Wfc.A..tM M(M I. -K,. v ...... . , . r. ft,mwiV jji -lit. It, i.. - jjM" (.(. i' n" -V' ' 1.4 tr-Vf-- ;tr -")-"- ; ,f, . EVENING EDITIOH EVENING EDITIOII Calling cards, we., ding stationery, com mercial stationery and Job printing to uler at the East Oregoulan. WEATHER REPORT. Fair tonight; .Tuesday f 11 1 1' and cooler. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 24. PENDLETON", OREGON, MONDAY, AIMII'L 21, 7195 ORGANIZED LABOR IS CHARGED WITH GIGANTIC CONSPIRACY L ABOR LEADERS ARE ARRESTED Trio Charged With Being Im plicated in Explosion TAKEN TO LOS AM.EI.ES for irknth -Tiivnox CHRISTIAN OPENS FEDERATION CONFERENCE TODAY . Constantinople, April 24. In the capital of the Mosleum empire lead ing Christian educators and students assembled today to open the ninth conference of the World's Student Christian Federation. Dr. Karl Fries, of Stockholm, Sweden, chair man of the federation, presided at the opening session. A representa tive of the Ottoman government wel- I corned the visitors. Robert College, founded on the banks of the Bosporus in 1863 by Christopher R. Robert, a New York merchant, is the meeting I A I T' 1 ol wl" convention, x ne usstriii- Dlicated in LOS AngleS limeS, bllng here of a conference of lead- ill. 111 l.lll inuuil VA Ul IV nllllllcllll HI this time because of the recent Turk ish political changes which have been followed by the granting of a greater degree of religious liberty than the Ottoman empire has ever oerore known. Among the American educational Institutions represented by delegates are Harvard, Dartmouth. Fnlversity of Toronto. Pennsylvania, Yale, Ob- erlin, Smith, Mt. Holyok", ' Drawn Mawr and Syracuse. Previous conferences have been ; held in Sweden, Massachusetts, Ger- I many, France, Denmark, Holland, j Japmi and Fngland. The confer- . e n i i two yars ae ) was held at Ox- : University. John It. Mott. of New Y"i-k. is general secretary; V. S. Azariah of Mad rax, Indian, vice chair man, alio W. W. Seton of London treasurer. IOWA fil'ARRSMEN IN CONTROL AT MUSCATINE ' Muscatine, Iowa, Apr'l 24. State troops called out by the button workers' strike are vlr- tually In charge of this city and martial law practically prevails today. Major Hall, command- Ing has Issued orders against any street meetings. The man- ufacturers are preparing to re- open with non-unionists. Three thousand are out on strike. John and .Ian"" MeXuniuni mill Ortie McMnnlgul Arc .viimm of IVelng the Im-iiiIci-h in Dynamite Movement ExploMve Im Found In Hit Ruso incut of llio Ruthllng III Which Is 1Kiitcd tin Office- of McNniimra. BIG RAILROAD CASE KECOVEItS .MANY ACRES IN SOUTHERN OHEfiOX TWENTY-EOIR MINERS ENTOMRER IN MINE Cumberland, Apr. 24. Ten miners are , reported entombed In the Ott mine of the Davis Coal and Coke Co., near Elk Garden, W. Va. An explosion caused a cave-In at closing shaft. Cumberland, Mr., April 24 Twenty-four miners are entomb- ed In the Ott mine according to an official statement Issued this afternoon. MEXICO WILL NOT PAY RAM (il DURING WAR IS NEAR s lo.imo.noo Judgr Wolvcrton Hands Doun Ini- -xirtuiit Decision Tinlny Throw I Out Cross Complaints of Settlers. if Hundred! I Mudoro Telegraphs Conic In El I "uso Scltlciiicnt o7 tlx ids Want Peart. lo (ionicy. to lo AssiM In the Echcllinii Rtl- Portland. April 24.- The govern- ment in the suit for the recovery of ; 2.500,01)0 acres of land In southern ; Oregon valued at $75,000,000, from; the Southern Pacific won every con tention In- the United Slates circuit; court today by the decision of Judge Wolvcrton. The lain hu.-di.-: tin: right of wav of the railroad in western Indianapolis Ind.. April 21. Tin Marine coiinly grand Jury enlivened here tislay lo imoiigato the rinding of tin il.Miiimitc III the liii-cmcnt of lli American iVniriil I.I ft building, win r lln tiffin of .lames McNaniara is . Iiirtiit-d. Prosn-iitor linker d. claris. that lie Intend to asccrtuin wliflhrr the cpl'son ms plantisjl by fur of union labor or lwlongrd t McNiiinani. Mi-ssag,. fmm Tirflu, Ohio, Man dial H plant of .100 MMUmI.h or dynamite wn found lit MoMihiI gul's lionic. . It Is rPlMirted that Re livllvo lliirns (llsiiivcrcil 11 in the rear of his Iiiiiim in n slml. Later Hum left ( r lllHiiiiilli', Ohio. hIiitc lie ,- Is to riiul more evoloslves. iliu-vs An' Siiiiiiiionnl. San Frar.ilsci, April 24. The San I'rcii. Is,-,, eii l "f the Time.T tx-plo.