1 PAGE TWO DAILY EAST ORE G ON I AX, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1911. EIGHT PAGES .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 1 . 3 Extraordi nary $150,000 SALE Special on Men's New Spring uits We are showing by far the largest and best . stock of mens good stylish depend able clothing ever shown in Pendleton $23.50, $22.50 and $20 Suits will all go for 17.8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o YOUNG PEOPLE ARE MARRIED AT HELIX A HEALTHY, HAPPY OLD AGE May be promoted by those who Smtly cleanse the system, now and en, when in need of a laxative remedy, by taking a deseitspoonful (Special Correspondence.) the iirsonnge of u. o. caiiison, pas-. of the ever refreshing, wholesome tor of the Christian church here, Mr. L-J buv beneficial SvTUD of Fiot Albert E. Ecklund of Portland and i . t a lA . iP Miss Tlizabeth Webber, a school teacher near Helix. They want to Portland, their futuro home. J. It. Hainsworth, the local N. P. ngont, was a witness with. Mrs. R. 0. Cal llon to the ceremony. Miss Minnie and Etta Ghormley visited nt Mrs. J. S. Norvall's house today. and Elixir of Senna, which is the only family laxative generally ap proved by the most eminent phy sicians, because it acts in a natural, strengthening Way and warms and tones up the internal organs without weakening them. It is eniiallv knfi- John A. Nusbaum and wife are vls-lr If L JL t Itlng Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dale. I took uuaiiwinc vciy young ana Uie mia a big drive In Mr. Dale's new Frank- die aged, 8S it U always efficient and wa.tamXTJr i.v.r,ta j Jjrtf T Grandma Montgomery went to Pen-! get itS beneficial effects it IS always dleton today to visit her son J. E. I necessary to buy the genuine, bear Montgomery, and other frlendu and . , , -t " C. A. Herman, the Helix merchant, j Wig the name Ot the Company was in town today. Ho reports that j California Fig Syrup Co. plainly h,r.ocaUoroa ,n He"X and hC "ke" i unnted on the front of every package. Horse Sale Off. Trm Tournament. Lexington. Ky., April 2f. Because Spikano, Wash., April 26. The of a scarcity ot good horses the auc- , Spokane Rod and Gun Club Is acting tion of trotters and pacers set for to- day and succeeding days of this week has been declared off. In case of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. as host today to the sportsmen of Washington who are hero to take part in the state trapshootlng tournament. Dcnd Rear Comes to I.lfi. White Salmon, Wash. With a couple of bullets in Ills body and ap parently dead, a black bear, weigh' "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. Kendrlck, Rasaca, Ga. "It Is the best cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup." For sale by all dealers. O o o 0 I Royal Arvoiiuni Klon. ! Syracuse, N. Y.. April 25. New lng 400 pounds, suddenly recovered York ta,e council of the Royal Ar- and attacked L. W. Wood, who had . " convene,, nere toany lor a shot It and sent the huntsman roll- j 80SHl,,n "f two da'8- Tho orde'1 re lng 150 feet own Rattle Snake can-1 Irted to be In a flourishing condl yon. It was a foot race for 100 yards j tlon" with the bear at the hunter's heels and the latter unable to reload his gun. Wood's dogs came to Ills rescue. The bear slaughtered two of the pack before Wood was able to reload his rifle nnd kill It. DEST FOR DISCt lTS. A prominent teacher in one of the Do Grnndvlpw Club Incorporate. Xorth Yakima, Wash. The Orand view commercial club filed articles of Incorporation yesterday with the county auditor. The trustees named are C. A. Brandt, E. T. Blew, R. W. Hoskins, B. F. Bower and W. W. Duller .When a medicine must be given to young children It should be pleasant to tnlte. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy Is made from loaf sunr and the roots used In IU preparation give It a flavor similar to maple syrup, making It pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by all dealers. mcstic Science schools in Mississippi writes that she is using Cottolcnc with excellent results. She says: "For biscuits Cottolene Is all that could be desired. The biscuits are light and flaky, with none of Hint dlsagrce ablo odor oft'-n found In foods short ened with lard. Cottolene is also an excellent medium for frying croquettes and doughnuts. It gives them a clean, crisp, brown crust. Other noted experts, such as Mrs. Korer and Marion Ihrland, have given similar testimony to the merits of Cot tolene. It not only