AULI KAdTT ORSGO.VIAA. PETDLfcrTOJC. OREGON. SATCKDAY, APItIL 22, 1911. TEN FAOm PAGE POCK AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. PblUhMl and SmlVekly at Pen dleton, Oregon, by the BA8T ORKGOMAN PLBL1SU1NQ CO. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Daily, one jrtr. bj mall $5.00 Dally, lx months, by mall 2 50 tally, tbm month, bjr mall 1.25 Dally, on month, by mail 50 Dally, one ar, by carrier T.JO Dally, alt month, by carrier 3 75 Dally, three month, by carrier 1.S5 Dally, one month, by carrier 65 Pcml-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 eml-Wertly, tlx months, cy mall 75 eml-Weekly, four months, by mall... .50 The Dally Fact Ortgonlaa !s kept on salt at the Oregon News Co., 32tt MurrlsoB street. Portland, Oregon. Nurthweet Xewi Co. Portland, Oregoa. Chlcapo Bureau. Security Building. Wathineton. D. C. Bureau, 501 Four teenth street, N. W. Member Und Press Association. Entered st the postofflce st Pendleton. vrefon. as second clasa mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. CUNION a,LB E fuit,S TO IXJlUiET. If you see a tall fellow ahead of a crowd, A leader of men, marching fearless and proud. And you know of a tale whose mere telling aloud Would cause his proud head to In anguish be bowed. It's a pretty good plan to for get ltj If you know of a skeleton hid den away In a closet, and guarded and kept from the day In the dark, and whose show ing, whose sudden dis play Would cause grief and sorrow and life-long dismay. It's a preity good plan to for get it. If you know of a thing that will darken the Joy Of a man or a woman, a girl or a boy; That will wipe out a smile or the least way annoy A fellow or cause any gladness to cloy It's a pretty good plan to for get it. The Friend for Boys and Girls. l m i T i I J! tion would have adopted a tariff plank repudiating, even by Indirection, the Payne-Aldrlch law? "Mojt of the delegates did not agree fv-ith me on the tariff question and dis trusted me as being too radical in other matters; but they wished to fight for honesty and popular govern ment, and against boss rule. They knew that they could win only under my leadership, but they made no se cret that they were against me per sonally. Take the committee on reso lutions. In their first draft of the platform there was a mild tribute to n,e, which welcomed me back to pub lic life ns the exponent of honesty; but the committee finally struck this out a majority wouldn't stand for It. They were tetermlned to keep out or the platform any allusion to me personally. This by Itself shows the utter absurdity of thinking I could influence them on the tariff I had n't it in my power, as thoy knew, to reward a human being or to punish a human being. Not one man who voted against me nt Saratoga had any thing to fear from me for so doing; not one man who voted for me at Saratoga had anything to expect from me for his support. I got out of that convention every ounce of progressive action that it was humanly possible to si t out of it." He is a graduate of Wesleyan Univer sity and the Albany Law School, both of which have conferred degrees up on him. He was admitted to the bar In 1S89 and from the beginning of his career distinguished himself for his brillant ntellect and unusual ability. Mr. Olin Is connected with some of the most famous of American fam ilies. His first wife was Miss Alice Barlow, of New York 'and when Mr. Olin married for the second time in 1903. twelve years after the death of the first Mrs. Olin, he became the husband of Miss Emile D., daughter of Oliver Harriman. .Mr. Olin has been prominenty identified fjth the Academy of Political Science and Is a member of the Society of Colonial Wars. He is a philanthropist of note. AIUUT KNTKKTAIXMKNTS. Whether or not Pendleton shall c i leb rate the fourth of July this year is a question now up to local busi ness men. It is a matter over which some differences of opinion have al ready appeared. It is ursued by some that Pendle ton should not celebrate but should concentrate all efforts towards get- jtmg a 'arge crowd here for the ! Uouiulup. Those who favor celebrat ' ing may well reply by saying that tlifre will bp plenty of people here for the lioundup and. that the big prob lem will v. what to do with those 'vho fin No need of sacrificing i t!:e fourth "f July in order to get a Iciowd for the Roundup. The East oregonian is not especi ally advocating a fourth of July cele bration. The question is not one of ?:vat concern to this paper. Hut it i timely to point out that iti is well 4 1 for a town like Pendleton to MAY LIUNG A COMMISSION. Party lines have been shattered the debate over the reciprocity j treaty. During a seven hour debate In the house yesterday democrats ' roasted democrats for supporting a principle of the republican party and republicans hurled sarcastic taunts at : republicans for marching with demo- ! crats toward" th" coal of free trarle. A'l of this gof-s to show that in a lara-r :n-a-ure the tariff has ceased . to be a partisan subj-ct. When the pr s-n: coiizre.s tri.