East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 22, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Suffered Ten Years Relieved in Thret
Months Thanks to PE-RU-NA.
C. B.FIZKK.Mt. (Sterling, Ky.,sys:
" Aav auttered with kidney and
oimaaer trouble tor ten yean pmst
"Las March I commenced using
Pernna and continued for three monthi.
I have not used It lnce.nor have I felt
t :
Iliillronri to Advertise KHiooIs.
Salem, Ore. O. I). Wheeler, of tho
Northi-rn Pacific, has requested Sup
erintendent Aldermnn to prepare an
article on Oregon's school system. This
will be for publication in a book on
Oregon which will bo distributed
throughout the East by the railroad
NcvsiiKT Man Marries,
Itandon, Ore. O. J. Buttcrfleld, a
newspaper man of thin place, long
connected with the Kandon Recorder,
w-as married on Thursday to Miss An
nu (iamon, who came here from
Springfield, III. The marriage was
the culmination of a childhood ac
quaintance which ripened into a romance,
While Salmon Sale ltrlk.
While Salmon, Wash. li. E. Hun
can & Co., (if Hood River, have pur
chased 160 acres of II. U. Murray and
'80 acres of (li-orge I'endleton, In tho
I'amiiK I'riilrlo district. Captain Mit
chell also added to his holding by
the purchase if 40 ncreH of T. Wycrs,
Jr. The recent move In real estate
in this district is due to the court or
der for the drainage of, Cuuby lake,
embracing an area of 15,000 acres of
rich land.
(Special Correspondence.)
Umatilla, Ore., April 22. D. C.
lirownell have gone on a visit to Spo
Mrs. Ubll, who wag a Portland vis
itor the past few days, has returned.
Mrs. H. J. Burnham was visiting
her mother In Arlington during the
Easter vacation.
Mrs. Henry Griffin has gone on a
visit to eastern Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Rnsscl Brownell of
Hermlston, were here on Monday.
Mrs. Cochran of La Grande, was
visiting her parents, Professor and
Mrs. Ghormley, for a few days this
Mrs, Bullard was a Hermlston vis
itor today, returning on No. 1.
Professor Ghormley was in Port
land several days during the week on
Important business.
The city council met 'on Tuesday
evening and a number of important
matters concerning the future welfare
of the town were taken up. D. R.
Brownell presided In the absence of
Mayor Yearni, who was indisposed.
Mart Griffin has accepted a posi
tion as bookkeeper with the Umatilla
Mercantile company.
The Inland Empire arrived In port
today with a large cargo of goods for
local as well other business houses in
Oregon and eastern Washington
Tho work at the gravel pits has
been suspended for the present and
about 60 of the Greek gang employed
there were transferred " to railway
work at Deschutes. It la understood,
however, that orders have been re
ceived to put the steam Bhovel and
the two work trains on again about
the middle of next week.
A party of reclamation engineers
are here this week and will be here
several days, or a week in connection
with the proposed West Umatilla
T. J. Egan. representing the Jones- l
(Special Correspondence. 1
Athena, Ore., April 22. The mon
ey has been raised and preparations
are now being made to hold the an
nual Caledonian picnic in this city
May 19 and 20. The pavilion will be
placed In the city park where It wus
Inst year and owing to the splendid
grounds which the park affords, the
officers are planning a larger and
better picnic than ever before. The
program has not yet been announc
ed. Mr. John Durham has Just recent
ly leased the Athena Hotel from Har
den & Millen and this is the first
time the Athena hotel has been under
different management since Harden
& Millen have owned it, which is
nearly twenty years. Mr, Durham
conducted a hotel in Echo and he says
he is going to run a first class hotel.
Mr. L. M. Nelson has Just recently
arrived at this city to take up his
duties as pharmacist In the drug
store of Byron Hawks.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mansfield who
came here at the death of F. M.
Mansfield of this city a few days ago,
have returned to their home in Cald
well, Idaho, but will return to some
part of this section to live in the near
Mr. J. W. Whlsnant-a young attor
ney from North Carolina, who came
out here to look around over tho west,
lias just left for his home In Lenoir,
North Carolina, where he will make
preparations to move his family out
west, '
If you want real bargains, in the Grocery
line, you can make no mistake by trad
ing at Pendleton's Best Grocery.
