fATCiT EAST ORKGOKIAH, . PENDLETON. OIlECiON. F1UDAV, AI'ItIL 28, 1911. PAGE THREE oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobooooooooooooeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeoo - o o TEN PAGES. MEN'S j o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o We find that we have overstocked on mens clothes for this spring and summer. It has been a fixed policy with this store to show each season, only the correct styles then in vogue. Never to carry any suits over, in keeping with this policy we are going to inaugurate the most sensational sale Pendleton has known this year. Your Choice oi my Spring Pattern Suit in Our Store REMEMBER, the best Clothes in Pendleton are going at these prices Stein-Blochs Included. :;o.)) SUITS WILL SELL FOU - $22.50 27..iO SKITS WILL SKLL FOU $20.70 .$l'.-..o SUITS WILL SKLL FOU S18.75 l':.:0 SUITS WILL SKLL FOU - $16.85 ifi'O.OO SUITS WILL SELL FOU $15.00 K.0 SUITS WILL SELL FOR 813.85 17.:0 SUITS WILL SELL FOU 813.10 jM.-i.no SUITS WILL SKLL FOU 811.25 $i:5.r,0 SUITS WILL SELL FOU ........ $10.10 s-12.00 SUITS WILL SELL FOU - $9.00 10.to SUITS WILL SELL FOU 87.50 Till yonr friends of this front nffprintr. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. One Fourth Stein-Bio ch and Sophomore Included. Not a price has been changed, not a suit has been removed from the racks. You are welcome to select the suit you wish and we will guarantee you a fit No Charges for Alteration. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY COMMENCING SATURDAY, APRIL 29. Come early, as we are showing the finest line of spring and summer styles in the. city and they'll go fast. O o o o o o o a a o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o ALEXAMD ER'S " o 1 o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooS INTERESTING NOTES ABOUT WESTON PEOPLE (Special Correspondence.) Weston. Ore.. April 27. The senior class of the V. H. S. hnve received their Invitations and "class rln(?n" which are fine for a high school class. Mr. J. H. Kins;, who has been ill "Best Stimulant In the World." Mr. Wm. H. Hoff Is Never Without Bottle of This Wonderful Rem edy in His Home It Is a Necessity to His Health and Vigor. In his letter he says: "For over five years I have been using Duffy's Fure Malt Whiskey. I have found it to be the best stimulant that 1 have ever tried. I am never without a bot tle of it in the house. I hope that this unsolicited testimonial will be ap preciated by all suffering ones and all those in need of a fine tonic stimu lant." Wm. H. Hoff, 2874 Amber St.. Philadelphia, Pa. , for some time, g reported to be worse (and his son, Chas. King, from Her miston, is here to see him. Jamefl Navin who has been In Wes ton for a few days from his Helix ranch, has returned. Mr. and Mrs. John Ban.ster went ' t Walla Walla Wednesday to have ; ihelr son Johnnie doctored. Mrs. Julia Hastings, formerly of Weston, but who Is now residing In Waitnhurg. was In the city Sunday Visiting friends. , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ginn oml oliif dren.of Walla Wallu. were the gueMs of Mr. and Mrs. William Benefiel. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kilgore have moved up Pine creek near the dam s:te where they will engage In work ing. Miss Ruby Taylor, who has been .pending a few days with her par ents In Weston, returned Monday eve ning to Walla Walla where she Is still under a doctor's care. Mrs. Will Mays of Pendleton. Is in Welton this week visiting her sister, Mrs. L. S. Woods. Henry Barrett of Athena, brought his wife and mother over to visit ftlends In Weston Wednesday. OPKNS IX Olic.VJO of Weston, made a business trip to Pendleton Wednesday In their auto. Mrs. Martha Rend and Mrs. R. A. Lleunllen. both of this place, were Athena visitors during the week, j Mr. Henry Hite . who has been residing in Weston for the past few months, spent this week with rela tives In Walla Walla. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is one of the greatest strength build ers and tonic stinifilants known to medicine. It strengthens and forti fies the system against the attacks of disease and dangerous germs and assists in building up the weakened tissues in a gradual, healthy, natural manner. When taken at meal time it stimulates the mucous surfaces and little glands of the stomach to a healthy action, thereby improving the digestion and assimilation of the food and giving to the system its full proportion of nourishment. This ac tion upon the digestive process is oi great importance, as it brings to all the tissues and organs of the body; the nutriment necessary to their sus tenance and indirectly to the whole system strength and vigor. It makes the old feel young and keeps the young strong and vigorous. All druggists, grocers and dealers or direct. $1.00 