-s to revise the entertainment at various J : throughout the year for the jo' those living within the city ithe tributary country. It would be I better to fill the city with people eev- offer times benefit and in AlMtlli 22 IX HISTORY. 1369 Cornerstone "of Bastlle laid at Paris. It was not completed until 13S3. It was demolished in 1789. 160S Hudson sailed from England on his second voyage of discovery. 1730 A public library founded In New York. 1S4 6 The Chilean warship Maria Helena arrived at Edgartown, Mass., the first ever to visit the United States. 1S50 The last publication of the band of marriage in Massachusetts. It was the case ofva black man who declared his intention to marry a white woman. 1S64 The governors of Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin, met in Washington to tender Presi dent Lincoln 100,000 "100" day men for the Potomac campaign, 1871 President Grant vetoed the famous senate bill to Increase the pa per circulation of the county by $100, 000,000. 1903 Provincial government pro claimed In the Dominican republic. 1904 Contract for the transfer of the Panama canal property eto th United States was signed at Paris. 1909 Sir Henry Campbell-Banner-man, ex-premier of Great Britain, died. 110. Family of Mark Twain Ihkes Home Baking Easy iT yr Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar KQ ALUM.N0 LIME PHOSPHATE flooded with letters and telegraps of condoleence following his death the day before. Negotiations have been concluded by Speyer & Co., with a group of French bankers to sell Jl, 000, 000 St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad company's general Hon gold bonds, due 1926. They draw Interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum and will be Issued In size corersponding to bonds of $100 denomination, he se curities will be offered for public sub scription In Paris. The present series Is similar to $10,000,000 bond ssue by the Frisco road which was listed on the official French Bourse a few months ago. 15 S No genutns philosopher applies his logic to himself. Payr. party ed. p. gr---: T'V i' ! I Cor.'.-T very v-i : ' t'. r-' law ; ? r. 1 t't:.- i).ar,: If; a fro:,-. a' -Ablrich tariff s.-l, a A jr. ments will also S! an ,t re; ubli'-.-in :iv b-rr.ocrats wilh r for c-'-rtain 'bines ;!!! 'f-raty ; !, i :i r..- -a iil o; ,.,s.- t! - v. r, t!...- Ur,:; .il h;t !- r. l'r.r : the be disrupt and con- stand to-whi!- io-o-proL-r, - iv. ji-Ill. into which i may prove -nefici;: to the country. Such ' ;;.e ca-c if out of t:.- atb .npt ... th" tariff th'-re .-hs:i come a -vi-iing for a tariff commission ! i,ower to za:her information r-vi-e sc'ne iub-s from time to .hey. elfar of the country de- is dangerous to make of the tar a f jo'.bail which may lie rushed r. on. 'xrrerne t'oal to the other .roii;g to which political element times each year rather than to overtax capucuj, oi me loace onec j a year. ! The Koun.kip is a great exhibition and it must be continued as such. But it lasts only three flays. There should j be something to enliven the other I day. Otherwise the tov, n willl rii s! i,v. ( iberainiiiorK ui has the! ;; ---ion play ev, r y tell ytars anl the j bit; .-.wN-i town has been made world ; famous 'ier--by. put it mu-t l- dull j ii c ibei i ni no rL'a u -luring nine years i out of the ten. j A.-hb- ft-on the II iundup Pendleton i .; o ior diversion Many think a hors,- show i. oubl successfully j Hood! acsapanDDa Is America's Greatest Medicine Take It This Spring Thoroughly cleanses the blood, cures all eruptions, improves the appetite, relieves that tired feeling. Get it today, in usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs. n i-i- t. e have i: -h a . fourth c: t s a tin. -in r . -ting i .ill J.-oi 1. i they ! ( it r. 1 he IV I s, 1- i -.ii sprint: n ii 1 I 'ace for ;e.t the of July ik-Hl et. ays -'nd f tii- '' will be -ire s Uoiindu; ii 1-orati rtainineiit o.v that j holding i I s tad in in. n c n-'ti- r toe t the r.-t monthly on no r' ial r Iuh lo- I called upon to say h a c'-lcir.uion Utl- j I Jewelry store robberies s.