East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 26, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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. ". if-
Calling cards, w.'
ding stationery, com
mercial stationery and
Job printing to order
at the East OregonUa.
Showers tonight nnd
VOL. 24.
bo given full legal privileges. No
questionable methos will be allowed.
Xo (lumen for Ilulxms Corpus.
Needes. Calif.. April 26. All
chance of habeas corpus for the Mc
N'amuras and McManlgal ended this
morning at 4 o'clock, when the Cali
fornia limited, crossed into California
Despite McManlgal's alleged Chicago
confession, the train crew said the
prisoners all seem to be on the best
of terms. They are heavily man-
i ncled to their guards.
Kansas City, April 26. President
Franklin of the boiler makers' union
declared that the American Federa
tion of labor would probably raise
110,000 Immediately for the defense
of the suspected dynamiters.
Portland Ijilxirers to Meet.
Portland, April 26. n Is expected
that with the meeting of the central
labor council In Portland Thursday
night, that first step toward raising
n local fund for the McNamara's de-
OFFE1C TO DEFEND SUSPECTS fonse at Los Angeles starts. It is be
lieved that all union men will be as-
Kansas City, April 26. Dr.
Hyde was released today on
ball pending his retrial on the
charge of having murdered the
millionaire, Thomas Swoope,
his wife's relative.
Hyde was admitted to ball of
$50,000 and Immediately went
home. He said he hud nothing
to say at present.
Burns to be Brought Before
Grand Jury to Explain Cause
of McNamara's Removal
Government Will Begin Pro
ceedings to RecoverProper
ty Fr. m Other Railroads
New York, April 26. If Dr. Woods
Hutchinson is correct in Ills theorv
that the way to reduce flesh is to eat
frequently. President Taft ought to
become an animated bean-pole dur
Ing his stay in New York. In addi
tion to opening the Blind Workers
Exhibit this evening, the president
will take part in the closing exercise's
of the semi-centennial celebration of
the departure of the Sixty-ninth reg
iment for the front, and will be the
guest of honor at the annual banquet
of (he Hungarian Republican club.
He has accepted several invitations
f'ir luncheon and breakfast tomor
row and will be a guest at three
banquets tomorrow night, including
the dinners of the Aeronautical so
ciety, the Associated Press and the
Vancouver, B. C, April 26.
A dynamite explosion Is be
lieved to be an attempt to
wreck the four story building
under construction here, at the
corner of Smythe and Seymour
streets shortly after midnight.
The floors and walls were shat
tered and windows in the neigh
borhood broken.
Counsel Will H Paid by the WCMtorn seBHed
Federation of Miners During the j
Prelliiiliiurle-Alleged Dynamiters, FMatf. sow
. Will Uracil Iw Angel This Af- New yorki Apr j. New York
tcrnoou. "cliff dwellers" whose springtime
,. mn n. tun' fancy turns to thoughts of a ll't.e
llorHtow, Calif., Airll J- '
McNainara brother ami Ortl Mc- j homo In the suburbs, with a plot of
Mantgnl In custody of a clown detco- ground wheie tney can cultivate their
liven pael through here at 9:15 tills own flowers and "garden sass," are
morning. ' flocking to Madison Square Garden,
IiidlanaMlis Arll 26. Ielerniliicd where the second annual real rstal.-
. . ... f.,l... UnVnillllM tlin lu- ,,. 1.1..., I V. ....... u uhnn. tt'ua. ntkAniH
CO II1T111 !' ...---- - tiiiii it,-:,., ii"iiia ...... . . , .
fc,ulers Iht,. KMlay taumiH-cl a plan tmlay. A of ,he legitimate subur- Ve. ..' T?1'6 " Ch"rse of
to unclo the M-eallecl kklnaplng and , reHty developments are repre-
forcv the. BiitlioritioH to retcirn Mc- pen ted in the exhibition, and as a re-
Naniara to Uibt city.. Aeting on Dar- ult of the ghow jt l!t expected tliPt
row's advice telegram were sent to many thousands will leave the con-
Omjrrewmian KorWy anil Senators gel,tP(j districts to become commuters
Milvcly ami Kern asking tliem to In- ,c Long island, Staten Islan 1 or New
troduco a congresMooai wvmnm Jersey.