We can save you money on every article you buy.
A trial and you will be convinced.
"Home of Quality" Phone Main 442.
Prompt Delivery, We guarantee everything to be as represented.
CoiiiuHI CIim- Stalling Rink.
Vancouver, Wash By a motion
made and unanimously carried the
city council last night put the Vancou
ver skating rink completely out of
business by repealing the ordinance,
by declaring the place a public nuis
ance iinj otdeilivK the city clerk to
refund tho unearned license money.
M. ,S. Shltlds of Portland leased the
rink, took nut a license, moved his
paraphernalia and "canned' music
from Portland and opened for business
yesterday afternoon. At about 10J meeting,
o clock last night the place was closed
bv Chief Secrlsl.
(Special Correspondence.)
Uklah, Ore., April 20. Terrific
winds accompanied by much hail has
prevailed over this section of tho
country for the last ten days, retard
ing the growth of the grass and crops.
Saturday was cleanup day at Ukiah.
The park has been newly fenced and
Scott company of Walla Walla is I1" - 1 1 ' "r ' luss ULlla , 1,10 v"ual s's" 01 lu:v "l BraH
here this week on important business, Urdeen. Her own life wa-, j-" nut up.
for his company. Last year his com- ' g,'red for a time from blo po..v.ii- f,.s. McQuowen, who has been ill
pany shipped large quantities f sand !'"'' ! for some time, is much improved, be
an,! gravel from the pits here and it Submitting to tho taking away of . i,,B able to go to Por-oeton where
H hoped that Mr. Egan's visit may see! "K u '"" ; better medical aid can oe secun-u.
the work reopened for
Seattle, Wash., April 19. Suffering
li. silence, refusing to tell her father
of the circumstance to add to his wor
ries, Joan Wappenstein, 18-year-old
daughter of ex-Chief of Police Wap
penstein, weeks ago gave up many
inches of skin from her body to save
the f'.!t cf her aunt, Mi-ss Letta Cenn,
mother sea- J .mm, n noum one tils i!uins was an ouigoer iui
j has been devoted since a child, the'courity seat Tuesday.
O. It. lirownell has Jut completed ' ' u"""r lm" RUI e "l "urs,"B lne -Mr. and Mrs. l asted, two popular
a very pretty cot'iige for rental The ! s"'nt' t""k hel' 1""ttu'r lnto her on- young peopls of the sheep town came
contracting firm of' Simpson & Lingo fi U'nc'c (ml' atvr tne "P"311"". "t,up Friday to locate at Uklah.
did the work and needless to sav was w,thhpIJ tne tact from the father Miss Nora Ellis came home from
done very satisfactorily while she submitted to the operation Portland Thursday where she altend-
Mr nn,l Mis pPf,nV c' ni, u"d occupied a cot adjoining that of ' 4.t the Uehnke-Walker business col-
leases the house and will move in in
about a month
A large number of ranchers from
th( nrnleet eomo In 1tmn,mn I
week to do their marketing, which I Ju1 """V -'hler WapiK-nHteln wa, ; The Rev. Warington of Pilot liock
l ,i mo.,,,,1 ,., . ,'.. ,u,;alnaz'J wl'n 1,e heard of the cir- ; CWe up -Thursday and preached
....... ,,up,v. Kv UWIII IOC ,.,.,,.,. ,,..1,.,. , ,. . 1.. V .1,,., ,.t..
i uin.-uiiiup i.uci3. e : i-.aaier morning me i irujicuun
Miss Henri, daughter of Aberdeen's , ulm'rch.
lending citizen, was in a launch two j Mrs. Al Turner delighted the ju
months ago and her left foot was seniles of this place by the giving of
caught in the shaft of the engine anil ;ni:iny colored eggs on Easter Monday,
the shoe was torn off. With it cante ' The Presbyterian Sunday school
the skin 1'rom thn top and side of! had a fine Easter program composed
the foot. The young woman was f many beautiful sonps and pieces.
