East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 25, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Philadelphia, April 25. Rowan
outpltched Wiltse yesterday and the
Philadelphia Nationals had little dif
ficulty In winning today's game from
the New York Giants, 4 to 1,
Score: R. H. E.
New York 1 9 1
Philadelphia 4 6 1
Batteries Wiltse and Meyers. Ro
' wan and Dooin.
I Iirooklyn, April 2B. By hunching
hits on Schardt, Ronton yesterday de
feated the Brooklyn Nationals 3 to
0. Pfelffer was In 'Ine form anil al
though touched for six safeties, kept
them well scattered.
' Score: R. II . E.
j Boston 3 4 0
Brooklyn 0 6 1
i Batteries Ffelffer and Graham;
Shardt, Ryan and Bergen, Erwln.
i Cincinnati, April 25. The Cincin
nati Nationals bunched hits on Pfels-
of Lydia E. l'ink-' ter yeMterday anl won handily from
nam's vegetable i ,-"";UB"' 1 l"
Compound, but tho I 8core: R- H- E-
clerk did not want , Chicago 4 10 2
to let me have it Cincinnati 7 -
ho said it was no Batteries Pfeister and Archer;
good and wanted mo Burns, Suggs and Clarke.
St. LouIb, April 25. The locals won
a hotly contested game from the Pi
rates In the eleventh Inning yester
day afternoon. Three pitchers were
used by the Cardinals.
Score: R. H. E.
This Woman Had to Insist
Strongly, but it Paid
Chicago, 111. "I suffered from a fe
male weakness and stomach trouble,
n ana l went to tho
store to get a bottlo
to try something
else, but knowing
ali about it 1 in
Bisted and finally
cot it. and I am so
fjlud I did, for it lias cured me.
"I know of so many cases where wo
men have been cured by Lydia E. Pink
liam's Vegetable Compound that 1 can
PittHburg ....5 11
St. Louis .6 13 -
DnMni-ljia T.lnflAM nn.t fHhROn
say to every suffering vvoman if that s.Ueei iAUdermllk, Geyer and Bres-
rir ..... iV "-V.l"lIU " nuhan, Bliss
imiiiuiM inim ill I 3, U A-A J"-1
W. L. Pet.
Detroit 7
UKJ3 Arch St., Chicago, 111,
This is the ace of eubstitulion. nnd
uim ii viiiu nuiib uciuu blioiuu HlHlHt
upon Lydia K. rinkham's Vegetable 1
vwuij'wuuu junv (in HUD vt IMHUU uiu, mm a A
druggist can make a littlo, more profit.
"Vr rTTurk ti'lii-v fi ra r..iec1iirr 1 . 41,1 j
critical period or who are sufTwing i ash'?Kt""
from any of those distressing ills pe- ' nrK
culinr to their Fey Bhould not lose sight 1 n"f,t""
of the fact that for thirty vears I.vdia i Cleveland 4
E. l'inkhaui's V'o'elnblo 'Compound, 1 rlll-K 4
which is made from roots and herbs, , St. Luls 3
lias been the standard remedy for feu . Philadelphia 1
maioiiis. in almost every community PhlhuLdpliln 5, Iloston I.
5'ou will Hud-women who have been Score- R H K
restored to health by Lydia E. I'ink- Philadelphia 5 12 1
u;wii a i-KC-uu.o uouipouiiu. Boston 1 4 1
Tlion-J is;
. S 7 5
. rrom The World i
Of Sport
W. L. Pot.
Philadelphia 7 1 .875
ChioiiK 6 2 .750
Pittsburg 4 3 .571
New York 4 3 .671
Boston 3 6 .333
Cini'lnnrul 2 4 .333
Ft. Louis 2 5 .2S6
Brooklyn 2 6 .250
woiM.n's l AMors iws-
It !Hvch Away Slonincli Distress in
a I'V-.v Minnies, Slops llcartliiirn
hihI Relchliig,
If you have anything the mattor
with y itir stoinnih you ought to
know right now ihnt MI-O-NA
Moma -h tablet are guaranteed by
Tallman 1'nrx C . to euro Indigent
lion or'nny sickness cnuscd liy Indl
ceMion. sui h as ;!ic following, or mon
ey baek:
Sick h- adarhe. biliousness, dizzi
ness nervousness, sour stmach. fer
mentation of food, belching of gas,
heavy feeling at pi' ef Momnch, vom
iting rf rrognancy, or s'rkiiecs caus
ed by over indulgence tho night be
fore. '
If your meals don't digest, but lie
like a lump of lead In your stomach;
If you have foul breath and loss of
appetite, a few MI-O-NA tablets will
put your stomach In fine shape In
short order.
If you or any of your family suf
fer from stomach trouble of any kind
get a 50 cent box of MI-O-NA stom
ach tablets at once. Tallman & Co.
and druggists everywhere, sell MI-O-NA
on money back plan.
Patterle.-l I'uank and
Karger and Cnrrlgan.
Ik'lrolt 7, St. Louis
St. Louis
It. H. E.
.6 11 -5
.7 3 1
Batteries Hamilton and Clark;
Lively and Stanege.
New York 5, Washington S.
Score: R. H. K.
Washington 3 5 4
New York 11 0
Bat'rries Johnson nnd Ain-niitii;
Qulnn and Sweeney, Blair.
( lovclniul .1. Chicago 2.
Score: a H. K
Cleveland 5 S 2
Chicago 2 5 1
Batteries Krnpp. formerly of Port
land, and Smith; Lange, Scott and
Slaiullnv; of the Tenm.