I -i Lorain, in Waslrngtou, Wyoming
ami Nevada Owned by Union Pa
cific and Northern Pacific Com
panies Violated Terms of Federal
Land Grants.
Washington, D. C, April 26, En
couraged by Wolverton's decision
ega'nst the Southern Pacific at Port
land, tlie department of the interior
will soon start similar suits for the
rsc-A-ery of land worth a hundred
million d "liars in Washington, Wyo
ming and Nevada from the Union Pa
cific. It Is charged the Union Pa-ef-
violated the terms of the fed-
National Congress of Religious Llb-jtr-l laid giants by refusing to sell
'-ml. t nrt-ja! settlers at $2.50 per acre.
.Mayor Oaynor, Gov. Wilson of .New T'v Northern Pacific will also be
Jersey and other notables will assist i i-ued on the same grounds to recover
President Taft at the inaugural of the ! a thousand acres in Washington. One
Rllnd Workers' Exhibit In the Met- ' serious obstacle in the land recovery
ropolltan opera house this evenine. ! it is said, will be found because the
The project is the first of Its kind ' company changed its corporate title
Illinois Executive Says He had
no Knowledge of the Lori
mer Slush Fund
Los Angeles April 26. The wo
man!)' socialist organization of Los
Angeles and the women's union organ,
izations of Los Angeles today drafted
8 telegram to the mother of the Mc
Namaras at Cincinnati asking her to
be their guest during the McNamaras
Try-. Out for Derby Horse.
London, April 26. Tullibardine,
the colt which made such a great
showing in the Biennial Stakes, fur
nishing the big surprise of the year
Statements Follow Testimony Givot
by Dulutli Limilx-r Men That Hine
Talked to a Man Over tlie Phoae
Whom Ho Called "Governor"
When llines Said He Would Raise
tlio Money.
H. Choate Is chairman of the execu-
show, ;in Mrs. Aueust Holmont Mr
J. Hordf-n Harrlman and numerous
other toclety women have helped in
arranging the affa'r. Miss Helen
Keller, the famous blind author, will
be present.
....i,ri the affair.. As part or the
plan Dcleclw Duriin arresU-d last
night on the ritarge of Inuring to
kidnaping, will lx brought before Uie
..v mm to reveal the fnll
cbusth for MeNainara'a rniynal. I- ,
gnl rxix-rt -y 'at Darrow's wiieme
to return MeNamnra from lios An
geles Ih feasible.
San nemnrcllno, CU -Pri -6"
train liearlng tlie aecnised dna
mlt. nnivecl at 12:42. Three linn
drccl plo at the ntatlon wlien
llu train pulled In.
Hilton to Defend Susn-ctH.
Los Angeles. April 26. Judge Hil
ton today telegraphed a formal ac
ceptance of the offer to be chter
counsel for the suspected dynamiters,
to president Hyair of the lnternation-;
nl Association of Urldge and Struc-
tural Iron Workers.
uuin In authorizing the accept-
Los Angeles, April 26. A broken
piece of a pistol butt found In his
room today resulted In the confes
sion of John Edwards, sailor, that
he was the man who assassinated
Miss Julia Koebig in her room last
Monday. Indignation is widespread
against the man. There was a re
ward of $1000 for his camture as it
was believed he Is the same fiend who
attacked and beat a number of wo
men previously.
Springfield, Ills., April 26. Botk
Governor Deneen and former Gover
nor Yates today issued statement
denying that they had any connec
tion or knowledge that money wa
being raised by Hines to obtain Lari
mer's election. The denials follow
ed testimony before the investigating
committee by Wni. Cook and Wra.
O'Brien, the Duluth lumbermen, that
Hines over the phone had talked with
a man whom he ailed "governor" and
that Hines told the man he would
raise the money to defeat the re
election of Senator Hopkins.
Tilden Resists Arraignment.
