DAILY Miff 1XKGOXIAY, PENDLETON, OREGON, FFUDAY, A Ml IT, M, Oil. TEX PAGES. -oooeoooooooooooooooeooooooeooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooo o EA T $150, 000.00 SALE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY "PAGE TWO GR o o o o o o o o o o G o o o o o o o c XEW SPRING COATS. Models suitable for women ami small wo men, four most up to the, moment new ideas on sale tomorrow. They are made of men's wear, fine serges, in blacks, navys and tans, three-quarter taffeta silk lined waist and sleeves, combination trimmed and severely lain tailored models; at $19.75 they would Ih values, here only $11. 9o TWO IIUXPftEI) SUITS FOU WOMK.Y. IXCU'DINVr SPECIALLY MADE IMODKLS VOU SMALL WOMKX, AT 14.95. Made in serges blaek, navy and white black-and-white ch.'cked worsteds and fancy 'weeils. Your choice of several most note worthy models, which t be fully njiprcciated. must be seen. See these at v 1 1.03, and what others ask elsewhere 2.:i'' for. SMART WAISTS $2.49. Fahioned of sheer lawn: lnly and sleeves nicked in clusters; tucks on back running on the bias, producing very smart lines ; yoke, onffs. collar and front elaborated with wide imitation Irish laee: Dutch neck: kimona model. All sizes S52.-49 Many distinctive models S2.49 each Extraordinary Advantages Await Women Who Want 15 LADIES' SLEEVELESS VESTS 9? A splendid quality, whito swiss ribbed vest, tape top and sleeve. Saturday Spec. 9" $1.25 LADIES' SUMMER UNION SUITS 85 Ladies' $1.25 summer union suits, um brella knee. val. lace trimmed. Saturday spooi il . SoC 50r MEX'S FANCY SOX 3 FOR 1.00 Here's a banrain you -huplv can't afford to miss if yon like fancy hosiery. These arr tlil seann's very latest and swellest patterns and colors. All sizes, p. great assortment. Saturday special. " pairs $1.00 Snow White Petticoats, $12 Val $5.98-$2.50 Vals. $1.87 Women's beautiful White Lingerie and Tail ored l'ettieoats, made of fine cambric, long cloth, lawn and muslin ; some have deep flounces beautifully trimmed in Valencien nes, Cluny, Mechlin and Point-do-Paris laee dotted SwNs, or Maderia embroideries. 912.00 values, special at S5.9S 9.00 values, special at 54.9S $6.50 values, special at $3.98 $5.75 values, speci al at $2.98 $4.75 values, special at $2.27 $2.50 vnliit's, special $1.S7 $1.50 values, special at 79 $4.75 PETTICOATS $2.27 well made and especially good values at $4.75, barganized for this sale at the low price of only, each $2.2 Women's Petticoats, made of fine quality muslin and cambric, trimmed in various kinds of lace embroidery and riblon, nil Special on Your Sunday Needs. at Pendleton9 s Cleanest and Best Grocery In our Model raseinent. Order Early. 25 15? Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, per dozen 20c Fancy' Breakfast Bacon lb 25 to 33f We can slice it on our slicing machine. Mild, Sweet, Tender Sugar Cured Hams .per pound 21? and 22? Suirar Cured Shoulders, pound 18? Root Beer Extract, littles Home Grown Asrurainis, pound Ripe Tomatoes, pound lt? Radishes, Lettuce, Onions, Rhubarb, fresh from the gardens. Fresh Dairy Butter, sweet ami clean, r'160? Nice Rie Juicy Oranges, special doz. 25 Our I'am-vis A -bland Peaches, can 25? Dickies stuffed vith Relish. 4 for 25c Use our Ehmnnn Dure Olive Oil 35?. GO? mi 1 $1.00. Fresh Cookies, Wafers, Crackers and Bread. Stuffed Olives', pint 40? Ripe Olives, pint 25? Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, C cans $1 Walnuts and Almonds, pound 25? Maple Butter, 'for icing and frosting pint jars 45? Shrimp, can 15? Dibsters, can 35?; glass 45? Fancy Cheese for lunch. Crab Meat for a nice salad, cans 35? Preserved Ginger, jars.... 50? and 90? Xauraya Tea, packages....: 30 and GOo Fresh Saratoga Chips, packages 10? Xe'v line Fire Proof WareMixing BowK Custard Dishes, Pitchers, eic Save Your Coupons SftAJf r it 8 s WAREHOUSE $3.00 MEX'S PANTS $1.49 We have nbout one hundred pairs of men's extra pants, nearly all sizes, an extra good assortment. Saturday special $1.49 $1.50 COLLARS 95? Our stock of collars would be a credit to a city store. They are made of baby Irish, Irish crochet and hand embroidery. Any of our $1.00, $1.25, or $1.50 collars Saturday spiv ial 05? - $1.00 OTTOMAN SILK 35? 