-len .evclop-i rapi'Hy today when it was learned that witnesses who be able to Identify James Mc Naniara and J. !l. l'.iyce had been no tified l y m,,. ,,oM. e to b ready to go to Aai'i-les s "Ml us the KUSpected -.rows ' :n ii i:;-l t' .'i. r The dc out the P men aiiiie. u as mt im: t' i dictnl for lb' Iult lv coast 11 itv Mr 1!1 gel" wiloia "iln. San l'r.'ie i hi Ji!""S'"ll. "I'vl: lie I " H i "I in 11 : 1 1 1 eV (I ! Time l.n ::-.. ion b.-iiiii inUii'"'-. I'e tile Tilll-S, il I'll I a iii li r iieviloioucni vll Caplin in . n also, is be ii some Pacific i n to i,os An-i-urandl from a ; a ri "in nts in Times cx- coul.l not ion of th) Atiotli liiat F . X.i oS I ii rinui ill be tai II F. I lite! a : ! o prior t i til' :n ,l t 'day she 1 1 -r ,.i n'.ifi. ai r she saw lii'ii acain. lipri--- Opinion. !':. A pi ii 21. His opin st n Ii-ned by private neri.l i i is, proj i ii tor of Mid I nlay there is no is inird but that the Mc- C. H. CARTER NAMED AS LAND ATTORNEY Attorney Charles H. Carter of this el'y has been named by Governor Os wald West as the Umatilla count; tmnev for the state land board was a position that arier s nil - lit yi ars by Judge Jam' cision ti all intents cross complaints of ;t! rs who claimed the i r lan ! ipv-dvod in the' Th." larvl v as ri':!'ial'y t'i'e orec-.n & California r ill- ! y s Im tV; l:'t stxtb-s ; t'i" atr'-e-iieiit ill at the coni : j-.. n .t to :l iiv. r 1C0 n; res .o eaia seur. charging not over r.T'.50 pi r acre. The government sed and won the recovery grounds a 'id land sold In violation of the lenient. It will be appealed. Wa-hit'gton. Af ri! 24. Information has reached Washington through dip lomatic channels that Mexico is un willing to assume the responsibility for the loss Incurred by the Ameri cans and other foreign interests to ; il ng $40,000,0(10 during the insur rection. Insurrectos advised the s. ii prirtaicnt that they will pay .', smvesst'ul. v '.ebels i:;it Peucc. i:i 1'.k . April 2 1 It ia biiieved :iv.- .iirLigeni"-- made peace prac .'l.y iir.ain touav when thev an- FICHI IS PREDICTED BETWEEN L i LABOR F Hums Versus Houck. New Haven, Conn., April 24. Frankle Burns, the Jersey City ban tamweight boxer, and Tommy Houck, the clever Philadelphia fighter, will fight flften rounds In the main event at the Washington Athletic club to night. Hums recently made a good showing against Abe Attell. Charley Griffin and Bunny Ford will also box fifteen rounds at the same show. LABOR LEADERS HOLD MEETING Horse Show in Boston. Boston. April 24. A brilliant horse shoe in which the society of the Hub is manifesting great interest, was op ened today by the masachusetts Horse Show association. Only riding and driving horses of Massachusetts own ers are entered in the three-score classes. A number of handsome sil ver cups are offered as trophies for prize winners. The show will contin ue through the week. Masons hi Session. Milwaukee, Wis., April 24. Wis consin consistory and co-ordinate bod ies of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Masons met here today in ninety sixth session. Degrees will bo con ferred by tile various lodges, the cere monies extending through four days. Trenton, N. J, April 24. Report' to the 124'.h annual communication and election of the New Jersey Grand Lodge shows the order to be In a Denunciation of Forcible Ab duction of McNamara Is Voiced by Frank Morrison. IMONS CONTRIBUTE IX)R DEFKXSE OF M'XAMARA All Denounce Method of Spiriting De fendants to Los Angvlcs Charge That Third Degree Methods Were Brought About to Secure Confes sion of McManigal. .1 Mad. iii-n. armts ro will ile um i z u was b at It Mr. 