-em fash nalde iu-t now and Pendleton is in the swim. in the rna-terv. Possibly th-jaur-z tomorre been tire 1 vest' insurgents w. They tday. will attack may have iii:i:i; i:oosi:vki.t stxh. Kne:riies of Col. Hoosevelt have S'-uht to discredit h i in by declaring he -a- responsible for the tariff! p'.ar.k in the New York state I'latform I iii. 1 that therein his action did not Coln.ije with hi", "new nationalism"1 speech at Osawatomie, Kansas. In : tte t urrent issue of the Haturay Eve r.tiof Post there appears an Interview ' wi-r, the colonel by Henry Peach Nee -barn from which the following is sn extract: ' Iio" sab the colonel with a -riap of his Jaw. "Did you tf.i l the excerpts from my speech which I printed in parallel columns In the Outlook? )i those speeches fhow inconsistency? Now, it's Just a: ridiculous to attribute to me the tariff plank adopted at Saratoga as' It is a f. that they Spain. ruinat" thin;? f do not have t! Alphonsn recall in May 9 will soon be here. tomvs liimiin.w sketch, Stephen Henry Olin, noted lawyer, is sixty-three today, having been born April 22. IMS, at Middle-town, Conn. W I 111 sT III Uli I I ISM STACY ADAMi and ROYAL ELUESHOEi at AsEKLUHD'S T. K,KKV. If'K CK'RAM nml CANDY 1'AIM.OKS Finest smhis. cnii'lics iinl liakcil o-ooi-i in the city a call ;it our pavlori will jirovi'1 it. Special party onlors wiil roc' ivc our iromjt attention. PHGNE, r.flIN 80 Our lionic-inailc caiidicd ore on sale at tlir; Main street Bakery. Byers' Best Flour U maile from the choicest wheat that en.v.'s. Oooil hreal in assured when liVKKS' IIKST FJ.OUIt ummI. IJraii. Shorts, Steam I foiled Tiarley always on hand. Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. ' Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these tracts HILL & II1BBERD, OWNERS Ai the office o( MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Summer Excursion Fares To the East. And Convention Fares May 12 to Oct. A-Htut To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Oimaha, Kansas City, and other Eastern Terminals $00.00 To Chicago 72.50 To St Louis 70.00 To Denver . 55.00 To other Eastern points, proportionately low fares. These are round trip fares. LIBERAL TIME ALLOWED FOR TRIP. STOPOVERS PERMITTED. It is not too early to plan your summer trip. If you will advise us where you want to go and where you want to visit and when you want to start, we will advise the lowest cost and best ar rangements. TICKETS ARE FIRST CLASS and can be used on the NORTH COAST LIMITED The Crack train to and from the East. And on our other three Transcontinental Trains Secure fulj information from any passenger representative. Northern Pacific Raiiway WALTER ADAMS. Agent, Pendleton, Oregon A. D. CIIARLTOX, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland Ore. MONEY to Loan at 5 Per Cent. Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental money pay for your home. . Call or write for particulars. THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H. Delaney, Agt.,te4Templf ANHEUSER-BUSCH -on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636 Main St. FINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Herman Peters, Prp Bowman Bar One Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our CIGARSandLIQUORS They Please Martin Anderson, Prop Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Oregon. s th- ju-l t' l.- ll me r-f,nnltjle for d:'i;iry plank put Into the I'!iit'i,rm aft-r my pp.-if;h at t'"ml-. Of the 1015 delegates at the fcaratotfa convention, perhapu not more than 10, c ertainly 1sh than 100, were real supporter of mine. My M lcction as chairman of the eonven- tlon was brought about by a combl- i nation of the New York anil JJuffalo 3( legation both of wlioiri were lieait and soul for Taft and w'lth 1 the aid of Senator Root, who had vot-; cd for a tariff bill, and of Sereno I Payne, one of the authors of the j rayne-Aldrlrn law. Do you ftuppone . fcr one moment that thla comblna-1 Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colds and Headaches. oawa- Rest ietr men. women w m v m v -w w and children ; young and old. Toqet its beneficial effects, always note the name of the Company, California Fio Syrup (o. plainly printed on the front of every package of the Genuine Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PENDLETON, (OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS,; . RESOURCES OVER SW001 UOMOO SECURJTY STOCK RANCH ooo Ono of Dm Im-sI pliuvs In I ' inn 1 11 hi Co. Silinillit lin iroviiiiits, nil feiiol, flno xnler. In fnct It Is ono of (lie licvl NtM'k ninc-lica in tlio slnl. Price, I ik-IikI iiitf bIx IicikI liorsoM. farm niiKiiinory mid coimlilrrnlilc liny, $7.(M) iuto. This ilaoo must Imi Hold at onoc. Koo iiImmiI It lMly. 2 .' nrro wliont rnnrli. 170 iiitw In oidtlviilloii, to apron In olilckoii tnrk, sninll liouso, chUkon house, I or 5 hihii. iiht Iiouhos. TIiIh Ih n flno pluoo. l'rloo only .".0()0. LEE TEUTSCH The Home Finder