa- l.'s-ued to suppress Hell- 17s Maryland adopted the cn firL. tdub.-i. siimiMin of Ihr- T'nited States. 1754 Washington attacked a i .V! The government of the Unit French encampment at the coiifhi- 1 , Stale:) ntmounccd it." neutrality in nee of the Ali"ghenv and Moiionga ' the Crimean war. I I i IViIMlL'5V Tf ive are ti hivt' aik improvements, ti.iy for them. street and sidr sortiebody must M ?r8 j v. i:i i : it rre n t; rn.- r.y le.'e.l men ' les- .! : enurts h a ti u - e - support I fort and of a! I'.er to ace. e: nt h -on;..- i-for: to do away In it: atti'ude I right minded tnpl sh it- ob is it: ununited a.- and h is i! ' r.;s for ;h:s reservation ho '.voui'be h"i:e.-t ai.d ar- ; tre i-i harg.i.? their duty, viev. .jf the Kast iifegotiiun M :.j..r Sv ;.r;s;Ur. l.-r ha.s n true to' the trust ia.pos... ;n biro and ' has made good ,n a very difficult posi tion. TliN i.'i:pre".sion is gained from ln nlews with dozens or men repre Stntrng all .cliques and factions and local bus nessmen as well as reserva- tion farmers. All unite in saying', that he has bsen fair and Just with '( redtnen and white, big men and little , men. The principle of the square deal comes nearer being in operation j on the reservation at this time than ever before in history. As pointed! out by local bankers yesterday, an j honest administration of reservation j affairs is all that men should hop ' for. I It is time for the critics of Major Swartzlander to cease their carping and devote themselves to more wor thy business. Who wiil take the debating cliam-.onship? spj woman in trouble with headache, backacite, r.crvjs on etic, poor r. :.:i'.s and unrexsonaLlo f.itirjt'c c'r.n find h-ui for her who'fj system in to Loan at 5 Per Cent. Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental money pay for your home. 'all or write for particulars. TIIK STANDAKI) KEAL ESTATE LOAN CO. JRJ n' n Room 4 Temple . C2. bClSllBJ, ngU, Building aWat rm T TW jHaa ' 9 L Ui cB Jr Sold Tvct wi.r. I.. uuxes 10c. and 25c A tXJSTI.Y CARGO. In an address before the South Carolina bankers' convention, Secre tary of the Treasury MacVeagh urged that southerners break away from the one party rule. He made the plea for the sake of the south as well as ifor the nation. Commenting upon Mr. MacVeaghM advice, the Atlanta Constitution has the following: "With the application of the bi- HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. nOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. AT. I bank! mntiiiMt ' 1 liilfif Our bank hcing a Xntional Bank, places ns under Government Supervision, and guarantees safety to every dejjotiitor. We refer those who have not dealt with us to those who HAVE. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank, . We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent compounded semi-annually. THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ooo STOCK RANGHI OOO (Jim of tlic Ixwt plueos In I'nuillllii Co. Splendid Im provements, nil fcnwl, flno vtntor, In fact It In line of tho lie-t KtM'k ranches in the Htnte. 1'rhv, liicludlni; lx lieaI liorsox. farm machinery and coiiHldcrohlo liny, $7.00 aero. This place must ho Bold at once. Soo almnt It today. 25. acre wheat rnncli. 170 ncrcwn oiilllvnlloii, 40 acres In chicken ixirk, minll liouso, chicken liouw, 4 or 5 suin n tor lioiiscs. This Is a fine place. Price only $5,000. LEE TEUTSCH The Home Finder