'lie h"'ld ago but during -t lias been held The f til" I. as I. ,;na.e VI!.!' out,!. t day on Yah at !li"H s e Oil Mi i . do pri from th : pa, tat K. 1 tile I.lll I ly the land funds Wl irk WOMEN : ' ender n in" My in lit a : 1 1 i !) li l;i 11 was I 1 fa: visit" . Mi . t en A HE MOKE PEEVISH THAN MEN P Th; i i n w ' t ; women 'i iriat'T sta'Cllletit are able f.Ttitu li ef M ss h. he i :s Ih Cutler, who was Hi" first e i.ars.. in this colU'.try and :.s-is1aiit to Dr. I.oreiiy.. the iv.H if '.he fie '. ' p" ive- in-uf;'! ient :v.-:ee l ,r a 1 n-.-er pea. . .-. io'is v.- tli Diaz. Americans Dl-misted Mad'To telegraph, d to CI Washington to come to El Paso to os sist in tli" stt!enu-nt of the ribrl ! ::. Americans are disgusted at In ductions th.-rc wi'.l b no more fight ing and are drifting: into hourly I rum tlie rebel r:ini for jobs. Many Mexicans, looking for work who a few were rebels. highly piosperous condition, with I Chicago, April 21. President Fita pu trick and .Secretary Xlckels of the Chicagx I'edemtioii of I ,alor left to day for Iiidianiisilis where it is said ' the labor Iiiulcrs from all over the more than 30,000 members In the slate. , PASCO BURGLAR HAD TASTE FOR PISTOLS Ey Paso : 1 loking ! also are 1 days ago DOCTORS Austri'in sing.- d this .- cut:. tile ri : country r v::s ; lit it' ske lllel i I a-.- on 'W t.i .ri. when Ve'irs Pn Will. nil .IIS 1 1: v k si: u"i:s AT Vl. W" a b ati : iiiai I ir'iai iai pl'Ml r th oloei. mat:. 1 '':- I'.'ir she : Ton w Haven. C"V.n . Aoril 21. Yale's r truck and field season .-pens with th" annual spring meet field. I -at. r in the week th will go in Philadelphia to in the I'' nn.-s U oiii.i relay : rie. ! i i ' ul : VI 1' .r.i i I. i : i.l "11 Co enemy, a u have '!. -. K'll I, , ii i t'e- r c r n r not. iii:-:! ha it . IllOM h..s a a In:-- s-r: : :e .-urn- . "i.i Ch: in tonierr i Wi'isiov.. :: Idv ( ul :n "scientists" i 2!. !-iy.-j.Ml s.'i si i ".:i'i' will "lash Bold t'.urgiars broke 'lit the store " the Ca.-e Bros, hardware coinj-ai-.y : P.islo .s'aturdny night and st"le a :-t "i! ly i f plunder. Among :! t'.iag ::;k. n v.-.;-..- 12 rt v dvers. i-; i " ii-oiui;. viil i -tl. le I: .; p' i :i-i l'i tive to 1 road" ildil. a: e w 1 .rs. l!l i si : 1 2 li V ii lazon irmation s been . kaives, so ach-s. in: i.urglr.rv 1: ivi r the ii'Ttiiwcs; and th and re last-tit l s .iiong with otn ppreh. n 1 the I" , i 1. l-.v in 1 Ul ' In- 1 Naaiara brothers and were the prime movers which resulted in tin lion i ic'olii r 1. M. Manigul In thi' plot Times destrue- 1 1 ' i s 'ii s i ' unlay. I ua ! IM'- Is will be Princeton at Princeton, witli Harvard here May telcolleuiates Will be hi bridge May 2'i and 27. Th" team w ill meet Harvard at as ii:n TO HE i oi: ASK II) PRISON May come and Pr re May ton held with May tl, and 13. The in ld at Cini- l reshmai! :: lilhridg" fie-lmu'ii will f Sll' uii 'jl e.l ' 'ss Cut! th" opinion of Dr. Sargent (.Teeter pliy-lcal etiduraiii'e "weaker sex.' "Y!vle wiiieii usually fa crating ta hie and the surgenn'. wilh more comp-iiure 'ban ni -i soon irrow pci ved and irritabl d- a::"ii:t .'ii: prosecution. :::c '..ill a.-- hotllll' ilouliT. ." . r. .-. but s l'.ei.l lip - : 1 day fur si and irni--: ; : u vt rated robin th at 1". 1 .n lk- in Willis line the Mill III iH LOSES HIS Vancouver. Wash, April 21. Coitvcr , Wolfe Is ;o be tl-.e name of the five-pound sen born to sibyl Wolfe in the county jail Thursday night after 11 o'clock, while she was waiting to In taken to the state penitentiary to nerve a sentence of from six months to 15 years for grand larceny. Tile case has aroused the sympathy of all who have learned the circum Htnnces and both Judge McMaster. who passed the sentence, nnd Frod W. Tempes, county attorney, who prosecuted the woman, have recom mended to (lovernor Hay that Miss Wolf be pardoned. A homo for her and her son will be found. ' MIsh Wolfe Is a daughter of John Wolfe, of Alton, la., and she has been a school teacher In Idaho, where her" brother works In a bnnk. She has asked that her parents be not told of her condition. Charitably-Inclined women of Van