Springfield, April 26. Declaring1
that the committee's order directinc
him to produce the books so the com
mittee could trace the 1100,000 fund,
which is alleged he collected to elect
Lorrimer, Is unwarrantable, Tilden,
the president of the packing company,
today resisted the arraignment for
contempt before the senate. Th
galleries were packed while the law
yers argued the point.
session of three days, the National and won in a canter. Pietrl. who was ' Uca,f admlUed thil
.n a "",lona' TV' J"Ph'i '"nPac'flc Ra,lwa; mPa"7! among the owners and followers of
...... ......uau . I classic raclng( will be given another
ference may bar the governments ef-. Thousand
oris to recover the Union Pacific , 0ttnea8. m today., raCe he will meet
lan s- such cracks as Seaforth, St. Nat and
! King William, and if he fin'shes first
DELGIAN LIRERAUS ( he will doubtless go to the post a
OPEN SESSION TODAY . favorite in the Derby.
j I In the Biennial Stakes Tullibardine
! New York. April 26. Beginning a simply raced away from the field
Congress of Religious Liberals was thought to be a sure thing In
opened today. More than a thou- Derby, is not coming along well,
sand delegates from all parts of the j . :
'SLI .nCL ma.l. .th r ere Untarian.v but Universa.its.;nnnyr 0l CPTLI1 TO
:u"A:"rr,.r""Zr.."'.V. CoWrti.tliu.il.H Christian Scientists II mm r ,11111,1111 III
Pittsburg, Pa., April 2. A
! ?U",,I.J fkelet0," f " f th,6 Brea'" untry a.-e in attendance. A major
rnn mniiu i mn
nin irilllfin IHllll Carnegie institute. It Is the only nJ" fa '., nM-i and
one of ,w klnd , exlflteBCe- aff,.ated
! Fragmantarv remains of this rrea- ....... .... c-...i ..., I
j ture have been found in various parts
APPROXIMATELY 50,01)0 ACRES j of America. Europe and Asia, but
ON RESERVATION LEASED on,y recently was a complete skele-
! ton discovered In Nebraska. It has
plans were completed for bringing a
j habeas corpus in case the senate or
. dered the packers' arrest. Thia
j would throw the case Into the chril
courts. It would mean a long legal
Rental In Nearly All Crmcm Ih lUghc-r h t'n assembled in the Carnegie In
c.., v.fci.rrtl,llv ll s!i,uu. "-' occupies a place of hon
or In i-ide the d'plorocus, repulcas of
metlcally All
CIUI lnncx .irc iwneneu ' -'-i whl.-h Mr -:,rn.,ffln h ,.rn..nl.1 f,
tempt Jiaiie iu ix)reo cjki iicnicrs Kuropean museums.
The chanlic 'theres was about th 1
size of a huge rhinocerous, hut it
iomb.nd in Itself the characteristic
Out of Their IjiikI.
Practically all of the leases for the
next year to the reservation lands 1 ( f many present-day animals.
with the organization-. Sessions will
be held in Unitarian and Friends
churches and in Temple Emanuei.
The congress Is an outgrowth of
the International Council of Liberal
Thinkers and meets every two years.
The 1909 session was neld in Phila
delphia. Its principal object is the
discussion of civic movements and Progressives Demand Greater Repre
I theoiogcal subjects are not taken up. j s,tation and If Not Given, a Fight
President Taft is an honorary mem- j
her or tne congres an i may
Chicago, April 26. Four men In a'
automobile drove up to the jewelry
store of Edward Albert! & Son and
.. i.i ,i.n rw ,.vnelise iiwnml l.r th.. Tnillnna hnva nmv Vien hrii.l it! an in ! h i n rr lilr. th'i nf n lmre
ance or mc case iio - - - - n -
would bo spared to securn a fair near, signed and by these leases between j and It has a long neck, a huge barrel
one of the sessions during his Hay
in the city.