10 different shades in Ottoman silk, the silk with heavy cord in it, for wear Makes up very pretty. Worth $1.00 per yard. Saturday special 35? 50? DRESS GOODS 39? A few shades in Albatros and wool Batiste, 4 inches wide. Comes in white, cream, light blue, "green, brown, etc. Saturday special 39? 25? MADRAS 17? French and India Madras shirtings and waistings in plain white ami stripes, small figures, no-inches' wide, worth 25? yard. Saturday special 85? TABLE LINEN 01? Table Damask, 7:2 inches wide, pretty pat tern and full weight, well worth 85? yard. Saturday special - 1? STAPLES. 2(1 yard-s Calico, best $1.00 20 yards Cotton Challie .. $1-00 25 yards Lawn $1.00 10 yards Apron Gingham $1.00 12 yards Hope $1.00 20 full size Towel $1.00 20 yards Towel ins $1.00 Eae. Etc. 12 Muslin Saturday x 7 1-2? 5 TVt Thn ad Known. Saturday 3? 5? Needles, paper Salnrday j - 3? Where it Pays to Trade o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . cv 9 o a F. W. HENDLY HAS POST M IN RECLAMATION OFFICE (Special Correspondent e. H-nni."t"n, Ore.. April 2S. Fred v H nll'.-y, f.rm.r c-unty r-.-.-r.!-'. Hs ju-t accepted a position h"i "a;vokkeep.T f'-r the rf-clamati'.n ?-r-anl is t.j b'-ein upon his duti'-s , . ; , work in tlie local r-.'A la'.ation f.ff.re .under rr.t Xf-.v.-'.! and will rank a? as-ist-n.-.t rhi'-f clerk. The new proprietors of the Hotel i -'.son are preparing to erect or r. x ;;i the roar of that hostelry. The ar r will be of Kaker City stone and v. ill f..-t between J''nn0 and l000. ni.nex w 11 be u.-- ! for re.tau-I.urjjix.P. events. The high school and prepara tory, grammar and parochial school teanu bring the total of teams en tered up to the unprecedented fig uies of 225. Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Chi ..', Mkliiirm. Notre Dame and Pennsylvania teams will compete in i ::. i.i.:e rel iy. In the two mile the . -.imp- titin' teams will represent iTlmetoii, Cornell and Pennsylva . will be the principal cntenders ' . th" f.'ur-mile event. Among the crack jumpers entered ; I iuru are Porter, tormcny oi Cornell, who low holds me Olympic running msu ship Ryndam. i Conspicuous in the family are two . sets of Dam twins. The proud father is Jacob Dam, 45 years old. He is a farmer from Slcuf, Peyerland, ifol- ; land, and he is going to take his chil- j dren to Pella, Iowa. ! in of mm while the number of 'manuscripts I mbaiitted did not quite equal the ex- Mucilngs and Gum. "I went Inlo n stationer's sliop ox Tin; di:.k oi.d fai'.m. i dream and' drone of the good old days When 1 drank from the old tin cup, ' ru-ty and ripe from the elm-king pump When Hector was a pup At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Willard, the Man of Mystery, made his drive about the city in search of a b 'ok which a committee had hid den and he not only found the book I but turned to the page upon which j the (ommi'tee had picked out a worn : pectations of the management, the i-oimou one o -i .... ! eff.,r- Mihmi't-J wer -f such merit "nml said to Hip shop iisslstnnt: , a. to make up for anv shortcomings "'Ho you ke.-p niucllnge?' ! along that line, in Judg ng the com- i "'No, sir,' the young in.-ui answered. ,positions main stress was laid upon J 'Wo try to take In" nil the papers, but I the advertising value of the various there lire so many new ones mining papers. The Judues were Principal A. i". Hampton, of the hgh school, ;m! tlv i l:b'rs of the n w-papers. two local f;o. i,i f,.iin,l th wor,l Itse f A large Project- ,u,,-.p title; Moffitt. who has a record; ,,.l,r,iV( gathered to marvel at this feat I- incurs; t.uruicK "i i ii"li,u toe e- - - f 6 feet. Pennsylvania, French of Kan-as uni versity. Farrier and Lane' of Penn sylvania, and Lawrence, formerly of Harvard. T-v r j ii ' NKfil.KCT FIXAXCIAL SIDE. jnd i.:'.iv Miilnf-bt In the Owirks ,et sleeple-s H.ratn Scranton of Cit-. 1:1.. coughed and coughed. ii- was In the mountains on the an i i. e of five d ctors, who said he had .-r.-ja.pt!or;, but found no help in the '.iT.'i"-, zr. started 'home. Hearing of Or. King's New Discovery, he began .