couver have showered kindnesses up on the young mother and have pro vided clothes for the baby. Scores of women nnd girls called at the home of Sheriff Cresap, In the lower part of the court house, for peeps at the In fant. I l l TE THEN SEEKS DEATH Spokaic. April 24. Obliged to pawn his flute on account of his fi nancial condition, due to n protmct C'l spree, Hermann Loos decided that life without his musical instrument would he without pleasure and at teinpt"d to suicide. Loo.s,. was found nuc lodging house with both wrists with a razor. He was treated at the emergency hospital and yesterday was removed to the Sacred Heart hospitnl , ing the period ; end ina i ilon." d I stat ng ! s-tv tha' ' of ten convalesces:! na n : man. . A lean is usually i obeys in-irii' tioti- "f ; nurse without a; r.iag f in forced tivity foil .wing an cl.ii-.'l .Miss Cutler. illy a literal truth 1 would rather h::'" th in on trai t i hi' i;y -i, i His wliv. If 1'- K IS I"'' they dur- idiencss am when I charge trio' Ti :r'a! in--.1 U a.l be lie' 1 hi l- 11 .I. t) .. r .r,. tinsel a jury, f r the . arc n pick "in of its pr dentists, defense It Till a par;: IS'CUti It is a that thi' e HI i'lM.-ts ; 11. .: t'i !!. 1: ii; o :i ular lis .'la n that Wo- in a Fourth ave Thursday night severely slashed ! male path lit is provided with cental I ' stimulus he Is colittn'. Tile woman, 'mi tie otiier hand, is difficult ar. I' 1 peevish"; She demands constant aU'l't,0 j unt-eniitlir.g atientt n upo tne pan ot i the nur-.-. He'.ni; unable to ixpenl: i in r own physical energy, she seeks; rcli. f ill keeping her nur.-e con- j ' it i.iitlv in action. The average wo- I lean s I'nply "iin't bear physcal s-ssion. irial the c tile I'liHlo, spiracy" t to dispose Cln Mian ed bv th. linen come "within the class exempted ifiotn the operation of the law as be Mug engaged in the practice of the re j liglous tenets of a church." This is denied by the prosecution. '' ''ai iici's lo Tcio' t'iiu :nii ::. .. Ap-ii lilinihi r of ti ai ii' fs arc today at the opening s. animal (-"iiveiiMon of the al Kindergarten Union, about Ho American ti aciieis ar,- i XI". clcd t r.ngiar.d, Krai.,e, Scii; urt against . all g-iccused Oil-many will he visited and th'. tour ists wiil be given every oppui'lun'ty to inspect tile kind'.'i garten of llv s c luntrios. TR.WEI.Ot. I ES ARE COMINl l.oixlon's (iiven. IIIIIC- I under the assistant care of county DWINDLING OF SHEEP IS HIAM ED TO IMNCIIOT where he will be Dr. li. H. Ronrk. physician, as the man Is penniless, be Insane have been abandoned and ' Suspicions that the man might be Insane hnve been abandoned and he talked rationally to Steward I. W. ! Dare yesterday morning. He told ! Dare that he had had nothing to eat for three days, and that he had been , time he had tried to kill himself. I Ijoose s a musician and is a pro- j fessional flute player, having been i engaged to play during the coming summer with How-en's band at Nata- ' , torium park. Loose was resting com ! fortably yesterday and It In believed i a sojourn at the hospital will result in his speedy recovery. I (iEN lilt b REYES IS CALLED TO MEXICO tlon. ! i ut ' There are '.. c'lieral exceptions, rule hold:-. nf course, t-uc." BOY ARRESTED FOR Wnlla Wnlla, Wnsh., April 24. Shearing sheep In this county Is about over nnd the small number shorn marks the near end of what was onco a great industry here. Five years ago over one-fifth of u million sheep were pastured In Wnlla Walla county. This year but 20.000 are to be found In the numerous bands that have been .collected for shenrlng. This remarkable decrease Is charg ed by some sheepmen to the Pinchot conservation policy, which, they claim, has robbed them of their free' be taken. ranges. The rapid decline in sheep ( ' raising, they argue, begnn with the , Columbia HifleimMi. enforcement of Plnehnt's policies. ! New York, April 24. Columbia Most .if the sheep nre now in the University rirtemen win noiu ineir on Snako river and Touchet light lund nuul interclass championship sections. tomorrow. Frank Huoh'ur enjoyed the fruils of his crime but a very slant time and Is new behind the bars of tin Umatilla tnunty Jail awaiting the pen alty of bis misdeeds. On Friday night he stole a pony and saddle and chaps from Echo, the pony bclong Intr to a bov nnd having been tied to a hitching rack In the town. was arrested yesterday Ambassador to spank, ica. X. Y.. April 24. Through influence of Vice President Sher man, who never forget- the interests of his home city. Utica will ton'ght have an opportunity to li.