., . ...in i. .Mil.t hv the Western ' 40.000 nnd 50.000 acres of the best ami curlous-shune.l cleft hoofs. Th.' .'O KI-.IIRN l.im l .'M.M
III- Mill I " J
.i t viliw.ru Murine the pre- wheat land In the eountrv have been loul ncr nf the skeleton was conyiil-
reot"iii"ii i " .......... . .
turned over to wnite men ror larm- : eretj an epoenai event in paieoii.-.'io-
Ing purposes. Major fartzlander, Rkal science. ! Ci -.velar..!. Arril 25. Foundation
acting as agent for the redmen, has; ; f"r ;he government Investigation of
been busv making out these leases ' I'RINiDF.NT TO ATTEND v'' States Steel Corporation
since March 20 bv the terms of ren-I XEW YORK HANOI. ET I expected as a result of the grand
till emho.lied In them, the Indians I J"i'.v cUnn probing into the alleged
will this year get larger returns than! Washington. April 26. President j rebating by the Ohio railroads. It is
T.f Inft trwlnv f..r 'nn York f,ir n understoo.l inai io.ucunein ..in uv
limlnaries of the mg nam.
nhir..,. Ai.rll 26. Clarence
row will not act as chief counsel for
the McNamaras and McManlgal, the
alleged dynamiters at Los Angeles.
Returning today from Indianapolis
be said that he was too advanced In
...om nnertMko such a defense.
in any previous year
Kxolalnlng his stand. Harrow said; Major Swartzlander. In discussing . two days' stay. During this time he ' cturne.l against one of the most pro-
r'1 1 . . ....... t ... . . . ..... .,.,.,.t niliw.ii.t ninn in fhla ronntrv
His head- 'inem ranroau men in inis couoir.v
i..... , i.iu imp. ... . . i . . ...in ... .u- u., i n numerous steel anil ratiroaa oi-
cause ne in. . i v i . " v ... ( ..... ..... - . -
he refused to take up the cajie be-; ty,p renting of the lands this after- will eat at six banquets
He said he might reconsider h! de- tempt to force any of the old renters , brother, Henry.
clslon If demand for his services ne- out of the in(I Which they have been !
came too Insistent. He said his mo- farming "and that practically all of
tives must not be misunderstood. He tne icnsP!1 are renewal Fully
said even if McNamara wos guilty eKnty per cent of these, he declared,
that he would defend him believing wpre made on higher terms of ren
that even guilty persons should have ,a,
protection of counsel. Regarding the story to the effect !
Situation I Tntenne. ! that bribery has been employed ex-
Los Angeles, April 26. With the tensively to force old renters out of ;
dynamite special with the alleged dy- their lands and that a number of I
namlters aboard due to arrive this these old renters have drawn up n j
afternoon, the situation, here Is In- petition- exposing the practice and '
tense. The three cells are widely the practitioners and forwarded it to
separated In the county Jail. District Washington, Major Swartzlander de
Attorney Fredericks and the chief of dared his belief that It was A fiction
pollco at Sebastlne conferred this pure and simple without any foun
mornlne regarding the plans of slip- datlon or substantiation. He stated
ping the suspects into this city. Judge that no single complaint had been
! Walla Walla. April 26. Over half
a thousand Odd Fellows are expected
In the city today to attend the cere
monies of the 92nd anniversary of the
founlng of the order in America.
Elaborate preparations are being
made for their entertainment and re
. ception. A monster parade will be
Hilton, the suspects cniei coun-e., .e- mane to mm regaraing me mauer hed ,n thjj Bftornoon immediately
fused to say wnat nis nrsi step wou.u ami mat u was nigniy improuaoie afu,r whlcn appropriate exercises
be. It is expected mi b naurai - inni any sucn nipsiiiixuicuoii snoum bp given at the Keylor Grand
when Past Grand Master McLaren of
Seattle, will deliver the address,.
Already the hotels are taxed to the
pus will bo the first move In the big arise without him being aware of It
(Viiigriwrnnn lhn hanan SMk
Washington. D. C, April 26. That
"money pirates" who seek to extort
unreasonable profits from people are
behind the arrest of John McNnmara,
Is the gist of the statement f today
made by Congressman Frank Buch
anan of Illinois, former president of
the Structural Iron Workers. He said
London, April 26. "Down with the i
Mormons!" is the slogan to be sound- I
ed at a great mass meeting tonight, I
when a movement for putting un end ,
to tho activities of the missionaries
from Utah will be started. Many men
limit for room reservations, the com
ing aviation meet having also drawn
on the supply, but ample care will be
taken of the Three-Links visitors. The
stoics of the city have responded to
the request to decorate and Odd Fel
low emblems are to be seen in al-
1 must every window. Other decora-
tho arrest is the latest outrage against "f prominence have interested them- j (,i)ns wm-,K. u.Jtli , addition to
organized labor by a gang of finan
cial highbinders.