gives better results than lard but is much more wholesome, and economical as well Copyright Hart Sclaffner & Ms SAVE YOVk COUPONS This is your chance, don't miss it, such clothes as Hart o Schcffner & Marx, Cloth craft, Schloss Bros., Ect. The Best Standard Mahes in the Country. Every suit in our entire stock is reduced more or less Come early while the as sortment is good and before q some one else takes what f would hate been your choice TTirr nrrnr re ir a nrum Tor WHERE ITPAYS TO TRADE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ADAMS LADY GIVEN (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., April 2 4. A number of friends and neighbors surprised' Mrs. M. A. Baker on Saturday, the 22nd of April, her 59th birthday, by coming in and bringing some nice cakirs and had a general good time. Those present were Mrs. C. C. Darr, Mrs. G.Jiess, Mrs. L. L. Rogers, Mrs. C. Depols, Mrs. G Bentley, Mrs. Ftockton, Mrs. W. Boyer, Mrs. Devain, Mable McCullom, Mrs. J. Chestnut and Jessie Chestnut, Mrs. J. Winn, Mrs. M. A. Baker enjoyed the sur prise very much and they can come spain next year. Mrs. Mary Picard was a Pendleton visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Darr were Athe- The Home Doctor 444H4444H4444$444 Cur for Coughs and Cold One and one-half ounces Balm of Oilfad buds, one pound bruised rock candy, one pint Duffy's pure malt whis key. (We recommend Duffy's on ac count of Its purity .and known medicinal value.) Put aside with occasional stir ring until the rock candy Is dissolved, then strain. Dose: For adults, one table poonful every hour; If the condition is acute, every half hour; for children over ten, a faspoonful every hour; for chil dren under ten. ten drops every hour until d.-clded relief Is felt. These sim ple Ingredients, known to every drug rlst, can easily be secured and readily mixed by any one. Dr. George L Ross, Canton. Mass., says: "This Is vastly uperlor to the stereotype Rock and Rye of Commerce and should be called 'Balm of Ullead." Puffy Malt Wlitakey Co., Iloctieeter, New York. i na visitors Sunday and will visit rel- 1 atives in Cold Spring Monday. ! Lent season being over, Adams' Dancle club gave a dance in the city hall on Friday night. There was a good crowed in attendance and all had a good time. Dr. McKenny of Helix was called to Adams to see Mrs. Carpenter, who has been in poor health for some time. F. W. Wells, manager of the Pa cific Telephone and Telephone com pany at Pendleton, was a business visitor at the Adams telephone office Friday. Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen visited in the city of Pendleton Friday. Fred Gross of Walla Walla was in Adams Friday looking after the ship ping of his last year's crop of wheat Wm. Goedecke, a Pendleton line man, was a business visitor in the city of Adams Friday. Misa Dorothy Stall was a Pendle ton visitor Friday. Mrs. Mclntire and daughter Mable went to Pendleton to do some shop ping Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Barker visited in the city of Helix Sunday. . M. Lewis, P. T. Hale, Clark Maxle, Zcb Lewis, Ernest Ross, Eleck McKenzie, Liie and Pete Mclntire, Frank Kribs, Ralph Wallan, Claud Wallan, E. G. Marquis, II. Cutler, all went to Athena Sunday to the base ball game. Mr. and Mrs. T. Martin and family went to Athena Sunday to the ball game. Mr. and Mrs. T. Martin and family went to Athena Sunday to the ball game. Mr. and Mrs. F. Adams went to Athena to the ball game Sunday. Hugh Martin of the Pacific eleva tor company of Walla Walla, la over seeing the shipping of some wheat at Adams this week and went to the Interior Warehouse company bouse at Adams for some samples of wheat and said it was the nicest and clean est and best arranged warehouse he had see,n for some time. Everybody's wheat was piled up nice and no trou ble to find the wheat you are look ing for. A surprise pound party was given to Reverend and Mrs. Stockton of the Baptist church on Saturday evening at tho family residence and those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lleu ailen, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen, Mrs. Mclntire, Mable Mclntire, Miss Flak and Helen Blake, Mrs-. Chestnut, Dora and Jessie Chestnut, Oto Stall, Otis Lieuallen, Mr. and Mrs.John Gloss, Winifred Giess, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers, Lola and Gwendoline and Mildred Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Winn, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Marquis, Mrs. G. Bentley