, 1... I.......! ..-I. ...... I..... .-..!.... Mlu ! -. . ,., rrM t. - - t u MII.-,,t
I, , . ,..r.ii ,1'uiii- iivi iii'tt v, .-..-! .MIS. lU llllilsoei .lull ..i i
........... infill illll-r ine
her aunt at the Aberdeen hospital. . h ge, during the w inter,
i Recovering, she came home and re- j Bert McLaughlin, after residing at
' tiorle.l to her fjtthep thai she h:,i1 bee' ill..... t,-..r,t.- r..ni vwirs h:is moved
i ll! after her long attention to the in- t f kiah to make his permanent home.
A Iiargxj Order.
Country Visitor What's for break
fast Walter Porrlge, soles, kidney and
bacon, grilled him, sausages, chops,
steak and tomatoes.
Country Visitor Right! I'll have
what you mentioned and some eggs.
Lame shoulder is nearly always due
to rheumatism of the muscles, and
quickly yields to the free application
of Chamberlain'sLiniment. For sale
by all dealers.
Kind Old Lady Poor man; You
look as if you liad seen better days.
Willie Deadtired I have, madam.
Once I dwelt In granite halls.
"And how did you lose such a
home "
"My term expired." - '
Recruits Hard to Get.
Hoquaim, Wash. A week from to
night the national guard company
here will be officially inspected and
unless a material change takes place
in that short time, will probably tve
mustered out. Forty-five member
are required present for drill that
night; the company now has not near
ly that number of active member
and a call for recruits has brought lit
tle response.
In tase of rheumatism relief from
pain makes sleep and rest possible.
This may be obtained by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by
all dealers.
is a
merchant and ranc her. Umatilla is j
a good market for ail kinds of the ;
s'uff the rancher has to sell.
The chapel car of the Catholic,
ihureli extension society will be ill;
Umatilla on or about May 21) and will '
remain several days. '
The local R, dmeii had Initiation in !
.uine Law Violation l alal.
Klamath Kalis, ore.--A farm haul
was drowned from n capsl.ed boat In
the Upper Klamath lake Tuesday
n-orning. lje went out on the lake In
n rowho.it to get a wild goose, which
hail fallen Into the water about 100
. yards from shore, niter being shot
on the wing. The victim worked for
liee Crane, an Indian on the Klam
ath reservation. An Indian witnessed
the drowning. This is the second
death In the waters of the Klamath
country within tho last month. The
man was breaking the game la.vs In
shooting the goose when he met death.
The other victim of drowning tills
month was a sailor who fell off the
steamer Canhy In fishing for trout
in tho closed season.
IH) you read the East Oregonlan?
Foley Kidney Pills
Tonlo in Action Quick In Results.
Give prompt relief from BACK
MATION of the BLADDER, and all
ITIES. A positive boon to MIDDLE
for WOMEN.
Charles S. Totter, Springfield, III.,
ays, "I injured my kldneya some years
ago but lately tho trouble has become
very serious. I had a dull pain in
YY1V hack that seemed to drag me
down, my kidney action was irregu
lar and I lost much Bleep at night In
consequence. I heard of Foleys Kid
ney rills and began taking them. Be
fore I had taken one bottle I was
rreatlv relieved and now I certainly
feel like a different man. Thanks to
Pnlev Kldnev Pills am once more
tenii nmi T recommend them to any
one suffering wrom kidney or bladder
A. C. Kocppen & nros.
The new members were
loyally entertained by the older ones
to a good old-fashtoncd luncheon.
Several high officials of the order;
were present, including .1. F. Deveiin
of Pendleton an,l Jvhn Donovan of
1'r It. Monkinan paid a pr..f slon
al visit here today.
Easter Sunday high mass was cele
brated in St. Patrick's church. Rev.