-. use it. "I believe it saved tny life," it writes, "for il made a new man ? me, so that I can now do good vork aga n." For all lunjj diseases, -v-tigh-, cold.s la grippe. asthma, ..Teup, whooping cough, hay fever, t?morrhages, hoarseness or quinsy, Its Vne best known remedy. - Price 50c n..J Jl. Trial bottle free. Guaran tivl by Koeppens. drift In the most voluptuous terms, I hate to believe that the blamed old well Was full of typhoid germs. We used to arise and don our 'clothes With the temperature ft zero, And the wry that dad .Would threaten the gad Proved him a Nero. SONO OF LONG ng of long ago, Sing it lightly, sing It low Si.ig it softly like the lisping of the l!ps we used o know Wiii our baby laughter spilled From tlie he.ir's forever filled U'it'i a music sweet as a robin ever trilled! (o! :" Fxix-rt on Iliislnes Man a'.cment Sayi Few Fanners Know Iioiv Much "ri)js Cost. I'orvallls. Ore.. April 2$. "The fi nancial side of farming, the world's VV(, work,.,i and ate, then we ate and worked On cornbread, sausage and pie, And the coffee brewed To eonvoy tlie food Had the color and taste of lye. I love to dream of the beauty of toil j ami. if anyone had an explanation, it v. as not offered. The four men to respond to Wil lird's call were Dr. .1. A. ltest, Dr. I. V. Temple, Conrad PlntsodT and W.ll Hanseom. Dr. Hest was plainly L,,, tl)0 HumrnPr fragrant breeze suspicious and attempted several , ml I(,:lvf,!, of iMCUSt trees, fmeu to trap the mnn of mysterv - , nl (h(, nI1lll, lnl(ls nnil blossoms to exposing a fraud. After th- word j U1( Ul( WI1RI, of honey bees bad been "selected. the committee j v;. ,,..).,:..,.,, ...:th ,.ip drove about the city, finally stopping T- ,hn ),.,,, ,iy harmony out. Still, t can order mucilage for you. sir. Which ntitnher did you wnnl?' "I learned afterward Unit I should have asked for jriim. Tliey don't Lave tlie word 'miii llage over I here In Eng land. "Hut r.u i:;,;;llsliuuin truvcllug on one of our railways stopped n train lwv mid unld: '"Have you M't i:ry gum?' " 'No: I don't use it. boss,' ttio boy replied In friendly fashion, 'but I can lot you liuve n clinw olT this lioro plug.' " Washington Slur. As I sit In my office chair, liut tiie memory of groans As I grubbed up stones DispcU the vision fair. MANY ATHLETES (ATHEIt IX PHILADELPHIA ileiermine ine iiiwn.-ui:si trh-impionshrp of America. One will at a mile, each man to run a itar-'T of a m le. The second race greatest Industry, is almost entirely j v .Jet ted by both the farmer und the I r'looK" says Dean J. A. Hexell of I : '' Oregon Agricultural College, au- J :hor of a volume on "Farm Account-j ing and Business Methods," now In. t- sixth thousand. "Prof. Haib-y of New York, said, in discussing the matter of his own j nate, "in visiting practically every) farm in one of the counties of the! stale, we d.d not find -one man wnoj, knows how much It cost nim to pro-, The farm was poor and the work was hard And the fields were rough and steep. And the only vacation the year dis closed Was the time we were asleep. The good old farm Wrought a certain charm Hut I'd hate to rest at ease 'Neath the reeking roof When the mercury proof , Showed ninety-eight degrees. The summers grilled and the winters froze And still the dally toil. on (-ottonwoo.i street rrom w nei e , ....,, r),UPsh lov to vou they walked tnrougn me wasn xro- nnij ,no eery to the (Sritmnn c!gar store, whero the book was hidden In the stove. , (,t ,h(1 f,V(liJ of fanrv turrii Fpon the return of the committee, Wh(ru tho tumbled pippins burn Willard, blindfolded, took the lines . .. ml,r:4 ,n lhn f)rriinr,rs bin of and drove over the same route, fl-j tousled grass nnd fern; nally ending up where the committee ; Am, f,t thp wnywnrd wln(1 h id hidden the noon, ueiurning wun Sll Hn(?nff plod behind ' The cider press the good old-fashioned kind! duce milk or to raise any of his1 crops." : "The secretary of agriculture, in recent Year Hooks, points out the remarkable prosperity of the farmer; rhat the export of farm products is Philadelphia, April . 2S. Athletes v;iytly in exce8s of all other exports . r.early all of the leading colleges ,.r)mb;n(!(1. tnat a minion agricultur- .nd univers ties of the eastern and a, ,jf.btHr(i have b,.en transformed rvntral Mates are arriving here to- lJurjng th ,ai!t ten yearg ,nto the .Jar to take part in the seventh an- , a numb,.r ,tt Burplus depositors; -iua; intercollegiate and interscholas- Ujat ,contrary tQ ns r.,)Utatlon, the ?i- reiap race meeung oi me i....