Iibor leader to Investigate.
fan Francisco, April 26. Leav
ing Sun Francisco on a secret mis
sion In connection with the McNa
mara arrest, Andrew Gallagher, labor
leader, left this city today. Previous
to his departure he said he hnd
found evidence thnt the Times dyna
mltinir was not the work of union
se,vcs in me anu-aiormon propagan- (,uSOi wh0 u, od(j Fcows. temple
will bo the. scene of tho big reception
t i;i:h!. with the Rebeccas in charge.
.V.iny Mf the visiting lodgemen will
remain over n day for the aviation
wives. This is denied by the Mormon j '
missionaries. ,)dd Fellows Celebrate.
Father Vatm'hau, the noted .Jesuit 1 Washington, April 26. Odd Fellows
priest who won fame by hs dentin-j , f Washington, ,as well, as lodges
li'itioiw of society, is playing n throughout h.- country, are today
d:i. It Is asserted that thousands of
young women nnd girls have been 1
sent to the western states of Amer'-I
c:i nnd the anti-Mormons declare
that they are Intended for plural '
en an thnt ho was going to do some prominent par; in the nntl-Mormon
detective work himself. He refused
to d. -close his destination.
Chief of Police Seymour, answering
the report that labor leaders In San
Franc'scii would be next arrested In
the ilynnniltlng plot, said today that
only warrtnts would bo served by the
police nnd uny one arrested woul I
oeent address he
ilr-ti-ired: :
"M ! Intolerable thnt n n.nt'o-i Hit"'
li s, calllnr Itself Christian, should i
t llerat? for a minute those emissaries
of Mormonlsni. They should be ta- '
ken by th" scruff of the neck and
dropped into the. sea." ,
f th-.'
ninety-second anniver-
Hiding of the order.
reddle Welsh mi l 11 M r -. ii
i , i 1 n i- il . ',11 T.'.i'.V .ilk '.ist
i" -i, w re . arc ;! off ! ''".e : '
, ; . r- t : i-t '.-nr. th.-
month, or something, and tho mill is
now scheduled for next Thursday.
At a drill held last evening by
company L and at which Captain M.
S. Kern, commanding officer, was in
attendance the local guardsmen made
the best showing in many months.
Though the company is still short of
the requisite number of men the at
tendance last evening was good.
T'.ilrty-five enlisted men were in line
and but one man living in Pendleton
was absent. The company is also bet
ter drilled than It has been for some
time as the work given the boys dur
ing the past few months has been
.t this time the guardsmen are
emini; to make amends tor tne un
favorable showing they made at the
annual inspection. In a measure
they have already done this and the
e.onpany has been highly compli
ment d by Captain Kern for the in
terest manifested last night.
However, the company s'lll needs
ten recruits to bring the company up
t . 'he minimum strength and a ap
1 ''n is likewise needed. Captain Kern
:j -ee.v living at Hermlston and so
. 'ot devote his time to the com-
y He Is merely s-rvtng as com
manding officer until a permanent
c.tptain can be secured and the work
of handling the company has been
left with Lieutenants Yinier and Pto
rle. Lieutenant iVnier is the ranking
officer but he declines to take tho
captaincy nnd so it omes that the
guardsmen are in search of a com
mander. As the company will soon
be leaving for the annual encampment
it is desired to fill the vacancy as
quickly as possible.
ILCTE PROGRESSIVES ; le,(' up the clerks w'th revolvers and
' " ' "I escaped with jewels valued at between
fc. ciuj -il. e ttliu llllj -UlOUSilllU UOI-
One robber remained outside, while
Will Ocvur on the Floor Tomorrow. . the other three drove nine persona
j into the rear room and bound and
Washington, D. C, April 26. The , gagged them. As they were escap
selection of Jonathan Bourne, of Ore- ' ing Alberti's son got loose and took
g .in. for a place on the committee on tne machine's number. Late this af
... .,.... . ' ternoon the automobiles were found
appropriations today by the senate ; many m,Ie- frQm thfi cUy u
committee on committees failed to j bcen stolen last night from a chauf.