W. L.
San Franc i.sco 17 9
Portland 13 11
Sacramento 12 12
Oakland 11 In
Vernon 12 15
X . games yesterday.
.or, 4
.5 'Ml
.4 2:t
NOltTIIW KST i.kac.i i:.
Standing of the Tennis,
v. l, r. t
Spokane " - " ' I
Seattle 4 2 .67
Tueoina 3 4 .4'.".t
Vloiorla 4 .571
Vancouver 2 4 .:H3
r.iiilan.l - ' -i
Sjmkane 10. Vleloriu 0.
Spokane, April 2.4. Spokane came
from behind, overcoming a four run
lead, nnd won the first game of the
series with Victoria, 10 to 6. Schwenk
hebi the visitors after Bonner and
wlllis were -taken out and started the
rally with a two baso hit, scoring two
Summer Excursion
We have now on display at our store a beautihil line of
Manufactured by
Becker, Mayer Co.
made in their own shops under sanitary
conditions. Made from all-woo) fabrics
fast in color and thoroughly shrinked.
Pure Dye Silk used. Buttons sewed
with pure linen thread. All linings of
strongest material and fast in color.
Pants full bloused, lined throughout,
seames taped, reinforced and overcast.
Uniform belt loops.
mMW A Suit, Guaranteed Un
der All Conditions.
T)(iKafI by
liocker. Maycf
& Co., Chicago
Becker, Mayer
ti Co., Chicago
The "Wooly-Boy" line will stand the most severe investigation, because the
the quality and prices are right.
See Window
t I II I 1 II .1.1 ,
The Progressive
Score: ll-
Victoria 6 12 5
Spokane 10 11 3
Batteries MeCreery, Sage end
Hemenway; Schwenk. Willis, Bonner
and Busty.
Portland 1. Seattle .
Seattle, April 21. Afater bavins
obtained a Mrong '""ad hy timely bil
ting nn,l fat work-on the ha-es Se
attle's infield went to pieces in the
flghtli and ninth Innings an 1 Port
land won, in to C Although 1'euich
m r was in no way to blame for tho
J..-s i.f the name, he was relieve, 1 by
Sk.els in the ninth, but the linlian
was unable to stop thevisitors.
Score: H. 11. K.
S-attle 6 6 7
IMrtlind l' " -
B.ttt.-ries I'uui cbr.er. Skeels and
i, ; !. n . lilo .nit' i id an 1 Har
ris. Vancouver I, Tacoinn I.
Vancouver. 1!. C, April 'J 1.--Tin
Kle held Tacomn to three hits today
and Vancouver won, 4 to 1.
Score: H-
Vancouver "
Tacomn 1 3 2
Batteries Engle and Splesnian;
McCamment and Devogt.
To the East. And Convention Fares
Hay 12 to Oct. 4Tt'iAip
To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chnalia, Knnsas City, nml
other Eastern Terminals $fi0.00
To Chicago 7:!.r.O
To St Louis 70.00
To Denver .. 55.00
To other Eastern points, proportionately low fares.
Theeo are round trip fares.
It is not too early to plan your summer trip. If
you will advise us where you want to go and
where you want to visit and when you want to
start, we will advise tho lowest cost and best ar
and can bo used on the
Tho Crack train to and from tho East.
And on our other three Transcontinental Trains Secure full
information from any passenger representative.
Northern Pacific Railway
WALTER ADAMS. Agent, Pendleton, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland Ore.
A Knocker
Is a man who can't see good In any
person or thing. It's a habit caused
by a disordered liver. If you find
that you are beginning to see things
through blue spectacles, treat your
liver to a good cleaning out process
with Ballard's Herblne. A sure cure
for constipation, dyspepsia. Indiges
tion, sick headache, biliousness, all
liver, stomach and bowel troubles. A
C. Koeppcn & Bros
j&& y.i'11'nw.,.,. T. , ...,..,.,..M-..MiitMiiatm!r,Wi'ti,''lii!yLjyj5S
I An aviation exhibition on the part
I rf the local team was responsible for
the defent of the Pendleton Round
ups Sunday In the series with the
Umatilla ' Indians.
I The lineup Is as follows:
I Roundups Stamey, p.; H'.nmnn.
Ic; Scanlon. lb.; Carroll, 2b.: Sturdi-
vant, Sb.; Howman, cf; MctJinnis. If;
' Pavis. rf.
, Indians Iifavo, p.; l.acourse, c.;
Redford, lb.; Vincent, 2b.; Cooley,
,1b.; Xarcisse, cf.; Shlppentowor, If.;
(iliver, rf.
Score liy Innings.
! 12345678 Si-
Roundups ...2201201 0 19
1 Indians 00211080 214
1 Stamy who was on the mound for
the locals delivered the goods In great
shape but was relieved In the seventh
by Ellis.
i It was at this particular part of
the game that the fireworks Marled.
Stamy went back Into the box In the
eighth and finished the game, hold
ing his opponents down to two
scores the remainder of the contest.
The excellent pitching of Iifave,
the Indian twirler, was a feature of
the contest, his benders being a pu'.
zlo to his opponents.
1 The game ended with the final
1 cmnt of 14 to S In favor of the In-d'ans.
Going to Paint?
If it's the house, barn, fence, kitchen floor, walls
or anything else, we will gladly tell you what kind to
use, quantity required, the cost, and how it should be
applied. We have
Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes for refinishing
any shabby surface indoors or outdoors.
Glad to show colors and offer advice whether you
decide to paint or not.
Hale &, McAtee PEV