- farrner u a great organizer, and he jny of Pennsylvania, which will h;la achieved remarkable anJ enor 5. "held tomorrow on Franklin field. BUCCeses In manv lines of eco- The program Includes three races cooperation in which the peo- pie of other occupations have either made no beginning or have nearly, if not completely .failed.' . He points that most farmers live belter than ,1-- l. 1 ... w l" srm be at rour m, etc.. '""' ' the avearge merchant or mechanic .rh team to run a mile. The third it to the place of starting, he opened It and fmnd th" word "Sterling," which had been selected. Dr. Hest admits he thought he was mixed up in a fraud until toward the end when the man found the hook without being near any one of the committee. He thinks it probable. however, that Hanseom was under hypnotic control. Willard also appeared In nnother program at the Oregon last evening, together with Martin K. Johnson, who continued his Illustrated lecture on his trip Into the south sea Islands with Jack London. The entire pro gram was most excellent und was thoroughly enjoyed by the small au dience present. WHOLE DAMT FAMILY AIUUYES I'llOM IlOTTEItDAM .i'.l be a two mile race, each man to run half a mile. For the first time In years Yale wiii not send a relay team to cot'.- , , e in the games here. The west New YorkThe whole Dam fam- TL Zr represented than usual, for "y cam. to town today There were . addition to the University of Chi- thirteen" of them, Including Fa her :ZJ teams, the University of Minne- Dam and Mother Dam and Brother fa is repsented. Altogether more Dam and Blifr Dam, not to apaak r, threescore college, and unlver- of Baby Dam. Moreover they all t have entrie. in the varlou. came from Rotterdam on the steam-' PILES CtritED r 0 TO 11 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In 8 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. MACCABEES IX SESSION AT PES MOINES Des Moines, la., April 28. Macca bees of Iowa convened their state convention here today and report the order to be In a flourishing condi tion. HEItE A HE TIIE WINXFHS. Four Prlws Auurdnl In "Conk Willi Ons" AilviTtlsIng Eswiy Contest. O. A. Bobbins, R. M. Mayberry Margaret Cooper and Mrs. S. L. Nich ols are the winners In the "Cook With Gas' 'essay contest pulled off by the Pacif.c Light & Power company under the auspices of Manager F. W. Vincent and Salt, special so licitor for the gas department. Messrs. Bobbins and Mayberry draw 15 each for their compositions, while the two ladles winning second prizes are given the sum of $2.50 each. Last evening marked the close of the "Cook With Oa" contest and Blend is the song the moan i If the dove that grieves alone, And the wild whir of the locust nnd the bumble's drowsy drone; And the low of the cows that call Through the pasture bars when all The landscape fades nway at evenfall. Then, far nway and clear, Through the dusky atmosphere, Let the walling of the klldees be the only sound you hear. Oh, sweet nnd sad nnd low As the memory may know Is tho glad pathetic song of long ago. James Whitcomb Riley. Taking Away From the Subject. Wlii'ti Frederick Kobertson of Brigh ton, the great preacher who had writ ten much about Tennyson's poeuiH nnd Jor whom the poet had n hljrh regard, first called upon him, "1 fell," Mt'.d Tennyson, "n If he had como to pluck nit the heart of my mystery, so I tnlk d to him about nothing but beer." An Accomplished Linguist. "Did you learn any French while you were In Paris?" tieked Blldnd, meeting Slithers shortly arter his return from Em rope "Oh, ll'llttle,'" said Slithers. "Not 80 very mueh, though. I got so J could Rny cigarette In French." "Good:" said Iljldad. "What Is elgn- retto In French?" "Cigarette," an Id SIlttiors.-ITurper's Weekly. CASTOR! A For Inmnti nd t tiloW Ito M You Ha,ie Always Bougl eJffuatat of For tho First Comer. Young Man So Miss Ethel Is your oldest sister. Who comes after her? Pniiill Brother Nobody ain't como yet, but a says the first fellow that comes ?an have her. Boston Transcript Do you read the Bast OregonlanT Life Insurance Prescription DRUGS The Pendleton Drug Co. In Business for Your Good Health