-ten to an address by Count P.-.rnstorff. the ambassador to this country. The ininguislicd diplomat will speak lit the Chamber of Common i John Paint;, head of the , il i'.'::n l'aior., will also speak' dinner. an-Ani- CIRCUIT COURT TD GLEAR"OEAD TIBER" iid Dcscriplion of Jack Trii to South Sous to l!o at the Oregon. Wlm lias imt heard of Jaik London end bis memorable trip to the South seas in "The Snark?" This trip wili lie shown to Pendleton theater goers on Wednesday and Thursday nights ot this week at the Oregon theater in connection with the Johnson-Willard company, which wi'.l hold the boards at that popular playhouse beginning Wednesday. This will be without doubt the greatest popular priced at traction Pendleton has had this seu- eountry will intt't to iH'rfect arrange ments to ixrrext MeNamara's defense Clarence Harrow after a talk with la bor men today left presumably for Indianapolis. It is reported that he will defend MeNamurn. Monster Fund Contributed. War to the knife between capital and labor on the coast with labor strengthened by a monster fund con tributed by union men all over tha country is predicted here today as a result of the arrest of John McNam ara, the international secretary of the Ilrldge and Structural Iron Workers, his brother James MeXamara and Or tie McXanigal for complicity in the Los Angeles Times explosion. Labor leaders throughout the country de nounce the method of spiriting de fendants to Los Angeles and also charge that third degree methods were brought about to secure Mc.Vanigal's confession which it is said recites how loo lives have been sacrificed and over J :',.;.0'i.cni0 worth of property de stroyed by dynamite in the war of workers against the employers of non unionists. Men will probably arrive at Los Angeles tomorrow or next day. San Francisco, April 24. Following the a:nst o:" tie- trio of dynamiters in the eat. CVbf of Police Seymous said today that he would not be surprised 1:' some labor leader? were arrested h"ie soon for having a knowledge ot tie Times dynamiting. Washington. April 2 1. Denuncia tion of the forcible abduction of Mc Namara from Indiapolis and incredu lity as to tin charges against him were voiced by Frank Morrison, sec retary of the American Federation of Labor today in a statement. He said i." would take more than the state ments In today's dispatches to con vince him that McNamara ha 1 any connection with the Times catastrophe or any other dynamiting outrages. McCarty Makes Statement. Sun Francisco. Mayor MeCarty, who I also president of the state's building trades council today issued a statement saying that organized la bor is always for peace, that they were the first to aid in the search for the Times dynamiters and would con tinue 'o do their best to run the dy namiters to earth. Tillies Denounces Men. Los Angeles. Cal., April 24. Ling ing the alleged dynamite plotter to Cammorists the Times today devoted a column amt a hair to a seaming of the arrested men and also raps the union labor intimating that the labor organizations have paid was Jack Lon- Ior assassinations m nni.s 6"""i Thi Snark" and ' pPe" shoP Rewards nave shrunk. With the announcement of the ar rest of the trio of the Times dyna- I a initio. - !. A !,!. e in atein'.ance ess I'll of the Internation in which kindergarten i take pan. -riand and son ns the coninnnv comes verv i i,i..i.i,- o,,.o,a...i nn.i I- ninvlnir denunciation only at the best theaters throughout America. Martin E. Johnson, who de livers the travelogue don's companion on they spent two and a half years in a part of the world where white man l-. ,1.1.0,, .lor.. lie oleics ji verv eralihie '-.w.a,,,i ui, ,:,,, .mil motion mite suspects in Indianapolis, the re- pictures of this great trip showing slides and films of people yen would I n Wcdni sday in the local coil l i nefciwi. will be circuit Neari; the busiest fourt since Ko cases day eve were !