a large bottle. Kcfuse snl slitutcs and imitations, they am injurious. P'"d fur free medical booklet containing testimonials and rare common-sense rules for health, and free advice. Tho Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Bochter, N. T. r.v t' Vm'i i'M;ey Co., It'H'ilosiei . Now York. Ocriiis of Disease should be prompt ly expelled from the blood. This is n time when the sys tern Is especially susceptible to them. Get rid of all Impurities In the 'blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and thus fortify your whole body and prevent Illness. I llo(rs Sucvtiiul) u strangv Dlscnsc. Toppenlsh, Wash., April 28. Baf fled by a mysterious disease that -has already killed 600 fine hogs, officers of the Yakima Produce & Trading Co. at Status, Wash., have appealed to ths state college experts for advice n handling the plague. The appeal was made after an inspection by Yakima valley surgeons of the hogs and the diagnosis of the ease as that of poisoning. A Knocker in a man who can't see good in any person or thing. It's a habit caused by a disordered liver. If you find tint you ar beginning to see thing HirouHh blue spectacles, treat your over lo n good cleaning out procose with Ballard's Herblne. A sure cure for constipation, dyspepsia, Indlges- ' tl"n. sick headache, , biliousness, all1 !ier, slomnch and bowel troubles. A. C. Koeppen & Bros STANFIELD PEOPLE MAKE IffUENT (Special Correspondence.) Slanfiettf. Ore, April 27. C. P. Bowman was in from Batter creek yesterday and reports that consid erable yrngrean has been made toward the organization of the independent tcleiihoBe company ia which he is taking an active interest. There will be a meeting at Heriniston Saturday. May 13th. for the purpose of com pleting th,. organisation. Tom Cwnneity who arrived here a f?w months ago with hia family, from Klkton, S. I., has Just com pleted a very convenient and attrac tive residence on his ten acre tract firor nrDew from Rtanfield and will move into it this week. Mr. Connelly I improving his place, having already planted several acres of fruit trees and strawberries. Work was commenced this morn 'nir on the graveling of Main street for two rWocits north to Taft avenue end Coe avenue won two blocks from .Muin street. Th a is an improvement lint will be greatly appreciated. . W. Lilly of Portland, recently sold to S. Otdenhers; of Barlow, Ore., his 4ff acre tract, partly improved, which Is situated in section 33 close to town. Mr. Oldenberg wiu fnish the improvement, planting the entire tract to ort'Damf. It. M. Tuttle. who owns SO acres under the Furnish ditch, was up from Portland this week looking; after his Interests here. Hia bind has all been improved, most or it being planted to orchard. Mr. Sage who arrived from Tort luud recently, his been looking over this section of the country and ex presses the opinion that this portion of Umatilla, county ia destined to be come famous aa a Trait country. C. I. Porter of Hermiston was in St anfield Monday. H. N. Stunficld who went to Port land Monday returned thia morning. W". J. Furnish returned from his country home at Wenaha Springs Tuesday morning, W. It. Finlcy, who owns a consid i ruble acreuge of farm binds near I. ex ngton, was In Stanficld Wednes day. lr. Reid was a visitor to Kcho Wednesday. Rev. James K. Faucctt left this u'-.eviioon for Milton to attend the M'sMton of the Pendleton Preabytery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sloan were pnsengera on the motor to rendlo tou this morning. of Cincinnati has passed the 1000 mark. The club is actively engaged In a good roads and legislative cru sade and expects to increase its mem hership to 150ft during the year. Twenty-one cars have been nomi nated to participate in the annual sining run of the Quaker City Motor club, from Philadelphia to Atlantic City tomorrow. This will be the best lun that the club has held and big plans have been made for a fitting celebration at both the starting and beginning points. The Pennsylvania State Highway department has Issued more than 25.0110 licenses for 1911. This is the largest number ever issued up this period of the year, and Is 3000 ahead of last year. Over 9000 chauffeurs have been licensed. The British exped.tion. under the command of Captain Scott, which is pushing on to the south pole. Is equip ped with three motor sledges, design el after exhaustive tests made on the sn nvs of Xorway. These sledges have been nick-named "Catterp. liars," and get over the ground by means of an endless chain arrangement. According to latest estimates 33.000 cars, with $60,000,000 worth of auto mobiles are now sold in Xew York City each year. There are seventy d'fferent agencies, employing about Too mn. The average pay of sales men is $2000 a year, though the best make $10,000. The approximate distance to be covered by this year's Gltdden Tour is 1.H90 miles. The start will be made June 19 from Washington, and the tour will end at Ottawa, Can.. June 26. One day on the way will be devoted to a hill-climbing contest, and the performance of the cars in this will be a factor in determining the final awards. BODY OF DROWXED MAX FLOATS SIXTY MILES Kllenshurg, Wash. The body of John O'Brien, who was drowned In the west work of the Teanaway river on March 24, was found lodged on the beach of an island in the Yakima river, opposite TJossem's by a party of log drivers. The body had floated 60 miles be fore lodging and on its trip through the river every vestige of clothing, except shoes and a fragment of a shirt, had been torn from it. Al though badly decomposed, it was rec ognized by the loggers, and, after be Inspected by Sheriff German and Cor oner Wasson was removed to the un dertakers in Ellensburg. O'Brien has a brother, Dennis, liv ing in Cle Elum. His widow is an invalid and lives in Spokane. 1-4 of a Pound a Week at least, Is what a young baby ougit 'o gain in weight. Does yours? If not there's something wrong with Its digestion. Give it Hcie's Baby Elixir and it will begin gaining at once. Cures stomach and bowel troublea aids digestion, stops fretfulness, good for teethiag babies. Price- I5c and 50c. A. C. Koeppen St. Bros. STREETS MARKED IX WALKS. Walla Walla di,Ms Plan of Desig nating Thoroughfare. Walla Walla, Wash. With the building of new walks, throughout the city, all of which are to be con crete, a plan of marking the streets has been adopted that will prove use ful to Walla Wallans as well as stran gers, in finding their way about the city. The names of the streets are being marked in the walks, at the corners, before the concrete harden and when the walk is completed, the name of the street is written so tiit it may be easily read. Those who know Walla Walla bes are oftentimes at a loss for their bearings, so crooked are the streets. . and co various the angels and direc tions. So the new move for markfne them is being met with approbation . everywhere. Xever Out of Work. The busiest little things ever made-. are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill Is a sugar coated globule ef : health, that changes weakness into . strength, languor into energy, brain- -fag Into mental power; curing consti pation, headache, chills, dyspepsia, malaria. Only 25c at Koeppen Jack Lester, another of them "white hope" cheeses, will fight Bin Lang in Australia on Sunday. Have You Read This Book? A new book telling how the fearful appendicitis is caused and how yon can EASILY prevent it. 0 being read with much interest by Pendleton peo ple. It is given away free by Pen dleton Drug Co. An aeroplane which spreads a par achute large enough to retard its rvoi;reH when II begins to fall Is be in..; tiled out In France. Hiectrlcnl ovens with wire glass l ios nre now made so tlmt a per 'i 'i-.M wal.-'i the progress of the cooking going on inside them. a pro 'Ht'S .1X1 SPURTS. ! Tito-Oklahoma k'gislaturc has ere- j itcd the off.c of state highway com missioner. Tin? department will do-' ; ::: ii motorist for support. j The roster of the Automobile Club FREE TRIAL OF SAMOyE. Plixdi-Fnrniliig Food Given on Ap proval by Druggist Koeppen. Would you like to be fat and plump nnd strong and hearty? Here Is a chance so to do It without risking ihe loss of a single penny. Koeppen Bros., our well known druggists, have a new treatment culled Samose, which they are'sellins They really give you a free trial of the preparation, for unless it does in crease the weight it will not cost a cent. on approval, that is said to be a true flesh-forming food. It is in tablet form retailing at 50o a box. If it does not increase the weight, fill out the thin, scrawny form and restore health and strength, there will be no charge whatever for Samose. (lo to Koeppens today and get a treatment of Samose with their prom ise to refund the money If it docs not do all that It claims. Koeppens' faith is shown by their offer to refund the money if it doe not Increase tle?h mid restore good health. Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on tie INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton peirl! who have visited tliese tracts. HILL & HIBBERD, OWNERS At the office of MARK MOOR.HOUSE 'CO. Wolgast has ui ciulrcd a ca-- of fi:gid extremities in the ina t. r ot Ills meeting with McF.ii land, schct uled for April 2S, and the bout declared off. ANHEUSER-BUSCH .on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636 Main St. FINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Kerns. "stei3, ft op Bowman Bar One Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our CIGARSandLIQUORS Th' y pc ;isp Umln Antisrscn, Prop