and Stella Lieuallen. They had refreshments at eight p. m. and all enjoyed a pleasant evening. Fred Blake came up from Pendle ton Sunday morning and back on the next train. STRAWBERRY CRATES (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., April 25. Fully 3000 strawberry crates are on hand and ready for distribution by the Milton Fruit Growers' union, as soon as the season opens, which will be early In May and much sooner than was an ticipated If the present warm weather continues. A large force of men are kept busy at the union packing house already and more will be added In the next few days. A mammoth straw- I berry harvest is assured for this year and will largely exceed that of last season on account of the Increased acreage which has been set to the Iuelous fruit. George Johnson has purchased the White Star Grocery from Henry & Mllhorn and has taken possession. Mr. Johnson is a well known contrac tor and carpenter and formerly owned a large fruit tract below Froewater. A. M. Elam has purchased a new automobile. Tho Milton Bulldogs were winners Sunday from the Pendleton Bucca rooes, the score being 6-20 In favor fit Milton. Members of the Adventlst church and congregation held a picnic Sat urday afternoon on the lawn of Mrs. Theo. Danner. Mrs. L. J. Pierce and daughter, Ada, arrived home from California last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vinson arc ex pected In theclty this week from their home In Idaho. Mr. Vinson has been employed the past four years by the Fruit Growers' Union and comes to take his place through the coming season. Word was received here Saturday of the marriage in Portland of Elmer Berry, only son of L. L. Berry of this city. Elmer Is well known here and has many friends here who wish him happiness. He lives in Seattle. Alex Still has purchased a half in terest in the Milton garage. School was dismissed Monday af ternoon on account of teachers' meet ing. The high school and Columbia col lege students held a picnic Saturday at the dam. Odd IVIIoux Mark Nntnl Day. "aksdale. Wah. The local order "f 1. . . F. celebrated the nlneyt-' second anniversary here today. The ' lo'Ise tii irclir.l to tli North Metho dic c inirch. wlvre the pastor, the ; K.-v. John Evans, who is tin odd F l- v, j. reached a sermon. I-1 of n Pound a Week at Ifat, is what a young baby onit ; o gain In weight. Does yours? tf , not there's something wrong with ltr . digertlon. Give It Mcce's Baby Elixir ' and it will begin gaining at onco. i Cures stomach and Dowel troubles i THE QUESTION IS RAISED lio- ran we u,fford to do such good plumbing nt mcli moderate rates. The We make some mon- alds digestion, stops fretfulness, good answer Is easy. for teething babies. Price 25c and ' Sftc. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. ; y "" l"',,rl' ovrr' "''""l!, j we get stuidt. But the more Jobs we i hioiim- i rim trees in lllooni. ( olfnx, ati. The apple trees in the valley here are in full bloom. All danger of frost seems to have passed as the weather has been much warm er the last week. get the more make. money we expect t' Constipation brings many ailments :n Its train and Is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowels regular madam, and you will escape many of the ailments to which women are subject. Constipation Is a v ry simple thing, but like many simple things, It may lead to serious conse quences. Nature often needs a little assistance and when Chamberlain's Tablets are given at the first Indica tion, much distress and suffering may be avoided. Sold by all dealers. Do you read the East Oregonlan? GOOL PLUMBING GETS WORK the second time. So wo compete with poor plumbing prices, knowing that tho first Job you give us will mako you our steady customer. For a good healthy lawn, use our guaranteed garden hose. BEDDOW & MILLER Pendleton's Exclusive I'lumbcrs. Court and Garden Sts. Phone Black 3558 TO CCRE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature Is on each box. 16c. Great Aviations Meett April 27, 28 and 29 Brooliins and Uillard Two of the world's greatest aviators to bo scon in hnir-rais-irip: areo))lune flights. Guaranteed flights oacli day. Special rates on 0 -W. K. & X. end Nortlicn Pacific rail roads. An event worth going miles to sco. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Ojnly opportunity you'll have this year of seeing these great aviators so near at home. Don't miss it. Auspices of Walla Walla Fair Association