-ings the on this earth. Os igs of the r.ativ-. i come 1 have i He years issued by Diaz. It a Ion leal successor should Diaz ilie or resign. He said he hoped the United States would not Intervene in Mexican affairs, nnd Inti mated that all the. Mexicans would combine to resist should such action shoot up for disposal. These cases been accumulating for twenty and are known as dead timber. down the Co- ( The majority of them will be dis Wallula and I ,vu,..i i... i,i,., ii,,lns for failure of ' "' prosecution. Of the 142 cases on this .docket. ves Is regarded as ! Marshall Phay of Hernib to the iiresldencv. Uhe w atch ps the man was known to Paris. Anril 24. Oeiietal Reyes the lumbia river from lormer Mexican minister of war who j brought to this city from Pasco, has hern here several months is pre-1 .When Sheriff Taylor was notified o. . . ..-li!.-..- ',- t..,n !. Itni-neilLltelv notified ..mug u. iriiioi i" .ie.M... .... inn .o i Instituted bv the ton to ne on " i....... -. 'late Tctcr West to secure divorces ior various clients. In inch case de- had been filed and, through hove ridden In the direction of the protect town-. That officer made iiulrv and ascertained that a iinr a notiy that answered to the do-j tain scrlptlon of the stolen animal had Inquired the way to Pasco of the Hcr- mlston liverymen early In the morn in- ' murrers man rid- : failure of Attorney west to pu cei- neces-ary fees, they have never been acted upon All of these cases will be dismissed as the Judge wishes to close them up. i I and Constable Tucker of that town rode out nnd apprehended the man. Huobler Is little more than a boy, giving his age os 18. MPs'lvn Sonuuerville has re turned to her school In Portland after rpending the spring vacatlm with her parents In this city. the man of mystery, w.n :o:s with Johnson, is posi greati st man in his line of there is before the public offers a class of cut 'vcti:i. t bell' .1. hnsoii tribes. Willar ', shares ii" tively tac work that today. Ilo ment entirely dl'ferent from anything ever presented in Pendleton. The pan of his performance whereby he de stroys all forms of measurement, en tirely breaking the ltertillion system lias never been duplicated by any liv ing man. if you have ever seen Hoti dinl, Cunning. Albeni. Hermann or any of those noted artists you can ap preciate Willard's work. He will have all of Pendleton talking after the first night. A special matinee will be given on Thursday afternoon when the children will lv given a chance to sec and bear the travelogues. Tin' nress of the northwest speaks very highly of the company and playing nunular prices thev shoiil 1 fill to wards said to have been ottered for the arrest of the men have shrunk ' considerably. Investigation today 'shows that Detective Hums stands a chance of receiving $r,i'i from the 'county and possibly a total of $15,. IHIO from the city and county in case 'the men are convicted. The merch- ;in:s and manufacturers association i reward of $'oi.i'iil won't be paid ac ' cording to Secretary Zeehandlaar who asserts that the reward was never au thorized. Leaders Plan IVIVikv. Intimation that labor leaders will maintain that evidence against ar rested trio has been deliberately planted was made here today by F. M Ryan, international president of the ltridge Structural Iron Workers' of :nei-ica following the discovery of at t 're; n at every performance. explosives lllp'i'il bv the I'fice building "C-.1'izatioii. A. L. Peti-rill and daughter of Wa terloo. Iow-a. slopped off in Pendle ton for a couple of days on their tour of tin northwest nnd continued on their way to Seattle yesterday.