placate the progressives and the exec- I feur in the employ of a local auto
utive scs-i.m of the committee ended ' ompany.
abruptly. At the caucus this after- When the automobile arrived Al
noon the progressives will insist on j berti and his son were examining a
places for Lafollette on the inter- j sample case of rare stones being shows
state commerce committee, Bristow on by Emil Strauss, a salesman. Al
the foreign committee, and Cummings berti started forward to wait on the
on the committee on finance. The trio but one drew a revolver and
progressives demand greater repre- i backed the jeweler into the rear of
sentation. If not given there will be the store while the other two pilfered
a fight on the floor tomorrow. I two large cases filled with diamonds,
also Strauss' samples and rifled the
CHILD WELFARE CONGRESS j cash register of $3,000. Albertis' sob
TO DISCVSS RABY CROP secured the number of the machine
, before it turned the corner. The rob-
Washington, April 26. Conserva- bers were unmasked and faultlessly
tion of the baby crop of the entire attired.
world is the objet of the second In- i
ternational Congress of Child Wei-' AMERICANS AT ALMO
fare, which has attracted hundreds HAVE BEEN RELEASED
of women to this city today. The ses- j
sions will continue daily until next Washington, D. C, April 26. Re
Tuesday and are under the auspices porting to the state department today
of the National Congress of Mothers' Consul Schmucker at Ensenada, lower
and Parent Teachers' association. California, telegraphed that the Am
The general theme will be "The Duty ericans imprisoned at Alame had beem
of the Home, School, Church and released and that Insurgents had afc
State to the Children." Other top- andoned Alamo. It Is announced at
ics on the program tnclude "Health," . the revolutionary junta today that
"Playgrounds for Children," "The! Gomez the insurgents chief peace
Child in the Factories." and "Wei- e.mmissioner will be assisted in the
fare of the City and of the Country i rug. tiat:n:ig with the Mexican gov-
Chlld." Specialists on each subject eminent by Abraham Gonzales and
will address the delegates and the Gonzales Garza. Gomez is enroute te
speeches will be printed and given El Paso.
i general circulation. Europe is well .
represented at the congress. I GRAND JFRY CONSIDERING
Among th- state representatives are ! TESTIMONY OF CARNEGIK
Mrs. Justice Harlan, for Kentucky:
.Mrs. Charles D. Carter, wife of Rep.
Carter, for Oklahoma; Mrs. Clarence
Xew Yor . April 26. The grand
Jury is today considering the testl-
1"). Clark, w fe ef former Senator i mony of Andrew Carnegie, relative te
Clark, for Wyoming; Mrs. Fred Du ' the workings of the defunct Carnegie
ltois, wife of former Senator Pu 1 Trust company. Carnegie testified
Hois, of Idaho; Mrs. Royden Doug- 1 that he had never promised to sup
las, for Louisiana; Mrs. Cornelia H. ' port the concern which took his name
Stone, former president of the despite his protests. The trust coin
Daughters of the Confederacy, for ' pany officials previously stated that
t'exas; Miss Helen MeKinncy, for Carnegie had given his word that be
West Virginia: Mrs. 11. C. Tye for j would help the company.
Mississippi; Mrs. Theodore Rrantl-y. I --
for Montana; Mrs. Arthur R. Brown,! Marilai'il Reel Men.
ir Florida; C. K. Fauikncr. for! Frederick. Mil.. April 26. Mary
Minnesota, and Mrs. A. L. Hamilton land tribes of the Improved Order c I
: .r California. J Red Men Penan their annual em
it was nnnoun. ed today that the clave here today. A banquet v yi he
. iingress proposes in the future to ob- held tonight and the sesion of the
. erve February 17 as Mothers Pay
'irouirbont the country. The move
ment for "organized motherhood"
"ml Its Inception in lSt6. Mrs. Theo
' re W. Kirney and Mrs. Phoebe
ilearst were the leaders in the move
great count-morrow.
il are sehcdtiv.l fur 1 1-
Ad W'olgast. th.- liuhtw li:ht chamr
w til give "One Roun-l" Rog.-.n. the
California fighter, a try- '.it in New
York Tuesday n nht.