C. Itutler of Hermlston, "officiated
and also preached a short sermon on
the "Resurrection of Christ." Special
music was sung by the choir under
the direction of Mr. W. K. O'Conneil,
with Mr. E. Pound as organist. The
sol,, work was well rendered and in
tin- Roswlg's Kyric, Mrs. John I.en
non and Sirs. Ubil's solos' deserve
special mention. The little church
was well filled and the ladles had the
altar beautifullydecorated dith pot
ted planU and cut flowers.
II. C. Means has purchased the
Ijiwlor ranch three and one-half miles
west of here and is now busily en
gaged in making Improvements on his
newly purchased property. The ranch
has about 25 acres, five of .which is
in alfalfa and nbout 2 1-2 acres Is set
to fruit trees. Mr. Means will build
a neat cattage later on and hopes to
spend at least tho summer months
Wapl" nsteiu, was visiting at the lime.
Pennsy at Hopkins'.
Baltimore, Md., April 21. Johns
Hopkins and University of Pennsyl
vania track and field teams will hold
a dual meet at Homewood tomorrow.
When a medicine must be given ta
young children it should be pleasant
to take. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is made from loaf sugar and th
roots used in iU preparation give it
flavor similar to maple syrup, making
It pleasant to take. It has no superior
for colds, croup and whooping cough.
For sale by all dealers.
Do you read the East Oregonlan?
"Our baby cries for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B.
Kendrick, Rasaca. Ga. "It is the
best cough remedy on the market for
coughs, colds and croup." For sale
by all dealers.
Mattine accompanied the singer
showing much skill as musicians.
, , r. ' 7 n ii W risht Concert company, for May 3.
Ik ah hotel has gone to alia alla! " T--t..,i t..
The Christian church has secured
two very fine companies, the Cart-
tSoo- :
Spokane j
Route j
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, Ore., April 22. Three extra
gangs, one of Greeks and two of Japs,
have been here for .vine time raising '
and ballasting the o.-W. R. & X. com- I
pany tracks. Not only tho main track i .
but the several side tracks are being
on business. j
Lewis Mossle. one of Ukiah's pro
gressive young -men has returned j
from the John Day country where he j
has purchased three hundred hea l j
of cattle
Robert and Clarence Adams came
home Saturdav with four hundred j
and the Musical Eckhardts for June',
4 It is said both are the equal if
not superior to any company heard
in Pendleton for a lonj time.
Constipation brings many ailments
in its train and Is the primary cause
of much sickness. Keep your bowels
regular madam, and you will escape
manv of the a'lments to which women
Clvde Hetnit.ick were I are subjci t. Constipation is a v ry
simple thing, but like many simple
to turn on their sum-
I . ad of cattle
no r range.
Mr. and Mr;
i 1 il 1 V 1MLO S. I
Mr nnd Mrs. riarcneo M.iorot Minings, u may ieaa 10 --t-nuus wiik
,,u.ine nve visitinu Mr. Moor's par- quences. Nature often needs a little
put in first class condi- l
I f.
Tablets. Druggists refund money If
It falls to cure. E. "W. GROVE'S
signature Is on each box. tic.
Always Keep Tlielr Hair Fascinating
"We get somo sad cases," said the
attendant nt the lunatic asylum to the
Interested visitor, and opened the door
of the first cell. Inside was a man
sitting on a three legged stool gazing
vacantly at the wall.
"His Is an unhappy story," said
tho attendant. "He was In love with
a girl, but she married another man,
nnd he lost his reason from grief.
They stole out softly, closing the
door behind them, and proceeded to
tho next Inmate.
This cell was thickly padded and the
man within was Ktnrk, staring mad.
"Who Is this?" Inquired the visitor.
"This " repeated the attendant.
"This is the other man!"
raised and
Shearing is at full blast at the
White House and wool Is pouring Into
the warehouses here. Several four
and six horse teams have been busy
all the past week hauling wool.
A social dance was given here lat ft
night at the I. O. O. F. hall. A pleas-1 T
ant time was reported. I W
Geo. L. Sprattler, pastor of the Q
oerman i.vang. Lutneran church,
w ill hold services lit the M. E. church
hero tomorrow at 2 o'clock p. m.
F. W, Andrews was a business vis
itor in Pendleton today.
Miss Thelma Malcolm went to Her
nilston last evening to visit on Sun
day with her cousin, Mrs. Edna Lewis.
Mrs. E. M. Dyer returned to her
home at Hermlston this morning.
Chas. Lisle came up from Port
land Thursday evening on a business
Prof. J. L. Link was a passenger
to Pendleton this morning on the mo-Ur.
eiits, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moor.
There is a beautiful heroism In ear-
in st business effort.
assistance and when Chamberlain's
Tablets are given at the first indica
tion, much distress and suffering may
be avoided. Sold by all dealers.
MAY 16, IT, 18, 19, 22, 23, 2.
25 27 2S 29.
JUNE 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17,
21, 22, 28, 29, 30. J
JULY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20.
2G, 27, 2S. J
AUGUST 3, 4, 5. 14, 15, 1J,
17, 21, 22, 23, 23, 29, 30.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2, 3, 4. S, J
6. 7.
St. Paul $60. :
Chicago $72.50 :
St. Louis $70 :
Proportionate rates to other s
You should take in the route
via the. Arrow Lakes and the
Canadian Rockies.
Write for circulars and de- .
scriptive literature.
J M. K. Malone, Geo. A. Walton,
Tray. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt
14 Wall St., Spokane
nnd I'Yco from Dnndruff.
Almost everybody in Pendleton
knows that there Is no preparation
for tho hnlr that can compare with
Parisian Snge.
It cures dandruff, stops fulling hair
and Itching scalp in two weeks, or
money back.
It puts radiance and luster into
that dull, lifeless hair that many wo
men possess, nnd docs it in a few
On March 25, 1910, Lulu D. Fix,
of Rnphlne, Va., wrote: "Parisian
Sngo Is a wonderful hair restorer; It
stopped my hair from falling out and
stopped my scalp from itching; also
cured the dandruff."
Pnrhiliin Sage Is sold by Tollman &
Co. for 50 cents a largo botle.
London Is to have its own museum
In which is to bo housed a collection
which shall worthily represent In all
Its aspects the grenlest city In the
world. Guy Francis Laklng, keeper
of the king's nrmor nt Windsor Cas
tle, has been uppointed keeper and
secretary of the museum, and u start
has already been innde with the col
lection, an anonymous donor having
come forward with a gift, large.enougli
to m.'iko possible tho purchase ,of n
portion of the nilton-Prlco collection.
The automobile even when of the
more humble sort, carries itself with
a certain air of arrogance. It is about
to meet with humiliation at the coro
nation. That will be the day of the
horse. The greatest of the guests
will not go to Westminister In cars,
but will use horses. There Is going
to be enough of a return to horses to
create a big problem for people. It
Is said that even many others will
buy, horses to the number of sixty or j
seventy. Trobably a good many oth-I
ers will buy, for the chief Jobmasters
are nsKing mu tor me nirc or a pair
of good carriage horses for the sin
gle day of the coronation. It will al
together be a curious and rather futile
burst of energy for n passing phase
of life. Canine builders will enjoy a
brief return of business. A few peers,
of whom Lord Crewe Is one. are hav
ing real stake coaches built. More
over, some people will certainly have
to recall old pensioned coachmen for
the day. .
As lit bast two prisons In Paris,
that for women. Saint Laxare, and
the Petite Roquette, are scheduled
for demolition nnd removal- the ques
tion may be a live one in a short
A court has decided that fits during
tho honeymoon nrn not ground for
divorce. Certainly not. Giving, h-.r i
husband fits Is one of tho essential , East Oregmlan by carrier, fi'ic
duties of many a mnrrled woman. I month.
are the Lowest in the City
From now on we will have all kinds of
low prices we are charging for other
goods. Look for them inside of our store,
our windows are devoted to other goods.
Postum for the Next Two Weeks, Per Package
Fancy Creamery Butter, Per. Roll
You'll Save Money on Your Grocery
Bill by going to
Clark's Cash Grocery
Wholesale and Retail
Phone Main 174 PENDLETON
544 Main Street